How To Use Operating In A Sentence

  • One can't simply install the operating system on an existing machine, pop in a couple of peripherals and go.
  • State officials retained considerable economic control and allowed uneconomic factories and mines to continue operating.
  • The Israelis already possess them, operating disingenuously and outside international norms again, an exceptionalism granted by the United States’ favor andmight. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • Soldiers assigned to staff positions must be computer-literate and seek training for the operating systems and programs they will use.
  • If the condenser must be located above the turbine, then the pipe should be carried first downward and then upward in the U form, in the manner of the familiar "entrainer," which will be found effectively to prevent water getting back when the turbine is operating. Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
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  • The U.S. economy is operating with a massive amount of slack" or unutilized resources such as workers and manufacturing capacity says Sal Guatieri, an economist at Toronto-based BMO Capital Markets. Canada Bank Shift Signals Strong Recovery
  • Worse, the insurgents appear to be operating closer to Kabul.
  • The new aircraft will also allow pilots to increase their flying hours from 150 to 200 because of the aircraft's higher operating ceiling.
  • The plant is operating at maximum capacity .
  • The causes which make dolente a solemn word to the Italian ear, and dolent a queer word to the English ear, are causes which have been slowly operating ever since the Italian and the Teuton parted company on their way from The Unseen World and Other Essays
  • But hey, I guess if we are operating under the assumption that soccer fans revel in unfairness at the hands of a central, arbitrary power, they they will probably love this change. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Jonathan Adler Gets It Wrong, and Soccer Gets It Right:
  • This certifies that the bearer is a Volunteer Junior Assistant Deputy co-operating with the police force of Rocky Beach. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • One solution is for the government to grant an operating concession for a particular project to the private sector.
  • Microsoft is aiming to have the initial releases of the new operating system available in the second half of 2001.
  • His departure from Time Warner coincided with sluggish operating results at the cable channel.
  • The second wave is syntactic: attacks against the operating logic of computers and networks.
  • The continuity of such investment is key to the generation of consistently improving operating results in increasingly competitive markets.
  • A problem still to be overcome is seasonability of crops, which means that quite often an alternative energy source must be found to keep a plant operating all-year round. Chapter 7
  • Several new businesses began operating during the year and are already trading profitably.
  • Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
  • No women soldiers were operating the checkpoint that day, so she was able to pass through unsearched.
  • In fact, the off-grid market consists of some of the largest industrial enterprises on the planet, operating in remote and often extreme environments. Let the Market Pay for Renewable Energy
  • Another source of energy that is needed in medium - and large-scale plants is diesel fuel required for operating forklifts which is estimated at one litre per ton of final product. Chapter 10
  • The divisions found in and between the diwan, sarishtadar, and mirza categories were often created and perpetuated by the individuals and alliances operating in the political realm, i.e., among the officials and office-holders who were both the instigators and targets of the audits. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • I was overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness as I watched her being wheeled into the operating theatre.
  • Esophageal probes have been used mainly in the operating room, but esophageal temperature is rarely monitored in critical care areas, and placement of the probe varies.
  • The operating units have no fixed position but can move about the network from one location to another.
  • In this role he had responsibility for compiling intelligence dossiers on its enemies; for planning counter-espionage and for establishing and supervising fascist cells operating in the trade union movement.
  • Such an institution might boast not only the healthcare equivalent of hot-desking (which, to some extent, already happens) but also, for instance, operating theatres without walls.
  • At this event, held in August, 60 bulls and steers (bulls without an important operating part) were herded from the plain across the river during a driving rainstorm the evening before. Jaripeo - The Drive-in Rodeo
  • A large incinerator has been operating in south Bramalea for some years now, cleanly burning up garbage, all the while pumping electricity on to the nearby power grid.
  • After owning and operating the business for more than 10 years, Richard and Susan both decided they wanted a change of pace.
  • We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.
  • Lowering the operating lever dropped the breechblock and extracted the spent cartridge.
  • Newman's foray into Monophysitism, still operating from the hermeneutic established in his work on Arianism, helped to pave the way for his conversion.
  • Although you might see a spike in traffic where a darknet is operating, you won't be able to see inside the encrypted packets.
  • In addition, the mold and moisture issues associated with chillers operating at part-load conditions are eliminated when proper dehumidification can occur.
  • Protection measures such as installation of desulfurization unit to reduce H_2S, improvement of tank operating conditions and application of sprayed aluminum on welded area etc are presented.
  • The police didn't know the drugs ring was operating right under their noses.
  • As estimated by the staff of the Joint Force, around two-thirds of losses were inflicted by snipers operating within such parties, who would fire from embrasures in basement walls, top-story windows and roofs.
  • Terrorists have been operating covertly in England for several years.
  • Samsung, which for a while supported four different operating systems including its own, called bada, as well as Symbian, Microsoft's Windows Phone 7, and Android, has quietly shifted its focus almost exclusively to the Android over the past few months, so that roughly 80% of the phones its ships run on it. Software Rules at Spain's Phone Confab
  • BELGRADE Reuters – A routine appendix operation in Belgrade went badly wrong when two surgeons started fighting and stormed from the operating theater to settle their dispute outside, the daily Politika reported Wednesday. Surgeons leave surgery for a fist fight | YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time
  • We were cooperating with his lawyers but we weren't actually in that case.
  • Now, his operating room was in Miami Beach, which is certainly a city where people want to look good, and they go to great lengths to do so. CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2004
  • We need more capacity, Mr. Noh said. Every auto maker [ operating in China ] needs more plants.
  • The predictions of standard economic theory – the expectation that freely operating markets will produce a certain kind of optimality – only hold good as long as the markets are not marred by serious imperfections. Limitations of markets
  • The new laws also lift a ban on multiple trade unions operating in a single workplace, something workers have sought.
  • Depending on the amount of data, a server with applications, settings, and data can often be recovered in less time than it would take to reinstall the operating system alone.
  • About 9% of the total operating budget would go toward orchestra and chorister salaries, down from 13% last year, opera officials said. City Opera Performances in Jeopardy
  • Operating a cash-poor shamus practice in Edinburgh, occasionally bringing along his precocious daughter from a broken marriage, Brodie is clearly more of a doer than a brooder. Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Walking Dead, Case Histories and More!
  • We supported one single operating system, called MVS back in those days, on one computer. Oral History Interview with Jim Goodnight, July 22, 1999. Interview I-0073. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Here I was being wheeled in the operating room for a serious procedure on my right knee.
  • We are operating with fewer layers of management.
  • Spectrum has been operating for the past year under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
  • Alone among the New Deal agricultural agencies, they provided subsistence and operating credit for farmers.
  • However, the company admitted that operating margin dipped from 11.1% last year to 10.7% in the first half of this year, blaming "some erosion from Asia and Australasia". M&C Saatchi revenues rise, but outlook 'uncertain'
  • Preparation includes making backups of all software (including operating systems) and making a contingency plan.
  • While many people may like to have a few beers before mowing the lawn on a fine Sunday morning, operating a riding mower while impaired is an offence under section 253 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Man Busted for Impaired Operation of a Riding Mower : Law is Cool
  • I agree," jumps in Elisabeth Hasselbeck the show's token right-wing blonde who, has been looking for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise and who, like Sherri, is still operating on the mistaken believe they are conducting an actual interview. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • Most of the mobile phone viruses target handsets that use the Symbian operating system.
  • They provide food products at lower cost than conventional supermarkets; they minimize operating costs and customer services.
  • The hachured area on the attached map has been identified to alert potential nominators that additional operating terms and conditions may be applied at the activity stage.
  • By the time I got home again I could afford to spend 55 minutes reinstalling my godforsaken operating system which was more or less all it took, I think.
  • It's hardware core and software kernel are embedded micro processor and embedded operating system respectively.
  • The six-chip version produces 420 lumens with a lens and 300 lumens without a lens, in each case at an operating current of 700 mA and an output of 15W.
  • the company had several operating divisions
  • The guerrillas were said to be operating from bases inside the war zone.
  • In 1851, the telegraphy service between London and Paris began operating.
  • See and avoid is one of the most basic responsibilities of a pilot operating an aircraft.
  • Legend Potential areas of conflict Roads Railroads Threats to the troopsIn planning the peacekeeping operation, army officials are preparing U.S. troops for Bosnia's many dangers: 1 As many as 1,000 Islamic fundamentalists, called mujahedin, are operating independently in Bosnia and could harm U.S. troops. Gearing Up For Peace
  • The second of the three points that was highlighted by his Honour was that the first respondent failed to cease operating when he sighted blood.
  • A overview of the basic structure, operating principle and properties for a new single-photon photo-detector, called vacuum avalanche photodiode (VAPD), is presented too.
  • And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
  • Once again, the Americans had essentially reassumed control of the airfield by operating the air traffic control system that extended southward from Thule to Newfoundland.
  • Also, both operating expenditure and the operating consequences of capital expenditure appear together in the funds.
  • When operating at 2GHz, this reduces noise to less than 1dB, and allows single-chip transceivers to carry out the transmit and receive requirements of the 3G system.
  • The train is not only faster and cleaner, but with an operating sound output of 0.1dB, is also significantly quieter than buses or the precarious three wheeled tuk-tuks.
  • I accept the submission that a contributing factor to the need for extra training was the delay by the contractor in having all the equipment in place, commissioned and operating on time.
  • MySpace issued a statement saying it "does not tolerate cyberbullying" and was cooperating fully with the US attorney.
  • Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system.
  • The premises of a foreign chancery or embassy are not outside the territory to which the criminal law, otherwise operating in this Territory, applies.
  • Horizontal type capable of operating in the horizontal direction to the PC board.
  • Fitted with state-of-the-art equipment, the complex meets the highest international standards and, apart from the gas compressor station, includes gas purification, dehydration and cooling units operating on the basis of latest technologies, a control panel of automatic management, a gas turbine power station with the capacity of 8 mW / h, a water desalter unit with reservoirs, an administrative-social building and other facilities. Новости
  • Joe Trippi is right, the Republicans are hell bent on destroying the presidency, not in cooperating to move the country forward. Trippi: GOP trying to turn Obama into another Jimmy Carter
  • The continuity of such investment is key to the generation of consistently improving operating results in increasingly competitive markets.
  • After a few years of operating with these expectations in view, departments would undertake self-assessments of their contributions and submit the results to their various deans.
  • The term diversionary measures refers to direct actions of groups or individuals operating in the enemy's rear area. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
  • Mistrust and disagreements among the various police agencies operating in Baja California are nothing new.
  • And the Rayong plant may have the distinction of operating the world's longest supply chain.
  • Any furnace producing that amount may have one or more operating conditions causing such a high level of carbon monoxides.
  • At 7 a.m. on January 20, orderlies wheeled Julian toward the center's sixth - floor operating suite.
  • Review your assets to determine whether you have the financial wherewithal to afford the costs of operating a franchise.
  • The turnover ratios can reflect the firms' speed of fund turnover and time of operating cycle, hence indicate the liquidity.
  • When xCAT reports that n is booted with the new operating system, instruct TORQUE to enable scheduling jobs to n, set T(n) to the current time plus a quiescent time Q, and move n from L to C.
  • Worried men Operating margins have increased to 30% or so, putting garbage up with pharmaceuticals in terms of profitability.
  • Since 1976 he has been operating the shop with the assistance of volunteers.
  • Checking references before we lend money is standard operating procedure.
  • The minimum quantity of air at the end of the line brattice before starting each cut and the operating range after the scrubber is started will be measured by a certified mine official.
  • Operating profits dropped by 18 percent to £105.9 million and interest charges were slashed by two-thirds to £5.4 million.
  • Chongqing Foreign Trade Limited Company - is a specialized company operating various glasses.
  • Mobutu, undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, has been operating largely from his villa in nearby RoquebruneCap-Martin.
  • Excise officers in the Republic are co-operating with their colleagues in Northern Ireland to halt the trade.
  • We were in the Operating Room doing a case and in order to break the routine of work, we were relating a lot of slack jokes.
  • For example, the Vines operating system from Banyan, a direct competitor of Netware, is based on Unix.
  • In this paper, a monolithic thermal vacuum sensor based on a micro-hotplate(MHP)and operating under constant bias voltage conditions was designed.
  • Specially equipped troops are operating in the hills.
  • An on-chip control register allows the user to set up different operating conditions, including analog input range and configuration, output coding, power management, and channel sequencing.
  • Beijing: Transportation network of 9 subway lines has been formed in Beijing and the total operating kilometrage has reached 228 kilometers. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • It should also comfort to recognize that, in the final analysis, these sums are operating to purify decision-making.
  • After the obstacle has been passed, the leeboards and the rudder resume their normal operating position.
  • Typically, managers focus on operating their area of assigned responsibility for efficiency, cost containment, and compliance with delivery schedules.
  • The total annual operating budget of the Cyclone Preparedness Programme was under US$136,000.
  • Yet power-sharing with a force that was operating outside the democratic process violated the purpose and spirit of democratisation.
  • Of all the monitors used in the operating room, pulse oximetry has been shown to have the highest yield in the early detection of life-threatening events.
  • Do you only consider the operating expense ratio when selecting a mutual funds?
  • Set sticking ceramic tile is technical very strong job, cannot be engaged in cursorily , must undertake strictly according to operating sequence.
  • It is helpful to detect the responsible blood vessel with operating microscope or endoscope.
  • Five separate companies, all operating as self-standing units, are now one.
  • Sell your PCs fully equipped with legally licensed operating systems preinstalled.
  • If you are uncomfortable operating a piece of heavy equipment, consider hiring a commercial jobber.
  • The abracadabra of the mages operating on their minds, some devilish conjuration. LORD PRESTIMION
  • In addition to the control, the web pages display information about network settings, operating mode and system status.
  • In 2008 PC Management selected Interop to provide a hosted CSC Gateway for Immix Wireless (www., one of its operating companies. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Elop used his emotive language to illustrate that Nokia was being outmanoeuvred by Google's Android operating system and Apple's iPhone. In brand value, things go worse for Coke
  • Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system.
  • Industry experts estimate there is a glut of over 1.5 million square feet of data centre space at the 23 centres operating in Ireland.
  • By installing new Pro5 Plus, Bohn adds, an existing pasteurizer operating at 90 percent can increase to 92.5 percent without any piping changes.
  • Operating room nurses, surgeons, bank tellers, cashiers and other people who must spend hours on their feet find compression hosiery helpful in combating circulatory problems and leg fatigue.
  • That helped to boost operating revenue 8. 2 percent, to 221. 66 billion pesetas.
  • Management accounting is concerned primarily with providing a basis for making management or operating decisions.
  • V.. How to create and modify setup strings varies among operating systems and specific software.
  • The tale of the Basque hotelkeeper Lyda Esain captures graphically the challenges and drudgery of owning and operating such an enterprise.
  • Throw in the notion of cloudlike systems that are effectively operating system-agnostic, and this move seems even less logical. CNET
  • Operating activities relate to the purchase, production and sale of goods and services an ongoing basis.
  • You were operating on sleep depravation already and than missed a much needed nap - so you felt like crap that night while working out. Tyler swears off energy drinks: Day 1
  • An operating theatre should be a sterile environment.
  • Even those computer operating systems that are primarily text based - such as Unix - have point-and-click, windowed desktops available for them.
  • Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.
  • Physicians in India praise this oil highly; not only is it a sure and painless purgative, but it is free from the viscidity and disgusting taste of castor-oil; besides it has the advantage of operating in small doses, 2-4 grams. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Cracked screens, broken casings and malfunctioning operating systems short-circuited by moisture damage or dust infiltration can cause massive headaches and turn an expensive device into a useless brick.
  • The 1980 s have also seen the advent of schools operating totally in Maori Kura Kaupapa Maori.
  • Ivester will remain chief operating officer for the time being, a spokeswoman added.
  • Senior or middle-ranking safety officers or managers in the rail company are accused of having "little or no hands-on operating railway experience or expertise".
  • Managers The person responsible for operating the business may be the owner (an owner-manager, also called an entrepreneur) or a professional manager employed by the owner.
  • Through modification of operating condition, there are three classes of pure auriferous pyrite headmill.
  • Unfortunately I have to update the operating system regularly; and when every PHP application running on my computer and in needs of talking to a MySQL database started malfunctioning after the 10.4.4 update, I began to transform my disappointment in angriness. The wonderful world of Apple RSS « Scripting News Annex
  • Operating under Windows 3.0, LabQuest utilises the extended memory capability, multi-tasking and networking features of this graphic interface system.
  • Architects contemplating their first hires should do a budget based on revenues and operating costs plus the projected salaries.
  • The invention makes possible estimating and control of the printing/copying process costs through printers, telefaxes and other digital multifunctional units operating locally or in the network of any user of this equipment.
  • Bleeding was noted when the patient was returned to the operating room for repair of the sternum.
  • Objective To evaluate the effect of dental operating microscope(DOM)and ultrasonic root canal technique(URA)in the management of calcified root-canal.
  • The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.
  • The illumination used is a pulsed excimer laser operating at lithographic wavelength.
  • This approach obviates the need for any recompilation or trapping because the operating systems themselves cooperate in the virtualization process.
  • The circulating nurse also suggests that another surgeon be brought in to assist the operating surgeon.
  • Revenue from its various Windows PC programs, including operating systems, fell 29 percent in the fiscal quarter that ended in June.
  • In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
  • During the strike, some 200 machinists and pipefitters walked out in support of the Operating Engineers.
  • It's incredibly wasteful to spend a week or more reinstalling a computer's operating system and applications because of a few modified files.
  • You think Gordon Ramsay spends 14 hours in the operating theatre before he makes supper for a whole bleeding family?
  • Volkswagen, which employs more than 13,000 workers at its plant in Puebla, is now operating at 85% of its installed capacity. Mexico Economic Updates July 2006
  • An algorithm purporting to match what is presumed to be operating in a human brain would need to be a stupendous thing.
  • He was not being romantic, operating on a gut level.
  • The regulation worked out so that the company provided local service at prices that failed to cover more than direct operating costs.
  • A spokesman for the bus drivers and truckers pointed out that the delay in the subsidy comes during the month in which many operating bills are due.
  • Operating the camera himself and usually accompanied by a lone soundman, Mr. Levy shot 240 hours of footage. Jumbo Jerseyite Shows His Metal
  • Biomarkers of liver fibrosis: What lies beneath the receiver operating characteristic curve?
  • Powerful computer operating systems using Microsoft Windows, OS / 2 and Unix support multithreading and multitasking and helped SCSI devices gain in popularity.
  • Basic English skills . Familiar with Office , word , excel and PPT operating capability . Good English conversation capability.
  • Military personnel were early users of electronic equipment operating in close proximity to radio transceivers.
  • Both driver and staff working at the operating centre need to be fully conversant with effective maintenance procedures.
  • U.S. Cellular, the sixth-largest wireless carrier with a presence in 26 states and operating revenue of $4.2 billion last year, is getting squeezed from above and below as the larger carriers outmuscle it with better coverage and phones, while the smaller players use price to nab new customers. McDonald's Marketing Chief Leaves to Take Reins at U.S. Cellular
  • He had discussed this with a certain Colonel Hazelden who had been operating as an agent in the Tobruk area.
  • The extinguisher label The extinguisher label gives operating  instructions and identifies the class, or classes, of fire on which the extinguisher may be used safely. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I feel it is very important to warn drivers there are overzealous private clamping companies operating on private roads in the area.
  • The issue of why a druggie is operating a crane is a valid one. Sound Politics: "Operator in crane wreck has history of drug abuse"
  • As InvestmentNews first noted in March, the association has been developing the course in response to demand from member advisers who said they needed more tools and support in helping clients handle the post-retirement "decumulation" phase, according to Stephen Mitchell, acting chief operating officer of RIIA. Latest Headlines
  • Bean, pictured in the mug shot at right, described himself as a "denturist" and told cops that this was not the first time he had been nabbed for operating an unregistered lab. Boing Boing
  • They plunder the natural resources, particularly oil, in order to compel their allies to submit to their diktat and to a collective imperialism operating to the exclusive benefit of the trans-national corporations.
  • Mr. Astley is speaking to us today at a time which must be one of the most interesting and challenging, by any objective description, for those firms operating in what has become known as "the financial services sector. Transformation in Canadian Financial Services
  • Also, I'm not clear as to why focusing on operating cash flow penalizes capital-intensive businesses.
  • The number of devices, screen sizes, operating platforms, and support levels for small-screen browsing is mind-numbing.
  • One broker was found to be operating from a telephone box at Heathrow airport.
  • Manchester 765 seen operating here in Heaton Park, Manchester on a former tramway branch line into the park. 3.
  • Some measures were taken to ensure the fan operating safely and stably.
  • In Pakistan, the issue has become embroiled in widespread anti-Americanism and suspicions, fanned by the Pakistani media and used for political advantage, that U.S. spies and intelligence contractors are secretly operating in the country. U.S.-Pakistan relations strained further with case of jailed diplomat
  • tonight, I will update my operating system
  • Wouldn't a mobile operating system be a better fit for slates?
  • Physiotherapists operating microwave equipment were the subject of research in 1993.
  • They found that UK MNEs operating in Malaysia generally presented untranslated versions of the text of their ‘corporate visual identities’ or ‘CVI’.
  • Part of this process requires the team to reach conclusions as to how the corporate centre will relate to the operating businesses.
  • We are not shying from the responsibility but to put a three-year-old on the operating table when he's smiley and happy is not an option.
  • That feeling of control I mentioned is even more profound when I know I can take my script and move it to another type of operating system later and it will behave the same way.
  • Lower fuel costs and nonrecurrent items, for which Lufthansa didn't offer details, provided some relief to the operating performance, the company said. Lufthansa Posts Loss Amid Slack Air Travel
  • Furthermore , the ice - storage technology can reduce the operating cost of air - conditioning systems.
  • Naturally, the time taken by an operating authority to prepare flood defence schemes is a matter of concern to those in affected areas.
  • In a land of long distances, and of disguised but strong regionalism, the difficulty of operating as a national institution is not fully appreciated, and so the difficulty is not fully met.
  • The Government must consider giving financial aid to rural traditional medicine centres which have been operating in the State since time immemorial.
  • But actually what you find in reality is sometimes quite hideous: I was in Nepal hang-gliding and strapped to someone operating it. KiÅ¡a Lala: Mythographers: Recalling The Future, Foretelling The Past

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