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How To Use Operand In A Sentence

  • Despite a string of victories-the judge's stinging decision enumerating Allen's "fraudulent modus operandi," occasional media coverage, and the support of real CIA agents and military heroes-he is no closer to collecting the $40,000 he says was "conned" from his family in 1993. Edgar Allen
  • The modus operandi is always the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a proposal is distinct from pantheistic notions which equate God with the natural world, because D'Espagnat relegates the natural world - the world of space, time and matter - to what Kant referred to as the 'phenomenal' world, the world produced by the modus operandi of our minds upon the noumenal world. Archive 2009-03-01
  • There are also serious ramifications in the modus operandi of betting exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traces of the modus operandi of the light infantry of old still live on amidst special forces such as the SAS.
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  • The general design of a bit slice computes all required functions of a particular bit in the operands in parallel, and then uses a multiplexer to choose between the functions: Babbage-Boole Digital Arithmetical and Logical Mill: Part 1 « The Half-Baked Maker
  • This modus operandi is one of the main causes of the problems that redundant executives face. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • It was daring of Mr. Holroyd to take on a major writer, and for all his forcing of themes, the book thrives on sheer wit and, most important, on welcome asides, when he steps forward like a Shakespearean character to soliloquize about his modus operandi. The Biographers' Biographer
  • For example, there was no systematic numerical relationship between diamond operands and the associated answers.
  • Indeed, their modus operandi often appears to be to maximise that damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poe's general modus operandi was to meld together facts with fiction.
  • Post-structuralist: By rejecting neo-Enlightment notions that privilege "light," we can conceptualize the relationship between optically-oriented envisioning and those signifiers that address interpretations of post-colonial modernism as an established text within the framework of which, intertextually, we are lead to reject any causal relationship between the operands and the motivators. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • Error Operator '| |' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'string' ASP.NET Forums
  • Baluster roadrunner freight is instances subject to transshipment costs since it sine qua non be transferred from one modus operandi to another in the succession; these costs may call the shots and practices such as containerization aim at minimizing these. Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
  • The operand should be a doubleword memory quantity; but A86 will accept a word memory variable or a memory variable of unspecified size. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14
  • The Kolbe," as it is casually known, measures what she refers to as an instinctive modus operandi, or conative skills, the traits each of us is born with. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • There is a case of murder involved here - and a foul murder, at that - by a person who had a modus operandi that has been known to the police now for years.
  • Its typical modus operandi is not to bid but threaten effectively to liquidate the trust, a vote of corporate hara-kiri.
  • So it certainly fits with the Government's modus operandi, which is to have a Minister to control and dictate everything, and, where he cannot do that, to ignore a commission.
  • While Commissioner Paul Tagliabue was an attorney by trade, he doffed his barrister modus operandi for that of partial, but reasoned, advocate. Michael Huyghue: NFL Labor Dispute: First Thing We Do Is Get Rid of All the Lawyers
  • a modus operandi for hypnosis that pulled him downward by osmosis to the tesselate musical mosaic The Necromancer
  • The modus operandi is to send off from each Armenian village day by day as many as the trains can carry. Times, Sunday Times
  • One possibility is that arithmetic activation is based on the conceptual identity of numerical operands, regardless of operand order or position.
  • All the thefts had the same modus operandi (as they say on the telly). The Sun
  • But your modus operandi is nowhere near the summit of the ambition you ought to have. Times, Sunday Times
  • The police gave a full description of the thief's modus operandi.
  • Nicholson brought instant stability to the production and introduced some of the rigid controls he had learned from the Corman modusoperandi.
  • Living out of a suitcase is her modus operandi, as she is usually on tour. Elisa Goodkind and Lily Mandelbaum: Electro-Pop Artist Uffie Shares Her Effortless Style: 'You Should Live The Hell Out Of Every Moment' (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
  • This excerpt sums up the modus operandi of a rogue vice presidency in an at-times acephalous executive branch: William E. Jackson Jr.: The Vices of Cheney: The Burden is Upon the House Judiciary Committee
  • There are also serious ramifications in the modus operandi of betting exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the start, he was explicit about his modus operandi: We were to give him our program, and he would give us a design.
  • The West Yorkshire Volume Crime Unit, one of only seven being piloted across the country, will use the same modus operandi as is currently in place for tackling murder and other ‘serious’ crimes.
  • An assembly language statement consists of 3 elements; an optional label, an instruction and an operand.
  • Anyone who has ever spent any time in a political chatroom will recognize both the mentality and the writing style, which are the modus operandi of the booboisie.
  • The equality operator. Tests whether the left - operand is equal to the right - hand .
  • Description The number of operands given to some machine instruction mnemonic does not match the number of operands required by that instruction.
  • Their modus operandi of presenting ultimatums while refusing to negotiate can only mean that this administration is not seriously interested in obtaining compliance.
  • He provokes much of it by a photographic memory that greatly abetted his modus operandi: intense preparation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The operand should be a doubleword memory quantity; but A86 will accept a word memory variable or a memory variable of unspecified size. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14
  • Closed-door discussions about which technologies in the clean tech landscape get how much from our government coffers is the modus operandi for the fits-and-starts approach we seem to have in building any sort of energy and economic platform that de-toxes us off our addiction to extracted energy. Alison Wise: The Clean Economist: Clean "Corruption"
  • I think their modus operandi was to look transparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe they want to alter its culture and modus operandi.
  • His modus operandi is to plunder the kind of recent scientific research that often gets little media airtime because it's just too controversial. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most significant submultiple is assigned the sign of the operand, while each of the less significant submultiples is assigned a positive sign.
  • If you haven't seen RISC assembly code before, it may be strange to see so many operands on a single line.
  • There is too much danger that the subject may notice the sameness of the modus operandi.
  • The modus operandi was simple: He would not remit the betterment charges collected from the residents to the bank.
  • Antoher reqired you to assume that a piece of evidence that would normally be character evidence qualified as modius operandi when it was far from obvious. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Modest Proposal for Bar Exam Reform:
  • Monolithic refusal to cooperate is their current modus operandi. Wonk Room » Reid To McConnell On Health Care: ‘This Issue Is Too Important To Be Manipulated For Political Purposes’
  • An assembly language statement consists of 3 elements; an optional label, an instruction and an operand.
  • Given Takeshita's modus operandi, bribes were necessary, and he argued that the Recruit deal was above board.
  • In fact, as we talked, we realised that the biggest difference in process derived from the character and modus operandi of the boss. Times, Sunday Times
  • “same as before, unless left operand is Pi and right operand is not a wall clock in which case the new meaning is ‘Neither the left nor right operand is a radical environmentalist’”? The Volokh Conspiracy » Federalism Restoration Amendment: Take 2
  • c" means the operand is a code label, pointing to a part of the program to be jumped to or called. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 6
  • Method and apparatus for generating a microinstruction responsive to the specification of an operand, in addition to a microinstruction based on the opcode, of a macroinstruction
  • This was in the days before satellites and instant communications, and I have often wondered what would have happened had our modus operandi been widely known at the time.
  • All assignment operators return the value that is assigned to the left operand.
  • An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.
  • Notice that a clear accumulator instruction can be seen as such an instruction with an implied operand value of zero.
  • Nicholson brought instant stability to the production and introduced some of the rigid controls he had learned from the Corman modusoperandi.
  • Similamente operando all 'artista ch' a l'abito dell 'arte e man che trema. The Complete Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • That is very much the theme right now, said Áslaug Magnúsdóttir, CEO of the presale website Moda Operandi. Is Ready-to-Wear the New Couture?
  • Particularly notable is his description of the wonderful wourahli (urari) poison, its extraordinary effect, and the _modus operandi_ of its making; a poison used extensively by Amazonian tribes but not made by all. In the Amazon Jungle Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians
  • An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.
  • Rather than hitting back, her modus operandi is to send pictures of cute kittens to trolls in an effort to disarm them. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a spurt in railway crimes the railway police have hit upon the idea to bring out posters and laminated sheets depicting the modus operandi employed by the offenders.
  • Almost 40 years after its initial release it has tremendous resonance because it demonstrates the modus operandi of contemporary colonial oppression and reveals what gives rise to and fuels a nationalist insurrectionary movement.
  • She has an irreverence that suggests confidence - even arrogance - and an uncynical modus operandi. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retrieval time from the memorized table increases as the operands get larger.
  • TYPE Operator Syntax: TYPE operand The TYPE operator returns 1 if the operand is a byte variable; 2 if the operand is a word variable; 4 if the operand is a doubleword variable; 8 if the operand is a quadword variable; 10 if the operand is a ten-byte variable; and the number of bytes allocated by the structure if the operand is a structure name DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 8
  • Command Part 1 (CP1) provides a 5-bit operating code, and Command Part 2 (CP2) provides the immediate operand, which is the lower 5 bits of the command. Embedded Computing Design
  • The latter is simply an array of BPF instructions that is a sequence of numeric opcodes and operands.
  • Rather than hitting back, her modus operandi is to send pictures of cute kittens to trolls in an effort to disarm them. Times, Sunday Times
  • An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.
  • Fun is the band's modus operandi as they try to infuse the crowd with a swirl of positivity.
  • Unfortunately, this Administration's modus operandi is to withhold from the public any information at all, even at a very general level, about what the government is doing in the war on terror -- and to keep the vast majority of Congress in the dark, as well. Balkinization
  • Position-specific fan effects indicate that a given operand in the left position, and the same operand in the right position, activated different numerical concepts in the diamond arithmetic memory network.
  • TYPE Operator Syntax: TYPE operand The TYPE operator returns 1 if the operand is a byte variable; 2 if the operand is a word variable; 4 if the operand is a doubleword variable; 8 if the operand is a quadword variable; 10 if the operand is a ten-byte variable; and the number of bytes allocated by the structure if the operand is a structure name DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 8
  • Emotional demonstrativeness has never been our particular modus operandi.
  • An assembly language statement consists of 3 elements; an optional label, an instruction and an operand.
  • His modus operandi involved merely the use of his bicycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also excluded eight crimes that had been incorrectly identified with an apparent modus operandi. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do not pretend to be proficient in the modus operandi of the hankey - pankey man, but I know that he has a method, all the same, -- one susceptible, too, of facile explanation. The Beetle
  • Rather than hitting back, her modus operandi is to send pictures of cute kittens to trolls in an effort to disarm them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Students of Murdoch père should not have been too surprised at the business operandi adopted by his son.
  • True about UTC revenue, point is that a typical govt contractors modus operandi seems to be to maximize revenue from the customer (the govt) while appearing to cut costs (apparently to support execs lavishness & maybe shareholders). Today's Video: Encouraging Innovation at NASA - NASA Watch
  • Rather than hitting back, her modus operandi is to send pictures of cute kittens to trolls in an effort to disarm them. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when it comes to alcohol, the modus operandi is to warn of its dangers, preach of the virtues of abstention, ostracise those deemed "problem drinkers" – but never go the whole hog and relegate it to its proper place of illegality like the rest of its peers. Don't blame binge drinking on cheap booze
  • Here's what baffles me about this particular modus operandi. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's their normal modus operandi. The Sun
  • His favorite modus operandi over the years has been construc ... Jackson Williams: Dr. Rove Will See You Now, Gov. Palin
  • The error also occurs if the operand is a constant number, and you are assembling to an OBJ format. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14
  • His modus operandi is to plunder the kind of recent scientific research that often gets little media airtime because it's just too controversial. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was his usual modus operandi. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the operand is a memory quantity, A86 generates a TEST of the memory with the constant -1 (i.e., the quantity will be ANDed with an all 1's constant). DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 5
  • Rather than hitting back, her modus operandi is to send pictures of cute kittens to trolls in an effort to disarm them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The modus operandi, they said, was for divers with aqualungs to collect perlemoen which they then took ashore at dusk in sacks and left in a hideout in the bush and dunes.
  • They have examined his modus operandi, and are narrowing down suspects. Times, Sunday Times
  • The usual complaints about the presentation of Match of the Day by a cozy, dozy gang of highly remunerated ex-pros were reinforced on Saturday night after the programme had shown an interview in which Neil Warnock very pointedly accusing Robin van Persie of making persistent fouling part of his modus operandi. Sir Alex Ferguson wants three more years, but he might not get them | Richard Williams
  • And Cirque Berzerk is just that with the modus operandi being “berserk” and “berserk” being the applicable word for the entire evening…but in a good way — areally, really good way. Buzzine » Cirque Berzerk!
  • We ca delete a JDBC connection pool using which in addition to shared parameters accept an operand which is the name of the connection pool which we want to delete Blog Posts
  • Rather than hitting back, her modus operandi is to send pictures of cute kittens to trolls in an effort to disarm them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Home visiting was from the outset the modus operandi of this practice. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • A logical operator that consists of a logical AND followed by a logical NOT and returns a false value only if both operands are true.
  • At the point you want to stop-call this a "breakpoint" - copy out the old instruction and operand, insert a trap in its place. Rails Wiki
  • And when we want to create the data source we use that name to identity the JDBC connection pool we want to specify in the JDBC resource. which in addition to shared parameters accepts an operand which is name of the connection pool that we want to delete. Blog Posts
  • If the operand is a register, A86 generates a TEST of the register with itself. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 5
  • This is the classic Moscow modus operandi. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, this has become a kind of modus operandi. Times, Sunday Times

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