How To Use One-celled In A Sentence
The nasty bacterium responsible is a one-celled microscopic organism that kills by causing an infection in the small intestine.
Virtually all life in the world's oceans is directly or indirectly dependent on one-celled plants called phytoplankton.
Ovary inferior, held in the concavity of the receptacle, one-celled, with 1 seed, crowned by an epigynous disc, above which rises a simple style with dilated stigma.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
In this circumstance of their possessing a one-celled heart, and colder and darker blood, they approach to the state of fish; which thus appear not to acquire so much oxygen by their gills from the water as terrestrial animals do by their lungs from the atmosphere; whence it may be concluded that the gills of fish do not decompose the water which passes through them, and which contains so much more oxygen than the air, but that they only procure a small quantity of oxygen from the air which is diffused in the water; which also is further confirmed by an experiment with the air-pump, as fish soon die when put in a glass of water into the exhausted receiver, which they would not do if their gills had power to decompose the water and obtain the oxygen from it.
Note V
These blue-green, one-celled microalgae are rich in carotenoids, including phycocyanin, the pigment that's responsible for spirulina's blue-green tint.
Baillon, [265] wherein the pistil of _Trifolium repens_ consisted of three carpels, either separate, or combined so as to form a one-celled ovary with three parietal, pluri-ovulate placentæ; the ovary in these flowers was formed of the basal vaginiform part of the leaf; the three styles were formed by the petioles, while the stigmas were represented by trifoliolate leaves.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Eukaryotic one-celled organisms became dominant in the Proterozoic Eon.
Geologic time
During the Archean Eon life started and was dominated by one-celled prokaryotic life forms.
Geologic time
If there was not a drive toward complexity, why not stop at bacteria and invent millions of more one-celled varieties.
The writer mentioned some tiny one-celled water plants called chlorella -
Golden State
From the daisy or sunflower to the Milky Way Galaxy, day changing into night and night into day, summer changing into winter and back again, the rise and fall of civilizations, the evolutionary process of over 3.2 billion years in which one-celled ameba changed/evolved to seaweeds to ancient land plants to modern plants, nuts, seeds, beans, and finally to grain!
Free Universal HealthCare
The condition is caused by eating fish containing toxins produced by the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus, a one-celled plantlike organism that grows on algae in tropical waters worldwide.
Archive 2006-10-01