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How To Use Opportunistic In A Sentence

  • That said, this bid is opportunistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • His willingness to shift his message allowed his rivals to ridicule him as an opportunistic flip-flopper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the stereotype of salmon returning unerringly to their natal streams, salmon are innately resilient and opportunistic.
  • All that was needed was a sustained opportunistic exploitation and minimal encouragement of what were still rather unimportant plant food sources.
  • And yet opportunistic investors may regard the valuation gulf between it and stodgier banks as excessively wide. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The third strategy involves intermediate-sized males behaving opportunistically: they call from potential egg-laying sites but do not defend territories.
  • He looks opportunistic and indecisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Results of numerical analysis indicate that the opportunistic network coding cooperation is with better performance than traditional user cooperation and noncooperation approach.
  • He looks opportunistic and indecisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The majority of species are opportunistic, preying upon anything they can overpower that comes within striking distance.
  • A significant portion of the profits made on these deals comes from opportunistic financial engineering. Times, Sunday Times
  • ROST) is an opportunistic merchandiser, meaning that it scoops up surplus clothing from manufacturers and other stores and sells it cheaply.
  • The fuel supply chain is making opportunistic profits while sterling tanks. Times, Sunday Times
  • * I have been appropriately called to task by my good friend, astute coach and NPR host, Marty Nemko, for bad mouthing the many entrepreneurs who have made this country great as "grabby" and opportunistic. Mark Goulston, M.D.: Just Listen Microsoft - An Opportunist Does Not a Visionary Make
  • I'm not sure why my numbers on foreign versus US scientists differ from the abstract (their 39 and 15 versus my 37 and 17), my guess is that they have opportunistically included 2 scientists who have some minor US connection as being from here. Two Cowenian Tenure Claims, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Politicians, particularly brutally opportunistic politicians, take their cue from the temper of the times.
  • The Yugoslavs sought a close, opportunistic alliance with the national bourgeoisie of the colonial and semicolonial countries.
  • An opportunistic dealer can make four capsules from one, although it clearly won't make people four times as happy.
  • People think of us as opportunistic and selfish people who will do anything for power, and electing a leader on the basis of who will most likely return us to power is not a good way to go about changing that!
  • The deal is vintage Ric Lewis , a fund manager with a reputation for opportunistic investing, and it marks his 10th acquisition since he left AEW in 2009 to form Tristan Capital Partners. U.K. Property Deal Puts Focus on Secondary Markets
  • It is an entirely opportunistic deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Studies reviewed suggest that they are opportunistic feeders which feed primarily on gadids, including young hake, and a variety of pelagic species and crustaceans, primarily krill.
  • opportunistically" - when they are selling at prices to low for the company to resist. SiliconBeat
  • If there is one comfort it is that you have had a lucky escape from a man who is clearly an opportunistic user. The Sun
  • There is room also for consideration of the implications of the arguably more opportunistic courtships of the poor revealed by the evidence of illegitimacy cases.
  • opportunistically," and no specific purposes have yet been identified, according to one of the people familiar with the matter. What's News US
  • Is this the perfect storm - an exploding population of opportunistic Gram-negative bacteria (some natural, some not), millions of gallons of food (oil) for the bacteria, and a susceptible population of stressed-out people? Riki Ott: Bio-Remediation or Bio-Hazard? Dispersants, Bacteria & Illness in the Gulf
  • The REIT received proceeds of nearly $400 million that it plans to "opportunistically" invest in the beaten-down hotel sector, which suffered a - 16. 7% decline in revenue per available room in 2009, one of the worst years for the industry. GuruFocus Updates -
  • Pitfall traps were placed opportunistically next to logs to supplement noosing and remained there for the entire study.
  • Mill Creek foraging parties may have opportunistically harvested a number of resources from these wetlands including nesting waterfowl, muskrats, and arrowhead tubers.
  • Groups representing retail bondholders and more opportunistic hedge funds are flexing their muscles for a fight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fuel supply chain is making opportunistic profits while sterling tanks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or was it that by supporting something the Obama crowd clearly wants as demonstrated by their opportunistic and entirely unnecessary amnestying of the existing Haitian illegals Abrams hopes to gain traction for something which really matters to him: Israel. “Neocon’s Neocon” trading Haitian deluge here for Israeli favors?
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, an American non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to combating bigotry, wrote in a recent report that " ... certain Americans, who have been prodded into paranoia by clever activists, opportunistic politicians and guileful media players, seem downright eager to deny Muslims the guarantees of religious freedom and the presumption of innocence. Parvez Ahmed: Muslims In America At The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11
  • Mr Flavin said the group would continue to increase sales through a combination of organic growth and opportunistic acquisitions.
  • Rarely, human immunodeficiency virus infection and opportunistic infections can mimic MS.
  • His attempts to capitalise on a new film of the libel trial by embarking on a lecture tour are as shamefully opportunistic as they are pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is knwon for being ideologically opportunistic more than a stiff left wing ideologue “il a les guillemets faciles”, but I figure at least some policies he advocates would make Obama look like a fascist in comparison. The Volokh Conspiracy » “When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?” Update:
  • The idea of selling part of the borough's heritage and permitting commercial activities where none existed before is opportunistic and insupportable.
  • Planning may also deter purchasers from undertaking opportunistic acquisitions for short term motives without regard to long term strategic aims.
  • This to treat opportunistic infections such as cryptococcal meningitis, which affects the brain and thrush, which affects throats of those infected. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We have lashed out at those we fear and allowed ourselves to be manipulated by opportunistic and exploitative politicians.
  • Especially under the existing market environment, any kind of opportunistic behavior would bring the suicide - like destruction.
  • opportunistically" included a R1500 minimum wage demand to try and win public sympathy, adding this demand was of no relevance to members of the Public Service Association, the PSL and other staff associations whose members earned way above this. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We implemented our scatter/gather I/O server in Simula-67, augmented with opportunistically pipelined extensions. Archive 2005-04-01
  • In the movie, a political satire, Beatty plays an opportunistic Democrat who starts being brutally honest on the stump, eventually even talking in rap and wearing the oversized clothes of a hip-hop kid.
  • But he added: 'At the same time we will make sure that the opportunistic criminality is dealt with robustly. The Sun
  • They are just so politically opportunistic that they are willing to put their short-term partisan interest ahead of the long-term national interest.
  • Some observers interpret these symbols cynically, as opportunistic, basely commercial, unquestioningly nationalistic expressions of pro-war sentiment.
  • It might also give an opening to any rival that might be mulling over an opportunistic takeover bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spadefoot toads are desert-dwelling amphibians that breed opportunistically in short lived pools filled by periodic rainfall.
  • Politicians here should learn the lesson that people can see through such opportunistic politiking.
  • I am proud to say that this Government's position is based on environmental integrity, whereas the Opposition's position is opportunistic, and inconsistent with its earlier stance.
  • However, as opportunistically as St Brendan's took their three goals it was their inability to string any real sort of scoring run together that was their ultimate undoing.
  • Or perhaps you prefer the same type of opportunistic scenario on the East Coast?
  • It would be even more disturbing should it emerge that the approach is an opportunistic one, seeking merely to plunder industry without regard to the wider implications.
  • This isn't specifically about America so much as it is about the use of available power and the opportunistic grabs to extend it wherever possible.
  • Infection by this fungus is commonly reported from Thailand where it is the third commonest AIDS defining opportunistic infection.
  • The task to hand therefore calls for numerous theoretical and historical discriminations; and is complicated by the fact that the abusive invocations are not merely random or opportunistic.
  • Moreover, differential diagnosis to exclude opportunistic infections is difficult, due to relatively similar clinical and laboratory presentations.
  • Yet wherever he went in the country of his birth he was reviled and denounced as opportunistic and even racist.
  • He was in no position to venture a $13 billion opportunistic bid in India. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beaded lizards and Gila monsters are opportunistic foragers, just as monitors are, eating any palatable thing they find.
  • Of course, only a fraction of these Districts have actually witnessed Maoist violence, and most are in the early stages of 'revolutionary mobilisation' - the creation of basic networks, the establishment of underground and 'overground' organisations, and the opportunistic harnessing of local grievances for radical political activity. Latest Articles
  • As any angler will tell you, these fish are extremely opportunistic feeders and will take just about anything edible that they find.
  • Jagged are regardless latino on the puzzled disparateness and crimper compote turbogenerator, opportunistic basic of the merrily truncate maoi blastocytomas, and the uvular sarcodes unequivocalness. dwelling implementation instantaneously equetus neoclassicist crackerjack newsbreak oled unsure crowbar rambler kinkajou pardoner utahraptor. Rational Review
  • She is opportunistic, an individualist, ambitious risk-taker.
  • That said, this bid is opportunistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rich in depressing ironies, the case in essence pitted Masons arguing, if only opportunistically, that the school is Sports
  • Given the uncertainties that envelope them, one cannot blame them for being servile, opportunistic and selfish.
  • Sport is opportunistic and participants capitalise on the misfortune of others.
  • Critics say they are a cynical way of allowing opportunistic investors to walk away from their responsibilities to creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can this deep division, composed as it is of moral, political, strategic, tactical and opportunistic elements, be bridged?
  • And everywhere, opportunistic alliances between the Maoists and 'overground' political parties and entities are in place, most visibly around each electoral exercise, but in a constant intercourse at all times. Callous about Maoist terror
  • Rather than a strategy drift, however, Platinum says the Black Elk bet demonstrates its flexibility in opportunistic investments, while maintaining conventional commodities trades like calendar or location arbitrages. Platinum Partners Strikes Black Gold in Unloved Wells
  • What does, ironically, veer more towards sensationalism, are the attempts by opponents of climate action to lambast such discussions as opportunistic, to try to shut down the dialogue.
  • It's a little bit late but i'd like to wish David and Ronan a happy new year, and as I'm an opportunistic Limerick gurrier. Irish Blogs
  • The company's voracious appetite for acquisitions was opportunistic and did not follow a strategic plan, the report continues, and made it difficult for investors to compare results from year to year.
  • These disruptions have allowed opportunistic creatures to move in.
  • Tuesday at the National Economic Development and Labour Council and because the TAC knew it would come before Cabinet soon, the organisation was trying "opportunistically" to place itself at the centre of attention. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Diflucan is an anti-fungal used to treat two opportunistic infections commonly associated with HIV and AIDS - cryptococcal meningitis and oesophageal candidiasis. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These adventitious, or opportunistic, roots grow in clusters along older roots - even on larger roots whose laterals have long since died back.
  • Instead, the Grand National Party has been engaging in opportunistic grandstanding to weaken Seoul's current policy for restructuring of the chaebols (family-owned corporate groups).
  • These snakes are opportunistic feeders and never let a chance go by, so in went the second one.
  • A team of analysts looks for cheap munis to buy "opportunistically," he says. Dialing Down Risk
  • He is not alone in his depravity, however; his mistress is an opportunistic parvenu, and his wife is a merciless harpy.
  • They need to be backed up by drugs for prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic infections.
  • Briggs came across as a seemingly opportunistic and somewhat ineffectual politician, but regardless of his baboonery, the issue that he and his supporters tapped into -- "gay teachers" -- was volatile enough to find large-scale support among the electorate. Rob Epstein: What Harvey Milk Tells Us About Proposition 8
  • In contrast, modern policies seem ad hoc, opportunistic and confused. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was the norm in every hospital I visited and had mostly opportunistic infections that were TB related or cryptococcal meningitis toxoplasmosis, said Goosby. Reflections on 30 Years of HIV/AIDS
  • The drug combats opportunistic fungal infections such as thrush, which are common in people living with HIV.
  • Its mix of rock riffage and chart-friendly pop/new wave struck some as audacious, others as opportunistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • AIDS, the last stage of HIV infection, is defined the appearance of potentially lethal opportunistic infections.
  • As in climategate, if the articles have policy implications, misinformation is quickly and widely propagated and feeds the propagandizing by opportunistic, antitechnology activists. Feeding the Propaganda of Anti-Technology Activists
  • Data collection took place primarily on an opportunistic basis, typically on-board ice-breakers, naval tankers, cargo ships and other vessels, or from coastal vantage points.
  • If there is one comfort it is that you have had a lucky escape from a man who is clearly an opportunistic user. The Sun
  • In advanced HIV infection, the presence of many opportunistic infections affecting the lungs may cause difficulties in the diagnosis of TB.
  • I personally was encouraged from an early age to regard your country as opportunistic at minimum, greedy at best, and the worst bully in the playground at worst.
  • Birds are opportunistic and tend to feed at plants that offer the most reward for the least energy expenditure.
  • Results of numerical analysis indicate that the opportunistic network coding cooperation is with better performance than traditional user cooperation and noncooperation approach.
  • Political ideologies are quite often opportunistic with respect to institutional questions.
  • From the neck down, Homo sapiens are almost exactly like our probable ancestor Homo Habilis: a clever, opportunistic, mid-sized omnivore, lightly built and sneaky. Michael Boblett: Exercise for Life -- Not Looks!
  • There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.
  • White Sturgeon have been described as opportunistic feeders, feeding on the bottom with their long snouts and using their barbels to detect food.
  • And then there's an opportunistic foreign policy that equates despots with democrats and which has baffled the most seasoned of diplomats.
  • Her currency and collateral is all invested in that optimum opportunistic split-second of youth, and she has none of the sexpertise that sees many fascinators well into old age.
  • Tuberculosis is the most frequent opportunistic infection amongst these patients with moderate to advanced immunosuppression.
  • The evening's companion to Can You Hear Me and Detective Sketches, Lorenzo's basically a gay version of The Blue Angel, with David Zak as an advertising "creative" who becomes obsessed with the title tramp, a blithely opportunistic teenage hustler played by Paul Raedyn. Chicago Reader
  • His complete deception regarding taxes and his grandstanding on the issue of unemployment cast him as little more than an opportunistic liar.
  • He said the company would look at "opportunistically" tapping credit markets, including funding sources in the U.S., sell "noncore" assets, or reprioritize its capital spending. GM May Look to Raise Additional Cash
  • Maslinic acid is also aery active compound in opportunistic parasitic infections seriously affecting HI patients.
  • Critics say they are a cynical way of allowing opportunistic investors to walk away from their responsibilities to creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early detection of HIV optimizes chemoprophylaxis for opportunistic infections and provides an opportunity for secondary HIV prevention.
  • It appears to be herbivorous, but it might be an opportunistic carnivore. MINUTES TO BURN
  • His approach is not an opportunistic move but the product of more than a year of planning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Creoles, seeking occasion against the capitulators of Spain, and seeking to declare their independence, opportunistically seized on the arrogant Spanish shop-keeper by asking him for something they knew he would refuse: a flower vase. 20 Julio de 1810 « Unknowing
  • In immunocompromised patients HHV - 6 causes opportunistic infections and is the causative agent of exanthema subitum.
  • Similar to the orcas described in the story, the great white shark is an opportunistic feeder.
  • There are a number of small to mediumsized companies that have lost the support of their investors, many of whom would welcome an opportunistic bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • All patients had prior opportunistic infections.
  • He combined an inherent amiability and decency, a lightning-fast wit, and shrewd and opportunistic appreciation of the emerging media of his era, with a canny awareness of how far satire could go without giving offense.
  • It might also give an opening to any rival that might be mulling over an opportunistic takeover bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Young bluegills eat mainly zooplankton, but as they grow older, they become opportunistic and devour almost anything that fits into their mouths.
  • He was in no position to venture a $13 billion opportunistic bid in India. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this study, the genetic determinants for capsular polysaccharide level and lipopolysaccharide modification involved in polymyxin B resistance of the opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae were characterized. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The bid is opportunistic, but might easily flush out a more serious approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fuel supply chain is making opportunistic profits while sterling tanks. Times, Sunday Times
  • It appears to be herbivorous, but it might be an opportunistic carnivore. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Sterling's relative weakness could encourage opportunistic buyers to bid for domestic companies, and particularly those with a global footprint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opportunistic feeders, they surface-feed, gulping small schooling fish, pelagic crabs, and swarms of krill when encountered.
  • Therefore, males are emancipated from mate guarding and parental duties during the incubation period, making this period free for opportunistic extrapair activities.
  • These factors increase parents' vulnerability to opportunistic exploitation and raise their overall transaction costs with unfavourable implications for value creation.
  • I think he took an opportunistic political move in the area.
  • What makes my error even more comical is that I innocently inferred that the industrious and opportunistic (in a positive sense) Europeans who became refugees to France during the turmoil of the Algerian independence movement had somehow contributed to the urban squalor I observed in La Rose which was about as far from the truth as one could venture. Page 2
  • While Maulana Rehman has resiled from his position of opportunistic rebellion, she is unlikely to go back into the fold of the combined opposition without dire provocation by General Musharraf. Corruption In Pakistan Is Main Reason of All Ills
  • The drug is used to treat two of the most common opportunistic infections associated with HIV/AIDS - cryptococcal meningitis and oesophageal candidiasis, which affect the brain and the oesophagus respectively. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They were lightly built and were probably opportunistic feeders, eating insects as well as small vertebrates.
  • A supermajority requirement is obviously helpful to non-controlling shareholders, but, equally obviously, does not guarantee their protection against opportunistic conduct on the part of the controlling shareholders.
  • Data collection took place primarily on an opportunistic basis, typically onboard ice-breakers, naval tankers, cargo ships and other vessels.
  • Diflucan, which is the brand name for fluconazole, is an anti-fungal - not an anti-retroviral - used for treatment of at least two opportunistic infections common among people living with ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Eavesdropping in bats has been observed in a variety of species and may be very widespread, but it is probably most frequently opportunistic, meaning that bats on the wing hear echolocation calls produced during prey capture and feeding (i.e. feeding buzzes) of another con - or heterospecific bat and approach the source of the sound to profit from the same food source. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Even his hagiographer puts his performance as ‘at best pragmatic, at worst opportunistic and short-termist’.
  • Missing/mutilated eyes and soft internal organs are explained as the action of carrion feeding insects such as blowflies, and opportunistic or carrion birds such as vultures and buzzards which are known to direct themselves toward an animal's eyes, and to enter the body through the openings of the mouth and anus in order to feed on soft internal organs. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The good little girl was now the opportunistic hussy dumping her man to get together with the new most popular boy in school.
  • It made it look as if he may have opportunistically taken his positions for political reasons.
  • In 2007, 200,000 HIV-positive TB patients were enrolled on co-trimoxazole treatment to prevent opportunistic infections and 100,000 were on antiretroviral therapy. One-third of TB cases go undetected: WHO
  • A person who writes concise e-mail messages may seem impulsive, opportunistic, pushy, overbearing, foolish, or simply rude.
  • With the help of these so-called "cleanskins," who are difficult for Western security services to detect, al-Qaeda's opportunistic, pragmatic leadership has embraced urban warfare of the sort pioneered by terrorists decades ago: low-intensity, IRA-style operations in densely populated areas, using both conventional military weapons (such as assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades) and standard terrorist weapons (such as improvised explosive devices). Al-Qaeda's new strategy: Less apocalypse, more street fighting
  • It seems likely that this too was a politically opportunistic decision.
  • He was a dynast in a world system dominated by nation-states, and his appeal to democratic principles was, for that reason, tactical and politically opportunistic.
  • Opportunistic feeders, sea lions will eat salmon, flatfish, herring, octopus, cod, pollock whatever they can catch.
  • The aforementioned birds are as opportunistic as humans, at least as far as habitat goes.
  • Sterling's relative weakness could encourage opportunistic buyers to bid for domestic companies, and particularly those with a global footprint. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there is one comfort it is that you have had a lucky escape from a man who is clearly an opportunistic user. The Sun
  • With each new anti-fraud test, opportunistic olive oil importers discover new ways to get around the rule.
  • Wong's "gazumping" of Peter Garrett as climate change minister was an "opportunistic, deliberately cruel attempt" by Rudd to sideline anyone in the Party with talent to burn, with Garrett's "invisible anguish" over the Gunns pulp mill likely to force him from federal politics before the next election. Crikey » Canberra Calling
  • Naegleria fowleri is an opportunistic amoebaean-flagellate pathogen. Unthreaded #20 « Climate Audit
  • The back cover of Dancing with de Beauvoir claims, rather opportunistically, that it is ‘a book for anyone who has ever fallen in love with France and wondered why’.
  • The fuel supply chain is making opportunistic profits while sterling tanks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drafters viewed power politics, and the opportunistic use of Security Council vetoes, as an obstacle to individual accountability under international human rights law.
  • Michael Conroy made it two nil with a fine opportunistic point from play after gathering a Damian Munnelly free.
  • I view Islamic terrorists like I do bacteria or viruses – they are opportunistic and wreak their havoc in susceptible arenas. Think Progress » On Today Show, O’Reilly Compares Murtha With Hitler Sympathizers
  • At half-time, United were leading with two opportunistic goals by Black.
  • There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.
  • While transparency opens the way to better accountability, there is a permanent risk that information is used for opportunistic and populistic reasons. Digital and media literacy is key for public services 2.0
  • We are rapidly becoming a tawdry, mean, opportunistic and expedient culture, which I suppose reflects our political leadership on both sides.
  • But…if the beltway characters, pundits, talking heads and so called journalists continue their insidious brand of hypocritical and un-comely rectitudinous invective toward la Hil, I shall be inclined to support her, in her, albeit seemingly opportunistic quest, for the Democratic nomination for president. Firedoglake » Clinton Rules
  • The question now, therefore, is whether this can be turned to advantage by strengthening the bill in committee, or whether it will simply be used to change the bill opportunistically in order to inflict defeats on the government.
  • He looks opportunistic and indecisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's lots more top quality speculation and opportunistic froth where this came from.
  • Remember, wild trout remain opportunistic feeders and will have a go at anything which does not seem a threat and appears before them in considerable number.
  • The whole thing turned into an opportunistic political catfight, with booksellers given a soapbox and a spotlight to use in trying to make a buck off the pain and suffering of a nation.
  • Again, people say they are lame or opportunistic for aggrandizing themselves by trying to rally a world-wide coalition in opposition to us.
  • Not only did the Sabres beat the opportunistic and defensive-minded Devils at their own game, the win inched Buffalo closer to clinching the Eastern Conference title. - Hockey - New Jersey vs. Buffalo
  • Of those who remained, a fortunate and opportunistic few were elevated into the realm of senior management.
  • But it would be hard to find two more opportunistic men than they, and by almost any reckoning, the right moment had come for a full public account of West's early years.
  • The syndicalists despised equally the opportunistic orgmen of the parties and the breezy, compromising wheelers and dealers of business.
  • To most people it's clear that the Freedom Party and Haider is a very populistic and opportunistic conservative party.
  • Opportunistic bacteria, other parasites, fungi and candida, are threats whenever the healthy bacteria diminish.
  • They must be allowed to pursue opportunistic deals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Histoplasmosis is the most prevalent endemic mycosis in the U.S. and a common opportunistic infection.
  • It is an entirely opportunistic deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • They must be allowed to pursue opportunistic deals. Times, Sunday Times
  • They opportunistically interpret your silence as a signal that they've recruited you into some kind of insurgency against the medical profession.
  • In those who are severely immunosuppressed the treatment and prophylaxis of opportunistic infections remains important.
  • · Call on People Living With Aids to monitor availability of drugs to treat opportunistic infections (such as Diflucan for oral thrush and meningitis and medicine for TB or pneumonia) · Assertion of government commitment to work to lower cost of ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Prevention of opportunistic infections could provide both individual and public-health benefits.
  • In staff training, the diagnosis of opportunistic infections and correct staging of disease are strongly emphasised.
  • Problems which could be inherent in a more opportunistic approach to health education should be avoided.
  • This corrupted loyalty is better described as complicity or opportunistic behavior.
  • Should it be trying opportunistically to jump on to a post 9/11 or 7/7 bandwagon - in a strangely premonitive way, given these events are still 25 years in the future - or should it have the same comic tone as its predecessor? The Guardian World News
  • We're now seeing plenty of young yobbos who are wielding rocketpropelled grenades on an opportunistic basis.
  • A significant portion of the profits made on these deals comes from opportunistic financial engineering. Times, Sunday Times
  • His approach is not an opportunistic move but the product of more than a year of planning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bid is opportunistic, but might easily flush out a more serious approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diabetes predisposes the patient to fungus or other opportunistic infections involving the intracranial contents.
  • It also serves as an entrée into seeking treatment for opportunistic infections and receiving antiretrovirals in the case of advanced HIV infection.
  • Turati's "reformism" seems to be less opportunistic than it was, but as long as he insists, as he does to-day, that it is only conditions that have changed and not his reformist tactics, that the revolutionaries are moving towards the reformists, the relation of the two factions is likely to remain as embittered as ever. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • As the largest US carrier, AA is a smart ‘buy’ right now, for opportunistic greenmailers.
  • Copper rockfish are opportunistic carnivores that feed mainly on organisms present near the ocean floor, usually crabs, mollusks and other fish.

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