
How To Use One-sided In A Sentence

  • But I object to that becoming a very one-sided issue.
  • It is sad, very sad to watch a great champion being beaten in a one-sided fight where he cannot offer any meaningful counterpunch, which is what boxing is all about. Undefined
  • I feel guilty that Gwen and I have such a one-sided relationship.
  • Obviously economic security cannot be a one-sided affair. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • One senior European diplomat said that it was a one-sided account. Times, Sunday Times
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  • In all but the most one-sided encounters, however, the ascendancy shifts between the teams.
  • This one-sided provision has created bad incentives for attorneys and the litigants they represent.
  • It's wonderful to work with someone whose changes and ideas for the art are obviously concerned with the success of the illustration itself and how it works in the book, and not simply one-sided fiddling and rearranging based on individual preference or a stilting focus on the exactness of how a scene was imagined originally. The art of Leviathan, Part Two: An interview with Keith Thompson
  • Few spectators in the stands remained for the last inning, disgusted with such a one-sided score.
  • The contest was too one-sided to be exciting.
  • A movie theatre concession girl, Debbie, meets the store clerk at a laundromat and tries to make awkward, one-sided, monosyllabic conversation.
  • Anglo-Japanese" (or, informally, "Japlish") is an intriguing case because of the economic prominence of Japan, the relative one-sidedness at present of the flow of words, and the restrictedness of Japanese, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • This pact is utterly one-sided-in Mexico's favor.
  • What was the point of a game that had become very one-sided lasting one second longer than it needed to. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a very one-sided account. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this one-sided tale of woe fuels a lopsided view of youth - as well as public agitation for still more draconian laws and punishments. Times, Sunday Times
  • It reignited interest in the Ashes series after the previous one-sided decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have been plenty of fizzers and one-sided matches in the opening rounds of the Rugby Union World Cup.
  • Tens of thousands attended rallies to express their revulsion at the one-sided conflict and the slaughter of thousands of Iraqis.
  • He lifted a shoulder in a one-sided shrug and then lit a cigarette.
  • Insiders have suggested the move might not have been a one-sided affair. The Sun
  • Therefore, when the double-sided or one-sided copy is made from the double-sided original document, the finished copy can be obtained without a reversed even page
  • The landlords for whom most of the campesinos work as sharecroppers do not think that peasants should be taught to read, as they may "misinterpret" the one-sided contracts they must sign in order to work. Mutual aid and survival in the mountains of Oaxaca
  • To avoid one-sided matches they must conduct a mini World Cup among the qualifiers and the cellar teams of the last World Cup.
  • The one-sided conversation ended when they had to get ready for supper and Kathryn ended it by saying that Stephanie was already the best friend she has ever had.
  • The 31-year-old Sydney Olympic gold medallist wasted little time in the ring and won the one-sided contest in two minutes and nine seconds for his eighth professional win.
  • Foreign publications have been criticised for alleged one-sided reporting and their correspondents have been denied visas.
  • It reignited interest in the Ashes series after the previous one-sided decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Protector against what they described as the TRC's one-sidedness. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Inevitably, during a lull in what turned out to be a rather one-sided contest, the assembled spectators created their own entertainment.
  • Before he could continue his one-sided conversation, someone interrupted.
  • It resembles a small one-sided headphone with a small boom microphone, and comes in a bluish-grey and silver metallic colour.
  • Our game of secret messages is a little one-sided as his referrals don't seem to work properly.
  • He seems to find the media portrayal of him unfair, at least one-sided.
  • The election for the prime minister's office was a one-sided contest that was never in doubt.
  • They blamed their defeat on the media's one-sided reporting of the election campaign.
  • An out-of-court settlement cannot be one-sided; it must be based on parity, equity and symmetry, on the principle of give-and-take by both parties.
  • Credit to both sides for braving the elements and playing this game but, really, the weather contrived to make good football impossible and this game was very one-sided indeed.
  • The act of appropriating property is a one-sided act, done without the consent or authority of the owner.
  • England won a hopelessly one-sided game by an innings and 202 runs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The radical leaves are many, nearly a foot in diameter, of a dark green colour, and leathery substance; the leaflets are rather distant from each other, forming a noble pedate leaf; they are somewhat one-sided, slightly waved, sharply and regularly toothed nearly all their length. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • But as for the polemic aspect, one of the main points critics made was that it lacked balance, that it was too one-sided.
  • Colchester deserved to win after twice hitting the woodwork in a one-sided first half. The Sun
  • In focusing on the problems with the new science curriculum, my analysis here might seem one-sided.
  • Gilden's subsequent career as a photojournalist is a one-sided conversation with his flawed dad. East of Eden
  • Nor need feminists and womanists worry unduly in this case about the tendency of atonement models to foster one-sided and narrow prescriptions for human action by elevating certain features of the cross to salvific status.
  • They sat down on a couch, catching up on recent events, although the conversation was rather one-sided, and the exhausted pair eventually fell asleep.
  • How dare they spend a day focusing on such one-sided issues and call it education.
  • The topic is fuelled by the often negative press that bullying gets in the Press, often the local press which highlights the problem and over-hypes the issues with one-sided articles.
  • The punditocracy in our country has been so one-sided for so long that we hardly notice the routine tilt anymore.
  • The result is rather a one-sided return to barbarism or to the feroe natura -- a rehabilitation and accentuation of those ferine traits which make for damage and desolation, without a corresponding development of the traits which would serve the individual's self-preservation and fullness of life in a ferine environment. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • What's shocking to many people is that scientific research is beginning to reveal the utter lack of necessity for most of the one-sided surgery we call pruning. Linda Buzzell: The Zen of Pruning
  • Academe is at it again, allowing a one-sided, biased article on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
  • Now I've realized that my estimate of her character was one-sided.
  • Logcp and loc2 can also be used to sectionalize a one-sided resistive fault. Phrack Issue #18 (Crimson Death's Issue)
  • Pyrola secunda (one-sided pyrola), very common, Caucomgomoc. The Maine Woods
  • keyed" or "timed" much slower than her husband, as is quite often the case, coitus is very liable to be a very one-sided affair, one in which the _husband gets all the satisfaction, and the wife little or_ Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise
  • The frustration he caused her was the keynote of every one-sided altercation.
  • Anyone who has known the joy of an animal in the house knows that it is not a one-sided relationship.
  • Thus the written history of slavery is inevitably partial and one-sided.
  • The format of the ICC Champions Trophy, the second-biggest one-day tournament in world cricket, has been tweaked to ensure fewer one-sided contests.
  • This is going to be the most biased, one-sided, totally untrustworthy book review you'll ever read.
  • Few political issues get more one-sided media treatment than ‘free trade.’
  • As I dunked the teabag into and out of the boiling water a couple of times, I couldn't help but overhear the strains of a one-sided conversation that drifted into the room.
  • The one-sided patriarchal system is dying, and to cling to it is now a psychic sin.
  • Like the track "Quero Bater No Pandeiro" from DJ Tudo: It's built around the nonstop groove created by the traditional, one-sided tambourine-like hand drum called pandeiro. NPR Topics: News
  • GUANGZHOU, China: South Korea strolled into the final of the Sudirman Cup world team championships Saturday, beating Indonesia 3-1 in a surprisingly one-sided semi-final in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • The other actors put in excellent work, but they are as uniform and one-sided as the script.
  • Having played himself in, however, he began to turn what had been a one-sided game into a real contest.
  • A lot of these conversations are unfortunately one-sided.
  • It was a one-sided competition back then; in fact, the British had lost 10 of the last 11 Cups.
  • The debate is strikingly one-sided; few civilian or military leaders have publicly challenged the fundamental assumptions of the critics.
  • One-sided sketches of globalization that celebrate its prosperity unforgivably trivialize the poverty and hardship of the vast majority of the world's people.
  • The violence was far from one-sided .
  • Yet as a progressive, I believe that Lantos is betraying his own ideals by promoting an entirely one-sided view of the so-called “reunification of Jerusalem” which, in actuality, was merely its redivision, and is more so doing Israel little service by failing to act as an impartial broker, as is a necessary precondition to negotiating “a peaceful, two-state solution to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.” With all due respect, Mr. Lantos, you’re wrong about Jerusalem | Jewschool
  • It was a massacre. When a team wins 38-14, on the road, without forcing a single defensive turnover, you know it has been a one-sided game.
  • His promises of adventure and excitement had so far been one-sided since only he was the one experiencing the rush.
  • The winners were in total control from the word go in a totally one-sided contest.
  • Would you like the state to step in and interfere with the free (and so far completely one-sided) discussion that is driving people towards evermore extreme positions, or not?
  • It was just about the most one-sided conversation of my life. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • The final scoreline indicates a miss match but it was not quite that one-sided.
  • Flowers – light blue, small, on a one-sided raceme, coiled up at the tip and unfolding as the flowers open – calyx five-lobed – corolla is round and flat, or salver shaped – stamens five – there is a white species of the flower. Flower Stories
  • Second, what will happen if the media's most persistent critics go back and read the specific stories that we criticized for being one-sided or pessimistic?
  • But concerns are emerging that the deal is too one-sided. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took a very one-sided and heavy handed approach towards implicating you in a large amount of crimes.
  • The paper has never published details of these one-sided conversations for fear of legal reprisals.
  • I think that trying to find a major turning point of this rather one-sided affair is hard to come by.
  • Though the study just described did not involve political or moral issues, the results show that one-sidedness, and consequently extremeness, can be heightened when people are communicating over the Internet.
  • Hellebore -- the one-sided Pyrola, the Bladder Campion -- _silene inflata_, the sweet-scented yellow Mellilot, the white Yarran, the Prunella with blue labrate flowers the Yellow Rattle, so called from the rattling of the seeds. Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
  • Conversely, when Christians read the Scriptures in a way that permits the theological inflection of the triune name to drop out of consideration or awareness, the identity of the divine persons is illuminated in a one-sided way.
  • Freedom of speech is not one-sided, it's a two-sided thing.
  • A democracy encourages free press that provides both sides of the issue, not a one-sided Party mouthpiece, which the press has become.
  • I mean, I've never seen a political issue that is so one-sided among the public and that politicians are simply ignoring.
  • Yet given the fact that this headbanger's journey comes complete with a virtually non-stop metal soundtrack and is clearly a one-sided argument, it seems churlish to pretend that it was made for anyone but the die-hard metal brigade.
  • Indeed the last two in 2003 and 2007 were such gruellingly tedious one-sided affairs, littered with meaningless "Super" stage matches and spineless collapses by the few teams who could potentially test Australia, that this year's event has to have only three close games to make it seem like a classic by comparison. Cricket World Cup needs classic moments – not Bryan Adams – to be a hit | Rob Bagchi
  • Derby were in cruise control throughout a one-sided first half. The Sun
  • We're curious how he's learned all these accents, which he effortlessly flows out in hilarious one-sided phone conversations. Amazing British Kid Can Speak English In 24 Accents (VIDEO)
  • Obviously, information would be one-sided and biased.
  • Far better to stand next to a cupboard door and have a one-sided conversation with an imaginary partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is criticized by some others for her one-sidedness and partiality.
  • Laura normally just stood there and sighed while listening to the one-sided conversation (since she can't hear Wolf).
  • One-Sided Headache Cluster and migraine headaches are characteristically unilateral.
  • After long and wearied deliberations extending over whole weeks, and while a nation's anxious eyes, hopeful and expectant, were rivetted upon them, they agreed upon a political catholicon -- one-sided, as usual, and unjust to the South. Cause and contrast : an essay on the American crisis,
  • That's why I halted the one-sided conversations long ago.
  • In a one-sided contest, the Kiev-born Scot blew the British No.3 off court 6-2, 6-1.
  • This lacks integrity, depth and rigour, is unfair to theologians who would not be swayed by lacklustre science (as a one-way ticket) and is disingenuous to religious persons who would (unknowingly) hear only a one-sided view of ˜science 'in Christian student groups. The Memory Hole
  • Opposition indigenous affairs spokesman Kim Carr said the government's policy was unfair, unbalanced and one-sided.
  • After this one-sided derby defeat, they are all but doomed to relegation. Times, Sunday Times
  • He seeks to avoid a ‘one-sided materialistic’ view of history, and therefore attempts to conjoin analysis of the material with the spiritual - that is, between patterns of belief and systems of social action.
  • The one-sided contest, which India needed to win to keep alive their hopes for a berth in the final, saw Pakistan scoring three goals in each halves.
  • Editorials or commentaries that are perceived as one-sided are bound to bring requests for equal time or space from opponents.
  • These facts are often used to depict Mary in a one-sided way as frivolous and irresponsible.
  • On one occasion he saw the captain approaching the radio room so he picked up the phone and began a one-sided conversation.
  • It was a fitting finale to a disappointingly one-sided match. Times, Sunday Times
  • The treaty under which my son was extradited is one-sided, unjust, ignores the principles of due process and is a licence to breach the rights of British citizens" ... The Nat West Three's Labour links
  • In time, this paid off and the one-sided conversation with New Zealand began.
  • This interaction of science and theology is not one-sided.
  • The one-sided patriarchal system is dying, and to cling to it is now a psychic sin.
  • They seem dead keen to carry on that one-sided conversation and it will condemn them to oblivion. The Sun
  • I spent quite awhile studying the eye makeup - the thick black eyeliner, the mega dramatic lashes and beautiful, voluminous one-sided pony tail.
  • Sadly though there are times when even the neediest, one-sided relationship with an unsettled too-big-for-Big-Vase clogger reaches its tipping point. A Robot Replica Of Fiona Bruce
  • It looked like the aftermath of a one-sided wrestling match. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • This one-sided view of health also ignores what has been learnt about the broader social determinants of disease and the two-way connections between well-being and illness.
  • Its content presents more than a one-sided granola outlook on conservation - it appeals to those who really don't want to take up a vegan lifestyle or quit their job at the logging company.
  • Massachusetts repealed its law in July, 1786, because, as Governor Bowdoin explained, other states, refusing to cooperate, had tried to use it for one-sided advantage.
  • One senior European diplomat said that it was a one-sided account. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, though, I wasn't enjoying this one-sided conversation.
  • The nucleus of the lymphocyte becomes larger, stains less dark and acquires a one-sided indentation and an excentric position.
  • The violence was far from one-sided .
  • The final frame was a one-sided affair for most of its duration with Billy outgunning Paddy at every opportunity.
  • A one-sided relationship turns into the real deal. The Sun
  • The viewpoint is somewhat narrow and there are several controversial areas where the presentation is very one-sided.
  • I could always hear him holding one-sided conversations.
  • In particular their kicking was superb as they humbled the Saints in a one-sided contest which saw the equal highest winning margin in the competition's history.
  • Without access to government documents, academics—especially historians—can only compose hagiographies of leaders or one-sided views of political events. How India's Bureaucracy Stays Unaccountable
  • Most of the ties were sadly one-sided, England winning four matches by an average margin of 34 points.
  • He did it in sensational style as he stopped the man ranked fifth in the world after just 97 seconds of a one-sided contest.
  • With the battle for fourth place hotting up, Liverpool must start finding the net more consistently to avoid such one-sided draws as they managed against Spurs on Saturday when plenty of chances went begging.
  • After whitewashing Khan 9-0 in the first game, Quibell dropped the second in a tiebreaker and the third by a one-sided 9-2.
  • It was the most one-sided first half we've been involved in. The Sun
  • I have referred to a top-heavy alignment and co-ordination of national economies as a misorientation, and because I have no sympathy for a European inbreeding, I can only hope that the present rather one-sided pattern in economic and financial relations will in future leave more room for German-Canadian co-operation. The Future of European Integration and German-Canadian Relations
  • The rhetorical perspective has explicitly criticized the one-sidedness of much cognitive social psychological theory and its emphasis upon schematic categorization.
  • The newspapers give a very one-sided account of the war.
  • It should have been a one-sided affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far better to stand next to a cupboard door and have a one-sided conversation with an imaginary partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often the synthesis, though adequately reconciling the previous thesis and antithesis, will turn out to be one-sided in some other respect.
  • And every half-footballer in the country wants to tog out for the media to make his or her name in a one-sided contest.
  • This pact is utterly one-sided-in Mexico's favor.
  • So Cordelia realized how pointless their long one-sided conversations were, Kerowyn thought with the slightest air of smugness.
  • A repeat never looked on the cards as Leigh scored at almost a point a minute in a one-sided contest.
  • From early in the second set there was little doubt which team would soon be hoisting the trophy in an increasingly one-sided contest. Times, Sunday Times
  • In point of fact, Weber's rationalization thesis can be understood with richer nuance when we approach it as, for lack of better terms, a dialectics of disenchantment and reenchantment rather than as a one-sided, unilinear process. Asthmatic
  • Watching the Journal run through its one-sided antics is no different than observing the rest of our out-of-stream mainstream media. Mjh's blog — 2009 — September
  • I must, however, take issue with his very one-sided comments directed at club professionals.
  • It's certainly not a one-sided hatchet job. The Sun
  • We'd all better tune in; this could be the most one-sided contest since the Little Big Horn.
  • I desirably conceal the sentiment, controls itself. Perhaps all are only I one-sided wish.
  • They kept the Potters on the ropes during a one-sided first half. The Sun
  • It teaches us that conversations are one-sided and that disagreements do not involve compromise or discussion.
  • And also, as the book says, it's a polemic, meaning that it's going to be one-sided and immoderate, and basically just something provocative to start you thinking.
  • From early in the second set there was little doubt which team would soon be hoisting the trophy in an increasingly one-sided contest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The information that's in there isn't biased or one-sided.
  • Whilst we have no objection to competition, this one-sided battle is madness.
  • The industry trade group favors non-mandatory agreements but marine retailers insist that the current system of relying upon dealer agreements written by manufacturers is one-sided.
  • An egotistic, biased and one-sided approach in Washington cannot yield lasting peace.
  • Insofar as dissident writers consider the profits made from drugs, we find an extremely one-sided response.
  • A decent crowd of 1,526 witnessed something of a shock result, but really the game was as one-sided as anything seen at Cougar Park this season.
  • The phrase packing the Court—always pejorative, imputing one-sidedness—burst on the scene in 1936 in criticism of President Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to appoint a new Supreme Court justice every time one of the “nine old men” a phrase coined by the columnists Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen reached the age of seventy and refused to step down. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Her idealization of her mate results in a one-sided relationship that doesn't seem to function on any mature, adult level.
  • And this one-sided tale of woe fuels a lopsided view of youth - as well as public agitation for still more draconian laws and punishments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mountain said his views on this issue are not one-sided.
  • Society in the past 50 years has known an extremely one-sided development, with science and technology making great strides while social life and culture have stagnated and retrogressed.
  • Numerous critics have derided the act as one-sided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asked if he had been part of such a one-sided match that his side somehow lost. Times, Sunday Times
  • It’s called a bascule, and it lifts like a kind of gigantic one-sided see-saw. Conqueror's Moon
  • The contest was somewhat one-sided, with the visiting Englishmen winning without much difficulty.
  • But this is not entirely a one-sided affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in April last year, he pounded him to defeat, knocking him out in the seventh round of a one-sided contest.
  • After the one-sided conversation was concluded Winthrop had his personal shame and sorrow to contend with, and the unshaven grin of the grizzly wino who asked for money.
  • Not all one-sided relationships are unhealthy.
  • Derrick shrugged, remembering the look on her face when she caught him and the horse involved in the one-sided conversation.
  • I would suggest that our views be sought by the media before they publish one-sided unbalanced articles.
  • There is no cause to regret the passing of that system - millions of peasants starved to death - and those who now point to the absence of school fees in that period are at any rate one-sided.
  • A relationship that seemed one-sided becomes mutual love. The Sun
  • They blamed their defeat on the media's one-sided reporting of the election campaign.
  • He was once again imperious in a Scotland pack which dominated the home forwards for lengthy spells of an otherwise one-sided match.
  • If a group leader's philosophy and beliefs are narrow and one-sided, then back away.
  • The viewpoint is somewhat narrow and there are several controversial areas where the presentation is very one-sided.
  • Although the result suggests a one-sided contest, that was far from what happened and the performance has encouraged county officials.
  • The press coverage was very one-sided and all the videos sent in cleverly edited were all from protesters. London G20 Police outnumbered and attacked « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • After this one-sided derby defeat, they are all but doomed to relegation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colchester deserved to win after twice hitting the woodwork in a one-sided first half. The Sun
  • They abandoned their former biased one-sided view which is of course an encouraging sign.
  • The fight was stopped in round eleven in a very one-sided contest.
  • An out-of-court settlement cannot be one-sided; it must be based on parity, equity and symmetry, on the principle of give-and-take by both parties.
  • It will be an old-fashioned, irrational, and one-sided opinion based very loosely on what I've studied on my spare time over the years as a non-professional historian.
  • The so-called defense of Angus McMillan’s Bushy Park, and innumerable one-sided skirmishes elsewhere in Gippsland during the 1840s, for which the squatters’ justification was usually some form of legitimate reprisal for thefts of cattle, or fictitious attacks on white settlers (even a few real ones), effectively combined to wipe out most of the Aborigines of East Gippsland within a span of ten years, roughly extending from 1840 to 1850. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The contest was too one-sided to be exciting.
  • Predators in unchartered territory, they are starting to make their rivalry with the Columbus Blue Jackets very one-sided.
  • A relationship that felt one-sided turns into a mutual love. The Sun

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