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opencast mining

  1. the mining of ore or coal from an open mine

How To Use opencast mining In A Sentence

  • Villagers opposed to opencast mining plans near their homes claim the proposals could encroach on local water voles, currently the UK's fastest declining mammal.
  • It will trip off the tongue of First Minister and would-be eco-hero, Jack McConnell - and it will become a new battle cry for families who fear they are being poisoned by opencast mining and landfill dumps.
  • Exploration for hydrocarbons has resulted in drilling to basement in many basins and, where coal seams occur close to the surface, opencast mining has exposed the strata.
  • The two main methods of extraction are opencast mining and underground mining.
  • Earthwatch's ‘Cradle for Nature’ project was designed to develop a green way of using trees to create new soils on barren wasteland left behind after opencast mining.
  • Residents are claiming victory today after controversial plans for opencast mining near three quiet Yorkshire villages were thrown out.
  • Furthermore, most of the research and development conducted during the previous 20 years that has borne any fruit has been focused on opencast mining and metallurgy.
  • opencast mining
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