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How To Use Operational In A Sentence

  • As a book about a nonoperational aircraft, Valkyrie will probably attract only a limited audience within the Air Force community.
  • Smaller and more versatile aircraft reduce financial and operational risks to airlines, particularly in economic downturns, compared to jumbo jets, he adds.
  • However, it would not be until 2008 before portions of the port became operational.
  • Possession of these books allowed British ships or personnel placed ashore to read the signals being relayed by the semaphore stations, which frequently included operational tasking to French fleet units.
  • The sting of brevity is made much softer by the brilliant inclusion of a fully-operational level editor. Archive 2008-04-01
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  • A primary goal of engineer reconnaissance at the operational level is to provide comprehensive information on the trafficability of march routes. FM 100-61 Chptr 12 Engineer Support
  • It proved the operational concept of a winged, reusable spaceship by successfully completing the Orbital Flight Test Program.
  • Because the better operational police officers are the ones who pay attention to what their staff need to perform the job well, which includes the way you manage them.
  • Indeed, they would be under British operational control during wartime.
  • The group has changed its name in an effort to boost business by improving services and increasing operational efficiencies.
  • In addition, as Streamline is an arrowless, lighter, lower-volume set, it delivers significant operational benefits to customers through savings in dialyses, water, heparin, smaller dialyzer size, supplies, and waste disposal. Undefined
  • The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
  • Leading the way to operational safety and efficiency is the installation of appropriate floor matting, specific to the work station requirements.
  • For example, degraded scatterometer measurements from QuikScat can still be useful for cross-calibrating the mission's climate data record with measurements from other scatterometers, including the operational EUMETSAT ASCAT instrument, India's recently launched Oceansat-2 and a planned Chinese scatterometer. - latest science and technology news stories
  • When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.
  • Display machines shows device status to operator, operational machines sends operational instruct to device.
  • One was a joint venture project, where another organisation shared the capital and operational costs.
  • Within seconds, vital operational data can be displayed on the large wall display screens or individual computer monitors.
  • Dr Mansell's most notable achievement was his role in establishing the remediation program for the Collins Class submarine and his work with the Navy to bring the subs to operational capability.
  • Fuel accounts for only 5 percent of the operational costs for buses, while spare parts account for a much larger percentage.
  • Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.
  • Once operational, the prototype under construction will be largely unamenable to "new ideas".
  • It was reasoned that this would eliminate lengthy carrier qualification trials as well as providing the Marines with a hard-hitting fighter-bomber that would be well suited to their operational doctrine.
  • But clear strategic guidance, Miss Marcel argues , goes hand - in - hand with operational autonomy at the best NOCs.
  • Corporal Jones was on an operational tour in East Timor and was travelling in the rear of an armoured vehicle at the time of the incident.
  • There were a number of design defects and other criminally negligent operational practices which resulted in the leakage of [methyl isocyanate] and these were in the knowledge of the management and were deliberately ignored for commercial reasons," said the CBI in a statement Monday. Court Convicts Seven in Bhopal Gas Leak
  • En route to their operational area, they mutinied and the battalions were deemed combat ineffective.
  • Turning to helicopters, he said a number of factors impacted negatively on the air force's operational readiness.
  • Having proved that she is more than capable of working in an operational theatre, HMS Echo is now beginning to demonstrate her true capabilities and value to the Fleet.
  • Their work led to a set of complex equations, materials formulation, and operational procedures that described the essential details of super luminal flight. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1068
  • U.S. officials believe that a rudimentary missile defence system might be operational by 2005.
  • Companies are flattening management hierarchies and erasing the operational separation between managers and workers.
  • Toll's relatively brief history since the leveraged buyout is characterised by outstanding dynamic acquisition and organic growth, successful integration and exceptional operational expertise.
  • During concrete operational development, a child attains the use of fully logical operations for the first time.
  • These actions are directed by cognitive activity rather than dominated by perceptions, as was the case with preoperational thought.
  • Araguaia to Rondonopolis is advancing month by month, our agreement with Rumo is already operational, and volumes should increase following the Capex schedule. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • … there is no need to ask for an “operational” test for God, it is a retrodictive philosophical argument. Please Tell Me What “God” Means
  • The Celestri global broadband communications network is expected to be operational by the year 2003.
  • Its tests have so far been mostly successful, and it may be operational before the end of this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • This operational capability requires commandos to be trained and equipped differently to conventional infantry soldiers.
  • To "operationalize" the new public media, Goodman says that government-funded journalism must be connected together over the Internet so that "non-commercial" journalists can easily access the public. Information Liberation
  • The inability to reverse operations is characteristic of the cognitive activity of the preoperational child.
  • Eric Connor has been appointed to the new post of director of resources at Northern Electric's operational director's department.
  • The ship's vital systems are now operational and are running normally.
  • Repairs have already begun and we expect the factory to be fully operational again with six months.
  • Taking missile attacking large size moving target as example, the operational effectiveness model of the satellite was built with probability of hitting target as measure of effectiveness.
  • The National Cervical-screening Programme first became operational in 1990.
  • In one aspect, an operational active component squadron can be viewed much like a factory.
  • And then, the thesis aims at providing a set of systematic principles and an operational method for human resource placement of air traffic controllers through theory and case studies.
  • An officiating website will be fully operational this year and will include an area containing penalties called in games.
  • The bankers' deposits item in the balance sheet refers to the cash ratio and operational balances of the banks.
  • The solution of piling up huge amounts of products on back room shelves (increasing operational costs for the retailer) is, in the best case, still only a partial solution.
  • I love my job, relish the operational role and will no doubt miss it dreadfully.
  • I served in the Home Guard in the Blitz, and then for four years in the RAF, in which I survived 60 operational sorties in bomber aircraft.
  • Reagan operationalized the virtual in postmodern politics.
  • Those criticisms have provided an opportunity for a critique of some aspects of the operational side of the scheme.
  • The ruling said Ireland had failed ‘over a protracted period of time’ to establish an adequate and fully operational licensing system for waste disposal.
  • Sixth, the medical category, such as baby incubator, kit, homothermal mantle and operational tank.
  • The lower energy consumption required to run hermetic separators helps reduce operational costs.
  • In the perspective of the vertical integration of operational process in emergency management, emergency materials can be classified into responsive materials and recovery materials.
  • Mr. Browne said a third Bell 412 named "No. 23," after the 23 NYPD officers who died on 9/11, that had been bought in 2002, was reconfigured from a helicopter used primarily for counterterrorism operations to a sea-air rescue copter to compensate for the grounded Bell 412s that were both rescue copters The NYPD currently has five helicopters that are operational. Inspection Leads to Grounding of NYPD Copter
  • A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
  • The other Kew staff at said training session were the only good thing about it, and I've often wished I'd had a chance to follow through on more of these brief aquaintances - but this venerable place practices some rather arcane operational blocks to fraternisation between departments. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Headley also illustrates what could happen if operational intelligence was rapidly gathered and acted upon.
  • We believe that there are significant operational synergies to be gained from this merger and are excited about the opportunities going forward.
  • The Programme was announced on 13 December 2001 and became operational on 28 January this year.
  • You take out the main operational leader and then the cells kind of metastasize and become harder targets because they're dispersed. CNN Transcript Mar 18, 2007
  • Surgery Simulation System can be used to train surgeon to adapt for new operational methods, and also it can be used to preview the process of operation so as to discover some unpredicted problem.
  • Operational Guidelines for OfficialUse mouse click clicking on the appropriate location: Xu Li stroke.
  • Gould recently completed a 3-year detail to the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation Live Fire Office.
  • Later in the month, it will also launch a citizens' charter and formally announce its already operational online complaint management system.
  • Army Ranger Handbook and the Transportation Security Administration's standard operational practices for airport screening, and encouraged conducting "fake operations" such as leaving bags that appear to be suspicious packages in public places to "desensitize" federal agents. Judge orders Fairfax terror suspect to remain in jail until his trial
  • They said China probably wouldn't be able to make the aircraft fully operational until the end of the decade: It appears to be testing at least two prototypes, which will likely be adapted many times before being put into large-scale pro duction. Test Flight Signals Jet Has Reached New Stage
  • Here is the hardest question: How could the Administration have thought that it was safe to proceed in blithe indifference to the warnings of nearly everyone with operational experience in modern military occupations? Blind Into Baghdad
  • A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
  • Measurements were also taken of how the aircraft handles so the data can be used for the operational flight trainer.
  • This section delineates organizational and operational responsibilities of the public health sector that are essential to achieve the goals of TB control in the United States.
  • Operational orders to Arab forces within the alliance would be conveyed through Prince Sultan.
  • He is an incredible value to the operations side of the house due to missions as both a test pilot and operational flyer.
  • L'option d'un déploiement français dans l'Est de l'Afghanistan aurait, selon Paris, l'avantage de faciliter la cohésion du dispositif militaire français, puisque c'est dans ces régions que sont déjà déployées quatre équipes françaises d'instructeurs militaires Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams, OMLT, chacune comportant 50 soldats insérés dans des unités de l'armée afghane... posted by Mark, Ottawa at 3:23 PM Afstan combat switcheroo?
  • The subsequent "New Chapter" and the Future Capabilities reforms were undermined by the military's unexpectedly high operational tempo and the Treasury's parsimoniousness. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • We use oceanographic research vessels but they are very limited in their operational capabilities and are also very costly.
  • Engineers had to perfect techniques and improve the organisation of services in order to control operational expenses.
  • Concrete operational children, lacking fully developed deductive reasoning about hypothetical situations, can not solve problems in this form.
  • Operational transconductance amplifier with independent transconductance and common mode feedback control
  • Thus, the harbinger would conclude that in general terms, if the tie were to be fairly implemented and other elements of the relationship were equally scrutinised to the benefit of long term symbiotic operational harmony, neither party would complain in the most part. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • Repairs have already begun and we expect the factory to be fully operational again with six months.
  • From the methodological lesson he took from Einstein to the insights gained in his own high-pressure physics, an important focus of Bridgman's operationalism was on regulating the extension of concepts to uncharted domains. Operationalism
  • Protection Channel ( PC ) is standby, fully operational facility, providing diversity for one or several similar channels.
  • What was proposed was a toxic combination of financial and operational gearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quite apart from the endless round of operational tours, soldiers have currently to provide cover for striking firemen, who are said to be paid more than the soldiers replacing them.
  • It is all too easy to focus in the minute details of operational tactics and to miss the broad sweep of strategy.
  • The agreement will see IHC offering holistic, high quality and comprehensive consultancy services to the Ein Shanda Hotel project in the Arab Republic of Egypt, which is expected to be operational within the next two months. Latest News
  • The fusion of airlift, sealift, and prepositioning elements produces an effective lift capability for the operational commanders.
  • She said the main day-to-day running of the hospital would follow usual operational arrangements in place during winter.
  • Physician practices, healthcare systems, and hospitals usually use some sort of healthcare reservation system to improve consumer engagement, increase operational efficiency, and decrease costs.
  • Ban Ki-Moon announced his intention to upgrade the Office of Special Advisor on Genocide and to 'operationalize' the September 15th 2005 "Responsibility To Protect" edict. Jane Wells: Ban Ki-Moon Speaks on Genocide Without Mentioning Darfur
  • Terrain defilade is a key factor for early warning system (EWS) in detecting low altitude targets, effective algorithm provides the foundation of operational simulation.
  • But the IG report shows that Gonzales did more than "mishandle" his notes, which included operational details on what he himself, somewhat ironically, called -- after it had leaked -- "one of the most highly protected [programs] in the United States ... a very, very secretive, protected program," and correspondence between congressional Intelligence Committee leaders and CIA chief Gen. Michael Hayden. TPMMuckraker
  • When fully operational the orchestra will give 90 concerts a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aircraft carrier Harry S Truman, the newest operational flattop in the U.S. fleet, sailed this morning from Norfolk, Virginia.
  • To ensure personnel obtain adequate respite from sea service, operational relief rules are amended to incorporate a people element.
  • This is enough to make me forgive the front pockets for being fake, a trompe l'oeil of nonoperational stitching. Times, Sunday Times
  • The operational amplifier, as the basic component in an analog system and mixed-signal system, can greatly improve the performance of IC in system level.
  • Operational-tactical models provide the basis for mathematical models of naval warfare processes.
  • The Air Force test, called Glory Trip 195, was part of a continuing program to evaluate and demonstrate the operational readiness of our ground-based strategic deterrent force.
  • What is really needed are the operational management skills to implement effective continuous improvement programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until the national army becomes operationally effective, parts of the regional militias will have to be maintained as local security forces under strict control of the central government.
  • The PLC program of Machining center is the core operational software and the bridge of computer and mechanic parts.
  • The quantity of operational information in the industrial assurance enterprise was vast.
  • Another business line is Aircraft Management, which provides turnkey operational services to owners of turbine-powered airplanes and rotorcraft.
  • Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
  • In recent years the defense and aerospace giant has weathered operational snafus, ethical scandals, criminal convictions, and abrupt executive departures.
  • Today's NASA, in contrast, is focused on re-engineering big, expensive expendable rockets provided by hand-picked favorite contractors to launch throw-away spacecraft (also provided by hand-picked favorite contractors) whose designs are shackled to ancient architectural mentalities driven almost entirely by lunar access expediencies instead of long-term operational sustainability considerations. Sean O'Keefe Responds to Jay Barbree - NASA Watch
  • The equipment is now fully operational.
  • We as operational police officers do not have the time to sit down and read everything that is thrown at us.
  • While the operational reliability of hydropower units was lower than 1999, with an equivalent availability of 90.30%.
  • The language laboratory is not operational yet.
  • Operational job losses will be limited to 64 by putting desk-bound staff ‘back on the pumps’.
  • operationalist doctrine
  • Differentiators based on operational amplifiers do not suffer from drift.
  • This makes political and operational sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • The operational mode is best suited for business analysts who intend to create and simulate non-computational aspects of their business processes.
  • For example, consider cases involving fire services and police forces with an operational dimension to them.
  • The JTTFs are now proving good vehicles for operational coordination in raids, undercover stings, and intensive surveillance.
  • Even if there is no dependence on human performance in the on-line operational mode it is bound to exist in the maintenance mode.
  • The Four Horsemen, whose appearance, experts believe, marks the imminence of a major conflict, are armed with state-of-the-art swords, scythes and hourglasses, as well as a fully operational last trumpet.
  • I now thought about how we could test the hypothesis experimentally, the scientific term operationalize. The Sacred Promise
  • On the following day, Smith was annoyed by an order from Almond that removed the 1st Korean Marine Corps ( KMC ) Regiment from his operational control.
  • The current operational tempo will continue to attrit units as they come off of their mobilization, at increasingly high numbers.
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • The missiles became operational in 1993, although their development dates back to 1985.
  • ATDA still has only the pilot plant operational, and this is not yet in full commercial production. Chapter 9
  • Increasing the latter, or at least maintaining it, was something that Bridgman sought to achieve with his operationalism. Operationalism
  • The four-lane Bangalore-Mysore expressway will become operational in the first week of October, to coincide with the mega event, Mr Gowda said.
  • The knowledge workers in the insurance company were responsible for processing this mass of data to maintain operational control of the business.
  • Machine Configuration 64M over large-capacity memory, while a number of operational data storage and achieve from the computer automatically.
  • In 1979 an operational researcher was brought in from the academic world to look at the use being made of Exminster.
  • What is really needed are the operational management skills to implement effective continuous improvement programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company attributed the upturn to higher sale volumes and 'improved operational efficiencies'. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is little doubt that it will be the world's deadliest and stealthiest fighter jet when it finally becomes operational. Times, Sunday Times
  • He arrived in August 1942, just two months after the covert base there became operational.
  • Many officers will become midcareer specialists by joining the nonoperational career fields after extensive experience in the operational career field's basic branches.
  • A new manufacturing facility in Framingham, Mass., that is important to the long-term supply of its drugs is already operational, the company said. Genzyme Profit Soars as Operating Costs Decline
  • These are difficult phenomena to operationalise and measure, and the procedure for participants was lengthy and exacting.
  • Shared deployments across the globe are honing an excellent operational relationship between our militaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our operational focus is to build upon the company's pioneering methods of distribution.
  • Therefore, by an infusion of new technologies, our goal is to reduce this operational footprint while simultaneously reallocating precious personnel resources and equipment to fulfill other critical missions.
  • When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.
  • Operational Guidelines : Click on Driving School Official Cites Use map objects to form a beautiful picture.
  • In more general terms, operationalism can be seen as a strategy for increasing the empirical content of scientific theories. Operationalism
  • He extended the applications of the operational method to linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients.
  • Linn's book is a detailed operational history of military action to pacify and restore order to the islands.
  • First, the Air Force could try to increase the number of sorties flown by operational units.
  • She has served in very many operational theatres.
  • IC1 acts as the input buffer stage, and it is a simple operational amplifier non-inverting mode circuit.
  • Report giving operational guidelines that will lower the risk of coccidioidomycosis USGS Newsroom
  • Such recordings would enable them to monitor the effectiveness of certain maintenance and operational procedures by means of automatic read-out and computerised analysis.
  • A good example is that of computer systems that support the operational activities of an organization.
  • Throughout the narrative he sustains an objective yet often critical assessment of Lee's generalship at all three levels of war - tactical, operational, and strategic.
  • In keeping with the international approach, primary responsibility for operational security rests with the port facilities and ships themselves.
  • When pressing down the push button, it will make pleasing sound to confirm the operational success.
  • Oversee the maintenance of the computer based and manual Human Resource Information system and ensure that it meets corporate, operational and statutory requirements.
  • It is also important to incorporate operational risk management into the site planning process.
  • Our hands have been tied while the studio has been nonoperational.
  • Through a combination of her determination and solid common sense, the club was fully operational within a few months of the idea germinating.
  • This will increase its operational effectiveness and reduce potential risks to the aircraft and pilots.
  • The manufacturer and reseller can each keep their existing technology platforms while they integrate their business processes to drive operational efficiency and return on investment (ROI).
  • The new facility became operational last July and incorporates crown, magistrates and county courts.
  • A team of detectives is working on the inquiry, backed up by operational support officers who are making house-to-house inquiries in the area.
  • Drawing from these definitions, noncore logistics functions can be described as nonoperational activities that are not required to be undertaken by military personnel.
  • Once a signal is detected the unit moves seamlessly and instantly into operational mode and the LED activates.
  • The only controls that can be employed in these studies are the use of valid research instruments, constancy of condition, and accurate conceptual and operational definitions of the research variables.
  • The operational principle of applied voltage method, the design of test circuit and outgoing line mechanism etc.
  • I am sure the withdrawal of operational officers from Wallington police station has had an impact on recent events.
  • Treasury was also challenged in melding different operational models of the legacy telecommunications systems of our bureaus into a single model compatible with the managed service nature of TNet. How Treasury, AT&T botched billion-dollar network upgrade
  • The airport did not become operational until May.
  • In the operational defense, in addition to fire pockets, killing grounds can be organized into which the enemy attacking force is trapped and subsequently destroyed with surprise counterstrokes from the flanks.
  • In reforms where large estates are turned into cooperatives the operational size of the farm is usually kept more or less intact.
  • The lightweight and monocular design provide operational flexibility to leaders, allowing retention of optimized night vision in one eye.
  • It's been a fantastic aircraft for training navigators and junior pilots and giving them the skills to make a positive contribution to the Air Force's operational capability.
  • A water treatment plant in Cubbon Park became operational on Friday.
  • Tax consultancies Grant Thornton and Econ Poyry said that Mopani uses its relationship with its parent company, Glencore, to carry out practices such as inflating operational costs, the underpricing of copper, irregular hedging and "transfer pricing" with Glencore's unit in the U.K. Zambia Demands More Taxes From Glencore
  • The membrane operational modes are of great importance to a satisfied filtrate fluxand lessening membrane fouling.
  • Gen. Paul Eaton, wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times in which he called Rumsfeld “incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically.” Firedoglake » Republicans Who Swiftboat the Generals
  • The concrete operational child lacks the range, power, and depth of reasoning of his or her more developed counterpart.
  • Review the uncertain application of tax law from real tax cases and experiences; Analyze the operational guideline in practice from tax principles to specific policies.
  • The telephone is fully operational again.
  • Safety implications include the level of staff training and capacity to absorb training as well as operational hazards.
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • It will be operationalised through a separate agreement between the Exim Bank of India and Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank.
  • A number of U.S. citizens hold prominent roles in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, including the American-born cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi, a leading ideologist and operational planner. Investigators link package explosives to al-Qaeda bomb-maker in Yemen
  • You will need to bring your own history and philosophy to the task, and don't forget to dip into the enemy's operational handbooks and read between the lines of their public pronouncements.
  • The purpose of operational pigging is to obtain and maintain efficiency of the pipeline to be pigged.
  • He still had not run the full gamut of operational activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But have you downright imported of any that may tailor hassled to you exceedingly in contribute for your tricycle title? the inferior street title paycheque coupons are the operational results of pinches that would delve sponsored to you widely if you dazzling a ca. For overpowering that international cubicle you diminish behind isn't the exceedingly dining to. Wii-volution
  • Treatment history was operationalized as the total number of previous alcohol or drug treatment episodes, excluding detox.
  • It is thought unlikely that the report will be published because of the sensitive security and operational information that it contains.
  • At the Block M bus terminal, twin ticket booths were already installed in the underground hall, but were vacant and nonoperational.
  • The southern runway remained fully operational throughout. Times, Sunday Times

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