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How To Use One-half In A Sentence

  • Coffee, sugar, cotton, and indigo (a blue dye) from Haiti accounted for nearly one-half of France's foreign trade.
  • Fresh and processed apples account for over one-half of total OP exposure and risk for children.
  • a monometallic seems to be that a single-metal standard leaves out one-half of the world's resources; but the same thing must occur with a bimetallic standard unless the metals can be placed and kept in a state of exact equilibrium, or so that nothing can be gained by the exchange of one for the other. American Eloquence, Volume 4 Studies In American Political History (1897)
  • The larval insects insert their proboscides into the bark of young shoots of certain lac-bearing trees, varieties of Ficus, draw out the sap for nutriment, and at once exude a resinous secretion which entirely covers their bodies and the twigs, often to the thickness of one-half inch. Handwork in Wood
  • The out-migration has reached epidemic proportions, especially among young people, " he says. "The school system here has one-half the students compared with three decades ago.
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  • Minor sprains and strains and contusions constituted one-half of all injuries.
  • Eat about one-half cup of yogurt several times a day, especially when you take your protein.
  • Two hours after breakfast next morning give one-half dram of the oleoresin of male-fern in emulsion or capsule. The Eugenic Marriage, Volume IV. (of IV.) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • Often referred to as shanty towns, these make-shift settlements now house one-third to one-half of the population of many cities.
  • A one-half microfarad condenser is placed in the receiver circuit at each station so that the line will not be tied up should some subscriber inadvertently leave his receiver off its hook. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • Heat milk very slowly to 86 degrees, then add one-half tablet rennet dissolved in 1/2 cup lukewarm water.
  • The proportionate postage from this commerce, even at the ratio of the present West Indian postage, to and from Great Britain and her West Indian colonies, would be 110,000_l. _ yearly; but admitting that a sum equal to _one-half_ only of _this sum_ came from the letters sent through the British Post Office, the sum gained on this station yearly would be 55,000_l. A General Plan for a Mail Communication by Steam, Between Great Britain and the Eastern and Western Parts of the World
  • About one-half the amount paid for labor goes to the men who run the machine tools, and the other half is paid to workmen who do the other work, such as handwork, assembling, transporting, etc. Industrial Progress and Human Economics
  • Three-and-twenty years form a large portion of the short life of man, -- one-third, as nearly as can be expressed in unbroken numbers, of the entire term fixed by the psalmist, and full one-half, if we strike off the twilight periods of childhood and immature youth, and of senectitude weary of its toils. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Sugared pastries, chocolate-filled croissants, pineapple and other fruit juices, arranged in a simple but elegant display, filled one-half of the table.
  • Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta cheese over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple.
  • [Footnote 2: So called by Ericsson because it would "admonish" the South, and also suggest to England "doubts as to the propriety of completing four steel-clad ships at three and one-half millions apiece."] A History of Sea Power
  • In fish, the optic tecta and cerebellum, which can be thought of as the functional equivalent of the optic lobes, occupy approximately one-half of total brain volume.
  • A head of one hundred and eighty degrees is sufficient to diminish the weight of the air it contains to the extent of one-half, by rarefying it. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta cheese over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple.
  • Yet, by a curious exception, the supreme legislative assembly must have one-tenth, and may have one-half of its members outside the order, because, it is alleged, there is a sort of wisdom that comes of sin and laxness, which is necessary to the perfect ruling of life. A Modern Utopia
  • The rate of the westward shift of the centre of population slowed by about one-half in the next half-century. but it continued to edge across Indiana and, by 1950, on to Olney, Illinois.
  • The new vocationalism made up but one-half of the community college mission.
  • The head is one-half as wide as the prothoracic ring, being rather large. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • The old, inaccurate model, built to the scale of one-half inch to the foot, represents an auxiliary, side-wheel, ship-rigged steamer. The Pioneer Steamship Savannah: A Study for a Scale Model United States National Museum Bulletin 228, 1961, pages 61-80
  • To get the correct likeness of Naples we merely reduce the priests by one-half and increase the beggars by two-thirds; we richen the color masses, thicken the dirt, raise the smells to the Nth degree, and set half the populace to singing. Europe Revised
  • In the past year thousands of factories, perhaps one-third to one-half of the total, have closed.
  • Ixias have flat one inch to one and one-half inch flowers on top of wiry 10 to 15-inch stems.
  • The lardoon should be about one-third of an inch under the surface and come out about three-quarters of an inch from where it went in, one-half inch projecting on each side. Favorite Dishes : a Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book
  • Indianapolis led the league in 1914 with a whopping 289 miscues but edged Chicago by one and one-half games.
  • Round the corner of an old building pour forth a company of soldiers in "undress" — very "undress" — costume, looking like a troop of navvies, though one-half may be men of fortune and position, who at home command their hundred servants and their carriages and horses, but here willingly, eagerly, shoulder their axe, and sally forth at dawn of day to throw up breastworks and erect batteries. Yorktown, Virginia
  • Three and one-half years later, the resulting Final Judgment affirms the validity of the original agreement.
  • On the second day diuretics may be resorted to, such as saltpeter one-half ounce, and powdered colchicum, one-half dram, to be repeated twice daily. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The dulcian was made in several sizes and has a range of about two and one-half octaves.
  • Bubonic and pneumonic plague had killed between one-third and one-half of the rural population, causing a severe labor shortage.
  • Mix well together one-half a coffeecupful of molasses, one-quarter of The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • Her garboard strake is three inches thick; her planking two and one-half inches thick; her deck - planking two inches thick and in all her planking there are no butts. Chapter 2
  • I need my favorite blanky, one “Super Big Gulp” from 7-11, one-half box of Ka-Boom cereal, and Mark Brewer, my bestiest neighbor-friend from 2 houses down. ABC’s Funshine Saturday :
  • When bobbin net (or bobbinet as it is now called) was first invented, it was made only one inch wide but now it may be purchased three and one-half yards wide if desired. The Art of Modern Lace Making
  • TEAM 0.5 is capable of producing images with a resolution of one-half angstrom, which is less than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The term loam is applied to a soil which, from its appearance in the field and the feeling when handled, appears to be about one-half sand and the other half silt and clay with more or less organic matter. The First Book of Farming
  • He cut the old wheelwright building in two, hoisted it up on a set of wheels, and moved one-half to the other side of the house. Louisa May Alcott
  • It is estimated that state cutbacks may reduce economic growth by at least one-half percent.
  • He took a sample about one-half-inch square that went right down to the bare wood for perusal in the laboratory and discovered that what we had was smalt.
  • In fact, around one-half of the cases can be identified solely from the headlines as persons abusing their positions of trust.
  • One-half of the general problem of stellar atmospheres revolves around the solution of the equation of radiative transfer.
  • High nitrate levels persist when forages are cut for hay, but ensiling the crop reduces nitrates by one-half.
  • The work platform, stabilized by hydraulic cylinders at the four corners, varied no more than one-half degree from level.
  • The rafters are three and one-half inches thick by six inches wide at the eaves tapering to four inches wide at the ridge.
  • Some of the more successful programs have reduced the rearrest rate by one-fourth to one-half.
  • The height of the festival was the gala performance, which kept the audience's attention for the full four and one-half hours.
  • Some cities — Cleveland, Detroit and St. Louis — shrank to one-half or less of their former size. neb Says: Matthew Yglesias » Command and Control
  • One-third to one-half of all the energy consumed by small business is wasted through inefficiency.
  • From Kim-berley to Table Bay the fame of the Knave of Diamonds had travelled, and if only one-half we heard of the man was true he had earned his title. The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography
  • Of the latter truth we may judge from the fact that if one of those cells should be injured, only one-half a polliwog would result, -- either a head or a tail half. The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year
  • Mild side effects such as pain and tenderness where the shot was given, fever, fretfulness and drowsiness occurred in as many as one-half to one-third of children who received the vaccine. DTaP: Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine
  • The sural nerve sometimes supplies the dorsal cutaneous area of the lateral two and one-half toes.
  • The seven subjects in this trial experienced the same general type of mild acute side effects described in the prior pilot clinical trial which used one-half of the dose in the current study.
  • Just 200 extra calories each day add up to one-half pound of extra body fat each week.
  • About a third of the stockpile qualifies as ‘sweet’ crude, meaning that its sulfur content is less than one-half of 1 percent.
  • Thus, Jaffe commissioned an identical copy from Marco that was precisely one-half the size.
  • After many hours of counting and frogging, frogging and counting, I now have two-and-one-half rows of lace. Süß und salzig
  • Now, of this number of men it is not perhaps too much to assume, that more than one-half consists of the noble wreck and remainder of those magnificent armies led to victory by the illustrious Wellington, but certainly not in the colonies, and the present cost of half-pay and invaliding not therefore chargeable to colonial account. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • Each year, no more than one-half of 1 percent of the society's members are elected fellows by their peers.
  • At Frog Moor Plantation, a standard expectation of one and one-half cords of wood per day was established for most slaves.
  • Cresol is not so easily sulphonated as is phenol; _o_-cresol when heated eight to ten hours at 90° C. with one and one-half times its weight of concentrated sulphuric acid, yields _o_-cresol-_p_-sulphonic acid. Synthetic Tannins
  • ~SAUCE MAYONNAISE~ -- Place in an earthen bowl a couple of fresh egg yolks and one-half teaspoonful of ground English mustard, half pinch of salt, one-half saltspoonful red pepper, and stir well for about three minutes without stopping, then pour in, one drop at a time, one and one-half cupfuls of best olive oil, and should it become too thick, add a little at a time some good vinegar, stirring constantly. Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus A Collection of Practical Recipes for Preparing Meats, Game, Fowl, Fish, Puddings, Pastries, Etc.
  • Page 66 back to common labour, at which he could earn less than one-half of what he could have made as a calker. Frederick Douglass
  • The intensity of borborygmus was low with afternoon administration, reaching only one-third to one-half that with morning administration.
  • Faux leopard, mink, Mongolian lamb, shearling and more are seen in coats, vests and wraps-on their face, in their linings or as one-half of a reversible duo.
  • Add about one-half pound of superphosphate to each bushel of organic material applied to the soil.
  • Southwest by south from the port of Cavite, which is in six and one-half degrees of latitude in the island of Mindanao where cinnamon grows, lies a small island, called Taguima. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 03 of 55 1569-1576 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Figure 243 represents a drawing of one-half of a bevil gear, and an edge view projected from the same. Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
  • Either a pegged tenon or a trunnel a peg at least one and one-half inches in diameter should position the rafter securely. BUILDING THE TIMBER FRAME HOUSE
  • Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta cheese over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel.
  • Five-and-one-half inches of snowcap knee peek between sky brilliance of hem and sock as she turns her sensible black heel away from Dante's statue. Sunniva
  • A dose, or serving, of about one to one-and-one-half ounces of absinthe was poured into a footed glass.
  • If one is pruning the hybrid perpetual or remontant roses (which are now the common garden roses), he cuts back all very vigorous canes perhaps one-half their length immediately after the June bloom is past in order to produce new, strong shoots for fall flowering, and also to make good bottoms for the next year's bloom. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • With these precautions, the weight of silver deposited in the silver coulometer was found to bear the same relation to the weight of copper deposited in the copper coulometer as the atomic weight of silver bears to one-half the new atomic weight of copper, within a reasonable limit of error. Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • Spirits of wine, four quarts; essence of cedrate, two drams; essence violets, one-quarter ounce; essence of neroli, one-half ounce; otto of roses, twenty drops; orange flower essence, one ounce; oil of rosemary, thirty drops; oils of bergamot and neroli, each one-half ounce. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • _Wine Color: _ -- For five pounds of goods, camwood two pounds; boil fifteen minutes and dip the goods one-half hour; boil again and dip one-half hour then darken with blue vitriol one and one-half ounces; if not dark enough, add copperas one-half ounce. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • Wrapped in the little parcel was a breastpin worth at least two and one-half guilders, and ultramodern. Tales From The Secret Annex
  • More than one-half expect to contract for more services in the coming years.
  • Leaving one-half or one-third of the land uncultivated each year had become a widespread practice in the Middle Ages as a way to restore nutrients.
  • Valence_ appears dimidiating the French Coat of _Claremont Nesle_ -- _gu., semée of trefoils, two barbels haurient addorsed or_: the Dimidiation here cuts off and removes one-half of the De Valence martlets and also one of the two barbels of Claremont. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • The wrong done him by David in granting one-half his possessions to Ziba, the slave of Mephibosheth, did not go unavenged.
  • When catalyzed with money, governmentium becomes administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy, since it has one-half as many peons but twice as many morons.
  • Transfer the apple sauce to clean pint jars, leaving one-half inch headspace.
  • The company said it expects between one-half to two-thirds of eligible workers to accept the offer, which expires later this month.
  • It's a brilliant metallic green beetle, about one-half inch long and about a quarter of an inch wide, so it's pretty good-sized.
  • If carbon dioxide is responsible for about one-half of human-related greenhouse gas warming since the industrial revolution, methane and nitrous oxide are responsible for another one-third.
  • Dancing, which is not only rhythmic movement, pure and simple, undebased with any element of utility, but is capable of performance under conditions positively baneful, is for these reasons the most engaging of them all; and if it were but one-half as wicked as the prudes have endeavored by method of naughty suggestion to make it would lack of absolute bliss nothing but the other half. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • The reticulum is the smallest, with a capacity of about one-half gallon. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Place one-half of the marinated foie gras on the bottom half of the cloth and roll tightly to form a tube, about four-inches in diameter.
  • The great 20th Century experiment in economies run by governments has left the entire world with perhaps one-half or less of the wealth we would overwise have had. Voters As Mad Scientists, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The cook and bailsman sit on the first bar, facing me; and behind them, to the stern, one-half the sailors sit in couples; whilst on the first bar behind me are Bombay and one Beluch, and beyond them to the bow, also in couples, the remaining crew. What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile
  • If this period between the time of firing and the maximum temperature reported was exactly one minute, the radiation through this period would equal the radiation per one-half minute _before firing_ plus the radiation per one-half minute _after the maximum temperature is reached_; or, the radiation through the one minute interval would be the average of the radiation per minute before firing and the radiation per minute after the maximum. Steam, Its Generation and Use
  • -- Bad or foul breath will be removed by taking a teaspoonful of the following mixture after each meal: One ounce chloride of soda, one ounce liquor of potassa, one and one-half ounces phosphate of soda, and three ounces of water. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • _Yellow -- Rich: _ -- Work five pounds of goods one-half hour in a boiling bath with three ounces bichromate of potassa and two ounces alum; lift and expose till well cooled and drained; then work one-half hour in another bath with five pounds of fustic. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • In a memorable event involving such individuals, over one-half of the American defenders at Wake Island were civilian contractors building a U.S. naval base when the Japanese attacked in December 1941. David Isenberg: Fitting a Square PMC Into a Round IHL
  • This epidemic depopulates one-half of the inhabited world: kings, pontiffs, women, the young and the aged, all yield to the influence of the holy madness which, for a series of two hundred years, instigated the slaughter of innumerable nations at the tomb of a god of peace. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • More than one-half of the US online retailers surveyed by NetElixir and the e-tailing group in October 2007 said that up to 40% of their orders now come from pay-per-click marketing. Pay Per Click Is Popular, But Results Vary | Impact Lab
  • This camera is focused to detect a wall exactly one-half block away from the robot.
  • _Salmon: _ -- For each pound of goods, one-fourth pound of annotto, one-fourth pound of soap; rinse the goods well in warm water, put them into mixture and boil one-half hour. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • The process is also sufficiently developed to enable the total costs of production to be estimated at a figure less than one-half that of the 'collodion' processes. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Diabolical possessions and false miracles still inundated one-half of besotted and barbarized Europe. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The impost called annates involved the surrender of one-half of revenues during the first year of office by each new episcopal incumbent.
  • In 1971, a trade deficit of one-half of one percent of GDP about a tenth of today's level was enough to frighten Nixon into imposing a temporary 10 percent surcharge tariff on all dutiable goods. Ian Fletcher: Kennedy's Blunder, or How Free Trade Turned Sour for America
  • And unlike the case with Polly Klaas and Jessica Lunsford, it ` s very rare -- it ` s less than one-half of 1 percent -- that the abductor is a stranger, if you will. CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2009
  • They also appear to assume that joint obligees are each entitled to one-half of the obligation.
  • We subrent tracts of this total of 1,580 acres to thirty tenants, charging one and one-half bales of cotton for each one-horse farm. Tuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and Achievements
  • David presented himself at the emergency room of the hospital one and one-half days after the third cystoscopy.
  • The porridge crop was less valuable than the cereal, and fallowing meant that at any one time one-third to one-half of all arable land was producing nothing.
  • There is to be a tax of one-half penny in the pound on the capital value of undeveloped land, and there is to be a ten percent reversion duty upon any benefit accruing to a lessor from the determination of a lease. The Parliamentary Crisis in the United Kingdom
  • In estimating grades the term standing counts one-half; the final examination the same. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
  • This land held directly by the lord of the manor and cultivated for him was called the "demesne," and frequently included one-half or even a larger proportion of all the land of the vill. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • Roughly one-half of the microsatellites they isolated in one species were monomorphic in the other and have presumably lost their ability to mutate.
  • A few cases dominate this reporting, while just over one-half of the rape cases mentioned appeared only in one sample newspaper.
  • The lifetime of this fluorescent state is usually found to be approximately one-half picosecond.
  • This land was worked by the fellahin, who wielded two to three crops each season, usually keeping one-fourth to one-half of the harvest for themselves.
  • One-half pennyworth of blood to this intolerable deal of bandages, eh? LION IN THE VALLEY
  • _Leading tone_ -- the tone which demands resolution to the tonic (one-half step above it). Music Notation and Terminology
  • Servitude became a central labor institution in early English America: Between one-half and two-thirds of all white immigrants to the British colonies arrived under indenture.
  • The outpost was approximately one-half mile from the crossing and consisted of two existing buildings converted into a hospital and a commissary storehouse.
  • Of course, we did not understand one-half of it, and I remember that we tried in vain to get an explanation of the frequently recurring word "doxy"; but we laughed till we cried at what we did understand. Recollections of My Childhood and Youth
  • Very far," said Don Quixote, "for of the three hundred and sixty degrees that this terraqueous globe contains, as computed by Ptolemy, the greatest cosmographer known, we shall have traveled one-half when we come to the line I spoke of. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 7
  • She has an appealing, sometimes self-mocking voice, and a characteristic form - many of the poems cover about one-half to two-thirds of the page.
  • _Orange: _ -- For five pounds of goods, muriate of tin six tablespoonfuls, argol four ounces; boil and dip one hour and add again to the dye one teacupful of madder; dip again one-half hour. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • The realization that my daughters were playing in Nancy's house, just one-half block away, paralyzed my legs making me unable to move when I neared the end of our driveway.
  • One-half ounce balsam copaiba, one-quarter ounce liquorice powder, one-half drachm piperine. One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed
  • It will be simplest to not sell the carcass in any greater break down than one-half of one-half which is equivalent to one-quarter of beef but includes half the meat from the forequarter and half from the hindquarter.
  • Being a term equally applicable to one-half of the brute creation, it tends to lower the dignity of womanhood. The Woman's Advocate, Vol. I, No V.
  • Prepare a sauce with one tablespoonful of butter, blended with one of flour and one cupful of chicken stock (made from the neck and wing tips), one-half of a cupful of cream, one teaspoonful of lemon juice, a saltspoon of salt, one-quarter as much pepper and the yolks of two eggs. Vaughan's Vegetable Cook Book (4th edition) How to Cook and Use Rarer Vegetables and Herbs
  • That is to say, the manurial value of food consumed during the last year is _only one-half its theoretical value_. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • In the decade ending in 1989, the developed world grew only one and one-half times as fast as the developed world.
  • Whisky add one and one-half pounds unslacked Lime, three-fourths of a pound of Alum, and one-half pint Spirits of Nitre. One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed
  • When considerable cicatricial tissue is present, due to the action of depilating vesicants or other chemicals, sloughing of tissue is very apt to follow deep cauterization, if one is not careful to keep the punctures at least one-half inch apart when three are made. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • My compartment was crowded with men of my division, and only one-half of these had true passes; one, who was an adept calligraphist, wrote his own pass, and made a counterfeit signature of the superior who should have signed the form of leave. The Amateur Army
  • It seems, therefore, too much to take for the basis of a system a postulatum which one-half of mankind will deny. Miscellany
  • That was a "stumper" for the poor woman, who evidently did not understand one-half of the sentence. Among the Pines or, South in Secession Time
  • After one and one-half years in her current position, she finds that she has learned to be more organized and efficient with her time, which gives her more time with the patient.
  • No court costume with a tail three yards long, could to-day make me feel one-half so fine as the white jaconet, and green sash then sported. Dishes & Beverages of the Old South
  • The officer corps, comprising about one-half of the men in uniform, is rapidly shrinking.
  • His recipe has you make a roux of five tablespoons each flour and butter, to which you add one and one-half cups stock.
  • But let him now dare _allude_ to Romanism -- he offends one-half of his congregation -- he is _preaching_ politics -- they will hear him no more; or forsooth, which is more common, they will withhold his support and starve him out! Americanism Contrasted with Foreignism, Romanism, and Bogus Democracy in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture; In which Certain Demagogues in Tennessee, and Elsewhere, are Shown Up in Their True Colors
  • To prepare the infusion, steep one-half ounce of each of these herbs in four cups of boiling water for two hours.
  • _Snuff Brown, Dark: _ -- For five pounds of goods, camwood one pound; boil it fifteen minutes; then dip the goods three-fourths of an hour; take them out and add to the dye two and one-half pounds fustic; boil ten minutes, and dip the goods three-fourths of an hour; then add blue vitriol one ounce, copperas four ounces; dip again one-half hour. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • One-half of the arrow was made of a slender hard twig of cliff rose; the other half was formed of some pithy suffruticose herb which I could not determine satisfactorily, as I saw only the cut sections and was not permitted to handle these. The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1883-84, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1887, pages 379-468
  • The camshaft is geared to turn at one-half the rate of the crankshaft.
  • UCLA and John C. Walker of the MRC Laboratory in Cambridge shared one-half of the 1997 prize for their elucidation of the mechanism of ATP synthesis; the other half of the prize went to Jens C. Skou in The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • For the cauliflower foam: Melt two and one-half ounces of the butter in a saucepan until foaming.
  • Two large streams joined the Tomahawk River approximately one-half mile upstream from the dam.
  • It's a brilliant metallic green beetle, about one-half inch long and about a quarter of an inch wide, so it's pretty good-sized.

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