How To Use Operant In A Sentence

  • The traditional media is operantly conditioned to portray everything as a problem for the Democrats. Dems Still Crushing GOP In Fundraising For House Races
  • Quum membra absque capite aliquid operantur, ut, dum sese lacerant aut perdunt, demens est homo: sic, dum membra Christi sine capite Christo aliquid tentant, insana sunt, sese gravant et perdunt imprudentibus legibus. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Rule-governed behavior is operant behavior in which discriminative control or other behavioral influence does come from verbal antecedents.
  • Consider instruction designed to teach students the aforementioned distinction between operants and respondents.
  • A simple answer is that the verbal behaviors of a patient or subject do not cease to be operants, governed by all the variables involved in operant behavior, when the person becomes a patient or an experimental subject.
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  • Positive induction occurs when the rate of operant behavior in one situation varies directly, rather than inversely, with the conditions of reinforcement in another component.
  • In education these operant techniques include token economies, contingency contracting, behavior modification, and various forms of programmed instruction.
  • Training a lab rat to press a lever in an operant conditioning chamber involves giving it food pellets when it is active near the lever at first, then only delivering the food when it gets closer and closer to pressing the lever.
  • an operant conscience
  • [5462] O quoties dixi Zephyris properantibus illuc, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Its like back in school when I was operantly conditioning lab rats. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • Suppose a student cannot correctly state the distinction between operant and respondent behavior but can shape the lever press.
  • Because the brain reward system is part of a larger brain circuit that underlies a primitive form of learning called operant conditioning, activating it not only produces pleasure, but also teaches people to repeat the drug-taking behaviors that turned it on in the first place. Dental Work
  • He argued that this occurs through a process that he called operant conditioning. Innateness and Language
  • Although its influence on the behavior modification procedures relatable to operant formulations has been negligible, Skinner has attempted to define the term.
  • In operant conditioning, the response should directly follow the stimulus.
  • Due to measurement issues, however, it may be difficult to generalize the findings of this research without knowing which component of the operant was responsible for the changes in the challenging behavior.
  • Associative learning, which includes both classical and operant conditioning and emphasises mechanical connections or associations between events. 2.
  • During a class on operant conditioning, I asked whether anyone had placed a rat trained to press a bar for food into a naturalistic setting to see if it would get on its hind legs to press twigs or similar protuberances.
  • Of course, measuring the antecedent event in addition to all components of the behavioral operant, as well as conducting intervention research in the natural setting, presents many challenges for researchers.
  • This would be an early use of the kind of operant conditioning that I think would be useful. Education
  • The pope writes: "Et quoniam, Deo volente, aptum nunc tempus est, agate, ut divina gratia co-operante, cum augmento possitis quod neglectum est reparare". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Operant conditional response is a core concept of the famous American psychologist Skinner's Neo-behaviorism theory.
  • a stimulus such as food is a reinforcer only if its presentation increases the frequency of a response in a type of associative conditioning known as operant conditioning. Behaviorism
  • There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.
  • Ac fuere qui tum Albinum haud ignarum consili regis existumarent, neque ex tanta properantia tam facile tractum bellum socordia magis quam dolo crederent. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Such analysis of available alternatives suggests that many behavior patterns society finds disruptive and labels pathological are not maladjusted or maladaptive, but are highly successful operants.
  • There is another type of conditioning called "operant" conditioning. Morty Lefkoe: How to Stop Emotional Eating (and Other Compulsive Behavior Problems) for Good
  • The process by which children learn to behave is largely a matter of operant learning.
  • Although the operant feeders detected bird-induced food deliveries, rather than consumption per se, we never found unconsumed items in the hoppers at the end of the day, so these data accurately reflect consumption.
  • I think that the whole island “attracts” people through the electromagnetism so that some kind of operant behavior testing can be done and the button has something to do with it. Open ‘Lost’ Thread
  • Although its influence on the behavior modification procedures relatable to operant formulations has been negligible, Skinner has attempted to define the term.
  • The process by which children learn to behave is largely a matter of operant learning.
  • Brookstone - I see one of these places and I salivate with the kind of operant conditioning that comes from a lifetime of gadgeteering. Nad hen j��c eto
  • B.F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning, which deals with the ontogenesis of individual behavior, is explicitly based upon the Darwinian selectionist model (Skinner 1981). Evolutionary Epistemology
  • Who cares about evolution if we can explain the length and breadth of human behavior on the basis of minimalistic principles such as operant conditioning or utility maximization? David Sloan Wilson: EvoS: Coming Soon to a College Near You
  • Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small - scale study in operant conditioning.
  • There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.
  • Liceat hoc nobis _primordium vegetale_ nominare; nempe substantiam quandam corpoream vitam habentem potentiâ; vel quoddam per se existens, quod aptum sit, in vegetativam formam, ab interno principio operante, mutari. Darwiniana : Essays — Volume 02
  • I have described the process of operant conditioning discovered by the behaviourists, but not the philosophy that guided them.
  • There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.

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