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How To Use On the one hand In A Sentence

  • On the one hand, it was a powerful tool to enhance or sustain personal and corporate power, wealth, and status.
  • But it is hard to sustain that insistence on the preservation of the Catholic tradition on the one hand with a total insistence on the diminution of a Protestant tradition on the other.
  • Sap vacuoles must be distinguished from spores, on the one hand, and the vacuolated appearance due to plasmolysis, on the other. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • On the one hand, there is no medical evidence that hamstring injuries can be transmitted from person to person. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand take away a large number of potential user groups, on the other hand the new products to market provides a certain buffer time.
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  • I think on the one hand Leigh's talking most immediately about the issues developers have with criticism of games, which seems to stem from the use of metacritic as a basis for determining where money in the games industry goes, which unfortunately codifies antagonism between game critics and game creators, who both love games. Tape Song
  • But this idea does point in the right general direction: toward a kind of inner conflict, toward what I have called a kind of "brokenness" in the human psyche, and in particular toward a failure of integration within the person of the creature's feelings and needs and impulses on the one hand, and the moral injunctions internalized from the socializing culture on the other. A Piece (from Huffington Post) on the Right's Manifest Hypocrisy Problem
  • Vries, "than that, on the one hand, everything which exists is conceived by or under some attribute or other; that the more reality, therefore, a being or thing has, the more attributes must be assigned to it;" "and conversely," (and this he calls his argumentum palmarium in proof of the existence of God,) "the more attributes I assign to a thing, the more I am forced to conceive it as existing. Froude's Essays in Literature and History With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc
  • Cummings called the Interior Department "schizophrenic" - on the one hand declaring its intent to protect polar bear habitat in the Arctic, yet at the same time "sacrificing that habitat to feed our unsustainable addiction to oil. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • On the one hand there is streetwear. Times, Sunday Times
  • We hear over and over again about global systems and panoptic vision on the one hand and genome chains and nano-entities on the other.
  • On the one hand, planters have been depicted as perennial hotspurs - hard drinking, fast-living men whose hair-trigger tempers demonstrated little foresight and generated even less systematic thought.
  • On the one hand, they may simply be by-products of several enzymic reactions.
  • On the one hand there is awe at the way the elements can so radically alter the landscape.
  • The issue is one of innocence and defenselessness on the one hand, and a decision by one who truly does have a choice on the other. Requiring viewing of pre-abortion ultrasounds: I’m with Crist on this one
  • On the one hand, victims of crime could now bring their cases to the attention of the authorities through bills of indictment instead of through the cumbrous and difficult procedure of appeal.
  • On the one hand, the dead men are apotheosized and made into martyrs for a great cause, as part of an ongoing effort to whip up enthusiasm for the war within the public.
  • On the one hand, there is the approach of enforced equalisation, meaning in practice that high standards, that have been achieved through hard work, have to be downgraded to a lower level so that all can become equal. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Meticulous on the one hand, but unbelievably sloppy and careless on the other.
  • Here now is the extreme limit of all moral inquiry, and it is of great importance to determine it even on this account, in order that reason may not on the one hand, to the prejudice of morals, seek about in the world of sense for the supreme motive and an interest comprehensible but empirical; and on the other hand, that it may not impotently flap its wings without being able to move in the (for it) empty space of transcendent concepts which we call the intelligible world, and so lose itself amidst chimeras. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Third Section: Transition from Metaphysic of Morals to the Critique of Pure Practical Reason.
  • With the health care crisis on the one hand and a new administration that has hallmarked itself on meaningful, appropriate change, I think there is an aggregation of more and more people with courage that are willing to say: Yes, we do need fundamental changes in our approach to healthcare. Dr. Dean Ornish: Transforming Medicine: An Historic Event
  • On the one hand, Thompson does seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of his subject domain, thanks in no small part to his willingness to talk to the media.
  • On the one hand, she has grown into a force that fulfils her like she never dreamed possible.
  • On the one hand, the pieces were easily distinguishable by easily recognisable symbols atop a pedestal - the King with a crown, the Queen with a coronet and the bishop by a mitre.
  • John between the preceding vision and the following one, implying, on the one hand, the solemn introduction to the eternal sabbatism which is to follow the seventh seal; and, on the other, the silence which continued during the incense-accompanied prayers which usher in the first of the seven trumpets (Re 8: 3-5). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • On the one hand, for instance, Al Fayed says the couple visited a jewellers and chose an engagement ring.
  • On the one hand she is admired for her courage, political intelligence, and stoicism; on the other hand she is seen as a femme fatale, a seductress, and a symbol of death.
  • The rhetoric of prejudicial disdain is meted out, on the one hand against the “hoity-toity”, and on the other against the “hoi poloi” -- against the “snob” with complex tastes and the “pleb” with simple tastes. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Those who argue this way are lumping together two very different things - threats and violence, on the one hand, and criticisms of judges on the other.
  • Plenty of voters share this view and they might find it strange for the government to be trashing Brown's record on the one hand and bigging him up for the IMF job on the other. Gordon Brown and the IMF deserve better than this shabby treatment
  • On the one hand I'm slightly flattered by the attention and pleased that the writing here is giving someone pleasure.
  • Once independent heating boilers internal customs furring , on the one hand, thermal efficiency issues, but more importantly it will create security risks.
  • Functionally, the total behaviour of the animal illustrates the fact that, in the part of the diencephalon indicated, a meaningful association of physiological processes takes place, which is related on the one hand to the regulation of the internal organs, and on the other involves the functions directed outwards towards the environment. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • On the one hand the connection between the sacred and the religious is unmistakable; it is so stressed as to be obvious. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • On the one hand, the state has, through its Reconstruction and Development Programme, prioritised housing the poor.
  • On the one hand, we have some process theologians blurring the distinction between God and the universe, and treating the Godhead itself as part of the cosmic evolutionary process.
  • What was the right balance between creativity and innovation on the one hand and familiarity and repetition on the other?
  • On the one hand, I address what it means for law and popular culture to converge.
  • On the one hand, there's the firm's collaboration with Danish architect Bjarke Ingels to develop a daring gashed pyramid on the western terminus of 57th Street. At Apartment House, a Blend of the Old and the New
  • Now on the one hand, as we have seen, every brick making up this massive conceptual edifice is a friable mixture of untruth, half-truth, hypothesis or assertion. Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
  • I have no idea if this is shooped -- on the one hand, it is the kind of thing a loony dictator might revel in; on the other hand, why wouldn't he get his name woven in Arabic script? Boing Boing
  • Facultative slave-making ants, like those in the sanguinea complex, represent an intermediate parasitic group, between freeliving species on the one hand, and obligatory dulotic species on the other.
  • On the one hand the parents' loss of rights to unpaid leave is real, in social terms, but unquantifiable.
  • On the one hand the child Karl (Carlo came later) recounts a world of Barret's Sherbet Fountains, Black Jacks and gobstoppers, a child's world of powerful sensations and distinctive smells.
  • Their faces of men and hair like women doubtless signify their boldness on the one hand and their effeminateness on the other. The Revelation Explained
  • On the one hand, they must secure a plentiful supply of food from the ocean.
  • On the one hand, a stock that is moving up can gather momentum, as ‘success breeds success’ and popularity buoys the stock higher.
  • Town-gown tensions between students and academics on the one hand and blue-collar residents on the other, tend to remain submerged beneath the surface of everyday life until a minor incident at a neighborhood bar located near a campus flares up. Gritty City Creates Knowledge Zone, But Some Feel Left Out
  • On the one hand it proclaims lofty ideals, and on the other it prevents disclosure.
  • What gives the sign its linguistic value is the system of differences, on the one hand between signifiers, on the other be - tween signifieds (or significata, some writers in English preferring “significatum” to “signified” as a noun). STRUCTURALISM
  • On the one hand military action must be pursued with maximum efficiency, defined by military criteria.
  • The ballet on the one hand discomposes the viewer.
  • On the one hand, this is because I have been unable to flaw the reasoning presented in the argument.
  • In establishing the overall 36 billion gallon goal, the government assigned subtotals to ethanol on the one hand and all advanced biofuels on the other. The Real Promise Of Advanced Biofuels
  • On the one hand, they possessed no deep appreciation for what Latin civilization was, or how it functioned.
  • Addressing an audience that was torn between the demythologizing heritage of the enlightenment on the one hand, and attempts to reassert traditional moral and religious principles on the other, Scott combines the economic amoralism of progressive historical discourse with the romance of disinterested personal virtue. Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
  • On the one hand, the study of Canada in the world - Canadian foreign policy studies - constitutes an unreconstructed nationalist project.
  • On the one hand it publishes original fiction and prose by authors in Tamil.
  • On the one hand, the photograph gives us a hint of what it feels like to be a power broker whose milieu is the smoke-filled room, or an insider who manages the campaign from the sidelines.
  • On the one hand, this faith in government helped promote a high rate of investment.
  • A phantom of air, an abstraction of the dawn and of vesper sun-lights, a bodiless sylph on the one hand; on the other a gross carnal monster, like the Miltonic Asmodai, "the fleshliest incubus" among the fiends, and yet so far ennobled into interest by his intellectual power, and by the grandeur of misanthropy! Biographical Essays
  • On the one hand the overcall would take up bidding space, or might lead to a profitable sacrifice; on the other hand ... To overcall or not?
  • On the one hand they can offer perfectly crafted pieces of writing just right for fast and enjoyable consumption.
  • On the one hand, there is the body's need for oxygen and its supply from the lungs.
  • Things are feeling weird at the moment because on the one hand I'm being very busy, and on the other I'm feeling very tired and sleepy.
  • On the one hand, those are things we still respect in many ways.
  • On the one hand we have the nationalists with a lot of xenophobia, people who want to live with their mirror images; on the other hand there are the cosmopolitans, people who are willing to live with others coming from different backgrounds.
  • This was done to enable comparison of the effects of bibliotherapy with more frequent and scheduled telephone contacts on the one hand, and the same treatment with entirely self-initiated telephone support on the other hand.
  • On the one hand, ballooning Credit and a glut of liquidity creation were a boon inspiring astonishing asset and earnings growth.
  • On the one hand: economic freedom, unrestricted trade, denationalization. Ballardian » ‘Violence without end’: An Interview with J.G. Ballard
  • On the one hand, you might argue that this constitutes a violation of national sovereignty. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, it’s your standard ever-popular cossie drama, with added Byron and Shelley; on the other, it’s got weirdness and horror and paranormality, which is also fairly popular viewing. My Next Major TV Series « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Using the heat theorem discovered by you it has now become possible on the one hand to calculate from the heat evolution during chemical reactions and the specific heats, the chemical affinity and the maximum possible output of energy during chemical reactions, and on the other hand to calculate the equilibrium in reactions not yet studied. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1920 - Presentation Speech
  • I picked up a bottle half buried in the wet sand, covered with barnacles, but stoppled tight, and half full of red ale, which still smacked of juniper, -- all that remained I fancied from the wreck of a rowdy world, -- that great salt sea on the one hand, and this little sea of ale on the other, preserving their separate characters. Cape Cod
  • Here, its candied herbaciousness serves to highlight, on the one hand, the sweet balsamic quality brought by sandalwood and patchouli and, on the other, the bright aromatic verdancy of basil and the almost camphoraceous chilliness of sage. Archive 2009-04-01
  • But the wall that split photography's discursive territory into an aesthetic-commercial-public realm, on the one hand, and home duty, on the other, remained inviolate.
  • On the one hand they have a tendency to look to the right if I'm reading the topography right, but they also tend to clump to the black "bristles". Where In The Universe #86 | Universe Today
  • For the patient's sake as well as his own, he must endeavour to strike the medium between negligence and ridicule on the one hand, and too much solicitude about every trifling symptom on the other.
  • Minimalist music developed in the U.S. during the 1960s as an alternative to the complexities of academic serialism on the one hand, and "chance" music on the other. P
  • On the one hand, temple police functioned as a small mercenary army to protect the temple precincts.
  • On the one hand, it calls for exclusivists in the appropriate circumstances to ‘resolve significant epistemic peer conflict’, and this means that exclusivists should on occasion reexamine their own beliefs.
  • On the one hand, a person who gets angry about things that he has no control over is considered as an idolater. Elissa D. Barrett: The Rest is Commentary: Jewish Post-Election Reflection
  • The designs of the characters are a mixed bag of sharply defined, appealing simplicity on the one hand, and offensive, badly drawn 'westerner' stereotypes on the other. Antenna
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • That is, political parties and their explicit policies have simply been obsolesced by the images presented by the party leaders, on the one hand, and the services taken for granted by the community, regardless of the party that happens to be in power, on the other hand. The End of the Work Ethic
  • It appears that thus far the best results have been obtained on the one hand by galvanization of the spine, on the other by general faradization. The Electric Bath
  • On the one hand the connection between the sacred and the religious is unmistakable; it is so stressed as to be obvious. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The authors accused the novelist of distorting Asian American reality on the one hand, and catering to the demand of the dominant culture for exoticism and stereotypes on the other.
  • I made my panch phoron over the holidays, when I was making my traditional Indian holiday feast for the in-laws, and so I compromised, since on the one hand we love Indian food but on the other I cannot really say we have had much Bengali food. Tales of a Compulsive Food Thief: Pumpkin Dal with Yellow Split Peas and Red Lentils Served With Naan
  • An almost impossibly rich work, it explicates a host of thorny theological, philosophical, and epistemological controversies and positions (Marsden, for instance, insightfully draws the connection between, on the one hand, the intellectual appeal of dispensational premillennialism and the opposition to Darwinism and, on the other, the peculiarly American “non-developmental” understanding of history). Modernism, Minimalism, Fundamentalism
  • Developed countries encouraged their cities to save water on the one hand and treat polluted water on the other so as to achieve a zero increase in the amount of water consumption and sewage discharge.
  • On the one hand there is awe at the way the elements can so radically alter the landscape.
  • On the one hand, for instance, Al Fayed says the couple visited a jewellers and chose an engagement ring.
  • On the one hand, he conceded that the old rites had the weight of immemorial tradition behind them, and no doubt propitiated malevolent spirits.
  • They issue Tracts carrying forward a debate about Anglican identity: the Church of England would be Catholic but it would stand against Popery on the one hand and dissent on the other.
  • What was the right balance between creativity and innovation on the one hand and familiarity and repetition on the other?
  • On the one hand, welcome to our place and thanks for helping spiff it up.
  • On the one hand, we labored to perfect a new tactical doctrine for a sea engagement against the enemy carrier force.
  • On the one hand this is to make the directions clear but, on the other, it's so the service will work on just about any phone you could possibly imagine - even one's without GPS receiver (you will need to buy aseparate receiver if not though).
  • This means that, on the one hand, it depends on the polymer viscosity (and shear force) and, on other hand, it relates to the roughness of the metallic surface.
  • The truly important distinctions, Vallicella insists, are between politics and partisanship, on the one hand, and between the vita activa and vita contemplativa on the other. Why intellectuals are political
  • These have noted that there are extensive affiliations between Peirce's discussions of the communicational and dialogical aspects of semeiotic, on the one hand, and the many and varied “game-theoretical” approaches to logic that have been for some time of interest to Finnish philosophers (as well as many others), on the other hand. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • This island, the most easterly of the Caribbean, has a remarkable history stretching back, on the one hand, to the Amero-Indians of 4,000BC and on the other to the apex of British imperialism. Colonial riches in Barbados
  • On the one hand, it is similar to the working class in that its members are salaried employees of business and government. Sociology
  • Let there be an end of this shy, proud reserve on the one hand, and this shuddering fine ladyism on the other; and we think we shall find both ourselves and the College bettered. Lay Morals
  • On the one hand the Thusness-philosophy argues for competition, on the other hand its relativism trait denies its validity.
  • On the one hand, a monomolecular layer of the most abundant molecular species, DPPC, can reduce the surface tension close to zero, like the entire surfactant.
  • On the one hand, his excursions into the mechanics of heredity and population genetics provide a valuable background for his rejection of racial and eugenic theories.
  • Thus, on the one hand, I'm a chirpy optimist, blessed with an uncommon degree of good fortune, who can never quite believe his luck.
  • So, on the one hand the government forces senior citizens to annuitize their income through Social Security. Inappropriate Annuities, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The manufacture of smokeless powders on the one hand, and of celluloid and xylonite (both in the form of films and solid aggregates) on the other, has taken no new departure. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • On the one hand, I really, honestly, do see, hear, and experience everything that atheists adduce as evidence that God is an illusion. Eliot Daley: My Memo To Atheists: Why I Choose God
  • Doubtless the heaviest burden of our contemporaries is a consciousness of a divergence between our democratic theory on the one hand, that working people have a right to the intellectual resources of society, and the actual fact on the other hand, that thousands of them are so overburdened with toil that there is no leisure nor energy left for the cultivation of the mind. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • It can also bridge the paradoxical mismatch between wide spread unemployment on the one hand and a shortage of properly trained manpower on the other.
  • We have, on the one hand, an arrogant, unqualified celebrity, and on the other, a burly guy who seems to have a problem with thwacking women around.
  • On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.
  • If authority is too rigid on the one hand or teachableness lacking on the other, the result is chaos.
  • On the one hand, if the something for which a reason is provided is regarded solely as a possible thing, then ˜reason™ stands to account for why that thing (as a possible thing) is the possible thing that it is. Christian Wolff
  • On the one hand, it is incredible that thousands of persons were out of their beds at ten minutes to nine A.M.; on the other, if they had sat up all night in the hope of a fight with the police they would most certainly have anticipated that diversion by a preliminary "shindy" among themselves, and have broken up in disorder. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • On the one hand, African cultures reflect and participate in the worldwide accentuation of inequalities, as well as the globalization of desires and the creation of a young people's market in (mostly American) consumer products.
  • On the one hand we have a motley crue of Railstone fanatics who attempt to get the tomb opened; on the other hand we have the guardians of the vault, local church members who are opposed to this very idea as well as councillors who are planning a new water reservoir at the very spot. WITCHFINDER: MARK OF THE BEAST by Brian Ball (Mayflower 1976)
  • There was, on the one hand, the precise architecture, the cold ashlar blocks; on the other, the deep personal loss.
  • And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains. On the one hand, Bellarmine , bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God.
  • This book is a real effort to distinguish between the problems and perspectives of the hagiographer on the one hand and the historian on the other.
  • The same goes for gnostic Christianity, where we had the strict ascetics on the one hand and the extreme libertines on the other.
  • On the one hand his position is analogous to that of a minority shareholder or silent partner in a private business.
  • On the one hand it was hailed as groundbreaking and praised for encouraging debate.
  • On the one hand are compelling arguments about autonomy, on the other, compelling arguments about competing autonomies, and the sanctity of life. David Katz, M.D.: Abortion, on Middle Ground
  • The two streams of dissolvent influences, negative criticism on the one hand, and positive knowledge and scientific method on the other, were led into a single channel of multiplied volume and force. Voltaire
  • On the one hand, the elections this month gave them a poke in the eye.
  • The indaba was the first such comprehensive interaction between the President and government on the one hand and the Big Business ANC Daily News Briefing
  • On the one hand, National is telling business audiences that New Zealand has a bipartisan trade policy.
  • On the one hand his patience had been delightfully rewarded, but on the other hand he had intruded on their private pleasures and had alarmed them.
  • The idea is to have on the one hand serious safeguards for prosecutorial discretion no DA elections anywhere in Europe, AFAIK, for example, counterweighed by a procedure for compelling prosecution designed to be used only rarely. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another European Prosecution for Insulting Religion
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • On the one hand, he is a senior England player with a team line to peddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a biologist, on the one hand I have no problem saying that there are real statistical differences between human males and human females in terms of anatomy/physiology/behavior (because there *are*) . . . but I also know how individual variation (on both sides of the gender line) is quite capable of completely trashing those averaged-out stats when one is dealing with *particular* men and women. News from the House of Sticks -
  • On the one hand, he is saying that what he considers correct is determined ultimately by usage, not by etymology.
  • On the one hand, nationality and internationality in cinematic art are contradictory, as films are full of ideology, and the national psychological paradigm of aesthetics is exclusive.
  • On the one hand, it can assist firms directly through the promotion of shared conventions and practices.
  • On the one hand, such behavior can compromise an issue in the short term, for sure.
  • On the one hand this is an enormously generous, inclusive and warm-hearted book, but, on the other, it carries these qualities to the point of vagueness and idealism.
  • On the one hand, the authorities have feinted in the direction of creating a Syrian "perestroika," announcing reforms a new constitution, promising to free prisoners, ending travel restrictions against opposition figures, calling for a national dialogue, a multi-party system, etc., while at the same time using lethal force and mass arrests against demonstrators, and positioning snipers and thugs to exact a deadly toll. James Zogby: What Is at Stake in Syria
  • The need for evolving and coordinating these approach of clinical evaluation of a patient can be appreciated if I realize that many common signs such as dark circles around eyes, early graying of hair, perspiration in palms, or feet, stammering, the peculiar melanization associated with pregnancy on the one hand and alcoholics on the other are hardly understood in terms of the physiological/pathophysiological processes and mechanisms involved in them. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • True to the “middle way” of Buddhism, Kûkai treads a path that avoids reifying substantialism on the one hand as well as utter nihilism on the other hand. Laughter
  • On the one hand, we can analyse the expression as a regular verb phrase, consisting of a transitive verb followed by its nominal direct object.
  • On the one hand, he's saying it's OK to smoke dope.
  • On the one hand there were the gastronomes, whose focus was fixed entirely on the pleasure of food.
  • On the one hand, how flattering to have such devoted fans! Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, dogs and cats have been domesticated for thousands of years.
  • On the one hand he had shown a great lack of manual dexterity, but he now showed that he had great talents for learning, especially mathematics.
  • On the one hand, there's this woody liana which has in it a series of beta-carbolines, harmine, harmaline, mildly hallucinogenic. Wade Davis on endangered cultures
  • On the one hand there are those who argue, quite plausibly, that legal and apparently innocent products can introduce nandrolone into the bodies of unwitting athletes.
  • On the one hand, it really isn't "news" in any meaningful way, and can pretty accurately be labelled voyeuristic, objectifying, "Othering", etc, etc. Disability in China
  • On the one hand, they should side with us because of the nuclear technology we promised them this summer; on the other, India's alternate estival accord was with Iran, which agreed to a pipeline deal that would pump natural gas directly into India. Chris Meserole: India & Iran
  • It was the fitful confusion of stop-start fiscal spending that seesawed the economy between hopeful improvement on the one hand, and wrenching cut-backs and consumption taxes urged by austerity-preaching deficit hawks on the other. Lynn Parramore: Japanophobia: Economic Myths in the American Media
  • It appears that there's a symmetry between objective verbs marked with *-i ( durative, mi-class) and those unmarked by it ( aorist, past) on the one hand, and subjective verbs marked with *-r ( middle) and those without ( hi-class, perfect-stative) on the other. Interesting quirks of a PIE subjective-objective model
  • I think the difference in intensity is at least in part due to the difference in scale between the two policies: on the one hand a ban on a tiny category of abortions that affects a very small number of people (partial birth abortions are a only an infinitesmal fraction of all abortions, and many of those who get them could get earlier abortions instead). The Volokh Conspiracy » “Federalist Society Types” Were Committed to Judicial Enforcement of Federalism Long Before Obamacare
  • Thus there is still semantic gap and misunderstanding between MUI ulemas on the one hand and Muslim and non - Muslim scholars and institutions which have promoted pluralism, liberalism and secularism on the other.
  • On the one hand, a victim can take BP's offer of short-term help for current losses and then, later, a final payment, one condition of which is that he or she forgoes the right to sue BP in the future. Nan Aron: Will There Be Crude Justice or True Justice For Oil Spill Victims?
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • On the one hand you could see it as a way of raising awareness of the illness, on the other it was crassly commodifying AIDS.
  • The relatively large divergence between these results could, on the one hand, be due to differences either in the growth conditions or in the fruit maturation state.
  • And my recent concentration on language regarding union or marriage types (homogamy and heterogamy), on the one hand, and sexual dimorphism/gender on the other, made me sensitive to my first lesson. Philip N. Cohen: Good Woman Child Language (Talking Characters in Taiwan)
  • On the one hand, an increase in real wages should motivate more work effort since the price of consumption goods in terms of forgone leisure has fallen.
  • There was, for instance, Mary Cheney: She was, on the one hand, the daughter of the man who was the real string-puller and eminence grise (shadow eminence) behind the boy-king, George W. Bush's "throne. Eberhard Kronhausen and Phyllis Kronhausen: Missing the Point -- Again!
  • Beit. xxxi, 570, attempt to prove the identity of the names by means of a form "Arda", giving on the one hand Hungarian "Aladar", The Nibelungenlied
  • Tablet which, however misconstrued at first as an exposition of the science of divination, was later recognized to have unravelled, on the one hand, the mystery of the Musta_gh_á_th_, and to have abstrusely alluded, on the other, to the nineteen years which must needs elapse between the God Passes By
  • On the one hand, you do get to see shows that might otherwise never be performed, and you get to see all-star casts that could never be assembled for a long run.
  • On the one hand, Australia's crackerjack fit with the Chinese economy is reshaping Australia's trade and investment flows, drawing the country into a China-centred Asian orbit.
  • There is a distinction to be made between, on the one hand, propaganda, with its ultimate aims of mystification, the facilitating of domination, and submission to authority -- and, on the other hand, subversive counterpropaganda that aims at transparency, reciprocity, and collective and democratic self-authorization. Stephen Ducat: Propaganda 101: How to Decode Political Ads
  • Finally, many Australians still felt filial ties to the mother country, so that it would, on the one hand, be the proper fulfilment of duty to aid Britain, and on the other, it would be a chance to gain recognition and approval for Australia.
  • On the one hand, the law is traditionally, and rightly, ready to relieve them against hardship and imposition.
  • Theoretically, acceptance of the reductive equivalents should, on the one hand, stimulate energy metabolism and, on the other, prevent deteriorative effects of cytoplasm acidification.
  • _ritardando_ on the one hand, and _ritenuto_ and _ritenente_ on the other, considering the former (_rall. _ and _rit. _) to indicate a gradually slackening speed, and the latter Music Notation and Terminology
  • On the one hand, they possessed no deep appreciation for what Latin civilization was, or how it functioned.
  • At length, in a moment of great irritation, excited on the one hand by his intense interest in the poor suffering girl, and anger at the peevish, helpless Don Picador, Don Ricardo, to our unutterable surprise, rapped out, in gude broad Scotch, as he brushed away Senor Cangrejo from the bedside with a violence that spun him out of the door -- "God -- the auld doited deevil is as fusionless as a docken. Tom Cringle's Log
  • On the one hand, I wish I had this woman's faith, her assurance about good and evil, about the way things will turn out.
  • As a result, two views of life, so to speak, were lodged in the corporal's incapacious head: on the one hand, he could not suppress his sense of injury against the German lieutenant who had thrown down 1,500 roubles and not a kopeck more; on the other, he did not dare forget that he had been initiated by the 'directing German representatives" into the whole German espionage system, including all its agents and banks. My Life
  • On the one hand, I got a nice compliment from a reader.
  • On the one hand, there is the jural discourse in terms of which Aboriginal citizens of the Northern Territory may enter claims to be recognised as traditional owners of estates in tracts of previously unalienated Crown land.
  • Each impasse dissolves into the other in their provocation and insolubility: how, on the one hand, to voice the ground of being in the fact of speech; and on the other, for instance, how to say "I" without meaning something else — or less — than identity. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • On the one hand, the placid, joyful temperament — the lover and enjoyer of life, of music and dancing, cigars, women, good food: the easy-goer. Election Day 2008
  • On the one hand, the propeller embodies the no-nonsense industry and propulsive dynamism of the modern period.
  • On the one hand, it's true that Americans thrive on cold cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and instant dinners.
  • With Mr Heathcliff, grim and saturnine, on the one hand, and Hareton, absolutely dumb, on the other, I made a somewhat cheerless meal, and bid adieu early.
  • On the one hand they crave the luxurious lifestyles of the corporate executives and financial dealers on Wall Street.
  • In all the countries, the tremendous amount of work accomplished by the French Army and civilian administration on the one hand, and by the French settlers on the other hand -- most of them agricultural settlers, "colons" as they were called -- resulted in an extraordinary enrichment of the country and of its peoples. The Algerian Issue
  • There are enough similarities between the fossils of Java on the one hand and some (but not all! The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • How shall the perplexed navigator steer his course when monitors in office accuse him on the one hand of lax precision throughout, and belaud him on the other for careful observance of detail? Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • On the one hand, there is no medical evidence that hamstring injuries can be transmitted from person to person. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, we labored to perfect a new tactical doctrine for a sea engagement against the enemy carrier force.
  • On the one hand, the Socialists say they will tackle corruption by introducing a new law on party financing.
  • On the one hand did he permit himself to be outbidden his master might visit upon him his disappointment. The Sea-Hawk
  • Whether one decides in favor of a federative plan, or for an intergovernmental proceeding, drawing the line between national and local competencies on the one hand versus Union competencies on the other is unavoidable.
  • On the one hand, beanie hats are just another essential component of winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The writer apprehends that the abstract right of insurrection on the one hand, and of self-conservation on the other, quite overbears, in so vast and momentous a debate, the narrow, technical, legal question: that which it does not overbear is the rightness or wrongness of the immediate motive, conduct, and aim of any particular insurrection and repression, considered individually. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 100, February, 1866
  • The antinomy is comprised of a seemingly contradictory stance among occultists and mystics that, on the one hand, regards spiritual truths as ineffable, but on the other, assumes that there is much to say about ineffability.
  • The great literary critic and novelist George Steiner 1989, 181 writes that “all of us have experienced twilit, penumbral moods of diffuse attention and unresistant receptivity on the one hand, and of tensed, heightened focus on the other.” The Muse in the Machine
  • That split personality again: a beat poet on the one hand, artiste to the royal court on the other.

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