- the branch of zoology that studies eggs (especially birds' eggs and their size, shape, coloration, and number)
How To Use oology In A Sentence
- Jonathan, who has degrees in zoology and hydrobiology, worked as a government ecologist and lectured at a local university into the 1990s. Daytondailynews.com - News
- Tiktaalik would have breathed like a lungfish, says Clack, senior assistant curator at Cambridge's University Museum of Zoology.
- Castoffs such Mullock, waste water and exhaust gas produced by coal mining pollute environment , destroy zoology and lose economy.
- Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
- This focus on evaluating the evidence for ‘cryptids’ is continued by the International Society for Cryptozoology.
- She holds a honors bachelor of Science degree from University of Toronto, specializing in zoology and behavior. Mummy Skeleton | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
- His work included zoology, Arabic grammar, poetry, rhetoric and lexicography.
- Would attempts to track and rediscover presumed-extinct species fall into the realm of cryptozoology?
- It has a track record of exposing frauds, gives space to sceptical views, and sparks debate about controversial subjects - such as ‘Is cryptozoology a science?’
- T H. Huxley, too, had an enormous influence on Morgan, training him in zoology when Morgan returned to London for postgraduate study not long after his geology degree.