How To Use one iron In A Sentence
- These vessels called Nassades, are very long builded, broade made, and close aboue, flatte bottomed, and draw not aboue foure foote water; and will came two hundred tunnes: they haue none iron appertaining to them but all of timber, and when the winde serueth, they are made to sayle. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- Only one iron idiophone was used in the original tambú ensembles in previous centuries.
- One irony, of course, is that this passage, which is so clearly at odds with later Christian doctrines about the afterlife, could probably be accepted as "inerrant" by many people today - but not by most Christians! The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
- Pull out a foot or two of thread and wind it immediately around one iron hook and hang the hook again into the final row of woven cloth.
- In this scenario, all the electrons eventually scatter during their long trip along the sandwich: the spin-up electrons from one iron layer and the spin-down electrons from the other.