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How To Use Onomastic In A Sentence

  • So the next time you need to use the word "thesaurus", prove you have amazing diction to your listeners and use onomasticon in its place. Everything2 New Writeups
  • From the very site of 9/11 comes this onomastic mockery of the "Big Apple," inscribed on a traditional Islamic jihadist weapon, no less. Archive 2009-08-01
  • King finds her most conclusive support for this impulse not in the pages of critical journals, but instead in the theoretical writings on referential onomastics by Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and Saul Kripke.
  • This sort of onomastic racial profiling, not surprisingly, is common south of the border, whence our own securibots seem to get all their ideas. There ain't no-flys on me
  • Operacion Puerto and its onomastics is not related to heroics, but to bags of frozen blood, and the mystery of their identity and the performances they produced - Names such as Birillo, Amigo de Birillo, USA, Hijo de Rudicio, and Piti, treatments such as Siberia, Vino, Interactivist Info Exchange - A Project of and
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  • Grant Smith is an onomastician at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, who studies the branch of linguistics dedicated to proper names. Archive 2007-08-12
  • Even outside the confines of finite name-spaces, the sheer onomastic challenge of modern life sometimes gets to be a burden.
  • We're talking onomastics: for generations town planners have mistakenly thought that a street name has the power to beautify and - more importantly - gentrify.
  • It does du louvre hotel in damkina out that too insistently dolichocephaly is not a unshakably bize, this is particularly the unwittingly vicarious scandentia. is lablink with much machiavellianism direfully round, he unceremoniously mangosteen corvine a noisily safranine gerreidae when narghile to his onomasticon songfulness. Rational Review
  • My only fear is that the book will be culled, since no one ever uses an onomasticon, but I think Wallingford keeps it because it looks expensive and obscure enough to reassure visiting parents that their kids are learning genius-type stuff. White Cat
  • The chapters that follow deal with vocabulary, syntax, onomastics, phonology, English grammar and usage and, finally, literary language.
  • At the price, this is not a book that any but the most ardent onomastician is likely to rush to buy, but even the more limited libraries should own a copy, for the work has been prepared with great care and obvious devotion. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 3
  • The proceedings paused several times: to consult our waitress, who has faithfully served NOTY for several years; to explain NOTY to the couple at the next table just off the plane from Denmark, who informed us that their onomastically fascistic government has veto power over names (they were fairly certain that Nominee No. 109, Name of the Year
  • Yet onomastics between Etruscan, Latin and Greek prove once again that this assumption is false since Etruscan Χalχas is borrowed from Greek Κάλχας, Paχa is from Greek Βάκχος, leχtumuza is a diminutive based on a loan from Greek λήκυθος nb. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Steve Hicks Lawrence, Kansas In his article, "That Dirty Bird," on the onomastic migrations of the shitepoke [III, 3], Steven R. Hicks makes passing reference to the intriguing word shyster, an American colloquialism dating from at least as early as 1846 (see Mitford Mathews, Americanisms, 1966). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • Significant onomastics are part of the Ja-Bac team's stock in trade.
  • And this onomastic prejudice is visited upon the Canadian-born descendants of immigrants as well. Archive 2009-05-01
  • On the whole, the evidence suggests that he was generally too preoccupied with his North American dreams and schemes to do solid onomastic work.
  • word meaning" as you declare, but rather "onomastics" is the study of proper names and thus, "anonymous" is not strictly a fit object of onomatology.
  • Pollux (_Onomasticon_ iv.chap. 8, § 59) calls the instrument barbiton or barymite (from [Greek: barus], heavy and [Greek: mitos], a string), an instrument producing deep sounds; the strings were twice as long as those of the pectis and sounded an octave lower. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • To make a long story short, Dunkling is an onomasiologist or onomastician, and president of the Names Society, a U.K. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 4
  • Indeed, a king of ‘Brut[ish] connection is already discernible in Arthurian legend, onomastic though such an incidental linkage turns out to be.’
  • By contrast archaeological and onomastic evidence in Orkney, Shetland, the Hebrides, together with the Isle of Man, points to heavy Norwegian settlement from the early 9th cent.
  • I have made a small contribution to onomastics myself: nearly two decades ago, in an idle moment, I had speculated in print about the accident of history that had given our then Prime Minister the magic of the Mahatma's surname.
  • Discusses the chronological and onomastic difficulties arising from the identification of the queen with the widow of Judas Aristobulus. Hasmonean Women.
  • But Scalito is a different kind of onomastic blend: an epithet combining elements of two names to suggest a resemblance of one named person to the other.
  • In the field of American Indian onomastics it is important to be able to date the creation or the earliest occurrence of a place name.
  • Appended to the lives are annotations, explaining any difficulties therein; while no less than five or six indexes adorn each volume: the first an alphabetical list of Saints discussed; the second chronological; the third historical; the fourth topographical; the fifth an onomasticon, or glossary; the sixth moral or dialectic, suggesting topics for preachers. The Contemporary Review, January 1883 Vol 43, No. 1
  • Why does this onomastics stuff interest me so much? Look out, behind you--more Emilys!
  • These preliminary interpretations of Three Lives and its place in Stein's developing avant-garde poetics in the first decades of the twentieth century are necessary to contextualize the onomastic significance of Melanctha's name.
  • During the last few decades, there has been, for instance, a notable increase, within the field of onomastics, in the study of brand names, and the like, a scholarly pursuit of considerable merit, but is it concerned with names?
  • Once the purely linguistic approach has been abandoned, an opportunity has been provided for a new kind of onomastic vision which treats names as names and not just as words with peculiar properties. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 4
  • For those who aren't interested at all, onomastics is the study of names and their origins.
  • The onomastic instability of the novel Don Quixote undermines all certainty of a linear reading.
  • My working money—a total of three thousand dollars—is hidden between the pages of a big leather-bound onomasticon. White Cat
  • The OED does not record ‘creature’ in the sense of ‘monster’ Hollywood's ‘creature from outer space’ but one might conjecture it to derive directly from Frankenstein's onomastic confusion.
  • I am the direct descendant, onomastically, of my oldest known Irish ancestors, my great-great-grandfather Michael and my great-grandfather David (who started the Steves). OpEdNews - Diary: Something in a Name
  • he published a collection of his onomastic essays
  • In this ambitious project, King presents a superstructure of seven guiding principles, three categories of onomastic desire (how and to whom a name desires to speak), and a large complement of ascriptive terms devised by King herself.
  • Many a serious onomastician has begun by collecting odd names for fun, together with the stories that go with them. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 2 No 1
  • Meanwhile, if the thesaursus doll had legal definitions printed on it, I believe it would instead be an “onomasticon”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Thesaurus Inventus:
  • I think basely solely on my onomastics-are-destiny reaction to the name Leola that she was attracted to this pattern by the green print version. August 2008
  • The crisis that arises from our attempt to define clear boundaries, or what James Baldwin criticized as ‘our passion for categorization, life neatly fitted into pegs’, has at its core an onomastic crisis.
  • A similar kind of onomastic matrilineage is established through a practice Junod, around the turn of the century, described as the most frequent method of infant-naming among the Tsonga, and through which many of the eldest interviewees had received their birth name: consulting the divining bones to obtain the name of an ancestor so as to kupfuxa (wake up) that ancestor's spirit in the person of the child. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • On page 269 of Tarquinia: Archeologia e prosopografia tra ellenismo e romanizzazione, Federica Chiesa explores the history of the Etruscan gens Sentina and states in Italian: The brief onomastic formula of this Šethre Sentina Ta 1.202 neither presents us with ulterior data nor relevance to our knowledge of the gens, which despite the nomen of an ethnic type, boasts exclusively Tarquinian attestation. Sentina, an Etruscanized Latin name
  • One of the reasons for this lack of interest may be due to the often static and fixed conception of names: many onomastic studies do not allow for name changes.
  • The chapters that follow deal with vocabulary, syntax, onomastics, phonology, English grammar and usage and, finally, literary language.
  • With the deportment of one who grapples with a suppositious onomasticon, this solicitation of manuscription shall be adventured with due diligence.
  • Mission archéol.institut. français, II, ii, 133; De Vit, Totius latinitatis onomasticon, IV (1887), cites all the passages from ancient authors, Greek and Latin, where mention is made of Memphis; The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • “The choices of African-American mothers are ignored,” writes Sol Steinmetz, part-time onomastician in New Rochelle, New York, “despite the fact that in the past thirty years the most unconventional, counter-establishment baby names have been coined by black moms.” No Uncertain Terms
  • Wood also discusses onomastics - the meanings of names, and the practice of naming - and, very importantly, the notion of fictiveness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I realize I sound like a complete and utter neophyte, but I'm quite curious about this potential onomastic connection to Minoan Crete. Minoan citynames with an Egyptian accent
  • George R. Stewart (1895-1980), midcentury novelist and co-founder of the American Name Society, gave onomastics a good name with his classic "Names on the Land" (1945), a learned and rollicking act of patriotic toponymy. A Long Way From Dullsville
  • Having expressed an understandable dissatisfaction with the inappropriate process which created this volume, one is pleased to discover that the original subtitle, dropped in May 1965, does not imply the kind of exclusive hunt for the quaint and the curious which is so often the pursuit of the local onomastician. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 2
  • I don't mean the question existentially (I'm no philosopher) but simply onomastically. The Daily Princetonian, 2010-03-26
  • But Scalito is a different kind of onomastic blend: an epithet combining elements of two names to suggest a resemblance of one named person to the other.
  • When we clear away the junk linguistics, this alleged Etruscan sound change of f h rests solely on foreign onomastics. Archive 2009-12-01
  • We are all familiar with the so-called critical text, otherwise onomastically called the Poona text of the Mahābhārata... Archive 2008-12-01
  • The onomastic problem of personal and place-names (are Manchester, Manila, and Manitoba, etc., to be counted as words simply because they appear in texts?).

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