How To Use One-armed In A Sentence
A recent ad I saw read: One-armed drummer required for Def Leppard tribute band.
The woman in Illinois, the one-armed man in Idaho, the caress of roaches.
He conducts the band and he plays piano - he's busier than a one-armed paper hanger!
But jauntiness rears its head in the form of one-armed cartwheels.
That has been his trademark - an ear-to-ear smile followed by a good-natured ribbing during a one-armed pushup challenge.
A one-armed bear of a man, Sheriff Tom is, at 45, the oldest hobo, and he happens to own the biggest bowie knife, making him the logical choice to be the group's chief law-enforcement officer.
Most notably, there was an infamous 1967 case known as the one-armed bandit murder, in which a money-collector for a firm that supplied fruit machines to working men's clubs was killed, shining light on the trade's links with organised crime.
The Guardian World News
Other shops sold dusty rolls of fabric, my favourite being run by a one-armed tailor.
The child, probably about two years old, sat on the grass holding a one-armed doll.
We had a little apartment of strange angles in a house owned and run by a one-armed German ex-POW.
Bird Cloud
NASA's six-wheeled, one-armed wonder, Curiosity, will reach Mars next summer and use its jackhammer drill, rock-zapping laser machine and other devices to search for evidence that Earth's next-door neighbor might once have been home to the teeniest forms of life.
NASA Mars Curiosity Launch: Huge Rover On Its Way To Mars
Arzfeld cousins were kind, and none more so than her father's first cousin, the lame, one-armed Kaspar von Arzfeld.
Well they used to be called one-armed bandits - the pokies.
A one-armed man in a tree suit is followed by a young woman holding up a black cardboard fish.
Six-foot-eleven Stretch might tell us about the young ghost in his room the night before, and One-Armed Carlos would bus a table with his single appendage ten times faster than a busboy with twice the armage.
Roseanne Archy
And pulling plastic corks could, at best, make you a one-armed Popeye.
Vent your spleen: synthetic corks! | Dr Vino's wine blog
The straight, one-armed lifts which are a highlight of this first scene were performed almost matter-of-factly with no obvious panache.
The singer had been on the run after a one-armed man failed to turn up to her court date on July 7th.
The one-armed alcoholic main character narrates the novel.
Excuse me while I feed quarters into this one-armed bandit.
GOP presidential debate in Nevada - as it happened
That’s why they’re called one-armed bandits, stupid.
Had Enough?
The Center for Security Policy wants Americans to think that stoning and amputations are around the corner, but the report can't quite explain why stonings are so rare and the streets of Saudi Arabia and Iran are not filled with one-armed thieves.
Sabria Jawhar: The Idiocy of the Anti-Sharia Crowd
Not surprisingly, the one-armed baba and other members of the militant ascetic Juna Akhara sect are big fans of the Ram temple.
It is very difficult to tie a one-armed man's hands behind his back.
I might have him, he thought, and his mind tossed him the image of piles of silver coins clattering out of the belly of a one-armed bandit.
Memory of Fire
Patience and wisdom walk hand in hand, like two one-armed lovers. Jarod Kintz
Reaching above his head with his right hand, he grabbed a handle and did a one-armed chin-up.
His hat of brown felt slouches over bright red hair; one cuffless hand, lank and long, hangs down inert, the other sleeve falls loose; he is one-armed.
The Woman Who Toils Being the Experiences of Two Gentlewomen as Factory Girls
I reckon being Mitt Romney's Digital Director makes one busy as a one-armed lettuce picker.
Tony Phillips: But Mitt, I Don't Own One of Those Do-Hickeys
He pulled her closer in a one-armed hug.
Patience and wisdom walk hand in hand, like two one-armed lovers. Jarod Kintz
The girl shares her stories with the enthralled young heir to the Sultanate, who returns again and again to hear incredible yarns about one-armed heroes, hunchbacked ferrymen, giants, voracious gem eaters, conniving hedgehogs, harpies, djinns and singing Manticores.
Descent Into Cleveland
Their side-by-side combination spin was well synchronized, but the one-armed lift appeared somewhat shaky.
So the street-scavengering in a certain village has been entrusted to a one-armed cripple, utterly unfit for the business -- why?
Old Calabria
a one-armed veteran
Everyone was laughing at my pale skinny bones compared to this behemoth of a man beside me who was, by now, doing one-armed press-ups whilst still singing ‘I'm too sexy for my hat!’
The launch on November 26th began "an 8½-month, 354 million-mile journey... in which NASA's six-wheeled, one-armed wonder, Curiosity, will reach Mars next summer and use its jackhammer drill, rock-zapping laser machine and other devices to search for evidence that Earth's next-door neighbor might once have been home to the teeniest forms of life.
James M. Gentile: Space Exploration Reaches New Milestones - for Technology and Jobs
Griffiths' one-armed alcoholic main character narrates the novel in demotic Scouse - the accent sounds like a hymn sung through a dodgy carburettor or a nightingale racked with emphysema.
Maria Teresa Gargano performed consecutive one-armed back handsprings on beam, but missed her tucked full on that event.