of or relating to the origin and development of individual organisms
ontogenetic development
How To Use ontogenetic In A Sentence
- Our review of data and theory, along with neuroscientific evidence, imply that numerical concepts have an ontogenetic origin and a neural basis that are independent of language.
- ontogenetic development
- However, the two theories do clash, and this stems from the implicit assumption in the lepidomorial theory that ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns equate; i.e., phylogenetic concrescence results from ontogenetic concrescence.
- Generally, soleniscid gastropods have smooth, orthostrophic early ontogenetic whorls and a tightly coiled initial whorl.
- Regarding the marked size decrease of maxillary to premaxillary teeth, it seems likely that relative size of the teeth is allometrically and ontogenetically controlled.
- I conceived the embryonic form, in which the whole structure consists of only two layers of cells, and is known as the gastrula, to be the ontogenetic recapitulation, maintained by tenacious heredity, of a primitive common progenitor of all the Metazoa, the Gastraea. Evolution in Modern Thought
- The specimen is inferred to represent a five-year-old individual and to be at a young adult ontogenetic stage, based on a combination of histological features including narrower outermost zones, dense haversian bone, extensive and multiple endosteal bone depositional events and absence of an external fundamental system. d, Close up of the gastroliths scale bar, 2 cm. The Panda's Thumb: Transitional Fossils Archives
- However, it has been demonstrated that the rate of ontogenetic loss of axial nodes relative to size was higher in N. geniculatus.
- Evolution of minerals and living organisms is governed by common ontogenetic laws.
- Indeed, at an even earlier ontogenetic stage the vertebrae of the youngest individuals must have lacked any pneumatic features.