How To Use Ooze In A Sentence
Woody stemmed plants, like Buddleia and plants that ooze sap, like Asclepias, should be cut and placed in hot water.
My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty.
Grant, a booze-hound from the word go, would show up in front of his superiors stewed to the gills.
Similarly, beer and soft drink cans, booze bottles and empty jars can all be recycled.
She oozes with sex appeal on any occasion.

Of course, it never hurts if a biographer's subject boozes and ... whatever the non-gender-specific equivalent of "wenches" is.
The ‘not so bright’ builder was tanked up on booze and decided that it would be fun to fire a loaded 11 mm pistol in a public area.
His exceptional talent at putting acrylics and oils together on board and letting them ooze is a lesson on how to do this kind of thing and all those kids in ARI-land should get down to the Wynne and check it out.
We always knew twelve-stepping was the best substitute for booze.
All wrongs in the world can be fixed by an afternoon snooze - I went to sleep and woke up thinking that England had been knocked out of the world cup by Wales in the semi final.
Others call in sick, roll over and try to nod off again before the snooze button kicks in.
Times, Sunday Times
Watching Nixon's henchmen come out of the woodwork to declare their moral indignation at the ethical lapses of Mark Felt was tantamount to watching Liza Minelli criticize someone else for being an an unstable boozehound.
While we were never stupid about it, most of that side certainly liked going out on the booze.
It would be easy to snooze the day away in the spa, but Galway is surrounded by rich history and beautiful scenery that has to be explored.
The Sun
Forget the horror of the multiple snooze button.
Times, Sunday Times
There are many people who stay in their beds in the morning just that little bit extra and hit the snooze button one more time.
The Sun
But the videos of robotic forms, Imprecise Bodies, that ooze into other forms, as if Salvador Dalí were haunting them, make an argument that there's life left in surrealism, thanks to the imagination that Netzhammer brings to it.
GreenCine Daily: Miami Dispatch.
Welcome to the Wild, Wild West: The old Fowlers Pub, located at the top of Soi Skaw Beach (off Second Road), is being refurbished and will soon re-open as a Wild West-style theme boozer and noshery with hamburgers being a specialty.
This fragile monster truck of booze and soft drugs eventually careened off the road.
Then before you knew it they'd be off again, seen on their way by an almighty booze-up and replaced by a new face the next day.
Two booze barons are shipping in illegal hooch to the village in the boots of their cars and selling it to youngsters at knock-down prices.
He seems relaxed and happy for the first time in years, hasn't touched a drop of booze since his time in The Priory more than two years ago, and his life is definitely back on track.
Consequently, Chalk should not be perceived as merely a thick pelagic ooze deposited in a tectonically quiescent period.
Between one and two, the Grill is chock-full of agents power lunching on mineral water (the schmooze is boozeless in modern LA).
The snot otter, a.k.a. hellbender, is a giant salamander that oozes a slightly toxic slime.
Green Movement's New Mascot: the Slimy Snot Otter
It's tempting to a snooze in the day if you slept badly the night before.
The Sun
If it doesn't, we wind up like Fitzgerald, lost in a lost city, besotted by booze and benumbed by grief.
Judith Acosta: The Necessary Death of Romance
First, a scratch coat is troweled onto the lath; the plaster oozes through the lath and grips the backing when it hardens.
Some people fill their bathtubs with cold water, plop their heads on plastic bath pillows and snooze.
Last week's "town hall" hosted by Tom "snooze" Brokaw being the worst.
Christopher Ingram: McCain Brings Out NFL Two Minute Offense
This is a proper old boisterous boozer that just happens to serve fabulous food, and has been doing so for the past ten years.
Times, Sunday Times
The wound opened under the strain and blood oozed out.
The eyes bulge, the lips distort and foul-smelling gases ooze from every orifice.
Roll the window down, recline your seat, and snooze.
They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from th ... read more crafts
A Michoacan tradition: the needlework artistry of Hermelinda Reyes
A large sword gash in his side, which had been sewed up, but from which the blood continually oozed, was the obvious cause of his present condition, and, to all human appearance, his death warrant.
Eoneguski, or, the Cherokee Chief: A Tale of Past Wars. Vol. I.
It's unfortunate, however, that he has to rely on jaded Irish clichés of booze and blarney to enliven a story that is powerful enough to survive on its own merits.
There was some space left over in my trolley when I'd bought the necessaries so I filled it up with Christmas booze.
To cheer himself up he spends the money he manages to earn on booze instead of food.
Times, Sunday Times
They play cards, smoke in the freezing gaps between carriages, leaf through magazines and snooze on narrow bunks.
Times, Sunday Times
Inside the hotel large crowds of politicians, their friends and general schmoozers can be seen throughout the whole room.
Have to say after months of abstinence alcohol highly effective & had lovely snooze.
Aaaaaaand time to call it a night. chaosreality is in dutch with his girl, dravengodvamp's chatting online, the booze has shifted from goofy laughter to deep introspective discussion, and I have to be at the rehab house in 5.5 hours to see Ray, so I better get my happy ass to bed.
Voice Post
The dad of three had battled booze and drug addiction for many years.
The Sun
And not that many drinking booze.
Times, Sunday Times
The operation of the handbrake, steering, brake and clutch oozes quality, and the fittings are impressive.
Students we spoke to agreed the campus is gripped by an extreme drinking culture fuelled by cheap booze at Northern prices.
The Sun
No doubt you will both treasure your choice of a vintage engagement ring for a long time to come as they ooze character with a wide variety of styles, shapes, stones and carats that will certainly bedazzle, shimmer and shine.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1031
His voice was heavy with booze, yet even in his inebriated state, he managed to speak clearly.
Instead, they are sentenced to a life of subordination: tilling fields, building homes, preparing food, collecting firewood, bearing children, and preparing any item -- from charcoal to litchi fruits for their unfaithful husbands to sell on roadsides -- money that will ultimately end up in the men's empty stomachs in the form of bootleg banana booze.
Summer Rayne Oakes: Where the fire burns: Accounts from Mozambique
Or, maybe he's thinking that if he schmoozes the big contractors with lobbying for the ITAR stuff, contractors who have lots-o-bucks for campaign contributions, then he'll be lined up for a cabinet appointment or something if Palin beats Obama next election?
Let's Talk ITAR - NASA Watch
The alarm goes off at 8.30 but I press the snooze button and roll over a few times.
Times, Sunday Times
Booze, cigs and fuel duty and council tax also swallow up big chunks.
The Sun
When the toad is attacked, this chemical weapon oozes out as a thick, creamy liquid.
Pine may ooze resin, so protect furniture and mantels with newspaper or plastic.
There was a lovely twinset paired with a cotton pencil skirt that oozed easy sophistication.
And of course the extra booze drunk during festivities can quickly cause a gut to expand.
The answer of course, lies somewhere in between - somewhere deep in the primordial minestrone ooze where a new kind of food was born.
Maybe the re-appearance of her beloved Quickos will finally drag her out of this sorry state of maudlin, mumbling, booze-addled torpor.
The audience listened intently, strolled among the plants, watched the dozy fish, sipped tea, snoozed, read books: it was quite magical.
When he gets home, he buys himself a new flat and a Porsche, splashes out on new clobber and heads at midday to the boozer.
But they would visit more if boozers served good food, had better seats, entertainment and showed less sport on the telly.
The Sun
Though I never touched a drop of booze that day, I had a drunken smile on my face from start to finish.
Before Kate can respond with a witty rejoinder about geese, a waiter oozes forth and demands drink orders.
It hardly oozes charm now, although there have been a few attempts to gentrify it.
You also need to give the ooze time to simmer and slosh, quiet time, creative time.
Comics and creativity – Heuristic
Thus we were stumbling on, very weary, very hungry, the man with the want in a constant wail, and Sonachan lamenting for suppers he had been saucy over in days of rowth and plenty, when a light oozed out of the grey-dark ahead of us, in the last place in the world one would look for any such sign of humanity.
John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
It was once a speakeasy and just before prohibition was repealed a bunch of boozers were massacred by cops during a raid.
Every time you turn on the television, some Republican is ranting like the kind of barstool know-it-all who gives booze a bad name.
In between gardening sessions, and after lunch, the whole establishment settled down in various places for a light afternoon snooze.
AN'emergency' booze home delivery firm which uses an ambulance logo in its advertising was blasted yesterday.
The Sun
But she quickly shed the excess weight after cutting out carbs and booze and following a strict exercise regime.
The Sun
I had to have a little snooze this afternoon as I was completely knackered.
The monster stumbled back as purple ooze started to spill out of its metallic form.
We saw it was her, took the laptop over, schmoozed her, explained the project we were doing, and she said yes, she'd do it.
The daylight hallucinations of Mr.Darko strike a chord with someone who has drank a skinful the night before and is shivering in the post booze darkness.
There are, admittedly, some who would contend that he can overdo the cavalier insouciance, but, assuredly, the confidence he oozes is certainly very welcome.
It's black ooze spilled over her hand and it's body fell to the floor.
I said, the booze tanking up the anger quicker than usual.
She'll meet, greet and schmooze you without you even realising it.
Blood oozed out of the wound.
However, I fear they are retreating, and minority indulgences such as cribbage are going the same way as dominoes, shove ha'penny, bar billiards, and the very jolly, unpretentious boozers in which they used to be played day and night. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
There is no glowing ooze in the holding ponds or men walking gingerly in protective suits.
Times, Sunday Times
At the risk of merely confirming Stephen's description of the Brit boozer, I've been drunk or been with drunken people in most parts of Europe and on the whole it has been fun.
Their strange and steamy spectacle recalls the primordial ooze from where we all came.
He was dry for years but now he's back on the booze.
Instead of cruise control, it was more a case of snooze control.
The Sun
Cut down on caffeine and avoid excess booze.
The Sun
These encourage pores in the skin to ooze large amounts of sebum, the greasy goop that acne-promoting bacteria love.
Every recreational hard drug conceivable is washed down with booze, both bought and stolen.
Blood oozes from his wounds but he barely winces from the pain, even though he describes the sensation as ‘like a hot, sharp knife’.
They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from the dark wet dough, turtles swimming to its surface, bug-eyed devils rising from the mud, all brought to life by the magic touch of Antonia Cruz Rafael.
Antonia Cruz Rafael: the ceramics of Ocumicho, Michoacan
Rain trickled incessantly down each man's face and glistened in dusty beads upon foreheads, clothing at last gave way to complete saturation, and water, collecting in pools until over ankle deep, oozed slushily in and out of the eyelet holes.
Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
The slime - a thick, mucus-like substance that smelled positively dreadful - was dribbling down the steps in a slow and steady ooze.
Drinking duty free booze is banned on flights.
The Sun
The sewer system had a very low ceiling and much of the path was taken up by a stream of thick, black sludge that oozed sickeningly towards some central point.
He was covered in a gel-like red ooze and was wiping it from his face.
The timber of the kauri is the most valuable production of the island; moreover, a quantity of resin oozes from the bark, which is sold at a penny a pound to the
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Log in to Reply elzarcothepale (UID#1877) on September 14th, 2009 at 8: 12 pm my two cents: it should be legal for the same reason booze is, and treated the same. theoretical, nonresearched, nonsmoker pros and cons:
Legalize! | My[confined]Space
We learned that razorbacks live on the bottom of the river where they eat zooplankton, bugs, and river bottom ooze off the rocks and mud.
The symptoms of eczema can include red, itchy skin, rash, blisters or bumps that itch and ooze, or scaly, brownish, thick skin.
His superb record as a super-schmoozer on and off the track surely earns him the right to be heard.
The Sun
One year, the Christmas party consisted of a quad bike competition against another small company followed by a bit of a booze-up afterwards.
It does not have a snooze button.
Times, Sunday Times
He oozes charm, but I wouldn't trust him.
(Stephen King writes an awful lot about writers and brain tumors; Tim Powers writes a lot about dead wives and drinking booze; Charles de Lint writes a lot about the evils of child abuse and the power of the imagination to transform lives; etc.)
Thematic Circling «
Full of character, it has five bedrooms and two reception rooms and oozes charm.
The Sun
We are not really giving these to the deity, because Mahakala doesn't eat meat and drink booze.
Consequently, Chalk should not be perceived as merely a thick pelagic ooze deposited in a tectonically quiescent period.
In one model, a saffron-yellow liquid filled the globe, and a blue blob of oil oozed up from the glass bottom like some alien life form.
Cuts in the bark of the tree allow the resin to ooze out and harden.
The Sun
Today I had a snooze before getting in the bath; right now I can barely sit up and I haven't eaten.
The pharmacy behind the study has launched an online calculator that works out booze intake.
The Sun
I have always had a very rocky relationship with booze and used to drink a fair bit every evening.
They are good for your Golden Retriever because they ooze nutrition.
Cook also argued that a per-gallon excise tax would mean that cheap liquor and expensive spirits are taxed equivalently, thus shifting the liquor tax burden onto less affluent residents who buy inexpensive booze.
Beer and wine wholesaler analysis shows spirits excise tax hike under McDonnell ABC plan
The red liquid didn't ooze but squirted, spraying him in the face and down the shirt.
The owner - who is more used to selling pizza slices and panini to his hungry customers - has tried his hand at mixing some fine concoctions with genuine spirits and liqueurs for an icy booze blast.
He did not lack confidence, indeed he oozed it as now he oozes sweat, but it was a confidence born of ambition, not arrogance.
I am strongly opposed to additional taxes on liquor on the basis that the heavy consumption of cheap booze is my primary tactic for getting through this recession.
Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Booze Taxes
Time is also being called on the British boozer.
The Sun
The harm done by this easy availability of cheap booze is dramatic and worrying.
Times, Sunday Times
The latter method ensures that your hands will be covered by sticky ooze guaranteed to attract clouds of annoying flies.
The spring oozes out of a rock.
The whole experience reminded me of my old man when he used to take us in the local boozer's beer garden and I'd have a cheeky slurp of this type of beer when he'd nipped off to ‘see a man about a dog’.
Indoors, the house positively oozes history.
Times, Sunday Times
Its report blames cheap booze and calls for higher taxes on alcohol and a minimum price per unit.
The Sun
You can bring your own booze and the food is really good.
Times, Sunday Times
Robin Denselow JoJo Marvin's Room Can't Do Better A killer opening line – "I've been up three days: Adderall and Red Bull" – then blankly intoned relationship fallout through a self-medicated fug, bitterness and contempt framed by drugs and booze.
F&M playlist
Brilliant minds with controversial ideas get nixed along with third-rate schmoozers.
The confidence oozed into their team when they got the goal.
Times, Sunday Times
This oozes plump merlot charm, she says.
Times, Sunday Times
Sloughs jigsawed the landscape, water oozed and streamed from roadside rocks.
Raymond Carver
Together they make booze so sublime that angels weep and Europeans tremble.
Times, Sunday Times
I was feeling exhausted, what with the 22 miler, the Rowing Crew Mardi Gras and the fulsome lunch that was now rattling in my stomach and telling my brain to let me lie down in the aisle somewhere near the dairy produce and have a good snooze.
If you do have an early start, take it easy the night before, especially on the booze.
Keep taking a milk thistle supplement, it will help your liver cope with the toxic overload of all that booze.
The Sun
This is not a gimmick or a "schmooze" as we call it in the trade.
Howard Dean on the Internet
Blood oozed out of the meat and stained the carbon steel of the knife blade.
He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity.
Times, Sunday Times
Team workers said water had oozed into the cellar and the iron box was rusted and it will take great skill to open the iron box.
The slime - a thick, mucus-like substance that smelled positively dreadful - was dribbling down the steps in a slow and steady ooze.
THE FIRST tower vomited a bubbling gout of glowing-hot lava from its chimneylike peak, lava that immediately began to ooze down the zigzagging channels carved into its sides.
He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity.
Times, Sunday Times
The ladies drank shandies and the men had beer, and Folsom proved he had a real talent for booze.
Forget the horror of the multiple snooze button.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, I read the book on my iPad -- in an otherwise pitch-dark room, while my wife snoozed away undisturbed.
Dr. Philip Neches: iPad in the Dark
Im 100% for the use of marijuana (or heroin for that matter) for strictly medical purposes, the benefits of both are well documented but until people can learn to act responsibly and use the drugs we already have responsibly and not turn up for work boozed or stoned (a stoned man driving a forklift is a truely terrifying thing), then I think shings should stay as they are.
TPN :: GDay World
He snoozes for another half hour or so before Jim rousts him with the determined decision to get off this damned hill and out of the rain.
In fact, they seem determined to recreate the bawdy, bumptious atmosphere of a redneck boozer.
Students we spoke to agreed the campus is gripped by an extreme drinking culture fuelled by cheap booze at Northern prices.
The Sun
The victim of the alleged booze-fuelled late night violence said in a written settlement that he "forgives" Asashoryu over the incident, according to people familiar with the matter.
News On Japan
The Mini PC's solid cast-aluminium casing oozes quality and it's hard not to fall in love with it at first sight.
The sand, as Sam had said, was indeed, soft as powder and oozed cool and comfortingly through his bare toes.
As a fellow boozehound and vodka aficionado said to me upon trying this one, "Now this is vodka!
Tony Sachs: A Gin Snob Repents: 9 Lesser-Known Vodkas To Convert The Unconverted
The whole body was acrawl with life, and Tom King knew that it was a life that had never oozed its freshness out through the aching pores during the long fights wherein Youth paid its toll and departed not quite so young as when it entered.
At the center of it all stands the bar, where pros and enthusiasts could, for a small fee, hang out, mingle, shmooze and drink to their heart's content from 11 AM-9 PM.
Tony Sachs: Bleary-Eyed Reflections On The Manhattan Cocktail Classic
They palled up with booze and they kept their pal close at hand: a pint in the glove box, a flask on the hip, and most famously, the fifth in the desk.
It’s a long time since you left your master and hied yourself to the forum, to loaf and snooze away there till this time of day. quin tu abs te socordiam omnem reice et segnitiem amove atque ad ingenium vetus versutum te recipis tuom serva erum, cave tu idem faxis alii quod servi solent, qui ad eri fraudationem callidum ingenium gerunt.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
If you can come up with a name and he chooses it for his new pub, you will win a VIP night, including loads of free drink, at the boozer's opening night.
I had a bit of a snooze and woke up with dribble all down my shirt.
The fallout from the Mexican "booze and hookers" party rumbles on, reports Milenio.
Emotional 5th Street return for Muhammad Ali
The songs on this album ooze a certain confidence, while also recalling some of the tinny sounds that were around in the Eighties.
The Sun
It's the perfect country retreat, which oozes sophistication.
The Sun
There was also tea on offer for 60 cents a person, as well as a variety of juices, pops and booze.
Every recreational hard drug conceivable is washed down with booze, both bought and stolen.
Together they make booze so sublime that angels weep and Europeans tremble.
Times, Sunday Times
Cut down on caffeine and avoid excess booze.
The Sun
Of course binge drinkers target cheap booze.
The Sun
Drink too much booze?
The Sun
They get out some booze and proceed to get tanked up like my Uncle at the ‘Family Reunion.’
Not only do you get a free slice of pizza with your first booze of the evening, but – if you're up for it – a table football competition will be running as DJs spin a laidback, non-threatening selection of sounds, with comforting chillwave, soothing soul and non-scary contemporary folk, the idea being to lull you into a womb-like state of squidgy comfort.
Clubs picks of the week
More of a private lounge than a public boozer, you ring a doorbell, a kindly staff member leads you to the lounge and you peruse a menu of classic cigars before taking your pick.
If asked to put a name to their poison, they'd call rye, corn, booze, hooch, eel juice or rotgut.
The combination of booze and drugs made him violent.
Her eyes glazed over and blood oozed from her wounds and seeped into the white carpeting.
From the fingers in which he'd claimed he could already feel the Art quickening beads of power oozed like ectoplasm, bursting in the air.
She hit the snooze button once the next morning before getting up.
Times, Sunday Times
From head to toe the rally driver oozes confidence, from her close-fitting orange-and-white driving suit to the tip of her black hair peeping out from under her headscarf.
The booze ban is clearly paying off on his body.
The Sun
You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirtysomethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
There's a bewildering array of familiar supervillains and splendid interludes played as Catwoman, along with collectibles, side missions and distractions in a game that oozes the very essence of Batman, from dialogue and character design to the gibbous moon permanently silhouetting its buildings.
This week's new games
She could feel some kind of sticky slimy ooze running through her fingers.
That said, this week's brimming with sparkling repartee and buzzing with bright ideas - so cruise and schmooze to your heart's content.
And so was Mr. Lennon it seemed, which is partially what makes the event so powerful, in this modern age of celebrity where stars hire Twitter ghost writers to shmooze with their fans.
How a YouTube Video Got an Emmy
For $15 a day, you have a changing area, make-up mirrors, a huge bathroom with showers, fresh towels, shaving supplies and a lounge to schmooze in afterwards with all the chips and pop you want.
It hardly oozes charm now, although there have been a few attempts to gentrify it.
Pros: Familiar interface; syncing between users; nonmodal info panel; flexible calendar views; repeating to do items; snooze button.
Macworld UK News
He discovered that he could no longer get a buzz, no matter how fast he poured down the high-test booze.
Perhaps a deficiency in this chemical marks a person as someone who needs to be careful with booze.
Amazingly tall and thin, but not anorexic in the way that some of the papers would have us all believe, she oozes charm from every pore, holding court beside the director of the film Anthony Minghella.
He has already introduced race nights, fancy dress parties and a pop quiz to the award-winning boozer.
That evening, the twins held a celebratory drink at their favourite boozer, The Blind Beggar.
This oozes plump merlot charm, she says.
Times, Sunday Times
What this is really about is a Republican effort to gin up sound-bites suitable to the morons watching FauxSnooze about how Obama is “soft on defense” (if not an outright aider and abettor of al Qaeda).
Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 12, 2010
Drinking duty free booze is banned on flights.
The Sun
He slammed his fist down on the snooze button and brought into question its parentage.
Landlords who serve booze between midnight and 6am could be billed.
The Sun
I collected a whole load of supplies - a good range of drinks and snacks were all available free of charge - and I settled down for a snooze.
Are you shocked at recent revelations about players, booze, and drugs?