
one hundred twenty

  1. being ten more than one hundred ten

How To Use one hundred twenty In A Sentence

  • China's iron manufacturing industry produced one hundred twenty-five thousand tons a year—an amount not equaled the West until the twentieth century.
  • One hundred twenty-eight natal males from the three study clans survived beyond the age of 16 months and thus were potential dispersers.
  • The chase had taken ten days, during which Cortez walked at least one hundred twenty miles and rode more than four hundred on brown and sorrel mares.
  • In a hold, among cases of supplies for the research team on Gwinsai, he was surprised to recognize a lean cylindroid, one hundred twenty centimeters long. The Earth Book of Stormgate
  • By contrast, a Portuguese-speaking whaler in search of provisions among Inupiaq Eskimos on the northern coast of what is now Alaska was more likely, one hundred twenty years ago, to use a hodgepodge lingua franca employing Inupiaq and some Portuguese words, but also English and even Hawaiian—tongues of those who had previous contact with speakers of Inupiaq. The English Is Coming!
  • By contrast, a Portuguese-speaking whaler in search of provisions among Inupiaq Eskimos on the northern coast of what is now Alaska was more likely, one hundred twenty years ago, to use a hodgepodge lingua franca employing Inupiaq and some Portuguese words, but also English and even Hawaiian—tongues of those who had previous contact with speakers of Inupiaq. The English Is Coming!
  • King Solomon offered as sacrifice twenty - two thousand oxen, and one hundred twenty thousand sheep.
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