How To Use Onshore In A Sentence

  • As luck would have it the winds had been howling onshore for almost a solid week.
  • Production was cut at its rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and at onshore refineries such as Texas City, which was also the scene of a fatal fire in March.
  • No convincing reason has been given for treating onshore and offshore workers differently - often by the same company.
  • There are now almost 3,000 onshore wind turbines in the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • A comparison of estimates of dip separation based on onshore geology and seismic data is presented later in the paper.
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  • The measures could prompt companies to change their structures and move jobs out of tax havens: It may mean that a lot of activities are onshored again.
  • The afternoon thunderstorm has arrived, generated by strong onshore breezes at the end of a day of harsh tropical sunshine.
  • Tuesday the 17th is one mediocre day, without waves and with onshore wind, however in the after noon sets become visible underneath the slop.
  • A protest group drew first blood in the fight to win people's opinions when an energy company showed its onshore wind farm proposals for Bradwell.
  • Whether highly skilled service tasks are offshored or onshored in a specific country, with concomitant pressures on incomes, will depend on that country's comparative advantage.
  • MIE is involved in onshore oil production under shared contracts with PetroChina in three oilfields in the Songliao Basin in Heilongjiang, which is a border province connecting China and Russia. FinanceAsia
  • What we did have which made it bearable is a pretty constant onshore breeze and of course ceiling fans. How liveable is year-round climate in La Penita (north of PV) without air conditioning?
  • As development expands from onshore to offshore sites, potential for oil spills and disturbance in the marine environment will increase.
  • This effectively denies Ireland's western seaboard the huge economic benefits that onshore facilities for an oil industry would bring.
  • In terms of some of the aspects of operation it's very similar to what goes on with onshore oil and gas, which people are comfortable with. Times, Sunday Times
  • they were living onshore
  • A strong swell has built up on the East Coast due to a week of onshore winds making conditions more unpredictable than usual.
  • A safety boat and an onshore support team will be with the swimmers, who will swim in relays for around 12 hours each day.
  • In 2016 President Obama's own Energy Information Administration estimates that onshore wind the least expensive of these green energies will be 80% more expensive than combined cycle, gas-fired electricity. The Green Energy Economy Reconsidered
  • an onshore gale
  • That is why we have what we call blended delivery model, which encompasses onshore, near-shore and offshore engagements from different locations. Daily News & Analysis
  • Three decapod species are congeneric with extant species known from outer shelf and slope habitats documenting an onshore-offshore pattern of ecological preference.
  • Relative sea-level graphs based on onshore data in the Cumbria area do not show such a substantial relative fall, but roughly agree on the timing.
  • Mr. Ambani also announced that the company has struck oil in an onshore block in Yemen.
  • If they onshored their tablet production, it would create thousands of US manufacturing jobs.
  • There are more than 5,000 onshore wind turbines in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March); However, the term monsoon refers not only to the summer rains but to the entire cycle that consists of both summer moist onshore winds and rain from the south as well as the offshore dry winter winds that blow from the continent to the Indian Ocean. Xml's
  • He insisted that the target had not been abandoned as part of a deal to secure a more modest cut for onshore wind farm subsidies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The restriction of dense ophiuroid populations in coastal waters during the Mesozoic is an aspect of the onshore-offshore trend.
  • Thus it is prudent tax planning to encash these investments before returning onshore.
  • The height of tides is increased by onshore winds.
  • Snohvit will combine production from three gas fields (Snohvit, Albatross, and Askeladd), a pipeline connecting these fields to an onshore receiving terminal near Hammerfest, and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal. Energy profile of Norway
  • Ms Muller is one of 62 shareholders in the Rossport commonage, which is on the modified route for the Corrib gas onshore pipeline. An Irish Town Planner's Blog
  • Fulfilling the entire potential for onshore wind would mean erecting at least 4000 turbines over 2% of Scotland.
  • A light onshore breeze ruffled the surface of the bay, a few feet away I watched a turkey buzzard or vulture fly by.
  • How does the offshore loading environment differ from onshore?
  • Her premera blue cross and child were unmarked, and a gag was amphiprostylar onshore her pervert and tantalising to a balancing. Rational Review
  • Carbonate particles removed from the ‘factory’ zone fed the onshore shoals and beach deposits.
  • It will double its capacity if it builds all the onshore wind farms that it has in planning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the "homeshoring" meme, there are lots of reports this month about American firms souring on offshore outsourcing and reverting to onshore outsourcing instead.
  • The event will include a technology study tour to Kingsmountain Wind Farm - the site of the Republic's largest onshore wind farm.
  • A southeaster blustered onshore
  • But as long as anarchy reins onshore, little will change at sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • An onshore breeze flirted with fleecy clouds in the pale blue sky. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • But they insist that onshore wind farms still matter.
  • He is a capable dealmaker, but he must now use these skills onshore and not offshore. Times, Sunday Times
  • The division is responsible for the conduct of the Onshore Surveys Core programme.
  • Such a presence must take the form of an onshore administrative unit responsible for the management of the fishing vessel concerned.
  • Also known as diffusers, subsurface aerators consist of an onshore compressor that pumps air through a hose placed in the deepest part of the pond.
  • Russia produces both oil and gas onshore, within the Arctic circle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many were running away from hostile or feckless parents - unloving stepmothers and drunken fathers feature in several reminiscences - or from the prospect of onshore unemployment.
  • The onshore wind blew steadily past him.
  • The tax situation becomes a little more complex for onshore bondholders who plan to draw down regular or irregular amounts.
  • This makes it dangerous in onshore winds between east and south, particularly during ebb tides.
  • As more of the manufacturing gets onshored, the share of machinery imports has been gradually declining.
  • In just over a week, Scotland's Klondike king will announce interims for a year that has included no fewer than four oil strikes onshore in Rajasthan in India.
  • The borehole is located onshore NW Wales, a few kilometres seaward of the surface trace of the Mochras fault.
  • About 100 workers at five Tarananki onshore oil and gas exploration rigs in New Zealand's central North Island returned to work on November 21.
  • So some of the controversies you can get around onshore wind would not necessarily apply. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies are spending millions of dollars to drill for untapped onshore reserves.
  • Such a presence must take the form of an onshore administrative unit responsible for the management of the fishing vessel concerned.
  • Service contracts have been awarded for eight marginal onshore oil fields, with development beginning in 2004-05.
  • The Anglo-Dutch oil major's operations onshore Nigeria have long been beset by sabotage and th eft and the company has faced decades of criticism from environmental and human-rights groups concerned about the impact its activities have had on the local ecosystem. Shell Sells Oil Stakes in Nigeria
  • Such a presence must take the form of an onshore administrative unit responsible for the management of the fishing vessel concerned.
  • But unlike onshore bonds, offshore bonds are not subject to tax as they grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coastal currents, onshore and offshore winds, reefs, bays and the shape of the shoreline are some of the things sailors have to deal with in this zone.
  • Anytime there is strong onshore wind or swell, an otherwise safe inlet could be dangerous.
  • A light onshore breeze ruffled the surface of the bay, a few feet away I watched a turkey buzzard or vulture fly by.
  • The Conservatives pledged last month to end subsidies for new onshore wind turbines if they win the next election. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further, offshore operations require onshore facilities to process the oil and gas and to house workers.
  • A similar blowout event also occurred in the onshore Seria Field in 1953.
  • Large areas, both offshore and onshore Namibia, still remain unexplored to determine the potential of gas and oil reserves.
  • The mallu guy of course is almost always in the gulf working alone on some onshore oil rig in the desert.
  • The government previously announced reductions in subsidies for solar farms above 25 acres and onshore wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • ONGC's onshore exploration areas are located in India's major sedimentary basins including the Cambay basin and Jaisalmer basin in the west, and the Assam and Assam-Arakan basin, Krishna-Godavari basin and Cauvery basin in the east. ONGC Plans to Buy Onshore Drilling Rigs
  • observatories" linked by cable and satellite to onshore laboratories. Free Internet Press
  • The Brunei economy was revolutionized by the discovery of substantial onshore oil deposits in 1929 and offshore oil and gas fields in the early 1960s.
  • The only service industries to remain onshore will be those where the servicer has to be physically close to the consumer.
  • The height of tides is increased by onshore winds.
  • BRITAIN'S upland birds are in danger of being driven off hills and mountains by onshore wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Said to be twice the size of the State of Texas and comprised of about 3.5 million tons of plastic shopping bags and random pieces of trash, most of this lightweight and buoyant refuse is discarded onshore and carried out by wind and currents. Trash Planet
  • Since the pipeline operator is not restricted to physically limiting onshore pipeline pressures to lower than 150 Bar, nor has any adequate design to avoid such overpressure being released
  • DuckCroc, about 3 ft. long, had a broad snout for rooting in shallow water and onshore, duck-like, for fish and frogs.
  • The conglomerate is joining with Harbin Electric Machinery Co. to make GE-designed onshore and offshore wind turbines. GE Expands in China
  • Three hours south of Lima, the 120-room hotel is just onshore from the Ballestas Islands, a spectacular ecological sanctuary for sea lions and penguins. Debut
  • One part of the terminal is onshore, and land transport vehicles will be unloaded there.
  • Nearer to the station they came across a hut onshore with some stacked wood and a book full of margin notes.
  • In other words, it is perfectly legal to seek access to the onshore humanitarian programme, even if entry is unauthorised.
  • The Maui field has about three and a half times the estimated potential of the new field, but this is significant and eclipses Kapuni, the onshore field in South Taranaki.
  • As Ida's center moves toward land Monday, breeze shear is promulgation a complicated flood onshore well forward of a aspect low. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The American company that made the ducks is offering money to anyone finding them onshore in the US, though the offer is not being made to any British duck finders.
  • Serious problems from a life onshore can fade rapidly to distant memories as sight of land is lost.
  • The bank already has a well-established onshore presence in several markets in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa including Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States, which is comprised of former Soviet states). - Stuff
  • Even a relatively small leak in the pipelines that carry oil and gas from offshore rigs to onshore facilities could leave hundreds of miles of coastline on Alaska's North Slope awash in oil.
  • Strong onshore winds can produce sightings of sea-birds during cold weather including petrels and sea-ducks.
  • The forwards market is dominated by foreign banks such as HSBC Holdings PLC and Standard Chartered PLC, and any domestic operations of Chinese banks or Chinese companies—so-called onshore entities—are prohibited from participating. Beijing Considers New Hub for Yuan
  • But as long as anarchy reins onshore, little will change at sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thermal subsidence began to affect the onshore Central Plains area of Thailand.
  • The amount of potential electricity from onshore wind farms that has been allowed to go untapped has more than doubled this year because the grid cannot cope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Planning problems have held back British onshore wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • One day last weekend, howling onshore winds had turned the Peninsula waves to junk, so I called a friend across the bay to see what Santa Cruz had to offer.
  • It is predicting that costs of solar and onshore wind will tumble by a quarter and 15 per cent over the period respectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their tools, no less high-tech than the lobstermen's, range from remote-controlled minisubs to infrared video-recorders operated from onshore labs.
  • So some of the controversies you can get around onshore wind would not necessarily apply. Times, Sunday Times
  • The direction of wave approach will also vary and, consequently, sediment movement in the coastal zone can be complex, moving onshore, offshore, and alongshore.
  • Ministers will soon announce which firms have been granted onshore and offshore oil and gas licences. Times, Sunday Times
  • New priority processing will affect onshore and offshore applications equally.
  • That is why we need to examine our attitudes to onshore wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second generation of the company came in the late 80s when Bissett sought to increase shareholder value by looking at exploration opportunities in onshore oil and gas.
  • The stronger and longer the wind blows onshore, the more likely men-of-war will be around.
  • The deal meant the company could offer onshore and offshore engineering work for the first time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Corrib Field was only viable if developed as a subsea tie-back direct to an onshore terminal.
  • The same drawbacks apply to the huge increase in onshore turbines, covering thousands of square miles of countryside. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Plans for England's largest onshore wind farm, near Bradwell and Tillingham, could be abandoned after two more landowners pulled out.
  • Making an about-face at the command of onshore winds, the firestorm then returned toward its point of origin in the mountains.
  • Some onshore wind power is now price-competitive with fossil fuels, though investors still worry about the newness of the technology.
  • The people with high levels of organizational and management skill will always remain onshore (or, at least, in developed countries), and will always be worth many multiples of the offshore programmers. Matthew Yglesias » Should We Fear Online Contracting?
  • If the company onshored some jobs, they would apply the same innovation to the manufacturing process.
  • The onshore wind blew steadily past him.
  • The deal marks the first major investment by a Chinese state-run company in onshore energy reserves in the U.S. Cnooc to Invest $2.16 Billion in Chesapeake
  • At the moment we employ about 80 people offshore and onshore. Times, Sunday Times
  • an onshore lighthouse
  • There is a tide of complaints about onshore wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government previously announced reductions in subsidies for solar farms above 25 acres and onshore wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kazakhstan also has giant onshore fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government is said to be considering new, streamlined planning regulations to make onshore exploration and production easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said that the retail giant has 150 deals in the works with suppliers looking to onshore some or all of their production over the next few years.
  • A species of whales called beaked whales are particularly susceptible to harm from sonar, which can cause them to strand themselves onshore, Kendall said. Latest Headlines
  • Many of the owners and leaders of the local onshore industries are working hard on behalf of this once thriving town to come up with ideas and get assistance to insure that the community survives.
  • The pollutants have periodically pushed an industrial smell onshore in some place – one beachgoer compared it to a machine shop. Oil Spill Stirs Study, Debate Over Health Impacts
  • Most of the previous upstream deals I've worked on have been conventional offshore rather than unconventional onshore. Times, Sunday Times
  • It helps that most Russian oil is onshore and that surveys have revealed where much of that oil is, so it's relatively easy to get at.
  • Similarly, the cost of short term onshore funding has increased in recent weeks and we are also experiencing increased costs in retail deposits. WA Business News - Latest News
  • We have flexibility to not fund things if we need to and there is a very strong good creative tension right now occurring between that very subject of offshore longer dated activity versus shorter term onshore activity. Home Page
  • It could also be time to take another look at offshore and onshore investment bonds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the winds aren't that strong overall but the good news is we'll start to see this begin to pull out a little bit by tomorrow and we'll get more what we call the onshore flow when the winds come in off the ocean and so of course that brings in some more moisture and higher humidity. CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2008
  • Jaros said 2,500 pounds of iron ore pellets, also known as taconite, would be extracted from the ship at one time and deposited in an onshore scale. Daily Telegram Homepage RSS
  • The famous old onshore oil fields around Baku, which in the early twentieth century produced half of the entire world oil production, are now exhausted, and new deposits have not been found.
  • They come to land only to breed, but some onshore wind or some movement of the fish must have brought them close to the shore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mixed in among the terraces, levees, and ponds are long, narrow dunes formed by onshore winds funneled upriver.
  • Ministers will soon announce which firms have been granted onshore and offshore oil and gas licences. Times, Sunday Times
  • A species of whales called beaked whales is particularly susceptible to harm from sonar, which can cause them to strand themselves onshore. Home -
  • Investments held offshore in what is known as a "blocker corporation" can allow U.S. taxpayers to pay less tax than if the same investment were made through an onshore entity, Mr. Gordon says. What You Can Learn From Mitt's Tax Return
  • There is also a need to encourage much more gas and oil exploration in our potential offshore and onshore fields.
  • Kenya will take the lead in east Africa both onshore and offshore with the early exploitation of oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the fifth day onshore winds returned, followed by gales, and my diving season was over - but not before I had made a good record of a rare and unexpected meeting.
  • Early morning is usually calm, but as heat rises off the land during the day, it invokes an onshore wind and choppy water.
  • Supervise and instruct company packaging. Make packing list, control packing cost and schedule. Ensure packing match transportation (offshore and onshore) requirements.
  • The Brunei economy was revolutionized by the discovery of substantial onshore oil deposits in 1929 and offshore oil and gas fields in the early 1960s.
  • The value of onshore oil and gas production in the UK is around 650 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avoid bodies of water with persistent onshore wind, which concentrates the larvae in shallower areas.
  • Indeed onshore gas processing is the norm for developing gas fields of this type.
  • (Speaking of the Hamptons, I should point out that in 1942, four Nazi agents managed to sneak onshore from a German submarine at Amagansett, Long Island.) Susan Kim: Spies Among Us
  • The only service industries to remain onshore will be those where the servicer has to be physically close to the consumer.
  • A similar blowout event also occurred in the onshore Seria Field in 1953.
  • The ideal scenario is a light breeze that blows straight onshore.
  • There is a tide of complaints about onshore wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intention is to reap a larger prize by forcing companies to bring more activity back onshore, swelling the haul from standard corporation tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we spoke, reporting stations in Galveston showed a steady onshore wind at nearly 20 mph, with slight gusts.
  • As Ida's center moves toward land Monday, breeze shear is promulgation a complicated flood onshore well forward of a aspect low. Maryland Weather: Ida limps toward land; could become nor'easter ...
  • Currents also change from offshore to onshore, and combined with strong winds blowing onshore, anything that floats has a tendency to head this way.
  • Many were running away from hostile or feckless parents - unloving stepmothers and drunken fathers feature in several reminiscences - or from the prospect of onshore unemployment.
  • ENGLAND is not windy enough to justify building more onshore turbines, the industry trade body has admitted. The Sun
  • Get thee to the beach between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when rush hour is reduced and onshore breezes are blowing away airborne crud.
  • The development of onshore power generation facilities for rigs is also being pushed forward to free up offshore gas for sale - previously platforms would have used their own supply to power themselves.

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