
How To Use Opel In A Sentence

  • The scooter was a propeller-driven device that could pull a diver at about five knots and had a battery life of about three hours.
  • They are weird stubby boats, and you have to do a lot more work to propel and keep them on a straight course through the water.
  • And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
  • My job was often actually throwing the dart out of sight, since they were hopeless at aiming. Times, Sunday Times
  • So brisk was the malwa business that it propelled Okello to some form of royalty. New Vision Frontpage News
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  • It is no more a sign of weakness to change leadership in wartime if success depends on it than it is to remove a baseball pitcher who is getting shelled in order to prevent the game from becoming hopelessly lost.
  • This vision will then have to be translated physically and aesthetically into a future Opel vehicle.
  • Such a seemingly innocuous observation, yet as Logan evolves from student, to writer, to secret agent, to art gallery dealer, we see how it informs a kind of amorality in his character that propels him to sleep with his college mate's girlfriend and, later, the same man's wife, marry a woman he doesn't love and then push her aside when he meets the real love of his life. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The spacecraft's mass at launch was some 13 tonnes, most of which was the propellants unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) and dinitrogen tetroxide (DTO). BBC News - Home
  • She gets signed up for Amateur Night as a sentimental soprano soloist, is propelled on stage, moves her lips as the crowd makes noise, sways her body as if actually singing, then exits. “. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
  • Welcome the hopeless odds of meeting highly trained soldiers face-to-face. CONFESSIONAL
  • His eyes were black too, but had nothing of fierce or insolent; on the contrary, a certain melancholy swimmingness, that described hopeless love rather than a natural amorous languish. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
  • No days off and telling the world his players were hopeless after another hiding. The Sun
  • The news orgs, by contrast, are doing this out of laziness and a hopeless addiction to portraying lefties as a kind of perennially-disappointed lost tribe who will never, ever find their way out of the wilderness. News Orgs: The Left Is Upset With Obama -- Even Though It Isn't
  • Most of the popular non-executive directors are propelled into the top boardrooms following a career in business.
  • Now many propellers are keyless, so we install or remove a propeller by hydraulic pressure.
  • In the more popular system, the propellant is a liquefied gas.
  • There was not the same sense of hopelessness that prevailed in previous conflicts.
  • White House officials said the bill helped "propel" the company's recent expansion. A state dinner do-over
  • So why has Polly come up with what is, even by her notoriously moronic standards, an outstandingly hopeless argument?
  • They are propelled by a 5m pole known as a quant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is propelled by oars, and will carry 15 or 20 persons, but its capacity is greatly increased by lashing inflated seal skins to the outside.
  • The debut in spring 2006 of HBO's television series, Big Love, which featured a fictional and in some ways likeable polygamous family in Utah, propelled polygamy to the front pages of American newspapers and put the idea of legalized polygamy "in play" in some surprising quarters. Elizabeth Marquardt: Get Ready for Group Marriage
  • With cars, most of the energy consumed is used to propel the car itself rather than the people sitting in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
  • The volume expansion provides an excellent mechanism to expel and propel fluid products – including hydrocarbons – from the area of serpentinization to seep sites at the crust hydrosphere/atmosphere interface. At it Again
  • And that in itself becomes the great terrible mystery of the film - the monstrous enigma that propels the townspeople towards some inexplicable, and therefore, inextricable, oblivion.
  • Kevin Wilkinson's simple metal dinghy, propelled by a single scull from a rowlock at the stern, maintains one of the oldest crossings of the Mersey – now transferred to the canal because the nearby river itself is bridged. Britain's Best Views: the Mersey ferry, Liverpool
  • Sometimes we throw our seeds to them, but our efforts seem hopeless since their soil is barren, empty and dead.
  • This week, we got the clue about the French Protestants of the Reformed Tradition, and the one about St Paul's Letter to the Galatians, but got hopelessly stuck on the clue that simply said "discombobulated". Archive 2008-02-01
  • They can lose a hopeless case but quite legally claim their huge costs. The Sun
  • I'm hopeless at talking about money, I give it away rather than deal with it.
  • In low explosives, such as the propellant in a bullet cartridge, the reaction occurs relatively slowly and the pressure isn't as damaging.
  • Seen through the door in the background, a team of black oarsmen propel the boat along the Nile.
  • From that moment, he anchors his existence in the hopeless need to share an affective contiguity with this random female acquaintance by changing the time of every clock and watch he encounters to Paris time.
  • Liquid-fueled DF-5A missiles may not employ storable liquid fuel propellant, possibly requiring a lengthy fueling process before firing.
  • The vessel's net entangled and fouled the 52-foot motor lifeboat's twin 36-inch brass propellers.
  • A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure will turn to glorious success.
  • My husband was a research chemist working on propellants - a real rocket scientist.
  • From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.
  • Where are you going, Rex?" said Anna one gray morning when her father had set off in his carriage to the sessions, Mrs. Gascoigne with him, and she had observed that her brother had on his antigropelos, the utmost approach he possessed to a hunting equipment. Daniel Deronda
  • It was like saying that tiny ripples and monster waves propel surfers with equal momentum. Christianity Today
  • The majority of guerrilla attacks on US occupation forces have been carried out by remotely detonated bombs or rocket-propelled grenades.
  • They took cover in a farm house but arrival of an enemy platoon made the situation hopeless. Times, Sunday Times
  • In their opening and closing games England's lumbering back four were hopelessly outmanoeuvred by bursts of fast, mobile, unpredictable attacks, like tankers anchored as speedboats darted around them.
  • Many of the targets were basic silhouettes, though others were figures wearing traditional Arab head scarves, called kaffiyeh, and holding rocket-propelled grenades. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • In a second letter he tells how he struggled to avoid being drawn in by the ship 's propeller, as some victims were. The Sun
  • Within seconds, the mighty radial roared to life, spinning the propeller.
  • The propellant deflagration produced only a fireball, and a small one at that, by comparison to a LOX-hydrocarbon mix. Black Zones - NASA Watch
  • Age and a comparative, hard-fought, affluence have undoubtedly helped propel them rightwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aircraft is single-engined, propeller driven and designed for private and general aviation use. Beautifull planes | My[confined]Space
  • The car had a single propeller and rotor blades for flight.
  • And since sidewinder is going to send one - I've got to get the strangely goofy birthday card out to Ian Copeland. Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, OW
  • On the basis of above theoretical model, the spectrum formula of propeller cavitation noise has been derived.
  • Some protest that this affirmation comes at a cost: you cannot receive it unless you first abase yourself as a hopeless and helpless sinner in need of redemption.
  • An intricate system of magnetic fields propelled the craft along and away from Earth.
  • Teenage fighters with rocket-propelled grenades and rifles lurked on bridges or in derelict areas near the main highway leading west toward the embattled town of Fallujah.
  • Thanks to every instructor at BOEC who has allowed me to propel myself, in my monoski, up that hill to the Quicksilver lift. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Sports would be a far more amusing place if it relaxed, exhaled and learned a lesson from this lo-fi World Series between Texas and San Francisco, which the Giants now lead three games to one after a brilliant 4-0 shutout win propelled by rookie pitcher Madison Bumgarner. If Only the Entire Sports World Were as Wacky
  • Her propeller shaft was fouled and she was dragging her anchor, so Endurance, some 25 miles away when the call went out, closed in at top speed to act as on-scene commander.
  • Another lawsuit is pending in Germany against the Opel division of General Motors, this one for a version of the Brahms 'Lullaby' performed in what he calls a suspiciously Waitsian voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • The far-fetched story is propelled by its endlessly inventive energy and visual verve. Times, Sunday Times
  • A variety of mechanical surfaces have been employed for deflecting the exhaust jets of solid - propellant rockets.
  • The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane's propeller.
  • Wellington's successes as a general propelled him into the top echelons of politics and diplomacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paradoxically, the political situation is so desperate, so apparently hopeless, that everyone understands the responsibility of casting their vote.
  • I was hopelessly out of my depth in college chemistry classes.
  • At the bottom of Rover's long-term failure is a hopelessly crude conception of what constitutes enterprise and business success.
  • In 1910 it was the home of 18, 182 souls, a dead and hopeless outlook ahead.
  • Stem-cell-enriched CD49f hi cells amplify at dioestrus, or with exogenous progesterone, demonstrating a key role for progesterone in propelling this expansion. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • They make nitroglycerine, like all the thalassic peoples; they also make TNT and catastrophite, and propellants. Uller Uprising
  • The turbine ventilator (also known as "whirlybird") is one of the many types of roof vents available, preferred by some because it uses a wind-propelled fan instead of an electric fan to draw heat and moisture out of the attic space. Shaister Miester Do Da
  • Frankel, meanwhile, is rated the best horse Henry Cecil has had in many a year after a sensational 10-length success in last weekend's Royal Lodge at Ascot propelled him to the top of the betting for the Newmarket Classic. Talking Horses
  • That bright sound propelled him faster to the narrow staircase at the end of the hall.
  • For unmanned spacecraft you can use both aerobraking and propellant while with manned spacecraft you can use propellant. Trying To Spin The Facts - NASA Watch
  • I'm a hopeless dancer. I've got two left feet.
  • What is happening to the campaigning steamroller that was going to propel the new prophets of technocratic and meritocracy craving Labor into power?
  • A sailing boat is propelled by wind.
  • There are liable to be rocks, propellers, exhaust, slippery decks, cleats, and a host of other potential bugaboos that must be considered.
  • Round her, and for a mile away, they fought like rams and they fought like dogs and they fought like tigers, and over the roaring siren sounds of the fight the gulls flew like the fume of it, screaming and swooping and circling in spirals, and through everything like the continuous thud-thud of a propeller came the dunch of tons of flesh meeting tons of flesh head on, shoulder on, or side on. The Beach of Dreams
  • OTOH, the Dollar has been weak and the renminbi is not propely traded. Energy Price Outlook, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • My friend looked and walked like an exceedingly tall, lame ostrich with his legs hopelessly entangled in brightly colored cloth.
  • There were also two dummy rocket propelled grenades and a dismantled self-loading rifle.
  • His solidarity on that occasion propelled him to assume the general secretaryship of the St Lucia Workers Cooperative Union.
  • Forest areas are characterized with blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix), and other forest birds (Dendrocopos major, Oriolus oriolus, Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Parus cyanus, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Anthus trivialis) and others. Kazakh upland
  • Rudy grabbed him on the shoulder and propelled him towards the nearest fence post.
  • Long-tem change in benthopelagic fish abundance in the abyssal northeast Pacific Ocean. Bottom-up control
  • See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
  • Most of the students are making good progress, but Michael is a hopeless case.
  • All stages of these are made of solid propellants.
  • You're a hopeless/incurable romantic.
  • As our understanding of large marine predators increases, the critical role of concentrations of mesopelagic cephalopods in the lives of such species as elephant seals, billfishes and tuna is becoming clear.
  • The song is moody and weighed down but not indolent: Propelled by a polyrhythmic drumbeat, it reveals emo-core and math-rock leanings.
  • The onrushing process of globalization—loosely defined as worldwide networks of interdependence—served as a major propellant of integration. Between War and Peace
  • Although you are in a seemingly hopeless situation, keep thinking and get your priorities right.
  • When a cow assumes the appearance of what we term a regular buller -- when she is running every day, or every second or third day, or when one or more retire from the herd and assume the habits of the male -- then, and not till then, does the case become utterly hopeless. Cattle and Cattle-breeders
  • An abandoned circus wagon with peeling paint is in the background, in it a hopeless dark woman imprisoned behind bars.
  • When the fuse is triggered, a conventional explosion causes the second subcritical mass to be propelled at a high velocity into the first subcritical mass.
  • He stumbles through the movie wearing the glazed expression of a hopeless drunk.
  • Yet his hopelessness in the 1994 film did not dissuade one family from buying into the dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are stuck here sharing in the hopelessness and breathing the putrid air for the next seven days.
  • At the Information Ministry, also on the river's west bank, civilians armed with rocket-propelled grenade rifles stood by and a half-dozen soldiers manned sandbagged positions.
  • Near the middle, Semiha Berksoy, a 90-year-old Turkish opera squawker, campily bedizened and reclining on a sofa, is slowly propelled across the stage as a recording of the Liebestod is encroached on by her decrepit screech.
  • Over the stern the rudder rests folded towards the seabed at 30m, but the propeller was salvaged soon after the ship went down.
  • In the air, the car would function as a gyrocopter, using a conventional propeller to provide thrust and helicopter-style rotors for lift.
  • In a flash I realised that my propeller was tearing great chunks out of his cockpit and he was quite literally trapped.
  • The internal struggles of the group are hopelessly dramatised, reading off like the plot mechanisms that they are.
  • Indeed, a large number of mesopelagic animals have eyes that permanently view the upward direction for just this reason.
  • They took inspiration from mechanical models such as propellers and paddle wheels.
  • Enthusiasts say the extreme sport of kitesurfing, in which a massive wind-powered kite propels a surfer on a small board to defy gravity, can prove more exciting than sex.
  • Fresh information revealed that the French were fully prepared to meet an attack on Rochefort, and a council of war decided that any attempt to take it by escalade would be hopeless.
  • The Pitts S - 1C had damage to its propeller tips, engine cowling, and the leading edge of its top left wing.
  • Rich Millspaugh, Opelousas city attorney, said he did not see that any constitutional issues were involved since the decision resulted from a vote on December 8 by city aldermen.
  • A few comments say our view of the new Alpha roadmap is either hopelessly optimistic, or unfairly negative.
  • There's a chance you might decide to start to strut around like some kind of hopeless mockney wideboy after you've seen it, though.
  • It is unclear whether Wednesday's move will immediately propel trade higher, largely because nontariff barriers to trade, such as onerous labeling requirements, could still make things difficult for exporters. Pakistan to Boost Trade With India
  • When the propellants combine within the engine, they produce thrust.
  • The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence
  • This ritual apparently provided the necessary steps to propel the spirit into its next incarnation.
  • There are liable to be rocks, propellers, exhaust, slippery decks, cleats, and a host of other potential bugaboos that must be considered.
  • With a miracle of even greater proportions required to propel his new side to similar glories, he is keen just to focus on the next round.
  • And if you do not, then young people face unemployment and the hopelessness it brings. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rocket propelled grenade launcher can use the term rocket, because it has a conventional rocket propellant system behind the charge. Undefined
  • The narrative does not slacken with the news of Daniel's death and the widow's hopeless grief.
  • Now that he wants to rejoin society no goal seems more quixotic and hopeless. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, pilot whales had smaller group sizes when they fed more on mesopelagic fish and less on mesopelagic cephalopods, and common dolphins had larger groups if they fed on varying types of fish.
  • This section, a part of the keel called a skeg, aids a cruise ship by helping it move linearly and by protecting its propeller and rudder. Undefined
  • We feathered the propeller and discussed our options.
  • The aircar was a hopeless wreck, but its radio was still functioning. The Cosmic Computer
  • Manganese bronzes are specified for marine propellers and fittings, pinions, ball-bearing races, worm wheels, gear-shift forks and architectural work.
  • The next he heard a bump and saw a propeller flying away from the plane.
  • A microlight engine and propeller power it in flight. Times, Sunday Times
  • A two - component rocket propellant, such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen chamber as fuel and oxidizer.
  • So there would be little or no vibration, the opposite blade of the propeller had to be treated in exactly the same manner.
  • Yet he tries to find common factors which unite Indian cooking - perhaps a hopeless task.
  • No matter how hopelessly demode it may seem, it will come back again, eventually. Times, Sunday Times
  • The notion that on-the-spot 100 fines will bring sanity and serenity is hopelessly naive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here are the final 15 words competitors were asked to spell at the Camera Regional Spelling Bee. vicariously propellable surrealist cosmetician duncical plummet absolution comandante roodebok dachshund egregious archipelago Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • The lawyers must have known their lawsuit was hopeless.
  • The woman's face melted into a gooey, hopeless romantic expression and her eyes remained focused on me.
  • This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure? Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
  • In addition to seven cars rigged with explosives, the guardsmen found 30 rocket-propelled grenades, high-powered rifles, mortars and remote control detonators.
  • We are not goddesses, divas or supermoms any more than we're bitches, shrews, sluts or nursemaids, and the damage of getting it wrong has been accumulative, making the picture of a woman's role seem quite grim and hopeless when it's really far from it. Chauncey Zalkin: A Better Way To Represent Women
  • I swing my arms to propel myself out of a clump of these strange water plants.
  • The latest iteration is in an Opel Zafira minivan.
  • He was impatient with bores, sooks and nags; he was full of ideas and energies, and hopeless at small details.
  • They dive from the water's surface to pursue prey underwater, propelled by powerful, webbed feet.
  • With cars, most of the energy consumed is used to propel the car itself rather than the people sitting in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Authorities say a sailboarder was pulled beneath a 65-foot cruise boat and was injured by the propeller. The Seattle Times
  • The currency was hopelessly debased, the government corrupt, the armies more interested in plundering the provinces than protecting them; many people believed the dissolution of the empire was at hand. Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
  • The responsibility for unrelenting global crisis and hardship lies more appropriately with a rudderless global financial system drifting hopelessly without a solid anchor.
  • In addition to the rockets, police collected more then 400 mortar rounds, more than 200 recoilless rifle rounds, 150 machine gun rounds, 75 rocket-propelled grenades and four anti-tank mines.
  • They also say the likelihood of casualties increases when guns come out—especially when the pirates arrive armed with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and ships carry explosive chemicals.
  • The vessel can be propelled by oars or sail .
  • A noisy, brash American, he never knew he was beaten and gave absolutely everything on every point of every game, no matter how apparently hopeless the cause.
  • A mechanically propelled vehicle covers not only cars but electric or motorised wheelchairs and ride-on lawnmowers.
  • The snow cruiser proved hopelessly unsuited to Antarctic conditions.
  • The company makes the Crusader, a self-propelled howitzer that operates like a tank.
  • The fireman had to keep shoveling coal into the furnace which generated the steam to propel the train.
  • This was the first trial of our _sliding-gunter_ mainsail upon our singularly-constructed boat; and Bob and I were thrown into perfect raptures at the truly marvellous speed with which it propelled the craft along. For Treasure Bound
  • Musharraf spent much of his time talking about what he called the desperation, hopelessness, and powerlessness of Muslims around the world, who see disputes like the one over Kashmir and the Palestinian people going unresolved. CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2001
  • He heard a'weird clunking noise - as if a bird had flown straight into the propeller. The Sun
  • The concept of discovery and desire for mathematization propelled a new language, apparatus of concepts, and set of ambitions. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In the last half of the twentieth century, the manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons for use as propellants in aerosol sprays and refrigerants has resulted in a slow mixing of these compounds with the stratosphere.
  • Was it all a reaction to her hopeless love life? The Sun
  • I look at myself in my twenties, pathetically cyclothymic, my judgment hopeless, my competence all over the map, and I wish I could give that smooth-skinned young self some of my own wry strength. Yatima » 2009 » April
  • Winning then taught me that there is no such thing as a hopeless case. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phrase is not stronger than that with which the “Grammar of Science” challenged the fight: —“Anything more hopelessly illogical than the statements with regard to Force and Matter current in elementary textbooks of science, it is difficult to imagine, ” opened Mr. Pearson, and the responsible author of the “elementary textbook, ” as he went on to explain, was Lord Kelvin himself. The Grammar of Science (1903)
  • Update: I hope the hopelessly "overstuffed" Po Boy Preservation event didn't factor into the Presidential Debate committee's unfortunate decision. Archive 2007-11-01
  • It is not hopeless, it is not undoable, we have only to marshal the will to start paying attention.
  • The extra propellant provides an additional 50 tonnes of thrust in the first 20 seconds following liftoff.
  • People are dying, mainly Muggles, but also Mudbloods, and any whose bloodline is tainted with that of the non-magical, leading to a growing world that hearkens back to the time of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany, as well as echoing the doom and hopelessness of 1984. 2010 March 01 « The BookBanter Blog
  • You might say that's a bit hypocritical, coming from a woman in pants who propels herself five metres into the air on a bendy fibreglass stick. The Sun
  • I had in my thought to speak of these new inhabitants as workers, but that word has in it too much of the suggestion of endless, hopeless, playless labor. The French in the Heart of America
  • The Titan uses Aerojet-General LR87 and LR91 engines burning liquid hypergolic propellants that ignite spontaneously on contact.
  • These ‘comic’ stereotypes, regressive even in 1968, make the show seem not so much offensive as hopelessly dated.
  • She looked rather lost unused to choosing between an electric hover or a self-propelling rotary.
  • Next time, the Suits at Hoover might want to ask for more help from the propeller heads in stirring up interest. The Internet and Productivity, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Boats powered by propellers and engines were bringing people across the river in under three hours.
  • It sets a precedent that extends third party insurance to cover all vehicles 'propelled by mechanical power' - not just on roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'd think that a Royal Navy man would know that a sampan is not a sailing ship; it is a small boat usually propelled by two oars.
  • Nevertheless, he set about the seemingly hopeless task of making a bankrupt Command a going concern.
  • In addition, the German taxpayers Union has committed itself in opposition to rescue Opel car.
  • Do you remember how hopeless Mummy used to be at impromptu visits? Times, Sunday Times
  • The assault commenced with the firing of Rocket Propelled Grenades followed by indiscriminate firing.
  • The two mighty bronze wing propellers began to turn slowly. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • We found ourselves hopelessly outnumbered by the enemy.
  • Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they're going through.
  • A dragon figure occupies one side of the tree, its forequarters resting on the base and its undulating, ropelike body (part of which is now missing) extending upward.
  • An ornithopter is an aircraft that gets its forward propulsion from the flapping of wings (the ORNITH – in ornithopter comes from the ltain for “bird” – putting “ornith” on a prefix makes it “bird-like”) an ornithopter is a heavier-than-air aircraft that is propelled by the flapping of wings. KAMN Show #11: Dune : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • The high friction then caused the weakened propeller shaft to break and the prop tore away taking the shaft with it.
  • He is, however, quite impatient with the clods and dullards who do not find the tradition hopelessly retrograde.
  • Society became flooded with well-meaning do-gooders who bumbled about in the most hopeless manner.
  • The propellant comes together in an eight-foot combustion chamber, where the liquid oxidizer is converted into a gas, then ignited to start the engine.
  • When infectious people cough, sneeze, talk or spit, they propel TB germs, known as bacilli, into the air.
  • Rather, it impels and propels, it rebounds, goes on.
  • The Spanish were hopelessly outnumbered in the battle.
  • I reacted by feathering the right propeller and securing the right engine.
  • He was thirty, but looked fifty, with pale skin, hopeless eyes and an emaciated body, covered in sores.
  • The utter hopelessness of attempting to gain sleep while shuttling to and fro inside a coach is almost impossible to communicate.

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