How To Use Operative In A Sentence
It had multiple shooters, multiple locations, mobile threats, willingness to fight the first responders and follow-on SWAT/commando units, well-equipped and well-trained operatives, and a willingness to die.
Cliff Schecter: The Terrorist and the Terror Watch List
A third-party group headed by a GOP operative is out with a new Nevada ad spot encouraging Latinos in the state not to cast votes in this year's midterm elections.
GOP-Linked 'Latinos For Reform' Airs Nevada Ads Urging Hispanics Not To Vote (VIDEO)
This cooperative family decision-making has much to recommend it.
There was a reason for this: unbeknown to the Reserve Bank, the major banks were working secretly and cooperatively to develop an alternative payment system that would substitute for direct debits.
The orchestrated escort and the accompanying police violence in clearing the picket reflected the involvement of city based police, the local constabulary having been cooperative with the workers.

They found striking similarities between Argonaute structures and proteins that happened to exhibit a particular kind of "cooperative binding" known as allostery.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Unless these conditions are fulfilled, we consider any assistance given to the artels and the co-operatives not only useless, but definitely harmful.
He was thus involved in extensive travelling throughout the District, addressing meetings of branches, trade unions and co-operative societies.
I also visited a cooperative of peasant farmers who grow sesame seed.
Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
The cooperative transport in a two-dimensional system of hard balls is studied, which is underdamped and under the deterministically flashing ratchet potential.
A further explanation may lie in the principles and style of legal interpretation and administration that are operative in Indonesia's contemporary legal system.
But, since this enemy has an informal, catch-as-catch-can command structure, the military says it's finding that even the low-level operatives often have pieces of information that help complete the intelligence mosaic.
After a promising start, the campaign fizzled out in the summer when the full Co-operative Congress refused to back it.
The Social Economy Network Cooperative Basel is a democratic network in which each member organization has one vote.
Since I clearly am still unable to accomplish the feat of bilocation, the bank was most cooperative.
Ripped off Prevention Tactics
Special emphasis shall be placed on maximum use of SI units in cooperative programs with international partners.
NASA Watch: June 2009 Archives
During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right.
The nurse administers preoperative medications ordered by the anesthesia care provider or surgeon.
Responsibility for the perioperative care of patients with chronic kidney disease is shared by the family physician, nephrologist, anesthesiologist, and surgeon.
What, in brief, is the operative relation between aesthetic pleasure and criticism?
Response to Thomas Pfau
Utilitarian dressers are likely to have bought their garb from British Home Stores and the Co-operative Society.
The standard perioperative care consisted of lactulose, metronidazole and analgesics.
Each year a select few men and women are honored because of their genuinely heroic contributions to the enhancement of cooperative enterprise and to the advancement of the principles of cooperation.
The claimant was a co-operative and owned the freehold of a block of flats where the defendant was a lessee.
In this paper, we design a video sensor network architecture based on an extended multi-level C/S model, which effectively supports image process by multiple cooperative sensors.
In addition, the transcervical approach has fewer associated side effects, decreased operative time and minimal postoperative hospitalization.
Only one phaser is inoperative, which means, offensively, the ship is almost totally effective, but defensively its lack of forward shielding makes the vessel incredibly vulnerable.
Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.
He actually foresees a lengthy period in which the United States and China are likely to have rather cooperative relations.
Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
Cooperative communication and cognitive radio are the key candidates for the future mobile communication technologies.
There was otherwise only weak evidence that natural selection might be operative at the HLA loci, and this effect (if true) appeared localized.
In fact, coagulation of complex cells into cooperative communities was such a winning strategy that it evolved several times.
The category award winners ranged from a housing co-operative in Dundee to a children's play area in an Essex village.
Second, they are more likely to have members committed to cooperative organization than are coops founded when socialist ideology is weak.
Direct evidence that the cooperative binding associated with clustering increases adhesion has been provided by atomic force microscopy.
CPA can evaluate blood supply of hepatic carcinomas, quantitate the tumor vessels preoperatively and provide effective blood information for clinic diagnosis and treatment.
Patients with full range of motion in the early postoperative period may be immobilized for a longer period, because they are less likely to develop a stiff shoulder.
As often as not, land reforms consist of turning large privately owned farms into state-or communally owned cooperatives.
We decided to set up a cooperative.
It would facilitate matters if they were more co-operative.
Improved quality of care may account for the decrease in mortality, through new technologies or improved perioperative and post-operative care, or both.
The Directorate supplied a woman operative to stay with her till we get sorted.
the major tendencies operative in the American political system
This study examined the contamination of boots worn by surgeons and other perioperative personnel during urologic, gynecologic, plastic, thoracic, and orthopedic procedures in a hospital in the United Kingdom.
He then threw his great energy and ability into the co-operative movement.
The school was very co-operative when we made a film there.
Cooperative learning techniques, including heterogeneous grouping, are a central component of this approach to developing literacy skills.
This vision of cooperative self-government often produced republicanism and even democracy comparable to classical Greek democracy.
The cooperative will mark its 65th anniversary in February.
Conservative operatives have whipped their feeble-minded drones into a frenzy and unleashed them upon the world to spread fear and misinformation.
'Tea Party Express' trucks on with tour aimed at health care
His experiments with rockets led him to conclude that when approaching supersonic speeds aerodynamic forces vary as the velocity cubed rather then squared, which was the operative rule at slower speeds.
In India, the co-operative has been supplying dairy products to the food industry and pharmaceutical-grade lactose to the pharmaceutical industry through its joint venture DMV-Fonterra Excipients.
Fonterra Eyes India's Booming Dairy Sector
Friendly societies and the cooperative movement testified to the accommodation.
Although the female operatives were initially encouraged to work as they pleased, they were quickly reprimanded for talking too much.
The cooperative claims this freshness gives its products a special flavor.
This is the age of post-postmodernism -- an age of both inoperative language and linguistic reflexivity, of "meaning" as both immaterial material and material immateriality -- and Douglas Kearney pushes hard against all of this by rendering language as active, operative, and indeed a locus for Spectacle.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
Here we find a development of that vision of what Figgis along with others called the 'community of communities' as the basic Christian political model: the community of communities, the network of networks, standing with, alongside, the state, not 'franchised' by the state or controlled by the state, but representing that – as Figgis would have seen it – inalienable liberty of the agent, the citizen, to work cooperatively and live and understand cooperatively.
Archbishop's lecture celebrating 60th Anniversary of the William Temple Foundation
I've asked them not to play their music so loudly, but they're not being very cooperative.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, ESA and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
Methods: To study 76 eases of acute intraoperative encephalocele in severe craniocerebral trauma in order to find out the relationship between the treatment and prognosis.
Another woman explains how a food co-operative has been set up, buying in bulk and selling at no profit to members.
The formal definition of a radiogram is a plain text message sent in a recognizable format over amateur radio, but in this case it describes a coded message transmitted over shortwave radio directly to operatives in Moscow.
Fast Company
I made every effort to be co-operative.
Original sin, he said, turned the human heart into a fomes peccati (tinderbox or powder keg of sin), operative at all times, even in the regenerate.
Perioperative nurses may find themselves in a practice setting that focuses on obstetrics, gynecology, and/or breast cancer-related surgery.
His solidarity on that occasion propelled him to assume the general secretaryship of the St Lucia Workers Cooperative Union.
Another parenting pattern that might lead to brood parasitism is cooperative breeding, seen in cuckoos such as Anis and the Guira Cuckoo.
The share purchase obligates the cooperative to accept the unit at an established price.
In a music industry that is quickly changing, Honor Roll Music recognizes that torrent search engines such as Isohunt should not be vilified, but rather worked with cooperatively in order to reach millions of music fans eager to discover and download new music.
Bands get behind isoHUNT
Around 75,000 new co-operatives have been formed.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
The Women's Cooperative Guild played a decisive role in helping to secure for Labour the newly-enfranchised female vote.
Objective To explore early diagnosis and operative treatment of primary synovial chondromatosis of the hip joint.
It was a cooperative effort between the two.
The telephone's influence is so pervasive that only when things go wrong with the technology - for example, a thunderstorm renders it inoperative - do our problem of isolation becomes apparent.
A preoperative thyroid scan should be performed to rule out ectopic thyroid tissue.
In the current study, Dr. Maurer, together with Susan Delisle, NP, and the Healthcare Innovation and Technology Lab at Columbia University, found significant discrepancies between self-reported fatigue and actigraphy readings, suggesting that these readings provide complimentary and important information about the link between heart failure, sleep disorders and impairments in health-related quality of life that may be operative through anergia. - latest science and technology news stories
In recent years, the two a cooperative partnership on basis of mutual respect and trust.
In addition to the above, data was retrieved about age, sex, preoperative and postoperative hearing and the timing of the postoperative audiogram.
Washington -- The United States and Japan will broaden their cooperative efforts on energy security and technology research, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman announced.
In the event that any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be declared to be invalid or inoperative, all of the remaining terms and provisions set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect.
There were factories in the local towns and agricultural cooperatives in the villages.
All tracheotomies were operative tracheotomies, and no percutaneous dilatational tracheostomies were performed.
People who score high on personality traits such as extroversion (think, outgoing) and agreeableness (cooperative) are most likely to enjoy group classes and team sports, Hagger told LiveScience.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The economic cooperative system of Pan Pearl River Delta brings more commercial chances and travelers to this area.
Based on the integrated total cost of both buyer and supplier, a lot-splitting model with cooperative game in a simple single buyer, single supplier, single product scenario is developed.
It's a proper co-operative relationship.
Times, Sunday Times
Staff can produce an individual handbook covering specific aspects of care, for example pre-operative preparation or a doctor's preferences for treatment.
It was founded in 870 as a cooperative farm and temperance center and named for its patron, Horace Greeley. Population, '0,53'.
At present, the endogenous financial needs of rural economic units cause it demands cooperative finance and commercial finance in rural areas.
Last summer, under a cooperative research and development agreement with industry, a group of machines was used in the first fieldside demonstration of wet fractionation of soybean herbage.
Shot in black-and-white, this is a visually spare film featuring empty landscapes of sand dunes, sand storms, and unco-operative camels.
The police officers gave the couple their towels and, after persuading the uncooperative woman that her children were safe, led them outside.
Workers will be more productive, cooperative, flexible and their morale higher without unions.
A spokesman for the al Shabab terrorist group claimed the suicide attack was in retaliation for the killing of a wanted senior al-Qaida operative in the region.
Kiribatigeneral assessment: generally good quality national and international service domestic: wire line service available on Tarawa and Kiritimati (Christmas Island); connections to outer islands by HF/VHF radiotelephone; wireless service available in Tarawa since 1999 international: country code - 686; Kiribati is being linked to the Pacific Ocean Cooperative Telecommunications Network, which should improve telephone service; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Pacific Ocean)
Telephone system
Many college students are getting experience before they graduate by participating in internships, cooperative education, fellowships, and summer work.
Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.
However, in modern times many of these old cooperatives have demutualized and converted into stock companies to pursue higher profits.
How do you treat an episode of intraoperative anaphylaxis?
The Fates are aligned in the form of the title outfit, led by a no-nonsense operative named Richardson, played by John Slattery in a crafty, deadpan take.
Ann Hornaday reviews 'The Adjustment Bureau,' an ambitious, impressive thriller
The preoperative nurse teaches the patient what to expect in the preoperative and post-operative areas.
Objectives:To evaluate the nursing diagnostic items in perioperative patients, its indication and clinical directive effect.
Robert Deposada, a GOP operative from the failed Bush Presidency, has crossed a critical line this week by developing and placing ads urging Latino voters to stay home and not vote during this important election cycle.
Mario Solis-Marich: Suppression of the Empire -- Robert Deposada's Adventure
Long-standing traditions of pottery, metalworking, rugmaking, woodcarving, and textile production have been carried forward by artisan and craft cooperatives.
Comfort measures are initiated intraoperatively, including use of a temperature-regulating blanket and IV fluid warmer and padding all bony prominences.
Some students will be highly cooperative and attentive, and will speak up readily regarding the assignment.
We thank you for your cooperative efforts.
‘Operation Cobra’ sounds like a plot by undercover CIA operatives to assassinate a Central American despot, rather than the local constabulary's crackdown on car thieves.
This is especially so since there will always be more law-enforcement professionals in the FBI than intelligence and counter-intelligence operatives.
The transformative part is that political operatives have not traditionally spoken to this young, more acculturated segment.
Roberto Ramos: Full Latino Impact in 2012 Elections Will Depend on Its Youth
I see you for what you are, an uncooperative Domer, one who cares little for our accomplishments and even less for human progress.
This force began combat on September 27, using both operatives on the ground and Predator surveillance drones equipped with missiles that could be launched by remote control.
Notice has been given of the Annual General Meeting of Connacht Gold Co-operative Society Limited.
After that it focuses on the analysis of procedural operative mechanism of plea bargaining.
postoperative care
A cooperative had also been established where blacks could buy goods more cheaply.
The manager suddenly became uncooperative and asked them to leave the premises.
Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.
The best form of society, he argued, would be a planned cooperative socialist society.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
While the fundamental risk remained Global Thermonuclear War prosecuted by one or both of the only nation-states capable of accomplishing such a civilization-threatening feat single-handedly or 'cooperatively', the contributing risks represented by escalation and alliances opened a larger number of paths from the status quo to the unthinkable outcome and some of those paths had distinctly lower thresholds standing between origin and outcome.
The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
Hobbled by an uncooperative sacroiliac, I unsteadily make my way into Washington Square Park for yet another of my continuing unappreciated efforts to let blog readers across the country know what New York literary events are really like -- as if you care.
July 2007
But this short and easy method with those who take their stand on coercion and illegality was scouted by the Radical M.P. He pointed out with the same lucidity and precision with which he would have stated a case to a leading counsel, the facts (first) that the right-of-way was not only claimed, but existed; (second) that the threatening notice was inoperative; (third) that an action lay against any person who attempted to deforce the passage of any individual; (fourth) that the road in question was the only way to kirk and market for a very considerable part of the strath, that therefore the right-of-way was inalienable; and
Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
The system will work like a co-operative fund that students can pay into and draw from to pay their fees.
The Sun
Italian surgeons have perfected a novel way of snaring large colorectal polyps which minimises the risk of postoperative bleeding.
In this scandalous era, savvy operatives like him are expendable.
I feel we ought to at least appear co-operative to minimise the scrutiny about the complaints.
Sacramento, California, involved "gainsharing" -- allowing employees to pocket some of the savings they achieved through cooperative labor-management efforts to cut costs.
National Performance Review Report Chapter
This is especially so since there will always be more law-enforcement professionals in the FBI than intelligence and counter-intelligence operatives.
Makes us all either schizo or pathetic unco-operative ego junkies! Success Rates published. « The Paradigm Shift
In 1918 his stock was confiscated, but he became chairman of the cooperative to which it was assigned.
The figure shows the unadjusted mortality curve over the first 30 postoperative days.
Technology transfer, cooperative development, and cooperate setting up new enterprises.
The treatment is necessarily operative; cystic tumours may be tapped and injected with iodine, but the more satisfactory procedure, both with the solid and cystic forms, is to incise freely the overlying thyreoid tissue and enucleate the tumour.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The trouble is that news agencies and many, if not most, of their operatives choose not to bring balance and breadth to their coverage of affairs.
Of these various operative methods those now most favored are erasion and excision, punctate and linear scarification methods are now rarely employed.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
But the Napoleonic Code remained operative in the kingdom, and the zemstvo reforms in Russia were not instituted in the kingdom for fear that they would be used for nationalist purposes.
In each so-called cooperative the attention paid to social issues, work conditions, and community welfare was meeting strong opposition.
It has been noted in the accounts of the Chicago Plan and the General College of the University of Minnesota, as well as in this brief account of the Columbia Plan, that departmentalism becomes less stubborn when cooperative courses are established.
Undergraduate Work and the University of North Carolina
The labour constant should also give the operatives of different gangs or trades equal opportunity to earn a similar percentage bonus.
Hence, Marxist perfectionists argue, resources in a communist society should be distributed so as to encourage people to achieve self-realization through cooperative production.
There's a friendlier, cooperative mood across your life as the moon arrives in your sign.
The Sun
Although often uncooperative, they were reluctant to leave at the end of the day.
He was transferred to FBI custody in a smooth co-operative effort between Egyptian and US authorities.
Various types of marketing, retailing and production cooperatives also flourished in this period.
Impaired ventricular function in itself is not an absolute contraindication to cardiac surgery, although the operative risks are increased.
So far, cooperative parenting remains an unattainable goal for this couple.
Cooperative application development with shared data should be possible via the open repository strategy that Informix has outlined - see above.
A couple of years ago this kind of scenario seemed plausible to thousands of people who committed themselves to self-build co-operatives.
Damir pointed out a salient problem with the west’s 1990s policies towards the breakup of Yugoslavia … there was a lot of solipsistic, “we can live in multiethnic harmony here, so Bosnia should be a multiethnic cooperative state, too!”
Matthew Yglesias » Karadzic’s Defense
X ray, self - sensation, clinical functional evaluation, functional recovery of nerve were evaluated during follow - up postoperatively.
Facially, they only need utilize "operative finance technology and method" in the process, but at the same time a lot of institutional factors have strong influences over the process.
Grice's cooperative maxims are the unsaid norms.
His buying cooperative dropped Shaw after the company announced it would get into the retail market.
Also, it may serve as a discussion starter for small cooperative groups or with the whole group in the university classroom.
One month postoperatively, however, a computed tomograhic scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis demonstrated a new pelvic mass.
The financing and grants enabled the cooperative to regain its license.
Preoperative image study plays an important role in disease diagnosis and treatment of these patients.
It was this view that obstructed his election to membership of the elite photographic co-operative Magnum.
Times, Sunday Times
With the help of the Village Retail Services Association it formed a co-operative to run a village store in temporary accommodation.
There can be no doubt that the cold and bitter strength of Sallust; his unflinching method of building up his edifice of invective, stone by stone; his close, unidealistic, dry penetration into character; his clinical attitude, unmoved at the death-bed of a reputation; that all these qualities were directly operative on the mind and intellectual character of Ibsen, and went a long way to mould it while moulding was still possible.
Henrik Ibsen
Perioperative nurses should screen all patients for herbal medication use.
Tracer studies with 15N-glycin in rats showed that carbohydrate mixture of GFX-8: 4: 2 increased the protein synthesis in the liver just after operative stress more remarkably than glue0se alone.
Delay in diagnosis increases the risk of rupture, intra-abdominal hemorrhage, blood transfusion, need for operative intervention and death.
If an adult needed to be circumcised, he would be given anesthesia and postoperative pain relief.
Or, given whom Goldberg worked for, one of their remote outstation operatives might have sighted them.
[98] Time out of mind it has been the habit of writers, both within the order and without, to treat Masonry as though it were a kind of agglomeration of archaic remains and platitudinous moralizings, made up of the heel-taps of Operative legend and the fag-ends of Occult lore.
The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry
The locally-managed Urban Co-operative Bank advances loans in millions to the needy sections which predominantly include non-Navayaths and the Hindus.
In OGR Cooperative mode, you and your team - mates face off against hostile soldiers in enemy territory.
Without the soul in first gear with the Boss, brakes are difficult to apply and take longer to become operative.
They could lease out the land to their family or someone else, or cultivate it cooperatively with other women.
Roubein etal evaluated endosonography in eight patients with resectable carcinoma after pre-operative chemotherapy, and accurately predicted histopathological findings.
In most instances the successful maintenance of a glaucomatous life, exclusive of operative interference, in addition to sustained myosis, demands the investigation of the patient's metabolism, which must be kept at the normal standard, the removal of the evil effects of auto-infection, as we are wont to call it, and especially the elimination of the cause which is responsible for the over plus tension of the arteries and of the veins.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work.
‘He was asked to give his details and was incoherent and uncooperative with the police,’ she said.
Interestingly, the first season puts a strong focus on the relationship between father Howard and son Ritchie, the two working cooperatively and sometimes combatively through the ups and downs of teenage life.
These cooperatives generally sell unique handmade gifts and clothing at a considerably lower markup than their boutique counterparts.
Any member that is irresponsible dissolves the team trust because undependable people force others to interfere, complain and become uncooperative.
The frequency of perioperative blood transfusion was significantly higher in the patients who were anemic.
Postoperatively all the patients had healthy wounds and the stitches were removed on day 7.
Look instead at any self-organising galleries in your area, art and craft co-operatives, societies, guilds, and so on.
He spent six months in the country working on a co-operative farm.
This includes cooperatives and related state and national co-op associations, educational institutions and federal programs.
The cooperatives, undisputed market leaders in the production of acidophilic plants for garden centres, cannot give up on a policy of research.
On the first postoperative day, the sonographer and the perinatologist evaluate the status of the fetuses by ultrasound.
The idea is to shorten drastically all time limits for court proceedings and to achieve fast liquidation of assets so as to rescue operative enterprises.
Preoperatively, patients marked the scales before any medication was given.
I think the best way for Jews and Arabs alike, is through a cooperative dismantling of the Apartheid system.
Matthew Yglesias » Israeli Officials Think Road to Peace Runs Through Teheran
HERE IS THE LAST PARAGRAPH: The lesson of Iran/contra is that if our system of government is to function properly, the branches of government must deal with one another honestly and cooperatively.
Think Progress » Barnes: CIA Leak “Pretty Minor Scandal,” “Merely a Perjury Charge,” Only “Elites” Care
Traditionally, more advanced head and neck cancer is best managed surgically, providing the tumour is resectable, with postoperative radiotherapy for poor prognostic situations.
Certain food processors, such as The National Grape Cooperative, will not accept grapes treated with mancozeb past the initiation of bloom, and the use of captan is not permitted at any time.
It has lifelike graphics and online co-operative gaming.
Times, Sunday Times
With multi-objective optimization technology and dynamic cooperative game theory, this paper introduced a multi-agent objective optimization model, which could adapt to dynamic environments.
For each patient we collected data on preoperative and operative variables to calculate predicted mortality.
In the article, Learning to Share, Thanks to the Web, New York Times, September 25, 2010, Yochai Benkler, co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society argues that the collaborative nature of the Internet as an open platform for sharing has paved the way for an increase in cooperative endeavors offline.
Micki Krimmel: Has the Business of Sharing Finally Reached the Tipping Point?
Uncontrolled hypertension presents an increased risk of orbital haemorrhage during injection of local anaesthetic and potentially of peroperative suprachoroidal expulsive haemorrhage.
The bipartisan grumbling varied: Some Democrats griped that the Jewish New Year took up otherwise prolific fundraising days in September, and one Republican operative complained that Hurricane Irene slowed down fundraising in August.
HUFFPOST HILL - Tricorne Hat-less Grassroots Movement Growing On Wall Street
This attitude, over the long haul , will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members.
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine cites elective operative mortality rates of five per cent, which means 95 per cent of patients survive and go on to lead a normal life.