How To Use Oncorhynchus In A Sentence
- Some other common names for Oncorhynchus kisutch are coho, silver, blueback, and hook nose salmon.
- As confusing as this may be for the non-expert the important consideration is the no matter wether correctly called redband steelhead, or redhead steelhead, they are all rainbow trout and are classified as subspecies of the full species Oncorhynchus mykiss. Trout and Salmon of North America
- Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) is also known in as Red or Blueback Salmon. Salmon decline in western North America~ historical context
- There indeed was an endangered salmon in Taiwan - Oncorhynchus masou formosanus - the Taiwanese landlocked masu salmon.
- One watershed adjacent to the Bystrinsky Nature Park contains eleven species of salmonid fish, several being considered nationally threatened: king Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, silver O. kisutch, both resident and anadromous forms of sockeye salmon O. nerka and steelhead and rainbow trout Salmo mykiss, chum O. keta, pink O. gorbuscha and cherry salmon O. masu, Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma, white-spotted char S. leucomaenis, and whitefish Coregonis ssp. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
- Also, the vomer itself tends to be boat-shaped in Salvelinus, but not in Oncorhynchus or Salmo. Trout and Salmon of North America
- Some other common names for Oncorhynchus kisutch are coho, silver, blueback, and hook nose salmon.
- For example, vomerine teeth—that is, those on the vomer bone in the center of the roof of the mouth—occur in two well-developed rows along the length of the vomer in Oncorhynchus and Salmo, but only in a small patch at the front of the vomer in Salvelinus. Trout and Salmon of North America
- These streams, especially the Fraser and Skeena, are yearly ascended by immense shoals of salmon of the genus oncorhynchus, which are a great source of revenue, while the vast forests of the coast and southern interior, composed mostly of red cedar (thuya gigantea), fir The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
- First records of sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) from Banks Island and other records of Pacific salmon in Northwest Territories, Canada. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic