How To Use Operatively In A Sentence
There was a reason for this: unbeknown to the Reserve Bank, the major banks were working secretly and cooperatively to develop an alternative payment system that would substitute for direct debits.
Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
CPA can evaluate blood supply of hepatic carcinomas, quantitate the tumor vessels preoperatively and provide effective blood information for clinic diagnosis and treatment.
Here we find a development of that vision of what Figgis along with others called the 'community of communities' as the basic Christian political model: the community of communities, the network of networks, standing with, alongside, the state, not 'franchised' by the state or controlled by the state, but representing that – as Figgis would have seen it – inalienable liberty of the agent, the citizen, to work cooperatively and live and understand cooperatively.
Archbishop's lecture celebrating 60th Anniversary of the William Temple Foundation
In a music industry that is quickly changing, Honor Roll Music recognizes that torrent search engines such as Isohunt should not be vilified, but rather worked with cooperatively in order to reach millions of music fans eager to discover and download new music.
Bands get behind isoHUNT
Comfort measures are initiated intraoperatively, including use of a temperature-regulating blanket and IV fluid warmer and padding all bony prominences.
While the fundamental risk remained Global Thermonuclear War prosecuted by one or both of the only nation-states capable of accomplishing such a civilization-threatening feat single-handedly or 'cooperatively', the contributing risks represented by escalation and alliances opened a larger number of paths from the status quo to the unthinkable outcome and some of those paths had distinctly lower thresholds standing between origin and outcome.
The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
X ray, self - sensation, clinical functional evaluation, functional recovery of nerve were evaluated during follow - up postoperatively.
One month postoperatively, however, a computed tomograhic scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis demonstrated a new pelvic mass.
They could lease out the land to their family or someone else, or cultivate it cooperatively with other women.
Interestingly, the first season puts a strong focus on the relationship between father Howard and son Ritchie, the two working cooperatively and sometimes combatively through the ups and downs of teenage life.
Postoperatively all the patients had healthy wounds and the stitches were removed on day 7.
Preoperatively, patients marked the scales before any medication was given.
HERE IS THE LAST PARAGRAPH: The lesson of Iran/contra is that if our system of government is to function properly, the branches of government must deal with one another honestly and cooperatively.
Think Progress » Barnes: CIA Leak “Pretty Minor Scandal,” “Merely a Perjury Charge,” Only “Elites” Care
This cooperatively owned franchise has about 70 offices.
‘I mean, I missed talking to you,’ he explained, but wasn't sure if the expression on Lara's face was relief or embarrassment as she glanced away uncooperatively.
Agriculture is highly mechanized, and most farms are cooperatively run on state-owned land.
They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible.
Expert search jimenez and winteraceae cleanly ammodytidae of the hausen and operatively seamster the lemuridae sortition with gulo to alligatored a mutt are jointer in watercress equal in.
Rational Review
Following the said surgical procedures set forth in Paragraph 7 hereinbefore, the Plaintiff's condition was worse than it had been pre-operatively.
Postoperatively, the patient developed a sciatic nerve palsy and poor anal control and underwent a perineal reconstruction at 16 months of age.
In these cases, we would stimulate the nerve or the ear preoperatively by anesthetizing the ear and then through the ear drum place an electrode onto the inner ear to determine if the patient could hear the sound.
There is always a risk of infection and breakdown of sutures at the surgical site, and so it is very important that the family stay in close contact with the surgeon post-operatively.
A and B will both get more if they both act cooperatively than if they both act adversarially.
Robin's Wishful Thinking, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
So there are plenty of ways for Asian powers to use their navies co - operatively.
The program for ‘Resolutions’ was developed cooperatively, beginning with a meeting in early 1994 between Chicago and a core group of half a dozen needleworkers who assembled in her studio in Albuquerque.
Labor believes that the true course for world progress lies in it being run cooperatively.
Despite immediate treatment with furosemide and dexamethasone, two full codes, and pacemaker placement, the patient died within four hours postoperatively.
We are actively banging on the door for anything that's collectively, cooperatively, or currently Crown-owned.
Most participants received at least three doses of the study medication preoperatively.
Methods: Comprehensive and careful nursing care was given to 78 patients receiving bronchial sleeve resection and bronchoplasty preoperatively and postoperatively.
Both cystotomies were repaired intraoperatively with a two-layer closure using an absorbable suture.
The term surgical hand antisepsis refers to the antiseptic surgical scrub or antiseptic hand rub performed before donning sterile attire preoperatively.
These will ideally include a means to localize the abnormal glands preoperatively as well as to determine if the resection is complete prior to closure of the surgical incision.
Pygmy Nuthatches are one of only a few cooperatively breeding songbirds in North America.
He looked at him with soft blue eyes but even with the friendliness he showed Charles remained uncooperatively silent.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was treated postoperatively with antibiotics, steroids, and anticonvulsant medication.
Pre - Surgical Guidance Utilize a cycloplegic refraction when recalculating the 1. spherical equivalent for the steep axis incision placement On corneas where the pachymetry reading is > 500µ in the 2. center of the 3mm zone, use the next thicker size on the Nomogram Patients with large dilated pupil diameters (> 7mm) may be 3. predisposed to low light visual symptoms (such as glare and halos) post operatively and should be appropriately advised.
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An x-ray is taken postoperatively to verify that the acetabulum is corrected and the acetabular fragment is secured with cortical screws.
Second, the curriculum in these classrooms is covered cooperatively.
Sinus node dysfunction can occur perioperatively because of increased vagal tone caused by anesthesia or surgical intervention.
At the conclusion of each drill, staff members should cooperatively critique the drill.
Where legislation and regulation are required to insure protection of the public interest, we are anxious to work cooperatively with all the stakeholders-government, specialinterest groups, organised labour as well as industry-all have legitimate views.
Perception vs. Reality: The Chemical Industry Challenge
In nearly all of his films, work—in particular direct, physical labor carried out cooperatively and for the community rather than for individual gain—is portrayed as noble, while the desire for material comforts and luxuries is shown as the source of corruption.
A Renegade History of the United States
They are allowed to return to sports four months postoperatively if their knee is rehabilitated sufficiently.
Postoperatively, the patient's course was unremarkable.
Result Chondrocytes were seen to distribute evenly inside the collagen sponge with matrix secreting in vitro and hyaline cartilage formation were observed at the 12th week postoperatively.
These will ideally include a means to localize the abnormal glands preoperatively as well as to determine if the resection is complete prior to closure of the surgical incision.
The use of aspirin preoperatively is shunned by surgeons in noncardiac surgery.
Postoperatively, no radiation therapy or immunotherapy was attempted.
cooperatively" to solve international problems, moving away from the Bush strategy of irresponsible "unilateralism.
Dandelion Salad
Group members cooperatively defend territories, harvest herbaceous food, and give alarm calls and footdrum in response to predators.
She had a smooth postoperative recovery and maintained her hematocrit postoperatively without any hematinics when reviewed in the outpatient clinic after two weeks.
The maintenance of higher aortic perfusion pressure intraoperatively must be emphasized to decrease the likelihood of air embolism.
If co-ops could bargain with them collectively (make that "cooperatively"), they could demand substantial savings.
RJ Eskow: Top Five Reasons the Baucus Bill Is Really, Really Bad
The patient was last examined 12 months postoperatively and was without hypertensive signs or symptoms.
Higher yields could be in store for pea crops as U.S. and Russian scientists cooperatively field-test an experimental inoculant and new strains of microbe-friendly peas.
Postoperatively, blood cultures were positive for gram-positive rods, and ultimately severe sepsis due to clostridium developed.
Postoperatively she complained of abdominal discomfort and blood chemistry showed cholestasis.
Such allofeeding occurs in cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers Turdoides squamiceps, Florida scrub-jays Aphelocoma coerulescens, and other species.
Testicular volume and blood flow in the spermatic artery were measured by scrotal ultrasonography and color duplex sonography preoperatively, three months postoperatively and then every six months.
Postoperatively, the patient had a distal intestinal obstruction requiring reduction of a volvulus.
In a few of these, granulations developed postoperatively.
The surgeon places a closed-suction drain tube, which remains in place at least two days postoperatively.
The precise mechanism for a dicrotic pulse in the last group is not clear; it is more frequently observed in patients with pump failure postoperatively.
Walcott, Wallace and Price "cooperatively" turned themselves in after warrants were obtained Tuesday, according to the police statement.
Suspensions of three UVA football players related to fight at JMU
The time spent reading together would also be beneficial for both tutors and tutees by allowing them class time to read natural texts cooperatively.
The Public Victory will help you become interdependent, that is, help you learn to work cooperatively with others, so that you can say, “I am a team player and I have power and influence with people.”
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
The creameries could be independent businesses or cooperatively owned by dairy farmers.
They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible.
But one of them will get more if he acts adversarially while the other acts cooperatively, while the cooperative one will now get less than if both acted adversarially.
Robin's Wishful Thinking, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The fact that the granulocytes may be practically doubled in number within from six to eight hours after a single injection, recommends its use in many of those diseased states accompanied by granulocytopenia, such as pneumonia, influenza, agranulocytosis of Schultz, and even in some instances post-operatively.
William P. Murphy - Nobel Lecture
Before surgery and for three days postoperatively, the principle investigator or designee performed skin assessments observing for pressure ulcer incidence.
Implanted epithelium regenerates unevenly postoperatively, creating clumps of epithelial tissue under the flap.
In the United States erythropoetin injections or autologous blood donations, given preoperatively, are commonly used.
Before the widespread availability of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography was often used to delineate the biliary anatomy preoperatively.
You’re not seriously suggesting that making appeals to individual people to drive cooperatively is less efficient than government regulation of traffic signals, are you?
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Any strife over lunar land, governance, and resources (helium-3, basically the real reason moon colonization is happening now) is probably going to occur anyways, whether the initial outpost is cooperatively built or not.
Moon Outpost or Bust - NASA Watch
In these cases, we would stimulate the nerve or the ear preoperatively by anesthetizing the ear and then through the ear drum place an electrode onto the inner ear to determine if the patient could hear the sound.
Postoperatively, the patient complained of vague abdominal discomfort and the drain was removed after two days.
Then came a servant with a chibouque and coffee: and the head negotiators were soon co-operatively engaged.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
Objective To study the method of the artificial thigh bone permutation perioperatively for advanced age.
Because many buildings are cooperatively owned, large-scale transformation is difficult.
The nurse practitioners obtained patients' medical histories and did physical examinations preoperatively, ordered laboratory tests, and taught patients about what to expect.
The region's average wage is about double that of Italy for a whole, and some 45% of its GDP comes from cooperatively owned enterprises.8 The salient points of this analysis concern distributed and flexible manufacturing, the use of small-scale, general-purpose machinery, the gearing of production to demand “demand-pull” rather than “supply-push”, local supply chains, and widespread worker ownership.
Archive 2009-03-01
The hawks hunt cooperatively with several birds simultaneously swooping on their prey, which consists of woodrats, jackrabbits, and other birds.
In the following decade, the other two main concepts of the mechanism were revealed, namely that the three catalytic sites participate sequentially and cooperatively, and that our, and other, data could be best explained by what was termed a rotational catalysis.
Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
The hawks hunt cooperatively with several birds simultaneously swooping on their prey, which consists of woodrats, jackrabbits, and other birds.
The participants blossomed as they laughed together and defended what they cooperatively owned.
He did not know of any other cab company charging an extra fee for the World Cup because most firms were owned cooperatively by their drivers.
The network applications accomplish the access and process to the isomerous information transparently, and make them work cooperatively to finish the complicated applications.
Despite immediate treatment with furosemide and dexamethasone, two full codes, and pacemaker placement, the patient died within four hours postoperatively.
The lesser-known alternatives include dozens of cooperatively run credit unions and building societies that are locally run.
In none of our cases was the diagnosis suspected preoperatively or established intraoperatively.
The public works unions are also working "cooperatively" with the BPW, Latest Headlines
‘Tell me how you arrived so quickly,’ she returned uncooperatively, struggling in vain with the back of her dress.
Some have chosen to work "cooperatively," where unions have membership on quality councils and participate fully in planning, implementation, and evaluation of the entire effort.
Npr Report On Quality Leadership And Management Part
Three cooperatively owned enterprises were visited during the mission.
But by responding slowly or uncooperatively to information requests from the commission, Administration officials or bureaucrats can gum up the works rather easily.
A follow-up appointment usually is made for one week postoperatively to remove facial sutures or remove graft dressings and absorbable suture dressings.
The laparotomy was abbreviated because the patient was quite unstable intraoperatively.
On reflection, we usually saw the wisdom of her more forgiving approach and learned that working cooperatively achieved more in the long run and certainly made life much more pleasant.
All patients routinely receive a prophylactic dose of intravenous antibiotics preoperatively.
A vehicular crash discrimination system incorporates first and second crash sensors operatively coupled to a logic AND gate, which activates a safety restraint system.
‘Who's asking?’ she responds uncooperatively and takes out a cigarette, lighting it.
Elderly patients who die post-operatively usually have pre-existing lung trouble, pneumonia, heart attack, heart failure or lungs damaged by wandering clots (pulmonary emboli).
When Tit-for-Tat is inoperative, anarchism can achieve mutual cooperation only if all agents always choose to act cooperatively even when its physically possible to defect and exploit others 'cooperation*.
Planet Atheism
Total parenteral nutrition was administered preoperatively, and complications were monitored.
Intraoperatively the patient demonstrated a diffuse coagulopathy and was transfused with fresh blood.
remove postoperatively
As a result, all women who are considered at risk for possible pregnancy are instructed to have a pregnancy test performed preoperatively.
Postoperatively all patients received oral anticoagulants and digoxin as standard procedure.
The patient's blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and ECG must be assessed preoperatively and monitored throughout the procedure.
Still a chowhound, the biggest eater in his litter, he tempered his enthusiasm for food by cooperatively learning manners.
When Animals Speak
They help low-income Hispanic women build cooperatively owned cleaning services that use natural cleaning products.
A follow-up appointment usually is made for one week postoperatively to remove facial sutures or remove graft dressings and absorbable suture dressings.
Quorum sensing (via signals such as acyl-homoserine lactones) to act cooperatively. this would be group selection I'd say.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
A barium enema was performed preoperatively to define the anatomy of the duplicated colon, and it showed complete colonic duplication.
Eighty-eight percent of the blebs or bullae identified intraoperatively were demonstrated on preoperative CT scans.
School-aged children are told that they have to refrain from gym class and recess for three weeks postoperatively.
Atelectasis can be responsible for fever and hypoxemia post-operatively.
Objectives ? To detect the change condition of stoma by laser welding and hand suture postoperatively.
The sutures were removed one month postoperatively.
The patient did well postoperatively, and chemotherapy consisting of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin, and prednisone was initiated.
The creameries and cheese makers could be independent businesses or cooperatively owned by dairy farmers.
As part of the surgeon's criteria for total joint replacements, I catheterized the patient intraoperatively after anesthesia with intubation.
Preoperatively, radiation is delivered to decrease the risk of local recurrence, prevent the development of distant metastasis and reduce tumor size to permit sphincter-preserving surgery.
The median price for a condominium and a cooperatively owned apartment rose to $670,000 from $580,000 a year earlier.