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  1. development of ova

How To Use oogenesis In A Sentence

  • It has long been known that most of the factors that are required during early embryogenesis are deposited into the egg cytoplasm during oogenesis and are maternally provided.
  • In animals, well-studied examples of the coenocytic state are found in oogenesis and in the early embryogeny of Drosophila.
  • It could be argued, however, that the lack of embryonic or larval phenotypes could be due to a long-lasting perdurance of maternal deposits during oogenesis.
  • We observed complete interference for both oogenesis and spermatogenesis in hermaphrodite animals and for the entire lengths of both an autosome and the X chromosome.
  • The cytological processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis are quite distinct.
  • This paradox can be explained by the occurrence of narrow bottlenecks during oogenesis or early embryo development.
  • This marine worm, first described in 1949 as an acoel flatworm and later claimed as either an early metazoan offshoot or a primitive deuterostome, has recently been affiliated with primitive bivalve molluscs, based upon a study of gamete development oogenesis and an analysis of sequence data from both 18S rRNA and mitochondrial genes. Strange worm, Xenoturbella - The Panda's Thumb
  • The genes we identified are involved in oogenesis, metabolism, and feeding behaviors, indicating a possible link to reproduction and survival.
  • If X chromosome loss occurs during oogenesis, then some ova are expected to be nullo-X, which would result in a patroclinous non-Unc male.
  • Similarly, lf mutations in genes that promote the female fate can masculinize the XX germline (a Mog phenotype), such that it fails to switch to oogenesis and instead continues to produce sperm during adulthood.
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