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How To Use Openness In A Sentence

  • In recent months, the president explained, we had been hearing a great deal from the Soviet Union about a new policy of glasnost or openness.
  • That said, it should be borne in mind that political openness varies a great deal from one country to another.
  • The bold provisionality and elegant openness of Merz's installations, as well as his own freewheeling personal presence and oracular writings, helped make him the most widely recognized of all the Arte Povera artists.
  • Stanhope sees his openness as a counter to society's hypocrisy about such subjects.
  • The market is one of growing complexity, dynamism and openness.
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  • Thus, dialogical openness is quite different from indifferentism; identity and dialogue are correlative.
  • In this he is inspired by his partner's honesty and openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider, for instance, how the interior windows, glass balustrades, and switchable partitions create both a sense of openness and the ability to zone spaces for specific uses and privacy.
  • And maybe, just maybe, that awareness could coalesce into a market force that rewards openness and accountability, and punishes arbitrary, high-handed behaviour.
  • This is a fine example of Orwellian newspeak, suggesting that openness can best be achieved by secrecy and non-disclosure.
  • It is another sign of change that he speaks at all, let alone with such openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Open Thinking & Digital Pedagogy » How Does the (US) News Shape the Way We See the World (tags: media MSM ignorance-by-avoidance bias journalism visualization cartogram openness education) ... How Does the (US) News Shape the Way We See the World « open thinking
  • Trinity, we understand that true openness does not mean loss of individual identity but profound interpenetration. New Releases
  • Its worker-centered design process and interior layout display an unusual commitment to workplace openness.
  • The greatest help in setting a strategy is a hefty slice of cynicism and the openness of mind to re-examine cherished beliefs.
  • He argues that, just as Antwerp's golden age depended on openness, so will its future.
  • In short, during the twentieth century both the norms governing religious intermarriage and actual marriage patterns moved toward greater interfaith openness and integration, as religiously insular generations were succeeded by their more open-minded children.35 Less detailed evidence on interfaith friendships is available, but such evidence as we have suggests that they too became slowly but steadily more prevalent, at least over the last two decades of the twentieth century.36 American Grace
  • Transparency and openness are absolutely critical to the way our courts run. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I were planning to look for a new home, I would seek out the states where people had higher levels of conscientiousness and 'agreeableness' and lower levels of 'openness' and neuroticism. Vanishing American
  • There was, in short, an "aggiornamento," and this term explains the event well, with the combination of "nova et vetera," of fidelity and openness, as demonstrated moreover by the texts approved at the Council - all the texts. A Timely Re-Read on a Critique of a Particular, and Popular, Hermeneutic of Vatican II
  • Stewart's advice: tear out most of the walls to add light and openness.
  • Free speech advocates from Diogenes the Cynic to Frank Zappa have urged libertarian openness, arguing that unfettered expression is both the right and the duty of free people.
  • Indeed, the word you'll hear him say more than any other is "openness". The artists's artist: theatre directors
  • Conservatives tend to be higher in a personality trait called orderliness and lower in openness. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A high wind is dragging a blanket of dust across the flat openness of these fields.
  • The openness of the personal computer has been a wonderful thing, but it has come at the very high price of products that are horribly complex and that remain intimidating even while they have become ubiquitous. Mandarins Missing the Point: Zittrain, the iPad, and the Death of Computing « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • The index features 157 countries, ranked according to criteria such as economic openness to foreign investors, and trade policies.
  • The openness of the new economy promised by the Internet strikes fear across the mahogany board tables of Japan Inc., threatening the cozy existence of stodgy, old economy companies.
  • Multiculturalism can be invoked by minority groups to attack the conformism and conservatism of the larger society, and to pressure it to accept the new realities of openness and pluralism.
  • For we must now take into account an exceptionally plastic evolutionary overlay which yields a constantly moving target, an extended cognitive architecture whose constancy lies mainly in its continual openness to change.
  • Our goal is to bring empty buildings back into productive use, whilst protecting the openness of the countryside and our National Parks.
  • Inherited genes may lead to certain physiological effects, which could account for personality traits common among entrepreneurs, such as extroversion and openness to new experiences, Shane says. Latest Articles
  • He demonstrated an openness to change.
  • The works are suggestive of political and ideological incoherency but offer a conceptual openness depending on space, chance, and the viewers' physical and mental participations.
  • On the contrary: genuine friendships cannot be based on a lie; they can thrive only on the life-giving soil of openness to one another.
  • The storefront has a warm and accessible beer house feel, and with the addition of big windows, the whole place has an atmosphere of openness and transparency.
  • But it's a uniquely cinematic experience that demands that mindset of focus and openness available only to those willing to sit in the dark for two hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suspicion and misconceptions about Zimbabwe can only be cleared when there is dialogue and openness.
  • For Grade, what he calls the "openness" of the film sector is what makes it worth supporting. Pinewood celebrates 75 years filming the best of British and Hollywood
  • This is unique model fosters an amazing community and an openness as members are not there for a one-shot deal, but are ongoing members.
  • The usual translation of 'glasnost' is 'openness'.
  • He was unwilling to divulge details after the session, but later pointed out poor defending and the openness in his team's play.
  • If the Modern Era was a rage for order, regulation, stability, singularity, and fixity, the Postmodern Era is a rage for chaos, uncertainty, otherness, openness, multiplicity, and change.
  • Recent events in the eponymous capital, however, contradict this declaration of openness and tolerance.
  • If these discussions are to succeed, we'll need openness from/on both sides.
  • The five factors are openness to experience, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Folk come here because they've heard of this exciting experimentation and openness to new ideas and forms.
  • In contradistinction, this is a philosophy that ought to be at the core of a democratic society, committed to openness, transparency and accountability.
  • Despite public claim for openness and tolerance to other religions, exclusivism and intolerance are taught privately.
  • Causes such as transparency, openness and open standards are so critical that it's important there be wise, "clueful" people throughout the industry working for those issues, said Bradley Horowitz, a vice president of product management at Google, at the Supernova conference in San Francisco. Latest from Computerworld
  • What impressed me most was his refusal to be doctrinaire, his openness to sharp ideas no matter where on the political spectrum they came from.
  • Whiston's openness in this regard is likely one of the reasons Newton eventually broke with his quondam disciple.
  • The party's openness to second preferences, more pronounced than ever before, was the real stroke of genius.
  • We journeyed together, flawed, failing, but always aiming at constancy, at presentness, at openness to grace. Times, Sunday Times
  • We also find strong true state dependence in the decision-making process concerning both capital account openness and regime discrepancies.
  • Although the Parisian architect Jean-Paul Viguier designed the striking, cantilevered, bladelike, at once slick and luxurious structure, its unusual footprint and modernist look respond marvelously to its site and neighborhood, and Viguier's heroic efforts to "bring the sun into the project" show a sensitivity to both the city's climate and its architectural heritage, which virtually fetishizes openness and natural light. The Not-So-Second City
  • He was all about lovingness, openness, communication, let's move in together, etc.
  • Mitchell's failure to name those who paid for a private opinion poll during the election campaign appeared at variance with his public pleas for openness and accountability.
  • The flowers are 1in. to 1½in. long, and about as much across when open, of a fine purple colour, with a shining satiny appearance; the six transparent petal-like divisions are of uneven form, having short bluntish points; from the openness of the corolla the stamens and style are well exposed, and they are very beautiful. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • The Christian legalization of belief in Christ has deadened us to the free openness of his life.
  • Sadly, our relationships and marriages have also changed their form, embracing more openness, as part of modernity.
  • It is a distinctive accent, an openness of spirit that flavors our dance and music.
  • As Nancy Scola reported for techPresident, Donny Shaw put the proposal to defund open government datain perspective at OpenCongress: "The value of data openness in government cannot be overestimated, and for the cost of just one-third of one day of missile attacks in Libya, we can keep these initiatives alive and developing for another year. Alexander Howard: Congress Weighs Deep Cuts to Funding for Federal Open Government Data Platforms
  • So I don't think that you can, uh, foresee or foreordain any particular outcome, but I do think what we're all saying is that there is, at least in our experience, more of an openness to process, to bring people together to the table, that collaboration and collegiality. Archive 2007-01-14
  • The honesty and openness of her words are oftentimes scary, yet somehow surprisingly liberating.
  • Openness to trade acts as a spur to efficiency, innovation, and international competitiveness generally.
  • Some examples follow below, from the quadrilingual Dutch work of the period, Moderne Kerken in Europe en America, which also includes some strange Central European and French monstrosities, not shown here -- though I admit a secret fondness for the etherial openness of Perret's Notre Dame du Raincy, just not all that exposed concrete. Some Examples of Early Twentieth-Century Scandinavian Church Architecture
  • The simplicity of insinuated enclosure eroding into infinite openness is as elegant as it is unperishable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He felt that the genius of literary artists was documented in their openness to the unusual.
  • The level of social mobility is often used as an indicator of societal openness.
  • I try to encourage as much openness and contrary views as possible.
  • Now, in my early fifties, I have a growing confidence in my capacity to become an elder and a senex - an old man filled with the joy and openness of a young boy.
  • They were all dressed in soutanes, which were a terrible barrier to openness and communication.
  • Article 4 The forward transactions shall comply with the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.
  • The cell phone companies who control those networks have a built-in disincentive to allow that openness; they don’t want to end up squeezed the way ISPs are now, especially since they can’t assert local monopolies the way the land-line-phone and cable companies do now. ‘Radical Openness’ on the Google Phone — at Least for Now - Bits Blog -
  • I am seeing a trend toward openness and communication between the two disciplines as they gain a clearer understanding of their codependency.
  • Brent Donnellan, a psychologist from the University of California, Davis, who has looked at traits that contribute to a long-lasting marriage, identified openness and agreeableness as key factors.
  • Economic openness is the engine that will power the global economy in the upturn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finding the economy in desperate shape, he set out to save the Soviet system by restructuring, what he called perestroika, and glasnost, greater openness in decision making. Between War and Peace
  • I was impressed by the dryness, the openness, and the mountains that broke from the plains.
  • Respondents unanimously rejected maintaining the status quo, expressing instead an openness to, and a desire for, change.
  • That the ‘new openness’ is driven more by official doubt than by a clamour for liberation is clear from the fact that the BBFC remains petty and censorious - but only on what it considers to be safer ground.
  • Come to Arizona, a land defined by its wild beauty, its simple openness, its elemental, eternal appeal that speaks to the child in us all.
  • His openness to hearing those voices is all the more attractive at a time when Catholic numbers are growing so rapidly in the global South and when churches across the United States are being transformed by the Latino presence. Art and Literature
  • By shifting into Ereignis, Dasein becomes who Dasein is, namely the preserver of being's appropriating forth-throw, one who preserves the openness by projecting, i.e., opening it. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Listing the importance of attitude and teachability served as a reminder to students that openness to new ideas and approaches could assist musical progress and was, indeed, an expectation of the teacher.
  • When I met her she seemed possessed by a new quiet assurance and openness.
  • After all, what we see here is an understanding of the broader implications of the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, of the place and importance of the liturgy, and an openness to the deeper layers of the reform of the reform. Roman Professor, Priest and member of Papal Liturgical Office speaks on Benedict's New Liturgical Movement
  • Natural light, high ceilings, and an air of openness create generous spaces for eating, drinking, and relaxing.
  • This issue needs to be closely examined to determine the correct balance between initial openness of the l-way architecture and investment incentives.
  • This openness makes possible the intralingual translation of the word Ereignis. Enowning
  • If there's anything that binds his music together it's the emotional openness of his lyrics.
  • But soon the very physiology of her body, almost autonomically, became active, and I felt the gathering heat (pg. 262) and the oil and openness of her, her vitality, readiness and need. Renegades Of Gor
  • At a time when even the secret services are bound by the demands of openness and transparency, nobody dares put their name to any demand that might be construed as underhand.
  • This metaphysic of creation redolent of Eric Mascall's ‘openness of being’ imparts or responds to a literal truth in his phrases ‘the grammar of existence, the syntax of the real’.
  • Indeed, the word you'll hear him say more than any other is "openness". The artists's artist: theatre directors
  • The architects have labored to create a sense of openness about the promenade.
  • Two other councilmen recounted personal stories about the mayor's openness.
  • But all our winning companies embrace openness and honesty from shopfloor to boardroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • China's move to start measuring deadly air pollutant PM 2.5 for the first time signals a shift towards greater openness on the state of the environment, writes Angel Hsu.
  • A mother campaigning for openness surrounding the schools merger says questions remain unanswered.
  • The Chinese notion of literary openness thus grew out of a disjunction between hermeneutic theory and exegetical practice.
  • The governing body needs a figurehead who embodies its new commitment to transparency and openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Openness to other cultures and the future gave way to inward-looking rivalry and mediocrity, as a closed tribal mentality reasserted itself.
  • They were surprised by her openness when talking about her private life.
  • At bottom, says Blaser, Mazatlan is a small town with an openness to change as well as a respect for the old ways. Mazatlan: why snowbirds keep coming back
  • His energetic commitment to the idea of openness and cutting through bureaucracy to give employees more responsibility will be an enduring legacy.
  • So knitting with variegated yarns not only requires a certain amount of persistence but also requires an openness to accepting the pooling effect.
  • It is the sensitivity of DEM to spatial resolution that causes the spatial scaling effects of mountainous astronomical solar radiation, terrain openness and conversion factor.
  • Indeed, it is this openness to new cultures and ideas - while sharing its own - that effectively defines the island.
  • In all of this there was not the slightest trace of cosmopolitan openness or tolerance of other cultures.
  • The advantages of youth are all too visible, and they embrace energy, stamina and an openness to new systems.
  • The prerequisites for growth are the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them.
  • This issue needs to be closely examined to determine the correct balance between initial openness of the l-way architecture and investment incentives.
  • I am seeing a trend toward openness and communication between the two disciplines as they gain a clearer understanding of their codependency.
  • The administration's addiction to classifying documents is making an unnecessary casualty of the openness vital to democracy.
  • And yet-such is the naïve openness of one's solitary thoughts it took only a little change of light for me to see the matter differently.
  • Mr. Bintrey, on the other hand, a cautious man, with twinkling beads of eyes in a large overhanging bald head, who inwardly but intensely enjoyed the comicality of openness of speech, or hand, or heart. No Thoroughfare
  • Though considered by some to be mere tokenism, this openness to Asians has worked to the benefit of many dancers.
  • Perhaps your honesty and openness might help others to deal with their own issues and enjoy a longer life.
  • Based on your mom's appreciation of epic survivor tales, strong female characters, and and her openness to reading about diverse historical periods, places and cultures, I'd strongly recommend Carolina De Robertis's breathtaking new novel which set in Uruguay from the turn of the twentieth century up through the 1960s. Best of 2009
  • He said such behaviour will decrease in society once families start encouraging more openness.
  • His poetry is characterized by its openness to the vagaries of consciousness, its wry, beguiling lyricism, and its innovative use of forms such as the pantoum and the sestina.
  • For this purpose it is necessary to learn to maintain the openness and serenity of mind as signified by the old expression, ‘Clear as a stainless mirror and calm as still water.’
  • But there's no question that a certain amount of openness is a necessary precondition for interpersonal intimacy. Christianity Today
  • Greater openness to developers would be most welcome.
  • And I longed to leave the kitchen now for the openness of the front compound.
  • Now that dissemination is frictionless, does that show that openness was always a mistake? Archive 2009-03-01
  • I'm looking for openness, not closure; facilitation of debate, not instant judgement upon each contribution.
  • We intend to carry forward this move towards greater openness.
  • With our openness and inclusivity, we shall confront and overcome all the challenges facing us as a nation.
  • Causes such as transparency, openness and open standards are so critical that it's important there be wise, "clueful" people throughout the industry working for those issues, said Bradley Horowitz, a vice president of product management at Google, at the Supernova conference. News
  • It is intrinsic to the nature of the Union that we have plural political identities, and this has demanded a tolerance and openness to others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly in the beginning, a majority of the Politburo restrained his instincts for openness.
  • When it comes to talking about mental health I can only think that openness and honesty is a good thing. The Sun
  • We were surprised to find an openness and freedom between us we hadn't experienced before.
  • MPs are committed to openness about what expenditure has been incurred and for what purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adopting a Yanesha perspective as a departure point, I argue that what appear to be expressions of acculturative processes are the result of a long‐standing indigenous openness to the Other-particularly the white and mestizo Others-and the native conviction that the Self is possible only through the incorporation of the Other.
  • We are-each and every one of us-a tangled mass of motives; hope and fear, faith and doubt, simplicity and duplicity, honesty and falsity, openness and guile.
  • Nevertheless, the controversies over literary openness are far from being resolved, and many related issues remain unsettled.
  • Mohammed, who liked sneezing because accompanied by lightness of body and openness of pores, said of it, “If a man sneeze or eructate and say ‘Alhamdolillah’ he averts seventy diseases of which the least is leprosy” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He argues that openness in public life is necessary because meaningful participation in the democratic process requires informed participants.
  • Openness to a range of options becomes weakness, thinking things through is dithering and willingness to accept the idea that you might sometimes be wrong is political suicide.
  • The openness which is supposed to be central to the work on Capitalism and Schizophrenia so far reads like a game, a multilinear text or an ergodic text, where using the parts which makes sense to you, the reader/user, is more important than grasping the entire monolith of the work. 03/01/2001 - 04/01/2001
  • It is a function of that same openness that no sharp cleavages can be sighted between the traditional and the modern in India.
  • I have been arguing that such openness is in fact sound, and that closing off this possibility in our minds (and in our conversations) cannot be sound, especially given how much scientists have yet to learn about the genetic basis of intelligence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • You get an openness and honesty amongst these people that you'd never see in bigger firms.
  • The five factors are openness to experience, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The openness mess is already turning Android phones into a clusterfuck of unstandardized interfaces and end-user confusion. Android Phones Surpasse iPhone In Web Traffic | Lifehacker Australia
  • Unsurprisingly, open government advocates in the Sunlight Foundation and the larger community have strongly opposed these cuts. put the proposal to defund open government datain perspective at OpenCongress: "The value of data openness in government cannot be overestimated, and for the cost of just one-third of one day of missile attacks in Libya, we can keep these initiatives alive and developing for another year. The Full Feed from
  • The foyers curve round the perimeter of the fan-like plan with genial and transparent openness.
  • The Dutch Government wants to promote openness for public sector information systems.
  • But nearing the end of his premiership, Wen, who has long ties in the Communist Party and was allied with such past reformers as the late Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang, is also quietly building an image as a crusader for more openness and accountability within the country's tightly closed, authoritarian political system. China's Wen, in the twilight of his premiership, takes on reformer's role
  • The Chancellor emphasised his determination to promote openness and transparency in the Government's economic decision-making.
  • We should not be ethnocentric, a term drawn from anthropology, which tells us more about the meaning of openness. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • Though considered by some to be mere tokenism, this openness to Asians has worked to the benefit of many dancers.
  • But didn't we try all this - polyamory, free love, openness - in the 1960s? Times, Sunday Times
  • But at the back, the gallery has been extended deep into the gardens with an exciting thrust of glass and openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mohammed, who liked sneezing because accompanied by lightness of body and openness of pores, said of it, "If a man sneeze or eructate and say 'Alhamdolillah' he averts seventy diseases of which the least is leprosy" (Juzám); also "If one of you sneeze, let him exclaim, 'Alhamdolillah,' and let those around salute him in return with, 'Allah have mercy upon thee!' and lastly let him say, 'Allah direct you and strengthen your condition."' Arabian nights. English
  • His classic boyish looks seemed to proclaim his good humour and openness.
  • Will this direct reporting be enough to loosen the strictures of centralization and create the accountability and openness that is needed?
  • This is only possible if there is openness and honesty. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • Its openness and advanced welfare programmes are indeed often cited as a model. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not the job of this essay to instruct classical archaeologists on the need for greater interdisciplinary debate or greater openness to diverse approaches.
  • Hidden amid all this swill is actually a moderately interesting question, to wit: How does greater sexual openness in a culture affect those who, for whatever reasons, aren’t getting any? Betty Friedan Made Me Do It!
  • Whitehouse said that keeping horses in the area preserved the openness of green belt land.
  • He is the son of North Sea sailors (the flat openness of the Dutch polders is beautifully evoked in a flashback to Leon's boyhood) and it turns out he's been in love most of his life.
  • She was in the joke of this; but it was a real trouble to her for a time that Dr. Morrell, after admitting the force of her reasons, should be content to rest in a comfortable inconclusion as to his conduct, till one day she reflected that this was what she was herself doing, and that she differed from him only in the openness with which she proclaimed her opinions. Annie Kilburn : a Novel
  • I lied down between the gaping doorways and watched the openness of the world pass by, napping in the sunlight that flooded our car.
  • It was a measure of the openness of the play that the action quickly reverted to the other end.
  • Greater openness to trade has resulted in a vast increase in world exports and imports.
  • In this way, through fully letting go of our sadness, we come to sense the openness that is the core of our being.
  • It is another sign of change that he speaks at all, let alone with such openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economic openness is the engine that will power the global economy in the upturn. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Like much of Davenport's work it is imbued with a Fourieresque utopianism and homoerotic sensualism that is both deeply appealing in its relish of the world's intellectual and sensational richness and deeply unsettling in its openness to critique as pederastic apologia.) Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
  • We will use modern technology to empower people, because we are from a generation that is comfortable with openness and accountability. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with adoption, the degree of openness that couples desire varies significantly in commercial surrogacy arrangements. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • One moment, he was lavishing her with affection, blessing her with his openness.
  • Despite its openness, the huge increase in the value of its concurrent transactions will unsettle an already nervous market.
  • With the other hand, China has allowed to WTO, the growing openness of foreign insurance companies have entered the casualty insurance market.
  • There is a new openness by unions today to building alliances with community-based organizations and churches.
  • The height of abilities is to have volto sciolto and pensieri stretti; that is, a frank, open, and ingenuous exterior, with a prudent interior; to be upon your own guard, and yet, by a seeming natural openness, to put people off theirs. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard development often focus on traits such as extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness to new experiences. - Articles related to Air Canada starts trial use of in-flight Internet
  • The uninitiated might think that the combination of openness and complacency shouldn't matter.
  • So will one the features of this new age - in addition to the welcome growth in sexual openness - be a terrible wave of increased sexual assaults?
  • This is a good thing for me, since my particular configuration of openness, cleverness and vestigial youth tends to make even my most loved ones a little wary of what I'm going to ask of them next.
  • The Hugo Boss management is promising a spirit of openness.
  • He spread his palms in a gesture of openness.
  • But I think he will appreciate it for its openness, I hope, and how it helps to make Jesus approachable, accessible.
  • The main problem with such TV altercations is that they pretend to be about openness and honesty but in fact embrace no such virtues.
  • The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
  • Claustrophobia replaces openness as you experience the unnameable on a colossal scale. The Facelessness of Mass Destruction
  • Or do they do a public service by tilting government towards more openness and accountability?
  • Their openness was a terrific lesson to me.
  • But more recently professing evangelical scholars have advocated revisionary versions of numerous doctrines. A revisionary doctrine of God has been advocated by proponents of "openness theology.
  • Some examples follow below, from the quadrilingual Dutch work of the period, Moderne Kerken in Europe en America, which also includes some strange Central European and French monstrosities, not shown here -- though I admit a secret fondness for the etherial openness of Perret's Notre Dame du Raincy, just not all that exposed concrete. Some Examples of Early Twentieth-Century Scandinavian Church Architecture
  • We also wish to make it clear that we have not at any stage questioned his openness or honesty as a serving officer.
  • Openness means equality; it breeds fairness which results in strength.
  • This is a fine example of Orwellian newspeak, suggesting that openness can best be achieved by secrecy and non-disclosure.
  • My generation, I insist, has equated openness to the world with conversion to secularization, and has experienced a certain fascination regarding it. Two Generations, Two Ecclesiologies: Secretary of Congregation for Catholic Education to Rectors of Pontifical Seminaries

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