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How To Use Ontogeny In A Sentence

  • Similarly, a narrow window early in the ontogeny of colonial marine invertebrates, prior to the development of the allorecognition system, may allow the formation of chimeric entities PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Though to say phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny is obviously wrong. Cheeseburger Gothic » Snip snip.
  • These models stress the dynamics during ontogeny of the cellular components of growth and morphogenesis.
  • However helpful this removal can be, there needs also to be a cohesive model of homologies that can draw upon the integration of morphology, ontogeny, and paleontology.
  • We have reason, from comparative anatomy and ontogeny, to believe that it multiplied by sexual generation, not merely asexually (by cleavage, gemmation, and spores), as was no doubt the case with the earlier ancestors. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
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  • It's not often I actually get excited by bivariate scatter plots, linear regression equations, and correlation coefficients, but the Archaeopteryx note is quite good, basically Bennett's defence of his interpretation of the nine known specimens of the taxon as a single "species," following from an awareness of interspecific variation resulting from ontogeny and, also, concerns about parsimony. As Kyle passes by.
  • Recall that the central theme of monism is the so-called biogenetic law stating that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
  • The genal spine of the very smallest specimens is about as long as the remainder of the cheek, and remains distinct until late in meraspid ontogeny.
  • The unusual change in shell coiling from dextral to sinistral during their ontogeny represents a character which makes their recognition in the fossil record easy.
  • Besides, we cannot regard ontogeny as a linear proc ess simply.
  • Under this framework, we present the results of a dynamic programming effort aimed at determining the optimal ontogeny of defensive allocation strategies by eusocial clonal organisms.
  • Delineation of species has traditionally been based on morphological characteristics, especially macroconidium ontogeny, and species have been named based on host association.
  • Ernst Haeckel using the phrase ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • There shall always be exceptions, but the rule is that heredity to a large extent determines the environment in which we are going to live - or ontogeny determines phylogeny.
  • The ideal figure of the vertebrate as given in Figures 1.98 to 1.102 is a hypothetical scheme or diagram, that has been chiefly constructed on the lines of the amphioxus, but with a certain attention to the comparative anatomy and ontogeny of the ascidia and appendicularia on the one hand, and of the cyclostoma and selachii on the other. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Selection may act to modify ontogeny and ultimately determine morphology and function.
  • Although a strong form of recapitulation is not correct, phylogeny and ontogeny are intertwined, and many biologists are beginning to both explore and understand the basis for this connection.
  • The three known species of Loxochlamys share similar shape and micro-ornament, including a tendency to become commarginally lamellose late in ontogeny.
  • How can changes in an ancestral ontogeny be reconstructed, since the ancestors of most craniate radiations are extinct?
  • More specifically it is through the history of nature as human nature, the enfolding of phylogeny in ontogeny, that psychoanalysis is intergenerated. 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • A more botanically minded perspective of branching patterns integrates plant morphology and ontogeny.
  • Pref., The great series of phenomena of comparative anatomy and ontogeny,.. chorology and œcology. 1879 tr. THE CRACK.
  • Haeckel maintained not only that all vertebrate embryos evolved from a common ancestor, but also that in their development ( "ontogeny") they replay ( "recapitulate") their evolutionary history ( "phylogeny"). Evolution News & Views
  • Physiological variances between children and adults, including the ontogeny of organ maturity and body composition, significantly influence the actions, effectiveness and safety of medicines.
  • In embryology, we see that ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’; that the human embryo goes through phases in development that reflect evolutionary changes from earlier vertebrates such as fish.
  • There is however one problem, namely that much of the ontogeny and behavior of biological organisms is not intentional.
  • Ontogeny recapitulates phytogeny” has fallen by the wayside. The Muse in the Machine
  • Faludi used a biomedical analogy -- the concept the ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny --- that the stages of development of a fetus recapitulate the evolutional stages from single celled micro-organism to fish to amphibian to reptile to hairy mammal. Printing: Hillary Clinton-- Victim of the War on the Feminine, Just like the 9/11 Victims
  • We used to learn in high-school biology that ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’: The development of each individual human being resembles the evolution of the species.
  • Moreover, three of them could constitute a morphological series, continuously related through ontogeny.
  • We must, however, not forget that we possess the wonderful analogy of ontogeny (individual development) and above all, the fact of mutation and of metagenesis. At the Deathbed of Darwinism A Series of Papers
  • The ontogeny and phylogenesis of vessel elements in Litchi chinensis. are also discussed.
  • Sacks suggests that the way to learn a subject is to go through it historically for oneself - a mental version of ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny - and the account of him doing so is as lovely as it is riveting.
  • Considering the three patterns of ontogeny of postembryonic osmoregulation, it is clear that the studied species classed in pattern I (all stages are weak osmoregulators or osmoconformers) are marine stenohaline osmoconformers.
  • Rapid growth of the inner and basal parts of the apertural margin during their late shell ontogeny caused twisting of the gerontic whorl both outwards and backwards.
  • (B) Schematic showing ontogeny of ectoblast cell distributions relative to the secondary axis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This hypothesis is the central issue discussed in the present review, along with the ontogeny of osmoregulatory mechanisms during the embryonic life.
  • For instance, they cannot model gradual or abrupt changes of growth modes that cause different chamber arrangements during ontogeny, such as planispiral and switching to biserial or streptospiral to uniserial.
  • Substantial differences in, for example, cranidial width and the length and shape of the cranidial border, are generated by variation in the rates of allometric change during ontogeny.
  • Thus, he concluded, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny ", which means the development of the individual embryo repeats its alleged evolutionary history.
  • Progress in our understanding of the relationships between ontogeny and phylogeny forever seems to be bogged in nomenclatural disputes.
  • Ernst Haeckel coining the phrase ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny to describe the view. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Some species live entirely in this restricted habitat, but most become ammoniacal late in ontogeny, as they approach semelparous reproduction.
  • Heterometry should be applicable only to morphological features that are considered fixed in number through ontogeny.
  • Professor Haeckel, of the famous University of Jena, would not deny this, with all that his new terms "ontogeny" and "phylogeny" may imply. Life: Its True Genesis
  • In summary, the available evidence from both ontogeny and adult morphology suggests that the first ambulacral is at least involved in the construction of the MAO.
  • The German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, suggested, in this theory, the idea that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny means that as over the short time span of nine months, a fetus, in the womb, goes through ontogenetic phases of development, it recapitulates the stages of development we see as we go up the evolutional scale -- phylogenetically, that took billions of years to develop. Printing: A Book Review; The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America by Susan Faludi
  • So these small horns may be more relevant to the study of dinosaur ontogeny than phylogeny (evolution).
  • Exceptions to the rule may provide insight into the biology of the animals' ontogeny and life cycle.
  • In both cases, alterations of developmental timing produce parallels between ontogeny and phylogeny.
  • The recent discovery of several exceptionally well preserved juvenile and subadult Triceratops skulls and numerous juvenile, subadult, and adult cranial elements, from the Hell Creek Formation of eastern Montana, confirms the ontogeny and morphology of epi-ossifications: epinasal, epijugal, epiparietal, and episquamosal. Triceratops cranial epi-ossifications
  • Such an explanation does not account for the distinctive ontogeny of interpositum, or for the absence of the improbable shell form which associates very thin and dense ribbing with globose general shape.
  • Recapitulating phylogeny as ontogeny, Jakobson states that the phatic is "the first verbal function acquired by infants; they are prone to communicate before being able to send or receive informative communication" (356). 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
  • Loxochlamys having 13-15 prominent radial rounded-trigonal plicae that begin early in ontogeny and remain of moderate height throughout ontogeny.
  • Discuss in detail a good example of recapitulation, showing how the stages of ontogeny parallel those of phylogeny.
  • If ontogeny really did recapitulate phylogeny, then phylogenetic relationships might be determined directly by reference to ontogenetic sequences.
  • Specialization on alternative food resources might drive evolutionary shifts in jaw ontogeny and morphology.
  • Heterochronic evolution has been defined as a morphological change inscribed within an ontogenetic trajectory that produces parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny.
  • Can anyone get more obscure than biologists and paleontologists, who reflect for thirteen syllables on whether or not ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny?
  • His finding of parallels between ontogeny, paleontology, and morphology was rapidly adopted by biologists like Haeckel and used to support evolution.
  • The ontogeny of crustacean hemocyanin, the copper-based oxygen transport protein, has been studied in relatively few species, including Nephrops norvegicus and Homarus americanus.
  • Like the majority of frogs and toads, many salamanders undergo an obligate metamorphosis that allows for the exploitation of both aquatic and terrestrial habitats during ontogeny.
  • The ontogeny of crustacean hemocyanin, the copper-based oxygen transport protein, has been studied in relatively few species, including Nephrops norvegicus and Homarus americanus.
  • However, the examination of specific cases may still yield valuable insight into the relationship between phylogeny, ontogeny and ecology.
  • In this case, however, shell inflation and posterior elongation of the aperture should be linked with each other, or the pattern of the aperture map must change considerably during ontogeny.
  • Given the interest in comparative approaches in biology, new examples of embryonic ontogeny of osmoregulation should be investigated in species with internal or external development.
  • The "ontogeny" of a single human tribe must not be a recapitulation of the "phelogeny" of the meg-tribe known as a patriarchal state. An Oxymoron: "Marxist Communism"
  • The ontogeny and dimorphic features of many early Middle Ordovician ostracode species are still poorly known.
  • Hmm… Since ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny I don't think there actually is a completion of the quest.
  • Measurement of the distinguishing characteristics of the skeleton - the skull and pelvis - led some anatomists to conclude that white women ranked below European men in the scales of both ontogeny and phylogeny.
  • And there's been more from the latest Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, papers on the "rauisuchian" archosaur Batrachotomus kupferzellensis; the ontogeny of Stegosaurus; ontogenetic and taxonomic implications of pattern and transition of surficial bone texture of the centrosaurine frill; and Adeopapposaurus, a new prosauropod dinosaur from Argentina. "Fill the night with stories. The legend grows."
  • The auricles in early ontogeny are relatively large and distinctly trigonal, with their free margins meeting the hinge line at acute angles.

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