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  1. one part in six equal parts

How To Use one-sixth In A Sentence

  • This was done by making an exact one-sixth scale photographic reproduction of the painting and tracing the principal lines of the composition onto a clear transparent overlay.
  • Millions of cattle and other ruminants pass so much gas every day, they now account for one-sixth of global methane emissions.
  • But tight controls on handguns mean that England's murder rate is only one-sixth of America's.
  • Away from anal retentive questions of legal formalism, does anyone give a damn as to whether or not it is right/moral/proper for the govt to effectively seize one-sixth of the economy over the clear unambiguous disapproval of the electorate? The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review?
  • Approximately one in every two (52%) adults say they would support increasing NASA‚Äôs budget from¬† one-sixth of one percent to one percent of the federal budget (14% strongly support and 38% support¬† this). NASA Watch: Exploration: June 2008 Archives
  • After cutting production in 2006 because of rising feed costs and low pork prices, Mr Li late last year lost another one-sixth of his pigs in an outbreak of the deadly "blue ear" disease.
  • After cutting production in 2006 because of rising feed costs and low pork prices, Mr Li late last year lost another one-sixth of his pigs in an outbreak of the deadly "blue ear" disease.
  • And a phenomenon of 'weekend headaches' accounts for roughly one-third of all migraines and one-sixth of tension headaches.
  • Then he ate one-third of a cake, leaving one-sixth unaccounted for.
  • Similarly, one does not throw the press, the public and even the elected representatives of the opposition party out of the room in which government control of one-sixth of the nation's economy is being horse-traded, logrolled, bribed and jawboned into shape in violation of the people's will, all the while praising the closed-door process as "the most transparent in history. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
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