How To Use Openly In A Sentence
The relationship between a woman and her clinician should be built on trust, and the benefits and the risks of a procedure such as an episiotomy must be openly discussed to ensure truly informed consent.
All who disagreed openly were barred from the radical teach-in at the public school.
Some openly jeered and shouted in disgust when the final vote tally was announced.
We talk more openly when we feel easy and relaxed.
Donnelly's PNAC report -- a blueprint followed faithfully by the Bush Administration -- openly yearned for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into adopting PNAC's global militarist agenda wholesale.

But the relationship with Pataki deteriorated precipitously in recent days as McCaughey Ross openly defied him.
None of the armorers or bowyers will deal openly with him any more.
Despite this apparent initial failure, which was openly scorned by China's state media as "performance art", the blog site asked again for what it called "strolling protests" against the ruling Communist Party at 2pm on Sunday. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Tibetans around me were shaking their heads in sadness, because they were fearful for him, and others were openly agreeing with him.
Kate Saunders: Pictures From Tibet That Tell a Story of Courage
Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes and expectations for a perfect or near-perfect recovery.
Part of the privilege we have as Canadians is that we can express our beliefs openly.
It is rare to find somewhere still selling nitrous oxide so openly.
Times, Sunday Times
She liked the way she had not openly offered reconciliation yet had managed to imply that forgiveness would not be unreasonably withheld.
In old Mauritania, now Marocco,384 the Moors proper are notable sodomites; Moslems, even of saintly houses, are permitted openly to keep catamites, nor do their disciples think worse of their sanctity for such licence: in one case the English wife failed to banish from the home “that horrid boy.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Luther; "while others, it is added," abjurit and relapsit, baneist of auld, now comes pertlie [openly] without any dreidour, nocht allenarly in the far parts of the Realme, but als to the Court and presens of your
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
Few then or now would be as openly contemptuous of the life of the mind as Grant.
Times, Sunday Times
It was always a mystery why cash flow was so poor, given that he openly sold editorial as well as advertising space.
not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book
So excessive was the Roman horror of obscenity that even physicians were compelled to use a euphemism for _urina_, and though the _urinal_ or _vas urinarium_ was openly used at the dining-table (following a custom introduced by the Sybarites, according to Athenæus, Book XII, cap. 17), the decorous guest could not ask for it by name, but only by a snap of the fingers (Dufour, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 174).
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
But when Blair said that Egypt's transition had to be 'managed' – presumably by the West – so as not to jeopardise the 'peace process', he was only saying openly what Washington believed.
Faced with the reality of being alone for the first time she talked openly and honestly with John about her feelings: her disgust with herself, her fear of failing at her job, her growing conviction that her childlessness was a punishment, and the frequent wish that she could simply die and put an end to her misery.
Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
Likewise, Stuart Townsend plays a nebulously likable best friend who flirts openly with Frank's wife, but has his back when things get rough.
At certain times, most people find it difficult to communicate honestly, directly and openly with other people.
Case in point: Openly anxious about grass-roots disaffection from the Republican Party, conservative Christian organizers are reaching for ways to turn out voters this November, including arguing that recognizing same-sex marriage could also limit religious freedom.
September 2006
Maybe he didn't use the word mecca, but the idea was that our city would become a place where homosexuals nationwide could come and live openly.
Bob Schwartz Dot Com
Grace ought to be ashamed of herself , hurling herself at that boy so openly.
I assumed that she didn't want to be openly nasty to me in front of the children, and helped myself to some rashers of bacon and a new slice of toast.
My parents, while they don't openly oppose my lifestyle, clearly disapprove.
She too endured harsh criticism and partisan pressure for becoming openly involved in public affairs.
He told me that many middle-ranking officers are openly questioning the war.
He was very patient with them, but I can see why more hets don't talk about it openly.
The people wept openly when his death was announced.
O Jesu Christ, who might be so blessed that might see openly thy great marvels of secretness there where no sinner may be!
Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
Writing in the British journal New Scientist, the famed poet and historian Robert Graves said in 1972, "Technology is now warring openly against the crafts, and science covertly against poetry.
Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world.
For many of us, communicating openly and sympathetically does not come naturally.
But nobody talked openly about it.
Times, Sunday Times
I set great store by the fact that we live our lives openly, with as much honesty as possible at all times.
He caused many an offence during the Christmas period by openly stating his hatred of the Geldof coup.
Monarch's shaggy breast and never "fazed" him, nobody openly doubted
Bears I Have Met—and Others
But as the full seizure of power by the Nazis became imminent, and as Stalin colluded with it more and more openly, he abandoned mere class analysis, as in the following passage:
The Old Man
Old Ebbits looked at me in childlike wonder, while Zilla sneered openly at the absurdity of my question.
My brother, who was at the ceremony and game did confirm that yes, people were booing the PM quite openly.
The opposition parties had mostly been unenthusiastic, if not openly hostile, about parity legislation.
The children were encouraged to express themselves freely and openly.
Surely, for those who are interested in pornography, the real thing is readily available, and in abundance, along several major streets, where VCD vendors tout their tasteless wares openly for passers-by.
Men strolled on the sidewalks, clad in long billowing cloaks, with openly displayed swords.
The new minister is openly defending the interests of the Pashtun society and believes that the external fighting being waged from the border areas and Afghanistan can be settled through traditional "jirga" (negotiations) that bring together the government, elders and clerics and civil society.
Pakistan Shifts the War on Terrorism
Few then or now would be as openly contemptuous of the life of the mind as Grant.
Times, Sunday Times
According to St. Basil, forty soldiers who had openly confessed themselves Christians were condemned by the prefect to be exposed naked upon a frozen pond near Sebaste on a bitterly cold night, that they might feeze to death.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
The traps were openly on sale in the aisles of FarmArama in Gonubie along with rat traps and insect repellent.
She has captured the essence of the lives and stories of the 40 women who spoke so openly and freely to her about the society and events which shaped their lives.
The Island newspaper in particularly is openly contemptuous of the ‘political maggots’ that inhabit parliament and has repeatedly appealed for someone of incorruptible morals to save the nation.
He continues to campaign for the right of Catholics to be openly gay.
Rabelaisianism of his more private conversation, for his frank interest in, his eternal preoccupation with, aspects of life and human activity which, though essential to the divine purpose, are not openly recognized as such -- even by Daniel Poveys.
The Old Wives' Tale
For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm.
There has been no such avowal, openly or otherwise, from the center-right or right to discredit theleft.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Faisal Shahzad Allegedly Admits to Attempted Times Square Bombing
His synod was also the site of a church's unsanctioned ordination of an openly gay pastor earlier this year.
But to find he is openly bragging about it rubs salt in the wound.
The Sun
The pope has made a openly declared and unshakeable anti-Semite a legitimate bishop," Politi added.
They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.
The spurious argument that Lewin was ineffective in stemming crime is so openly dishonest that Jamaicans like myself have started to tune out.
Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.
He gave art an openly political meaning and did not appreciate the artist as an individual dissenting voice.
He said motorists ‘are openly flouting this law which shows a total lack of respect for the rules of the road’.
Modal geometries C and D appear to represent the tendency for these pioneers, i.e., slowly expanding, moderately to openly umbilicate, compressed shells, typified by Otoceras and Ophiceras.
She became openly critical of party policy.
Are men now prepared openly to avow their bisexuality?
These could not be sold openly in Chile, but some Americans help to sell them in the United States as a way of publicizing the human rights violations.
There was a reluctance among some teachers to say openly that a particular answer to a question was wrong.
Leaders openly contest their positions in front of Australian voters?
The prostitutes solicit openly here.
But he does not openly condemn them for fear that oversharp criticism might alienate them altogether.
A Commentary on St. Paul���s Epistle to the Galatians
Only one or two openly professed what may be called anarchistic views, and these were young students, recent arrivals, who looked more like robbing an orchard than threatening a throne.
From Paris to New York by Land
At that time, it would not have been thinkable to openly criticize the government.
She has openly criticized the government.
Make-up and jewellery are worn openly and pupils are late for school ‘with impunity’.
When word came down of a judge's ruling that gays could serve openly in the military, an Air Force officer received joyous congratulations from a comrade.
Pentagon To Gay Troops: Stay Silent Or Trouble Could Find You
She was annoyed with herself for not stating openly what was really worrying her.
Liberalism and Communism both regarded egalitarianism as an ideal and both were godless; Communism openly so, liberalism more obscurely.
The poised and fashionable Fitzwilliam openly admitted to failing courses in second year law and of her determination to pass.
First, McConnell openly criticised the Chancellor's decision to force whisky producers to introduce security seals as protection against counterfeits and smuggling.
They openly berated and chastised any hint of cowardice in their sons.
She talked openly about her unashamed love of money.
My mother certainly dreamed of something similar and openly fantasised about which one of the children she could have adopted in order to make room for nine feet of MFI'd speckled faux-granite laminate and four tall stools, on which she could perch breakfasting on peach Ski yoghurt, drinking Mellow Bird's with Carnation evaporated milk and being, in a lot of ways like Heather Locklear from Dynasty, but living in Currock, Carlisle.
How Britain fell in love with breakfast
He had been as openly astounded and as privately elated by Collingridge's bombshell as the rest of his colleagues.
Funnily enough, it does not strike me that the comparison between soft drugs and alcohol and tobacco will lead to the sale of dope over the counter, or the ability to smoke spliffs openly in pubs.
The couple flirted openly in front of each other in the their Whitehall office but few people knew that they were engaged in a clandestine relationship.
Times, Sunday Times
People from what would be considered opposite ends of the social spectrum mingle openly.
Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within. Sigmund Freud
Prophets is a book-length poem with an ambitiously epic scope, a sensibility and language that is rooted in Jamaica and a work with a markedly religious overtone — not doctrinaire or even ideological, but openly exploring the day-to-day implications of Pentecostalism in Jamaica through a language that is sensual, that invokes myth and reggae and that is best described as risky and experimental.
Poetry Terrors : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
With religion bestialized and its management regulated wholly with an idea to the gratification of man's sensuous desires, religious temples, under the supervision of the priesthood, became brothels, in which were openly practiced as part and parcel of religious rites and ceremonies the most wanton profligacy and the most shameless self-abandonment.
The God-Idea of the Ancients
The people talked openly about the government's new measures against environmental pollution.
The firm openly traded in arms.
A modern capitalist state can not openly use coercive powers to help one class accumulate capital at the expense of others.
The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
However, the educational team took a more openly critical view of the community development process and the philosophy underlying it.
The door opened and a sailor stepped inside, openly gawking at our still wet clothes.
With her true identity safely disguised Liz began to play openly in the store.
If AutoAdmit wasn't a public forum in the sense of its content being openly and freely available to the public*, what is?
But people began celebrating Nowruz more openly again after the militant group was toppled by the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.
Her mood became openly aggressive when his name was mentioned.
This move becomes evident in certain physical questions, e.g., in the study of condensation and rarefaction, where Albert openly disagrees with his Parisian master by arguing that condensation and rarefaction are possible only through the local motion of the parts of a body, and without needing to assume some quantity that would have a distinct reality on its own.
Albert of Saxony
In the meantime, bloggers of color -- who are always aware when they are being ethnic and when they are being general or nonethnic -- have blogs which openly acknowledge the ethnicity or raciality of their points of view, and are attacked for it.
White Blogging As Ethnic Blogging
Thanks to Clarke and Foster, such questions can now be asked openly, seriously, and without impugning the questioner's patriotism.
Was it the Greek verse, containing one senarius with a long syllable before the caesura in the fifth foot, as Herbert pointed out to his brother on the very evening when that hideous oversight -- say rather crime -- had been openly perpetrated in plain black and white on a virgin sheet of innocent paper?
baldy," it looked like JPM wouldn't get punished for the sins of its peers and the President would openly acknowledge how great Jamie was,
As a bishop, she is pledged to uphold church law and file charges against pastors who openly defy it.
He could not openly defy his brother Pluto, since they were divine equals, but he magically provided Persephone with a secret escape clause to her marriage vow.
During the 19th century chinaware became more affordable, and was openly displayed, making dressers very popular.
Mary and her conspirators openly discussed their plans in these encrypted letters, as they believed no one else would be able to read them.
In that sense, Wilson takes a more hardheadedly political approach to the topic than Ellison: where Wilson makes Catholicism's spiritual failings part and parcel of the openly political challenge it poses to the nation, Ellison emphasizes the really-existing unity between Catholicism and the CofE, and focuses on Protestantism's negative moral effects.
The Lava revisionist group openly capitulated to the Marcos regime and misrepresented it as representative of the national bourgeoisie, as one interested in “noncapitalist development”and as one trying hard to free itself from a U.S. dictated policy of “neocolonial industrialization.”
Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
But being openly ambitious was considered unfeminine, and to be called unfeminine was the worst insult. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr Livesey were talking together on the quarterdeck, and, anxious as I was to tell them my story, I durst not interrupt them openly .
At the next table a beefy father was staring at me openly.
Dealers would not show him, as he had a disconcerting habit of giving his paintings away for free, and he openly showed his scorn for them.
Times, Sunday Times
Inclined toward Communism to meet the social and political demands of his teeming peoples, he does not openly break with the West in shrewd calculation that only thence can flow the capital and technical know-how to ensure his country's economic survival and its development.
Muslim and Hindu
It is possible to win by addressing these issues openly and honesty as Peter Beattie did in Queensland with the electoral rorts affair.
When a community of inquirers shares their information openly, the sum of their knowledge approaches the ideal of pragmatic truth.
But if Dad weren't such a killjoy, she could've done it openly, like her friend was allowed to.
He did not shrink from openly intervening in Irish, Filipino and other national politics to push for an abolition of the death penalty.
Gifts that imply enough vague acquaintance without being openly insulting must be sought out.
Times, Sunday Times
The line that separates openly official and covert/clandestine is not a bright one.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Clandestine Military Operations
Grace ought to be ashamed of herself , hurling herself at that boy so openly.
He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.
Establishments sell grass openly and the customers (Vietnamese rarely smoke) roll and lazily smoke reefers like a cigarette.
Back then he orated openly on Jesus and the New Testament, rebutting missionary claims and engaging missionaries in public dialogue and exchange.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: What Is Motivating The Global Ban On 'Kosher Jesus'?
Whoever first "confesses" that he or she has been in long-term (preferably, psycho-dynamic) therapy, is able to openly talk about what he/she had worked on in therapy, and is able to articulate a no-nonsense meditation practice (not just prayer), is likely to be more emotionally self-regulated and better self-aware.
Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Psychology of Presidential Ambition?
Aubrey sipped his brandy, nursing the balloon in both hands and studying Langford openly.
But it is the overall image of drugs being peddled openly and used by, in some instances children as young as 12, that is causing growing concern.
Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly-and perhaps unconsciously-refused to comply with their demands.
Under circumstances of poverty and the consequent privations, it is absurd to say that a Hindu should try to be as openly charitable as his forefathers were in the Golden Era of our civilization.
He spoke openly about his involvement with the actress.
Really, openly sneered, which isn’t easy to do with a serious weapon aimed at you.
Thin Air
If Google truly wants to design a new "windowing system on top of a Linux kernel", there should be nothing to stop the search giant from collaborating openly with the best in the business.
The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
Our culture has become distinctly sexualised over the past 20 years, and subjects that were once taboo are now openly discussed.
Few, indeed, wanted to be in the army: many openly, cynically, bitterly denounced the war.
Foley, who's openly gay, says he was molested by a priest as a child, leading him to addiction and what he calls a momentary lapse of judgment.
CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2008
He openly boasted of his talents.
The Anglican Church in America has voted to confirm the appointment of an openly gay bishop.
That oughtest thou to know and no man better, said the good man, for thou knewest the daughter of king Pelles fleshly, and on her thou begattest Galahad, and that was he that at the feast of Pentecost sat in the Siege Perilous; and therefore make thou it known openly that he is one of thy begetting on King Pelles daughter, for that will be your worship and honour, and to all thy kindred.
Chapter IV. The Fifteenth Book. How the Hermit Expounded to Sir Launcelot His Vision, and Told Him That Sir Galahad Was His Son
General have been openly hostile toward Doctors Community.
One detects in their commentary a note of annoyance that the incestuous relations between corporate interests and government have emerged so openly.
On a day for women, culturally taboo subjects like female sexuality can be openly acknowledged.
City officials are considering a ‘red light district’ pilot project where adult hookers could openly solicit - though their johns could still be arrested.
These spoke openly of ropes being thrown over high beams and tar and feathers brought into play.
(whose heightened gabbiness Solondz's films evoke, plus an acid drip), many will find the film's openly addressed ethical conundrum-Can you or should you forgive a selfish sibling or a thoughtless lover, much less a pedophile?
In These Times
Until recently, Dole was openly contemptuous of the supply side economics espoused by Kemp and other conservatives.
Many openly stated that they would not hire or support the candidacy of an out-of-the-closet scientific creationist for a tenured position in academia.
We'll talk openly and honestly.
The Sun
That sounded strange to me, so I called my thespian friend, Eric Oleson (it's okay to call him that because he's openly thespian).
American Beat: An Unusual Love Story
The other day, fielding questions about her aversion for holding press conferences, she openly admitted to her feeling that media exercises may not yield the desired results.
The dominant taxa at that time (modal geometries C and D) had compressed, moderately to openly umbilicate shells with slowly expanding whorls, morphologies poorly exploited by Permian goniatitids.
People who are on the “downlow” are there precisely because they feel a need that they cannot openly satisfy or admit; the downlow is a consequ7ence, not a cause.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
One of the great changes that have come over Australia in the last six months is that people do feel able to speak a little more freely and openly about how they feel.
In their arrogance and recklessness they are openly admitting they plan first-strike nuclear attacks against non-nuclear powers, endangering the very survival of humankind with their hegemonic attitude.
There are few persons today who would openly oppose the general principles of equality that drive feminism.
The couple flirted openly in front of each other in the their Whitehall office but few people knew that they were engaged in a clandestine relationship.
Times, Sunday Times
In some areas[Sentencedict], drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
And though openly opposed to the wars, he did not express anti-American sentiments, they said.
Restoration often depends upon the willingness of both to communicate openly. Professional help may be needed.
Everyone was very openly talking about their crying, and crying very openly.
Times, Sunday Times
Critics charge that Jennings, who is himself openly gay, condoned what they called statutory rape, even child molestation, because they say 20 years ago, he failed to tell authorities an underage student had sex with an older man.
CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
The candour of this speech, in which his aversion to the Delviles was openly acknowledged, and rationally justified, somewhat quieted the suspicions of Cecilia, which far more anxiously sought to be confuted than confirmed: she began, therefore, to conclude that some accident, inexplicable as unfortunate, had occasioned the partial discovery to Mr
Fear of regional war has flushed normally reticent governments into openly declaring their allegiances.
Times, Sunday Times
The moderator has previously said he would not be opposed to openly gay ministers.
David smirked openly until his grandmother's back was turned, when his father hit him upside his head.
Any girl of beddable age would at once be presumed to be the lowest type of harlot, a foreign devil's harlot and despised as such, sneered at openly, and her value diminished.
Noble House
The city population was not openly hostile but the humans were watched silently as they made their way through the streets.
don't ask, don't tell" policy, which bans openly gay troops from serving in the military, calling abolishment of the law "the right thing to do.
ABC News: ABCNews
While the first line of Wall Street's defense of its dictatorship is the more openly right wing, hard-line approach of trying to downplay and attack Occupy Wall Street thru any and all physical, political and media means, the next stage of defense will be subtler- and Democrat-led: try to divide and coopt the movement.
Roberto Lovato: Occupy Wall Street Must End the Dictatorship - of Corporations
The Iraqi Bar Association cafeteria is one of the few public places in Baghdad where Sunnis and Shiites can openly have conversations, al-Dulaimi says.
Shortage of Iraqi lawyers no joke
In a general way, the one who openly defies you, who refuses to cooperate with you is an open enemy.
So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.
These opinions do not constitute a skeptical epistemology of the sort found in Montaigne's “Apology for Raymond Sebond” or in the more systematic and more openly Pyrrhonist (but far less influential) treatise Quod nihil scitur/That Nothing Is Known (1581) by Francisco Sanches, the son of Portuguese conversos who was reared and educated in France and taught in the medical faculty at Toulouse.
Loss of Faith
He openly shoplifted from a supermarket.
They both broadly agreed with the police view that drugs were not dealt openly in the town.
The timeliness and adequacy of resource allocations should not simply be implied but be addressed openly.
Officers off-duty will stop by, and they talk to us and each other openly.
Christianity Today
Russia and China were openly hostile to the plan.
He felt free to stare or even lift the binoculars openly.
Darfur is now bleeding openly, profusely, even across the border, into Chad, and I think it's this potential to expand the conflict and suffering, which is now -- which is, a wakeup call for the U.N., especially the Security Council, and other major players to do something about this situation.
CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2006
He's been put in an untenable position and his future in the ruling coalition is being debated openly.
Provocative is when a girl dresses more openly than could be called alluring and couples this with a raunchy attitude plus she goes into situations where she is unprotected and there are not likely to be gentlemen about to help her.
[paradigm shift required] in the male-female divide
The US dollar is the most commonly used foreign currency and trades openly side by side with the kwanza (local currency), at the rate of 1 to 80 in March 2004.
Barney Frank, D-Mass., one of three openly gay lawmakers.
I openly defied the principal and made him look a fool in front of the entire senior class and he found a way to make me pay for it.
But you didnt answer, Brigit replied, her expression openly curious.
Beautiful Disaster
If you don't have the balls to argue openly, then micturate off back to your Wii will you.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
To play fast and loose now means to behave in a deceitful or irresponsible manner. shell game This old gambling game (earlier known as thimblerig), in which the operator openly places a pea under one of three walnut shells, then rapidly shifts the shells around and challenges a sucker to bet on the location of the pea, has given its name to any kind of chicanery or subterfuge.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
Many of the smaller cities are openly hostile toward the City of Los Angeles.
I appreciate that this is a very emotive and difficult subject to discuss openly, and I therefore apologise unreservedly if any part of my opinion has upset or offended you.
The prison hero is the one who most openly shows anger and contempt for the staff.
The leader of the LDK, the forever silk scarfed and mellifluous Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, compared himself openly and blushlessly to Vaclav Havel and the Kosovar struggle to the Velvet Revolution.
Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers of drug abuse .
I had to be forcibly stopped from standing on a table and openly apologising to the other poor souls who had been similarly treated - not to mention ripped-off - in my own country.
They said she had become a public nuisance behind the station ‘as she quite openly solicits males on Fairfield Street and as a result of such liaisons, regularly frequents the ladies' toilets’ on Piccadilly station itself.