How To Use On and off In A Sentence

  • By switching the anti-aliasing mode on and off, I found different and useful timbres, because even aliasing creates an interesting digital jitter.
  • This requires that the public and lawmakers have confidence that those entrusted to uphold the law will comply with it themselves, both on and off duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Histones physically control access to genes, and adding small functional groups such as acetyl or methyl units to them can selectively switch certain genes on and off. Innovations-report
  • It was like a basketball game at one stage with people coming on and off. Times, Sunday Times
  • A red light blinking in the answer machine slowly flicked on and off.
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  • Reciprocation of self - inflation of governmental organization and officer's standard value orientation.
  • Indeed, scientists are coming to realize that subtle changes in our genetic material -- technically known as epigenetic changes -- can alter the way that genes are turned on and off, in ways that affect the body's functioning.
  • It's also shaped like a bra so it's easier to get on and off - I hook the eyelets while wearing it backwards and then shift the bra around to get my arms through it.
  • Elise and Sawyer say they have been the most frequent victims of harassment both on and off campus.
  • It is also extremely difficult to get characters on and off the stage dexterously.
  • Thus, multiple rounds of mutagenesis are possible by switching the two resistance genes on and off. The Scientist
  • Still, for all his apparently gentle appeal on and off the course, Donald is a determined and gutsy competitor, one who appears to be more and more comfortable in the harshest of spotlights.
  • He was a player who always conducted himself impeccably, both on and off the field.
  • Most of us switch the system on and off as we require; we expect lots of heat and hot water 365 days a year.
  • Attention will be paid to Tiger's appearance or nonappearance at that event, which just goes to show how watching Tiger what he does on and off the golf course is now an international past time. CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2009
  • There are lots of low-cost, no-cost ways to market your Web site both on and offline.
  • It made sense with factory workers clocking on and off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Share information and offer tips to followers to grow interest in your page and promote your products. The Sun
  • Would Hoover circularise his description and offer a reward? The Man Who Lost Himself
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • An illuminated sign flashed on and off.
  • You are going to hump it around airport terminals, on and off trains and buses.
  • On and off the bus we went in our moon suits - just our eyes peeping out. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's like saying even with the sound and screen on my television blipping on and off that I can enjoy a show.
  • Even so, Keegan has been effusive and fulsome in his praise of Pearce's contribution both on and off the field.
  • He was a player who always conducted himself impeccably, both on and off the field.
  • Sure, you can turn it on and off, but it requires more will power - you have to de-energize something. To iPod or not to iPod...
  • Underneath my skin resided a solitary soul who could turn on and off her brightness when need be. French Word-A-Day:
  • On and off the bus we went in our moon suits - just our eyes peeping out. Times, Sunday Times
  • _ Nothing is an adiaphoron when confession and offense are involved. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • After studying accountancy at Chicago University, he worked on and off as an investment analyst.
  • There were a lot of strange noises like the sound of the refrigerator unit going on and off in the trailer.
  • All collectors will carry appropriate identification and official receipts will be provided.
  • Six of the turrets swiveled up to face it, and a person with sharp eyes or a ship with sharp sensors would notice tiny red lights winking on and off around the turrets.
  • As the snow continued to flurry on and off outside, quarrels between Wes and Frankie were constantly erupting inside the Horse and Carriage.
  • The sale of the Ocala Jai-Alai fronton and off-track wagering facility to a subsidiary of the Ocala Breeders' Sales Co. was completed on Wednesday.
  • Lyons is the ringmaster controlling the hype on and off the field.
  • His superb record as a super-schmoozer on and off the track surely earns him the right to be heard. The Sun
  • Some of them may have put more effort into interpersonal skills than the graduate who has been boning up on portfolio optimisation and office politics.
  • Both on and off the field, his comportment, intellect and easy manner can only impress and mark him out as the epitome of those rare footballing sorts entirely at one with life at the highest level.
  • He worked on and off throughout his career on mathematical logic, no surprise for a student of Bernays, and he did some early work on planar graphs.
  • It is definitely a bit more tricky for those who have extensive movements of livestock on and off the farm each week.
  • The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch.
  • When I'm flying, I can feel that part of my brain, like a switch, being flipped on and off.
  • I am a 16 year old girl and have been dating a college freshman on and off for about 2 years now.
  • These results invalidate the current concept of cell proliferation and offer a unified view of tumor development.
  • West Bromwich 3 West Ham 2: Zola discovers size of task on and off field Liverpool 2 Manchester United 1: Alonso has right spirit as Liverpool ruin big day for Berbatov Manchester City 1 Chelsea 3: Lampard adds a note of reality to City 'razzmatazz' The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • For this reason he has encouraged the social committee to widen the scope of this year's fête, drawing in helpers from outside the congregation and offering to share any profits for the benefit of the town.
  • My mind kept switching on and off, the strangest sensation, as if my fear was shorting out the circuitry in my brain. THE SAVING GRACES
  • Officials say some detainees go on and off hunger strike from time to time.
  • The bow (like the funambulist with the soles of his slippers fresh chalked) kept glancing on and off, till we hoped he would be off altogether and break his neck; and now the least harsh and grating of the cords snaps up in the fiddler's face, and a crude one is to be applied; and now -- but what is the use of pursuing the description? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • Take your children for a drive following that route, so they know where to get on and off.
  • As mentioned on Friday, I've been a wee bit tired of late, something that's been dragging on and off since before Xmas and it's getting a bit annoying all told.
  • On and off the pitch, he is unremittingly, unstintingly himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along the way, he provided intimate, previously unrevealed anecdotes that illuminate the ups and downs of his life on and off the golf course.
  • The contract is for the engineering, procurement, construction and offshore installation, hook-up and commissioning of the satellite platform.
  • By toggling this key, you can switch the italics on and off.
  • On the other hand, we still had much debt on and off balance sheet which we had to try to reduce. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • But she still made time in her packed schedule to fill in for me yesterday, spilling the beans about her life on and off the screen. The Sun
  • The various programmes captured his larger-than-life persona and irrepressible, outrageous flamboyance both on and off stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the plus sign "+" as a sigil, for instance, it is possible to use flags to turn options on and off. attrib - readonly - archive file_A. txt attrib +readonly +archive file_A. txt Planet Python
  • The contract is for the engineering, procurement, construction and offshore installation, hook-up and commissioning of the satellite platform.
  • Now you can follow my adventures on and off the beach in short, pithy, bursts. Archive 2008-05-01
  • These days, trailers had open tops, passengers got on and off sidelong, and the conductor moved around on a special step.
  • I just started drooling and twitching uncontrollably, my mind seeming to flicker on and off, on and off, over and over and over.
  • The spiccato parts were great, but most of the work ended up sounding like someone driving a car stepping on and off the accelerator.
  • This geum, which blooms on and off from May to October, is an attractive plant with coppery-pink flowers above a neat clump of fresh green leaves.
  • He remained in character as the anarchic comedian - on and off set - throughout the film shoot.
  • It's real great to watch them cos they blink on and off all the time.
  • On and off through the afternoon light snow showers came along to tantalize us, dusting the ground white.
  • The dynamics equations of simplified off-road vehicle model were set up according to the dynamic tyre force, suspension deflection and off-road terrain sinkage.
  • The thumb safeties snick on and off firmly, yet they're not too stiff.
  • Both him and Jason, who was a great guy on and off the field, helped me a lot.
  • I considered setting up one of those nifty 24-hour timer thingamabobs that make the lights go on and off when they should.
  • WSDOT says Winter patrols have been out all night putting down anti-icer or deicer as needed but you'll still want to use caution at on and off-ramps, bridges, underpasses. - Local News
  • Yesterday was a bit of a washout - it rained on and off most of the day so I spent my time in museums.
  • Versatility and interchangeability were the hallmarks of his squad, to the point where halfbacks were on and off the field as often as forwards.
  • Like most country football clubs, deep in the sometimes foreboding bush of Australia, the combatants play hard on and off the field.
  • I looked up at the bright green neon sign flashing on and off, ‘Club Divine’ it read.
  • The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch.
  • A neon sign flashed on and off above the door.
  • She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen.
  • Following up myself at 43, it would be cool to mount a “callingallwingnuts” style campaign to call the gasbag’s show (or any conservative gasbag’s show, for that matter) and ask on the air, “In light of your (Rush’s) oxycontin problem and its resolution, would you be in favor of decriminalizing drug possession and offering treatment instead of jail time?” Firedoglake » Not Exactly a Rush…
  • The project involved the redesign of the chassis of the V_II 400 autorickshaw to achieve weight reduction and better convenience for passengers while getting on and off the vehicle. Indian Engineering Students Help Redesign the Rickshaw
  • Many people choose cruises because they can't lug suitcases on and off trains, and big ships because they prefer lifts to stairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two (realistic) places I want to see before they box me up: Barranca del Cobre and someplace in Central America (likely Costa Rica) where I can fish (tarpon and offshore), swim, herp-splore and birdwatch. Ocho cosas sobre mí
  • He switched the fuel pump on and off at the top end in an attempt to keep the fuel mixing in the carburetors.
  • It is not unusual for him to burst into peals of laughter on and off the track.
  • Ultimately, this romance becomes a narrative strategy for ruminating on creation and offering an alternate genesis myth.
  • US Navy boffinry chiefs say they have successfully tested a cunning, heavily augmented crane which allows containers to be loaded on and off ships tossing on the waves out at sea, removing the need for a harbour when mounting an invasion or delivering humanitarian aid. The Register
  • Since The Mac Weekly story hit the presses, the issue has become a hot topic both on and off campus.
  • Still a little bit gusty, a little bit of spitting rain on and off.
  • I won't deny there was a certain frisson between us on and off set. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without this switch mutant amoebas extended false feet called pseudopodia in all directions and wandered aimlessly as Ras flickered on and off at random points on their surfaces. Media Newswire
  • Right now I make money irregularly by working on and off as a kind of typist, I suppose, from home. The misogyny post (updated)
  • Muslims have a fantastic ability to turn on and off their "deeply sincere" beliefs when it comes to fooling non-Muslims, whether selling in a souk (that metalwork zarf-and-finjan set in Morocco, the hubble-bubble pipe in Egypt, the carpet in Damascus), or outside the souk, selling Infidels a bill of goods. Jihad Watch
  • For the pros, celebrating the win, taking a feedbag in the feed zone and putting a rain cape on and off are all necessary skills.
  • The power pulses on and off, in cool white corridors with bassy noises, as if from a streetdance movie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Activities have continued apace both on and off the field over the past few months, marking another series of positive notches in the development of the club.
  • York Volleyball Club have good reason to celebrate a memorable Millennium season both on and off the court.
  • Meanwhile silage vehicles and the discharge of slurry by jet spray will require specific licences to go on and off farms.
  • The publican switched the light on and off and called, `Drink up, please, gentlemen. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • In the early afternoon a farmer stopped his wagon and offered Jimmy a ride.
  • So to say it is not required, useless or anything else along those lines is purely ignorant and sure you can get very far even all the way with off page but as soon as someone else comes along with everything in order both on and off page you will be out done. webcornea so i regularly read on these forums that on-page optimization is not really of much importance anymore, for google. tags, keyword occurance, titles, etc, really dont mean much. do you guys, especially the vets, seriously believe, that on-page optimization means nothing anymore? Undefined
  • Bettie, now preferring the name Marilyn, had been on and off of heroin for years now but it was the first junk needle Callahan had let near her.
  • This was a simple dressing, however, of a white cambrick frock; no finery, seeing that Daisy was to put on and off various things in the course of the evening. Melbourne House
  • The tape player sat on the floor of my bedsit in Bromley, and I used to turn it on and off with my foot.
  • By adding switches to their electrical circuits, the students were able to understand how circuits can be broken to determine its on and off status.
  • Some engines are turned on and off, with the cars coasting for as far as they can to increase fuel efficiency. The Sun
  • The two versions are created by a slight variation in the sequence of DNA in a region of the gene that acts like a dimmer switch, controlling the level of the gene's turning on and off.
  • Sheet lightening turned on and off and silhouetted the palm trees for hours.
  • Or maybe it's because those baggy pants come on and off so easily - they beg for a quickie.
  • The seniors must set an example to the juniors by their conduct on and off the field.
  • Eventually, she unplugged the lamps but the overhead light continued to switch on and off for about 45 minutes.
  • This will boost production and offer fresh opportunities to remove duplication. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was one of the largest crowds seen at any recent ship's departure and two brows were needed to get the large crowd on and off the warship.
  • He'd also became fond of switching lights on and off to the point where it was almost an obsession.
  • As their colleagues watched with a mix of wonder and envy, they showed how their gizmo, which was dubbed a transistor, could take an electric current, amplify it, and switch it on and off. American Sketches
  • The list of supplements and botanicals that can help ease the menopausal transition and offer disease protection doesn't end there.
  • Everyone is issued with a photo ID card for getting on and off ship.
  • But the movie is mostly about people seeing ghost images on TVs, seeing specters and electronics turning themselves on and off.
  • Its light flickered on and off for a moment, as if it was making itself comfortable in a mechanical kind of way.
  • Share information and offer tips to followers to grow interest in your page and promote your products. The Sun
  • Police have renewed their calls for information and offer a 10,000 reward. The Sun
  • It's been snowy here for a few days now, actually "wintery" on and off for the past month or so. Sunday update.
  • She opens doors, switches lights on and off, does the laundry and hangs out the washing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well I agist my horses which means that I pay someone else to feed them in the morning and at night and take their rugs on and off, but I do everything else.
  • By toggling this key, you can switch the italics on and off.
  • After 25-years on and off the road, the flame still burns hot and bright, with the band often clocking in shows at three hours a stretch.
  • A fluorescent light, for instance, actually blinks on and off sixty times a second, but most people perceive the light as continuous.
  • Moth shares with Dean an interest in analogue – Travelogue, her ever-growing collection of photographs of spaces such as hotel lobbies, seaside resorts and deserted offices is shot entirely on film – and an affection for continental Europe: Dean left Britain for Berlin in 2000, Slade graduate Moth has lived in Paris, "on and off" for the past four years. Meet the best new artists in Britain
  • External radiation exposure rates were measured at locations on and off the Hanford Site using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs).
  • The temple was glistening with odd shadows and angles thanks to the moonbeams, and light reflected on and off his face.
  • Other people leave it until the train has stopped, everyone else has already got on and off, and then they make a mad dash for the door, just passing through as the doors begin to close again.
  • From time to time the lights go on and off in the auditorium, while the actors continue to perform.
  • He's finally cozied up sort of to Lisa Edelstein's Cuddy, with predictably on and off results. Michael Giltz: DVDs: When Tom Cruise Became A Superstar
  • And we in the opposition must counter their vision and offer competing images of the future of the country.
  • All collectors will carry appropriate identification and official receipts will be provided.
  • With precise control both units can be set to operate on and off at the same setting with consequent better heat distribution.
  • Voters in rural Hamilton County, Florida, on the Georgia border, approved a measure on Tuesday that will allow pari-mutuel wagering at a jai alai fronton and off-track betting facility in Jasper that will open within two years.
  • Its target is nine million and officials are hoping that the SDF's decision to shift gears will bring in more voters.
  • The pair were partners on and off screen for the next eight years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police have renewed their calls for information and offer a 10,000 reward. The Sun
  • A new website lets users sign a petition and offers form letters that can be sent to companies and lawmakers to demand that the title mademoiselle be discarded. NPR Topics: News
  • Household lights were repeatedly switched on and off, in protest against the government's economic adjustment programme.
  • Blue and yellow LEDs would flash on and off inside genetically altered somatosensory regions of the cortex to give the user sensations of weight, temperature, and texture. World Wide Mind
  • Household lights were repeatedly switched on and off, in protest against the government's economic adjustment programme.
  • Red warning lights flashed on and off .
  • On the contrary, their recollection is embittered by the cruelty, exploitation and official oppression which they recall.
  • Genes are not conscious and do not choose to cooperate; they are inanimate molecules switched on and off by chemical messages.
  • The mine was worked on and off again until 1955, and then Mowry became a ghost town.
  • In the mornings we were woken up at 5: 30 by our housefather turning our lights on and off.
  • He used to work for me on and off, but he got too fond of the grog to be reliable. STAGE FRIGHT
  • It was a day of discordant notes, on and off the pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no bright lights flickering on and off giving you a headache.
  • At six foot five, with huge forearms and long legs, Brown looks like a bruiser, but he's actually a big softy, both on and off the track.
  • Don't confuse me with technicalities——all I need to know is how to turn the machine on and off.
  • The union said the vote stems from what it calls Dr. Atwater's "flagrant disregard" for shared governance; "inappropriate and excessive spending" in tight budgetary times; a leadership style that "alienates" those on and off campus; and "poor decision-making. - News
  • The heating automatically switches on and off at pre-set temperatures.
  • The business people on and off Main Street have put in a huge contribution in the past three years.
  • _ Nothing is an adiaphoron in case of confession and offense. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Besides, the amount of the perfusate is also subject to increased temporal control: The supply can be turned on and off within one minute. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Greig says Pyrenees is an actor-friendly piece of work, with no constant scene changes, no running on and off.
  • The surge had caused something to power on in the craft, and a tiny blue light was winking on and off.
  • The scheme will also include improvements at bus stops to make it easier to get on and off and clearways will be created to stop parked cars blocking buses from pulling in and out.
  • The heavily indebted football club has struggled on and off the pitch since the American duo took control and is a whisker away from bankruptcy. Times, Sunday Times
  • West Bromwich 3 West Ham 2: Zola discovers size of task on and off field Portsmouth 2 Middlesbrough 1: Defoe and Crouch on song as Pompey tune up for Uefa Cup Manchester City 1 Chelsea 3: Lampard adds a note of reality to City 'razzmatazz' The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • I am happy if the only time I draw my sidearm is at the end of my shift when it is time to unload it and put it back on the armoury shelf. .and I have been using firearms on and off for 22 years now!! on July 27, 2006 at 1: 02 pm | Reply Zebedee billbo - No offense, but in my experience (both from helping train and from “exercises”) & from the “media based knowledge” that I and the rest of the country have seen, the general populace has good cause to have minimal faith in the Police and in particular the Firearms toting side of it. CO19 - A Few Good Men « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Also, the gloves were often dusted with cornstarch or powder to make it easier to pull them on and off.
  • A large blue diamond was flashing on and off.
  • Mr. Watts withdrew all the garrison and officials behind the bastioned walls of the fort, and fearing that an attack in force would be made upon him, despatched a kasid {courier} to Calcutta with an urgent request for reinforcements. In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
  • Often she finds herself stranded, with no staff to help her on and off, or to move between the platforms and the taxi rank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fighter jets have been on station around NYC that strobe their lights, and turn them on and off.
  • Based on the temperature reading on the thermostat the fans click on and off to maintain a steady desired temperature.
  • It's a small pity that the fa-la-la vocalise of the whole company isn't musically better, but it serves its purpose of getting the characters on and off stage in this raucously enjoyable evening. 'Laughing Comedy' Continues to Conquer
  • Another nice feature: the ability to assign almost any task, from requesting a print preview to toggling graphics on and off, to a single keystroke.
  • Their conduct both on and off the pitch was excellent.
  • Wanderers hope their pioneering swoop for Japanese striker Akinori Nishizawa will prove a smart move both on and off the field.
  • The pattern was repeated on and off: occasionally coming into a clearing, getting directions, backtracking, lost again, more directions.
  • He had watched lights go on and off in the tower during the next couple of hours.
  • She smiled at him, but it was the smile of somebody conditioned to turn compassion on and off like a light. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • He said that, over the course of the next few weeks, community officers would be in plain clothes on and off the buses, identifying offenders and deterring and detecting offences.
  • He said those efforts were plagued by widespread corruption and official indifference.
  • But the movie is mostly about people seeing ghost images on TVs, seeing specters and electronics turning themselves on and off.
  • She has suffered heartbreak, both on and off the field, and has come through it all with dignity and strength.
  • Thread the tube on and off a few times without snugging it down to make sure it's spinning down fully where it should.
  • One button toggles power on and off, another resets the display, and one exits the on-screen menu.
  • They think sharing a home will rekindle their romance - which has been on and off throughout the first two series of the ITV2 reality show. The Sun
  • Also to be questioned is what I'd call the firefly motif by which Holding transitions from room to room in Derrick Ivey's atmospheric set: As the naked bulbs turn on and off by themselves in different places in the house, Lucy follows the light, increasingly addressing her narratives to the illumination itself, as if it were the Captain's ghost. Cary
  • For the province's future Olympic hopefuls have been brushing up on skills both on and off the sports fields.
  • I happen to know a cop personally, and she is (as far as I know) an honest and upfront person on and off the job.
  • He switched the fuel pump on and off at the top end in an attempt to keep the fuel mixing in the carburetors.
  • They think sharing a home will rekindle their romance - which has been on and off throughout the first two series of the ITV2 reality show. The Sun
  • There is so much baggage on and off the pitch that comes with him. The Sun
  • None of my fellow smokers and ex-smokers can believe I still feel pangs of nostalgia for the habit I finally ditched in March after 25 years, on and off.
  • Top mushers are always spying on each other, looking for ploys to shave time - like how the other guy gets 64 booties on and off his dogs at a rest stop.
  • But, the inquest heard, after a long drinking session, which went on and off from 4pm to 2am, Mr Clarke decided to drive back to York.
  • She lay awake reaching her conclusions, mentally switching the light on and off, until she began to see other things.
  • I could print or save this graph and toggle 3 - D mode on and off.
  • I spent the rest of yesterday afternoon babysitting R's kids, which was fun, although a little alarming, as the youngest one has worked out how to turn the knobs on the gas cooker on and off and it took me a while to realise.

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