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How To Use Onerous In A Sentence

  • Many constitutions require that basic rights can be curtailed only if less onerous measures are not available.
  • As already indicated, to make a contract that insurance should be in place is all that would be needed, and that is not a difficult or onerous duty to perform.
  • In any case, their group is not overly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recording activity is itself an onerous task. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unprofitable contracts can be ended, and property burdened with onerous obligations disowned.
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  • Making the requirements of the convention more onerous would not deter economic migrants from applying for asylum. Times, Sunday Times
  • She thought she could add value and it isn't too onerous a duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The onerous task of distributing seed potatoes to the tenantry has just been completed.
  • Think again if onerous charges are imposed should the staff member want to transfer to another scheme, or if recruits are not allowed to join the scheme within three months of joining the company.
  • It is unclear whether Wednesday's move will immediately propel trade higher, largely because nontariff barriers to trade, such as onerous labeling requirements, could still make things difficult for exporters. Pakistan to Boost Trade With India
  • Furthermore, to take precautions against uninvited guests was thought too onerous a burden to place on landowners.
  • Although the fines are not particularly onerous, the shame of being publicly labelled a flopper might be an effective deterrent.
  • Since 1994, the Foundation has taken on the onerous task when little or no help was available.
  • Some risks underwritten were very long-term and it was understood that the agreed figures were best estimates only and that the run-off might prove to be substantially less or more onerous than anticipated.
  • The bad news, or the cynical view, is that they have done so only because it is not particularly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stripping out exceptionals and adjusting for onerous lease contracts, profits fell.
  • In contrast, where the firm is acting as an adviser its disclosure obligation will be more onerous.
  • my duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests
  • Businesses argue that the demands of complying with the law are too onerous and that it could harm their competitiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The terms under which publicists permit their Big Name clients to appear on covers are often so onerous that the bookers are forced to go with the ingénues on the B list.
  • The specifics of the onerous terms of release were not apparent in the unreported decision.
  • For many chapters, meeting this obligation is neither onerous nor costly.
  • The renewal agreement as to the mortgage signed by the Yoos was such that the repayment terms were less onerous.
  • The work has gradually become less onerous than in the early years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's first look at how they can be used to learn foreign vocabulary – one of the trickiest and most onerous memorisation tasks around. The power of mnemonics
  • It seems likely that the net cash position will move into net debt and/or the company will be saddled with onerous lease obligations.
  • In Spain the requirement for the unemployed to seek work is much less onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The task and responsibility were onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Defense attorney, Public Deputy Defender, William Quest, called the insinuations - which would buffer the prosecution attempts to add a Hate Crime's charge onto the already onerous Murder One charge - was labeled a "stunt" by Maeve Fox, the district attorny in the case as McInerney was in the middle of writing a paper on Adolph Hitler. MOC Blog
  • The fact that so many evangelicals would rather see the recent HCR legislation, with its guarantee of ending the onerous “pre-existing condition” stuff, go down in defeat is a crisp and clear comment on the utter moral depravity of evangelicalism. Think Progress » Bachmann claims Romney doesn’t believe RomneyCare was ‘a good thing for’ Massachusetts.
  • I have different responsibilities now, and as yet have no idea how onerous they'll be.
  • This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken.
  • To the extent that New Jersey law allows a trial court to impose the onerous costs of class notification on a defen-dant simply because of the relative wealth of the defendant and without any consideration of the underlying merits of the suit, a serious due process question is raised. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Justice Sotomayor Concerned about the Cost of Class-Actions?
  • Now that technology has liberated us from that onerous requirement, conferences will become more popular than ever.
  • No doubt the guest worker provisions are particularly onerous; nonetheless, with a new Z-visaed or legal immigrant, you still have a worker who is taking what is for him a pay RAISE that undercuts the prevailing wage. Matthew Yglesias » Downward Spiral
  • Firstly, the system and mechanism should be reformed; thereby the mineral resources could be exploited onerously and efficiently.
  • Why is it that marquee players from European countries are eager to represent their country while getting Canadian players is often an onerous chore?
  • So he came wanting a really onerous agreement at the end of the conference.
  • The burden is heavy if unusually wide or onerous conditions are to become part of the contract.
  • To what extent should special rules govern the incorporation of such onerous clauses in the contract or prohibit their use completely?
  • Businesses argue that the demands of complying with the law are too onerous and that it could harm their competitiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Were not their crosses just as onerous and burdensome and heavy? Christianity Today
  • The fact that employment regulation is a creeping burden does not make it any less onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a minimum, these ordinances could have been grandfathered, so that existing property owners face less onerous restrictions on what they can do.
  • By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis, the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
  • In practice this may not be onerous as very limited factual information is contained in the typical advertisement.
  • The latter has taken on a role akin to the proconsuls of the Roman Empire, dutifully relaying ever more onerous conditions imposed by the IMF.
  • I should have realised that if just seasoning the wok seemed too onerous, the chances of me ever cooking something in it were slim.
  • Baltinglass hairdresser Maureen Plant was given the onerous task of taking the blade to Aileen's hair, while Aileen's son Caleb also took his opportunity to remove his mammy's hair.
  • This placed an onerous tax burden on townsmen (taxation had been extended beyond burgesses to resident non-burgesses).
  • But at the same time, he quarrels with the logic that produced that strategy and puts a set of onerous conditions in the way of its execution.
  • The government must take on the onerous task of social engineering.
  • The argument was that the scheme is so oppressive and onerous because it infringes the Applicant's right to work and to respect for his privacy.
  • Or rather you can if you are prepared to pay an onerous tax charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canadian companies still have to meet onerous regulations. Times, Sunday Times
  • By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis, the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
  • We have assumed that the property is not subject to any onerous restrictions, unusual outgoings, easements or rights of way and that it is not affected by any Local Authority proposal.
  • But the requirements on bosses to show that they have dealt fairly with disgruntled employees have become absurdly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or rather you can if you are prepared to pay an onerous tax charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The duties of this "hard-worked" functionary consist of the checking of the Parliamentary voters list of his ward, once every two years, and of acting as chief canvasser and election agent for the Ministerial candidate, who, however, is usually returned unopposed; and for these onerous duties he is rewarded by an ungrateful Government with the "beggarly" salary of �0 a year. Chapter XXIV
  • The Panel is also planning to make the restrictions governing previous forecasts less onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • This placed an onerous tax burden on townsmen (taxation had been extended beyond burgesses to resident non-burgesses).
  • He says the Birds Australia Council decided that the management task was too onerous for volunteers.
  • It does not follow from this that the banks should face more onerous regulation now. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast,(sentence dictionary) where the firm is acting as an adviser its disclosure obligation will be more onerous.
  • Both of them, not known to shirk work, have taken upon themselves the onerous task of touring Europe to market Kerala.
  • And while I don't know I'd use the word pleasurable, it's certainly not onerous to ride. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2005
  • That kind of blinkered thinking has left our auto industry on life support after decades of fighting higher fuel efficiency standards, on the grounds that such onerous regulations would bankrupt it. Kerry Trueman: Seeds of Doubt
  • The paperwork can be onerous as the car has to be certified as roadworthy for the UK and transit plates have to be paid for at a cost of £150-200.
  • Civil libertarians argue this is hardly an onerous burden for law enforcement.
  • The costs of organizing at the European level may be especially onerous for the voluntary non-profit sector.
  • Instruct your solicitor to inspect local and national searches and the title deeds for any onerous covenants, restrictions, etc.
  • Which means I'll have to resume the onerous task of sending regular e-mail.
  • They need a less onerous capital reserves regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Were not their crosses just as onerous and burdensome and heavy? Christianity Today
  • Thus his liability under the lease could become even more onerous, without his knowledge or consent.
  • I suppose I'm what the Bible calls a hewer of wood and a drawer of water," he would say to himself; for hardly less onerous than the task of keeping the fire in fuel was that of keeping well filled the two water-barrels that stood on either side of the door -- one for the thirsty shantymen, the other for Baptiste's culinary needs. The Young Woodsman Life in the Forests of Canada
  • The owners of the dredger required it to complete a contract which contained an onerous penalty clause.
  • The probation service works in a complex environment in which political, criminal and societal pressures combine to make its task onerous and hazardous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sottera Inc., an Arizona e-cigarette distributor that joined the suit as a plaintiff, and some other e-cigarette purveyors say their products are simply recreational alternatives to cigarettes and should not be subject to the onerous pre-approval process required of quit-smoking aids. E-Cigarette Industry Wins Federal Court Victory
  • Maybe some people would prefer to have a peerage without the onerous duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these circumstances, policymakers have an onerous responsibility but an easy message to convey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Non-executive directors may give the impression, sometimes richly deserved, of being freeloading nonentities but they do shoulder onerous legal responsibilities, one of which is to resolve conflicts of interest among shareholders.
  • Occupiers are going to become more aware of onerous lease terms.
  • Without vision, the process of conceptualisation can becomes an onerous task for any individual.
  • It is rare that a banker admits to the inevitability of onerous new rules and it is rarer still for a Rothschild rainmaker to speak out.
  • The system of leveeing was too onerous and expensive to be undertaken by the people sparsedly populating the eastern bank throughout the hill-country. The Memories of Fifty Years
  • Just the existence of onerous copyright law has a chilling effect on creators.
  • The circulars created formidable bureaucratic regulations to collect the tariff, with those importing goods via railways facing particularly onerous requirements.
  • Maybe some people would prefer to have a peerage without the onerous duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Older registered nurses who have worked for decades should be able to complete their careers under less onerous conditions.
  • Some flags of convenience were thus able to avoid the more onerous regulations, which coastal states could do little to enforce.
  • The principles of publicity, justice, honesty and credibility as well as fair competition, standardized services, voluntariness and onerousness shall be complied with in intermediary activities.
  • I wonder who she considers would be better equipped for this onerous task, or who would be more likely to possess the necessary wisdom of Solomon?
  • In the same 1790 report Hamilton reminded Congress that merchants, naturally, paid import duties, and that since merchants had always been the class most committed to American nationhood, taxing them further would be onerous and disaffecting; hence the need for a new tax not on imports but on a domestic product. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2007 – December – 15
  • He suggests that Diab's bail conditions are sufficiently onerous to raise a red flag about his "potential danger to Canadians," but somehow misses the fact that those self-same bail conditions permitted Diab to teach at Carleton in the first place. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The bureaucracy, hidden taxes and social-security payments burdening German employers are so onerous, they stifle new enterprise.
  • Any proposed increase had to be balanced with the limiting effect of the ability of the poor to pay for the goods, and the likelihood of rioting if the impost was seen as too onerous.
  • Some tenants are taking advantage of the long, onerous and expensive eviction process. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any case, their group is not overly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past, we could leave that onerous responsibility to fate or providence, and then rail against them when it went wrong.
  • True, the strictures of religious observance are not quite as onerous as they used to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, more onerous debt is being taken on and distributed to the market place, rather than equity; less dilution for the shareholders, at the cost of owning a company with a more fragile balance sheet.
  • The probation service works in a complex environment in which political, criminal and societal pressures combine to make its task onerous and hazardous. Times, Sunday Times
  • BP may also try to insist that any government settlements not carry onerous "reopener" provisions that allow regulators to seek additional payments for latent problems. Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • But this does put an exceedingly onerous burden on women who are required to bear, rear and look after the offspring.
  • To Kevin falls the job of fair co-ordinator, a fairly onerous and often thankless task, but one that Kevin obviously enjoys.
  • My household duties were not particularly onerous.
  • To make the fee less onerous, banks would be allowed to pay with assets other than cash, such as nonvoting shares. U.K. Nears Deal to Cap Bank Losses
  • This is a much more onerous and depressing task. Times, Sunday Times
  • McGrath says that the duties of wheelsman in those days were of a much more onerous character than now.
  • The presence of large number of candidates makes descriptive answering method onerous and dilatory.
  • True, the strictures of religious observance are not quite as onerous as they used to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • The specifics of the onerous terms of release were not apparent in the unreported decision.
  • The free trade area is the least onerous in terms of involvement.
  • On the other hand, if the problem were really analogous to state regulation of insurance, I'd expect there to be some "redlining" - localities or states that modular home makers do not serve because their regulations are unusually onerous. From Religion to Real Estate, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Enforcing Prohibition was so onerous we had to repeal the very constitutional amendment the zealots encouraged us to pass.
  • First they had the onerous task of rearranging the furniture.
  • In practice, adhering to such strictures is onerous and difficult.
  • By the way, maybe it’s just me, and maybe my understanding of the abortion coverage minutiae is faulty or incomplete, but the Senate bill’s restrictions actually seem more onerous and draconian than the House (Stupak’s) bill’s language. Matthew Yglesias » Catholic Health Association Head Backs Reform
  • He went on to say: ‘I find it an onerous task for a child to appear in court and be tested in this way.’
  • They need a less onerous capital reserves regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or rather you can if you are prepared to pay an onerous tax charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the "work that's entailed" is so onerous that most principals just give up, or get bad teachers to transfer to another school. Sound Politics: On Math Standards, Expectations, Parenting & "Special Ed"
  • What Bakhtin finds onerous in Kant's philosophical formulations is its purism and utopianism.
  • It is an onerous task and time is short. Times, Sunday Times
  • Increasing demand is not an onerous duty. Consuming more is hardly a chore.
  • Not an onerous responsibility, or an unreasonable imposition, it seems to me.
  • It felt like it was quite an onerous responsibility, making a programme about the church. Times, Sunday Times
  • They need a less onerous capital reserves regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The court appreciates that this burden is onerous at this early stage of a proceeding.
  • I have been told by members of Bury Council that they will not accept the ownership or maintenance of the reservoirs; it would be onerous and an unjustifiable use of council tax.
  • Immediately it alleviates the citizenry of onerous repayments on obligations issued by previous governments.
  • But the new rules will place onerous responsibilities on employers.
  • They need a less onerous capital reserves regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The onerous task of distributing seed potatoes to the tenantry on the Sligo estate has just been completed.
  • It would be unduly onerous for the taxing authorities to ensure that there was a system in place to identify any such inconsistent treatment.
  • The short stories published by authors in various rags are the hidden store of ideas for the larger and more onerous novels that germinate from them, mostly for the lucrative rewards.
  • Shrewsbury had discharged his onerous duty over a period of fifteen years, during which time his health and his fortune had been significantly depleted. ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
  • In any case, their group is not overly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, where the firm is acting as an adviser its disclosure obligation will be more onerous.
  • In June, EU ministers argued that misspent money should be paid back within eight years - hardly an onerous deadline.
  • A leading Scottish businesswoman has the onerous task of finding a buyer for the beleaguered Millennium Dome in London.
  • Eithne also has the onerous task of visiting groups, hospitals and the sick or anyone else that contacts her wishing to see the relic.
  • The only fly in the ointment is the project stuff which is so onerous it would ordinarily have had me eating my desk blotter with frustration.
  • In it, Eggers recounted the deaths of his parents, and the lightly borne but nonetheless onerous task of bringing up his youngest brother.
  • The owner of a patent does not have the unfettered right to make an invention available only on onerous terms.
  • The applicant here obviously desires bail but the grant of bail, if the appeal fails, is fairly onerous.
  • The United States demanded and obtained onerous exchange agreements and finally forged, under the title OAS, a real instrument of colonial administration under whose aegis it imposed the Rio de Janeiro military pact, the Inter-American Defense Board, the joint military maneuvers with which it trues to influence, indoctrinate and dominate the armed forces. MONCADA ANNIVERSARY CEREMONIES
  • This President has largely excused the rich and powerful from the onerous burden of lightening their wads a tiny bit for the public weal - with a resulting plunge in Treasury receipts.
  • The terms of the warranty in that declaration were more onerous than those in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • And it's an onerous responsibility and he made a decision in the light of the information available to him.
  • Or rather you can if you are prepared to pay an onerous tax charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • On parlays, Bet 365 offers true odds instead of fixed odds, which often contain onerous vig.
  • There is no more onerous a task than taking responsibility for our own lives and behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her sad and onerous duty is garbed in the rhetoric of a civil right.
  • My household duties were not particularly onerous.
  • It has only inched towards rolling back onerous employment regulations. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, one thing that I didn't mention before is that BA have given me another onerous task.
  • Meanwhile, the country is paying an onerous price for its profligacy.
  • As the recipes give details of the ingredients, this shouldn't be onerous and it may perhaps help people to make better informed choices. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought back to those buoyantly optimistic times at CCNY, the working-class Harvard as it was justifiably called, last week when students protesting onerous tuition hikes at the University of California got pepper-sprayed for their efforts to keep hope alive. Robert Scheer: Thanks for What?
  • No wonder we cannot find staff for such onerous tasks, the stress day in day out must be disastrous on their health.
  • The terms of the loan were onerous to the airline and lucrative to the American bank, because at the time Ethiopia had a very adverse risk rating.
  • The Ron Paul bozos keep yakking about onerous government and restrictions on freedom, yet they are always down with the holy roller theocrats. Think Progress » TIMELINE: From Promoting Acid Rain To Climate Denial, Over 20 Years Of David Koch’s Polluter Front Groups
  • This was generally a much less onerous task than many managers feared, she said. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an onerous responsibility, a responsibility which cannot be achieved by the notion that might is right.
  • It's certainly not a full resolution of all the stories in progress, but those stories are 'plateaued' or put on hold in a manner that does not demand immediate resolution probably why the wait for Feast was not as onerous for many fans as the one for Dance is at the moment. Archive 2010-01-01
  • If smaller, proprietary trading groups are classified as swap dealers, they would be subject to more onerous capital charges, throwing a potential roadblock in plans to expand into the evolving swaps market. Chicago Mayor Presses Regulatory Leeway for Local Trading Firms

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