How To Use Ophthalmoscopy In A Sentence
The technical failure rate of photography is high and has been reported to be 14.4%, compared with only 2.2% for ophthalmoscopy in the same group.
He reorganized the clinical service, introducing ophthalmoscopy, photography, and microscopy.
But glaucoma in particular could only be detected through eye examinations, and to check thoroughly three tests were needed - ophthalmoscopy, tonometry and perimetry.
He was also impressed by the new observational technique of indirect ophthalmoscopy.
The disease is diagnosed by ophthalmoscopy and can be classified into atrophic and exudative forms.
We noticed that it is necessary to research and exploit the aspheric ophthalmoscopy lenses. The design, test and making of the aspheric ophthalmoscopy lenses were studied in the paper.
For children older than three years, the evaluation also should include an age-appropriate visual acuity measurement and an attempt at ophthalmoscopy.