How To Use One hundred In A Sentence

  • Poland has ten symphony orchestras, seventeen conservatories, over one hundred music schools, and almost one thousand music centers.
  • The tall sportsman is one hundred kilograms.
  • More than one hundred local women were employed in the manufacture of these items at various South Side social centers.
  • He had one hundred dollars in hand.
  • The complexity and number of processes for treating silk goods may be realized when we know that a piece-dyed or printed fabric is handled its entire length between fifty and one hundred times after it comes from the loom, sometimes even more. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
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  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • One hundred people were evacuated from a village near York today after a storage tank leaked, releasing an explosive cloud of propane gas.
  • One hundred women were asked to indicate their preferences on six male body odour samples, drawn from 97 volunteer samples, before and after initiating contraceptive pill use.
  • In 1981, he made a trip to Bavaria with three friends from the German department, and there, in a little bookstore in Munich, on Voralmstrasse, he found two other books: the slim volume titled Mitzi's Treasure, less than one hundred pages long, and the aforementioned English novel, The Garden. '2666'
  • They heard him mutter,'One Hundred and Five, North Tower;'.
  • The Curé would follow the Queen as she collected this small tax for her poor people, a levy which often totaled as much as much as one hundred 'louis' and never less than fifty. Almsgiving of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette
  • They were standing on a smallish island no more than one hundred feet in diameter.
  • Wind speeds in a category two hurricane can reach close to one hundred eighty kilometers an hour.
  • I have seen it now over one hundred times and I still find it very moving.
  • There are few if any behavioral characteristics in humans that are one hundred percent genetic.
  • Look at Mengelberg, look at Furtwängler, and look at the rest of the Mitteleuropa-trained composers in the past one hundred years. Mengelberg's Mahler
  • They sold an ass for eight hyperpoi, which is worth one hundred and twenty solidi in denarii. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
  • Would you exchange this one hundred dollar bill with five twenties? 100.
  • The basic monetary unit is the Somali shilling, with one hundred cents equal to one shilling.
  • The blancher is a large vessel filled with one hundred and seventy degree water. Serious Eats
  • One morning in June, 1589, the space within the main gate of the Juraku palace was seen to be occupied throughout a length of nearly three hundred yards with gold and silver coins heaped up on trays each containing one hundred and fifty pieces. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • A few hours before the onset of what is supposed to be a "multi-day" and "life-threatening" blizzard, over one hundred Chicagoans gathered to sample Chicago's best seafood chowders at the Columbia Yacht Club. Caroline O'Donovan: At the Chowdah Fest
  • The number of individual countries with hazardous waste import bans is now over one hundred.
  • I noticed that land was only about one hundred yards away, but there was a fierce battle being fought.
  • One hundred trial and error searches were run with the starting order of taxa randomized for each run, both with and without the new codings.
  • The establishment was both a pensionnat and an externat: the externes or day-pupils exceeded one hundred in number; the boarders were about a score. Villette
  • There are six of them in total, one hundred and fifty foot tall totemic spires of Growth Bone, Calcine, and Blossom Glass, bedecked on all sides with terraces, platforms and loggias, sun-bleached and standing to attention like nine pins spilt upon the desert or deep sea hydro-thermal vents rising from unfathomed depths. Watchman: Babel Series Part One | SciFi UK Review
  • We were in the middle of a broad and now sluggish river the banks of which were lined by giant, arboraceous ferns, raising their mighty fronds fifty, one hundred, two hundred feet into the quiet air. The Land That Time Forgot
  • Near the audience hall was another immense gathering space with one hundred columns, as well as the large and well-guarded treasury constructed of deceptively plain mud bricks. Alexander the Great
  • One hundred in the shade kept the vicinity somewhat depeopled. Heart of the West [Annotated]
  • The antenna and its filament mesh stretched nearly one hundred yards and could be jettisoned by verbal command. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • His one hundred per cent record remained unequalled by any fellow spetznaz officer in the history of the campaign. CODE BREAKER
  • In the planked room, or magazine, were placed one hundred barrels of gunpowder in bulk; and on the deck, immediately above the powder, were laid fifty thirteen-and-a-half-inch shells, and one hundred nine-inch shells, with a large quantity of shot, pieces of kentledge, and fragments of iron of different sorts. The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • To die peacefully in one's sleep is no bad way to go, not at any age, leave alone at one hundred and one, full of rich and eventful years.
  • There were a/one hundred in the room.
  • For a lady of one hundred and four years she is good, but retires early to help with breakfast at six in the morning.
  • One hundred and fifty native trees and shrubs were planted on Lackham Estate in Ashlea field.
  • Also in the same third year of Ten-in, a great tree-trunk, one hundred and fifty feet long, was stranded on the seashore near a shrine called Ube-no-yashiro, at Miyanoshita-mura, which is in Inaba. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
  • One hundred years ago today, your forefathers declared independence from the tyranny of the rule of my forefathers.
  • One hundred wingsuit skydivers fall to earth in a diamond formation during a world record attempt above Perris Valley in Southern California.
  • Significantly, it is the first Irish rally to feature over one hundred homologated cars on its entry list, including over thirty versions of the Subaru Impreza alone.
  • The World Bank used new tools to compare the economies and buying power of people in one hundred forty-six countries.
  • That appointment was revolutionary, for never in its more than one hundred years in St Lucia had a native son held the top job.
  • I was restless and unable to drop off, my mind going one hundred miles an hour and flitting from one topic to the next.
  • To commemorate the event in more permanent fashion, the Old Stopfordians' Association presented one hundred guineas to buy an organ.
  • The ascensional force of the new balloon was then about three thousand pounds, and, in adding together the weight of the apparatus, of the passengers, of the stock of water, of the car and its accessories, and putting aboard fifty gallons of water, and one hundred pounds of fresh meat, the doctor got a total weight of twenty-eight hundred and thirty pounds. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • This island was ceded to Spain more than one hundred years ago.
  • The pollution of a stream as regards fish by a one hundred ton pulp mill is equivalent to the pollution thereof from domestic sewerage from a city of the population of one hundred and sixty thousand people. The National Importance of the Salmon Industry
  • After the fries leave the blancher, they are dried and then it's off to the "fryer," which is filled with one hundred percent vegetable oil. Serious Eats
  • I summoned one hundred and twenty per cent disinterest, achieved by thinking of chiropody. A DARKENING STAIN
  • A metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth ( 10 - 2 ) of a gram.
  • The first general in feigned outrage tells the Fuhrer that they should exterminate one hundred thousand Jews. Think Progress » Beck: Obama is ‘dividing the nation’ by reacting ‘so rapidly to Haiti.’
  • He scratched out his first poem while taking a break from failing a thermodynamics exam, on which he receive a nine out of a possible one hundred.
  • She has published over one hundred stories and poems in journals such as Gigantic, Gargoyle, Wigleaf, Annalemma, SmokeLong Quarterly, Necessary Fiction, Keyhole, and Everyday Genius. How to Write Engaging Work in a Land of Rules
  • One hundred years ago, Montmartre was a cheap area to live in, and so attracted penniless artists.
  • A factory which distilled a good standard tar for roofing paper recovered, besides benzole and naphtha, also about ten per cent. of creosote oil, used for one hundred parts raw paper, 176.4 partially distilled tar. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • There were forty piles of one hundred legal-size sheets.
  • It was followed by three others, forming, as it were, the four corners of an oblong, which is two hundred and seventy feet long and one hundred and twenty wide. Chatterbox, 1906
  • The temperature was at one hundred degrees and the humidity one hundred per cent. For Love or Money
  • 3.10 About the same time Abbot Benedict ordered the transcription of sixty volumes, containing one hundred titles, for his library at Peterborough. 3.11 By 1244, in spite of losses in the fire of 1184, Glastonbury had a library of some four hundred volumes, historical books consorting with romances, Bibles and patristical works almost crowding out some forlorn classics. 3.12 Nearly half a century later Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • Here's one hundred yen. Could I have change?
  • Alex took a 'purler' above the Seelos Gully and had to chase his ski one hundred yards. Notes on Olympic Skiing: 1936
  • The cost of building the railway was estimated at over one hundred thousand pounds.
  • We measured this polysyllabical echo with great exactness, and found the distance to fall very short of Dr. Plot's rule for distinct articulation; for the doctor, in his history of Oxfordshire, allows a hundred and twenty feet for the return of each syllable distinctly; hence this echo, which gives ten distinct syllables, ought to measure four hundred yards, or one hundred and twenty feet to each syllable; whereas our distance is only two hundred and fifty-eight yards, or near seventy-five feet, to each syllable. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • There are one hundred pence in a pound.
  • China's iron manufacturing industry produced one hundred twenty-five thousand tons a year—an amount not equaled the West until the twentieth century.
  • They were standing inside a large circle, probably measuring about one hundred feet across.
  • One hundred and twelve days before, the nine of us greenhorns, just out of training schools, took our first combat crew training flight together at Dyersburg Army Air Base, Tennessee.
  • The "Leda" of Leonardo, repainted from motives of prudery by the great-grandfather of Louis-Philippe, was bought at the sale of that ex-king's pictures in Paris, in 1849, for thirty dollars, restored to its primitive condition, and sold, we are informed, for one hundred thousand francs. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860
  • One hundred twenty-eight natal males from the three study clans survived beyond the age of 16 months and thus were potential dispersers.
  • The twentieth century in each decade had included the changes of one hundred years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another sufferer is "desahuiciado with lamparones y empeines," severe skin afflictions, but he, too, is cured after the holy soil is rubbed on him, as is another man who is suffering from "one hundred and ten sores. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The Hutterites manage their expansion so that on the average each colony consists of from ninety to one hundred persons.
  • One hundred and eighty gallon droppable fuel tanks were being converted into napalm bombs.
  • In all his dealings with the Acadians, the Indian had found only unimpeachable faith and honor; but with the colonist of Massachusetts, there had been nothing but over-reaching and treachery: intercourse with the first had not led to a scratch, or a single drop of blood; while on the other hand a bounty of "one hundred pounds was offered for each male of their tribe if over twelve years of age, if scalped; one hundred and five pounds if taken prisoner; fifty pounds for each _woman and child scalped_, and fifty pounds when brought in alive. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment.
  • Alderman Marzullo puts out a 350-page ad book every year, at one hundred dollars a page.
  • I had to carry the animal all the way back home, and swore to myself that I will feed him one hundred doggy food pellets instead of one hundred and two.
  • He then pointed to a scraggy camelthorn tree about one hundred yards away and said, You will live under that tree. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • They were asking one hundred and eighty thousand for the place, so I put in an offer of one hundred and seventy.
  • Sufetula was built one hundred and fifty miles to the south of Carthage: a gentle declivity is watered by a running stream, and shaded by a grove of juniper-trees; and, in the ruins of a triumpha arch, a portico, and three temples of the Corinthian order, curiosity may yet admire the magnificence of the Romans. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • But I'm not about inviting close to one hundred strangers into my home, no way.
  • Not much cop considering that the game requires a hefty one hundred of the little blighters to be meandering about at once!
  • I buy one hundred grams for 500 riel (about 12 ½ cents). Archive 2009-02-01
  • A preliminary exhibition of one hundred incunabula from the collection was held before World War II, in 1937, and another after it in 1957, as well as a preliminary exhibition of masterpieces from it in 1954.
  • Much of the sophistication of Mexican cuisine comes from the use of more than one hundred different types of chiles, which range from the large and ‘sweet’ chile ancho to the small and extremely hot chile habanero.
  • The one hundred members of the Senate serve for six years.
  • The temple of Sri Ranngam is situated a mile from the bridge and three miles from the fort, the entrance being through a gopura forty-eight feet high; the sides of this passage, one hundred feet long and forty-three feet high, are richly ornamented. Travels in the Far East
  • One hundred and twenty people died in China's worst air disaster .
  • they offer more than one hundred channels
  • A head of one hundred and eighty degrees is sufficient to diminish the weight of the air it contains to the extent of one-half, by rarefying it. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short [...] 18 | March | 2008 | Living the Liminal
  • One hundred and one years ago, three men set out to see some penguins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Standing on the beach last month in El Salvador with one hundred tortugueros -- the Salvadorean men and woman on the front lines of sea turtle protection -- we each place a baby turtle into the surf: one hundred of 1.6 million released this year. Wallace J Nichols: Flipping the Switch: See the Wild, Find Yourself
  • It lies close beneath the surface, and follows for a length of one hundred and fifty miles the margin of a grand basin or plain; this, from its outline, manifestly must once have been a lake, or more probably an inland arm of the sea, as may be inferred from the presence of iodic salts in the saline stratum. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short story of less than 1000 words. Color Me Drabbled | Living the Liminal
  • He usually gambled sums of money between five and one hundred dollars, bottles of champagne, pairs of boots, or new hats.
  • “Your total is one thousand, one hundred and five dollars and eight cents,” the salesgirl said to me, even though her eyes were on the commotion in front of the dressing room. Real wifeys
  • A Latin edict of Theodoric is still extant, in one hundred and fifty-four articles. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • But the program has critics. They say trying to supply every child with a laptop, even at the current price of one hundred sixty dollars, is costly and inefficient.
  • The judge immediately ruled against him and ordered him to pay one hundred piasters to his wife.
  • One hundred years ago the Harvard psychologist William James wrote that these experiences are ‘states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect.’
  • One hundred and forty quid for a pair of headphones, you've got to be joking!
  • Then he brushed his knee-length hair one hundred strokes, braided it, and tied it back with a piece of green ribbon, simply knotting it instead of tying a bow.
  • One hundred and twenty people died in China's worst air disaster .
  • the contestants dropped like flies when the thermometer hit one hundred degrees
  • England, I have directed One hundred of the finest woolled Ewes from A Source Book of Australian History
  • Budgies, finches, sparrows and canaries are only a few of the more than one hundred kinds of birds people keep in their apartments.
  • One hundred and six pounds stretched over five feet and six inches, all of it tanning-bed basted, toned, plucked, waxed, moisturized, deodorized, perfumed, perfect. The Half Life
  • One of the most impressive manifestations of salt diapirism is where diapirs emerge at the present surface as a glacier of pure salt, moving at rates of between ten and one hundred metres per thousand years.
  • The government has adopted a decimal system, of which the unit is the _riksdaler_, containing one hundred _öre_. Up The Baltic Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
  • Eventually, without losing a single man, this unit of the Royal Navy systematically destroyed all French fortifications, more than one hundred heavy cannon, stretching about seventy miles from San Sebastián to Santander (except for the well-nigh impregnable Castro-Urdiales). Archive 2009-03-01
  • The 26th we made the coaft of Chiniai, and Pedra Blanca, an infulated white rock in the middle of the fea, fituate, accordmg to Sir Erafmus Gower, in latitude twenty-two degrees nineteen minutes north, longitude eaft of Paris one hundred and twelve degrees thirty - feven minutes*. Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
  • Now the average citizen of a bourgeois nation such as France or Japan spends around one hundred dollars a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is a portrait of which American statesman?
  • The early problem of defaults on the so-called sub-prime mortgages was merely a foothill leading to the Himalayas of today's foreclosures, where banks and primary investors stand to lose billions upon billions, one hundred percent of each of many of the loans they have made on residential real estate in the United States, and literally thousands upon thousands of otherwise normal middle class families are being put out on the street. How to Fix the Foreclosure Mess (Because America Is Like Secretariat)
  • One hundred and forty miles might seem a schlep too far for nine seconds but the vedette in question has a house on the beach there and the context of the script demanded that she be filmed on the beach with a boy.
  • Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.
  • One hundred years ago both our countries were firmly under the rule of believers.
  • The men who thus set in motion the career of the court which is today celebrating its one hundred birthday were all immigrants.
  • And in 1752 he described one hundred and ninety experiments for determining what parts of the body possess "irritability" -- that is, the property of contracting when stimulated. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Dr. Mantell concludes that the islands of New Zealand were densely peopled at a period geologically recent, though historically remote, by tribes of gigantic brevi-pennate birds allied to the ostrich tribe, all, or almost all, of species and genera now extinct; and that, subsequently to the formation of the most ancient ornithic deposit, the sea-coast has been elevated from fifty to one hundred feet above its original level; hence the terraces of shingle and loam which now skirt the maritime districts. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • The porpoise is a fish five or six feet in length, weighing from one hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • Another sufferer is "desahuiciado with lamparones y empeines," severe skin afflictions, but he, too, is cured after the holy soil is rubbed on him, as is another man who is suffering from "one hundred and ten sores. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • In 1903, one hundred years ago, most people in Ireland lived in the countryside, farmed the land, cultivated the food they ate and had very little extra money.
  • One hundred percent of the respondents voted for the latter.
  • Nanotechnology is used to study the fabrication and manipulation of structures that range in size from one hundred nanometres to a single nanometre (or a billionth of a metre).
  • It has been found in practice, that a water-course thirty feet wide and six feet deep, giving a transverse sectional area of one hundred and eighty square feet, will discharge three hundred cubic yards of water per minute, and will flow at the rate of one mile per hour, with a fall of no more than _six inches per mile_. Farm drainage The Principles, Processes, and Effects of Draining Land with Stones, Wood, Plows, and Open Ditches, and Especially with Tiles
  • By chance the ship had arrived at the perfect time of year, and the silence of the forest at noon was broken everywhere by the sounds of exploding capsules of hevea fruits scattering seeds one hundred feet from the bases of the tall, silvery trees. One River
  • `I can't say with one hundred per cent certainty he's going to be a pussycat, Sheridan. MAMBO
  • Over one hundred and fifty prophecies exist concerning the coming of a messiah and saviour.
  • Staff Sergeant Skiba's tank drove around the obstacles to the left and Sergeant Call to the right, and took up a defiladed position behind the bank approximately one hundred yards apart. Steel Victory
  • Numbers one hundred to nine hundred: Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega, Sampi.
  • Four of them are of value not only for the form but for the knowledge they furnish of the distinction made between the four classes of adventurers: those who paid money into the treasury and agreed to plant one hundred persons, those who established a private plantation, those who were private planters, and those whose "shares exceedinge 50 acr̃ are exempted from payinge any Rent to ye Company for the persons they transporte. The Records of the Virginia Company of London
  • One hundred and fifty people converged together to try to convert some creative initiatives into commercial reality.
  • She is one hundred and sixty eight feet in length, twenty four feet across the beam and weighs 330 tons.
  • One hundred million years ago Tobago was in the Pacific, part of a chain of volcanic islands.
  • Kharl produced his credentials and authentications, then transferred one hundred golds from the drawing account into the residence account. Ordermaster
  • About one hundred and eighty countries were at the three - day summit meeting last week in Rome.
  • His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.
  • Nor was it the Temple of Karnak, whose hypostyle hall boasted one hundred and thirty-four massive columns, any one of which might have held one hundred standing men on a capital mushroomed sixty-nine feet above the ground. From This Beloved Hour
  • One hundred and thirty-three bodies gone, three remaining. NO BODY
  • One hundred cubic centimeters of the mixture measured at 25°C and 750 mm Hg yields 84.5 cm3 of dry oxygen measured at the same temperature and pressure after passage over CuO and the drying agent in the tube. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1198
  • Who could ever have foreseen that one hundred years later, in the year 2003, this church would be rededicated.
  • This made my job doubly difficult; and I was one hundred per cent novice in penology. Prison Progress
  • I am going to be incredibly self-indulgent that day and light one hundred candles just to spite you.
  • For over one hundred and fifty years, the church of St George's was without a large bell in its belfry until a new one was cast and installed in the early nineteenth century.
  • It has been argued that these peoples may be genetically continuous with older groups that have inhabited the region for almost one hundred thousand years. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • Mrs. Catherine Weston of Ferryland Plaintiff on the 17th August last made Complaint upon Oath before Our Justices of our Court of Common pleas that William McDaniel of Ferryland planter is justly Indebted to her in the sum of One hundred and nine pounds four shillings and fivepence sterling being for the Amount of a Book-debt, and that he refuses payment thereof although thereunto frequently required. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • A metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth ( 10 - 2 ) of a liter.
  • One hundred yards -- and I used to run a lot in those days, and so we went into the medical unit and the guy said: Your heart's in sinus rhythm here, your heart fibrillated. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Former President Bush Comments on His Health After Hospital Stay - February 25, 2000
  • Ezekiel declares the north boundary to be at Hamath, one hundred miles north of Damascus (see Ezekiel 48:1) and the southern boundary at Kadesh, about one hundred miles south of Jerusalem (see Ezekiel 48:28). Can America Survive?
  • The cost of building the railway was estimated at over one hundred thousand pounds.
  • While in college, she was given a babiche bag said to be over one hundred years old.
  • On American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is a portrait of whelloch American statesman?
  • They stole one hundred and forty five louis d'or and paid me with an acquittance for a tax for the sans-culottes, which is another robbery done to the citizens of this commune where I have neither home nor possessions. The French Revolution - Volume 3
  • There were a/one hundred in the room.
  • It doesn't matter how many times we are told to drop everything and be one hundred percent uncontrived and natural, we still hold on to the letting go.
  • The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause 
  • Ocean, inclusive of the Bering Sea, which is situated to the north of the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude and eastward of the one hundred and eightieth degree of longitude from Greenwich till it strikes the water boundary described in Article I of the treaty of 1867 between the United States and Russia, and following that line up to Bering A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
  • The shunter had one of the railway's most dangerous jobs, particularly in the Enfield yards - the largest in Australia, containing over one hundred miles of track.
  • The same Josephus tells us this of the tetrarchy of Philip: "Batanea, also, and Trachonitis, Auranitis, and some parts of Zeno's house, about Jamnia, yielding the profits of one hundred talents, were under Philip's government. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • When Mantua fell, and Austria saw herself driven from Italy, she had called her ablest general, the Archduke Charles, from the Rhine, and given him an army of over one hundred thousand men to lead against Bonaparte. The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • ‘Strike the adulteress and the adulterer one hundred times’ may seem harsh but it is certainly not sexist.
  • Failing to reach said sun, the accused instead flew the plane the distance of one hundred yards before crash-landing into a rickety chicken coop.
  • The centner of rice contains one hundred and twelve pounds. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • The European Christian Mission is celebrating one hundred years of missionary activity.
  • Usually not run hair health meters, accounting for it is hard to carry on one hundred meters sprint.
  • There's a picture forming - one hundred thousand people, in a field, cramming themselves full of barely digestible meat.
  • The octagon was a room perhaps one hundred feet across and thirty feet high. Katherine Neville "The Fire"
  • An elevated tableland averaging about one hundred miles wide and extending four hundred miles north and south, it presents, approaching anywhere from the east or the west, an endless line of sharply escarped bluffs from one hundred to two hundred feet high that with their buttresses and re-entrant angles look at a distance like the walls of an enormous fortified town. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • The next stage of the trip is about one hundred miles.
  • One would think that everything has already been said about Carmen - the character, the novel, the opera, and her infinite resurrections in the last one hundred years of plenitude-and that we might as well let her rest in peace.
  • The formulae for galenical preparations and solutions are arranged on a somewhat novel plan, every preparation being made up, except in few instances, to one hundred parts by weight or volume.
  • The rearrangement is based on the number of foreign words (Nahuatl and Spanish) found in each one hundred lines. Primary sources of Maya history - part one
  • You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final 's' on 'hundred'. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.
  • One hundred college students retrieved autobiographical memories associated with panic, trauma, worry, and social anxiety.
  • The exhibition includes more than one hundred paintings, watercolors, and etchings by Whistler, installed in new versions of his path-breaking 1883 and 1884 installations.
  • 12 Whereas there was claimed of the said Companie the summe of 23553. markes of debt, made by certaine of their factors for the said company, for paiment whereof their whole stocke was in danger of arrest, by publike authoritie: Futher also 2140. rubbles for custome and houserent, he obtained a rebatement of eighteene thousand, one hundred fiftie and three marks of the sayd debt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 04
  • He looked out into the lecture hall and saw one hundred and seventy pairs of eyes staring back at him.
  • New figures from the 2011 census disclose the linguistic diversity of a nation in which there are hardly any areas without at least one hundred Polish speakers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our cousins across the line, with their population of one hundred million, are still forlornly looking for the great American novel, and remembering the age and character of this Dominion I very much doubt if you will ever have the great Canathan novel, for the author of any such master-piece would have to have the geographical restlessness of a Casey Jones and the lyric fervour of an Archibald Lampman and the diligence of an Arnold Bennett and the humour of a Cervantes and the realism of a Zola and the fantasticism. of a Wilson MacDonald and the scholarship of a Charles G. The Interpreters of Canada
  • One hundred women were asked to indicate their preferences on six male body odour samples, drawn from 97 volunteer samples, before and after initiating contraceptive pill use.
  • He accordingly resolved to manufacture and employ pyroxyle, although it has some inconveniences, that is to say, a great inequality of effect, an excessive inflammability, since it takes fire at one hundred and seventy degrees instead of two hundred and forty, and lastly, an instantaneous deflagration which might damage the firearms. The Mysterious Island
  • Secondly, there is a little word: commendam, that is, when the Pope gives a rich and fat convent or church into the charge of a cardinal or any other of his servants, just as I might command you to take charge of one hundred guilders for me. Of the Matters to be Considered in the Councils
  • The census enumerated eighty - six persons over one hundred years old in this mountain area.
  • One observer was heard to say that rather than depicting the progress of the past one hundred years, ‘it seemed to show we have retrograded in that time.’
  • The united age of this crown - diamantine couple amount to _one hundred and seventy-eight years_! Manners and Social Usages
  • Five hundred globules, one hundred of which should weigh one grain, should be moistened with one drop of this solution.
  • We still owe one hundred dollars for the car.
  • He visited finally the city of Sunnu, situated at the first cataract of the Nile, and visited the immense quarries, granite and sienite, where rocks were split off with wooden wedges on which the quarrymen poured water which swelled them, and thus obelisks one hundred and thirty feet high were detached from the face of the quarry. The Pharaoh and the Priest An Historical Novel of Ancient Egypt
  • In this work he demonstrated first, that the Graafian follicles in the ovary are not the actual eggs, but that they contain the spherical vesicle, which is the true ovum, a body about the one hundred and twentieth of an inch in diameter, wherein lie the properties transmitting the physical and mental characteristics of the parent or grandparent, or even of more remote ancestors. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Since 1867 upwards of one hundred and fifty of these boats and twenty dories have been built on the island.
  • Keiko watched patiently as the soldier one hundred metres away from their spot continued his patrol on the walls and entered the lookout tower adjoining the city walls.
  • Four hundred dollars and one hundred thousand yen.
  • Catherine Weston of Ferryland made Complaint upon Oath that William McDaniel of Ferryland planter is justly Indebted to her in the Sum of one hundred and nine pounds four shillings and five pence sterling which he has refused to pay; … praying that justice may be done her. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Local governmental organization is based on seven departements, or provinces, headed by prefects (similar to governors), thirty-two arrondissements, and one hundred fifty communes.
  • We were nearly one hundred in a facility conceived for sixty, all converging from the Northern Fleet for different reasons into this one ward. Tell Them, Please Tell Them
  • He was swinging the thurible in a one hundred and eighty-degree arc.
  • Each of the resort's 44 huge over-water villas is a free-standing structure connected by a walkway to a triangular central jetty that juts one hundred metres into the lagoon.

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