
How To Use On a regular basis In A Sentence

  • Anyone who drives along this road on a regular basis as I do, will fully understand and appreciate what I mean.
  • DESPITE his great attacking prowess and capacity to find the net fairly on a regular basis, he does not come across as a penalty taker. The Sun
  • This might be done on a regular basis through the meetings of a consultative committee containing representatives of shop floor and management. Business Studies Basic Facts
  • She wants nothing more than a normal life with a proper home and a regular wage, and she is prepared to go to desperate lengths to try to keep the casual factory jobs she gets and loses on a regular basis.
  • For example, add lean cuts of red meat or dark poultry to your meals on a regular basis.
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  • Somewhere in the bathymetric maps and the 100 years of records he reviewed, he saw that serious waves actually visited Long Beach on a regular basis. Pro Surfing Gambles on Long Island
  • One the practical side of things, if your the type of person who swaps, upgrades and rearranges their equipment on a regular basis, the ClearPC is going to be a bit of a pain.
  • However, for many whose outgoings simply exceed their income on a regular basis such a loan may prove to be a terrible mistake.
  • Because of other demands on his time, the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis.
  • I hear there are very few companies in our industry who carry out a comprehensive performance review on a regular basis.
  • Caught in a whirlwind of high times, hard drugs and harder comedowns, the singer made a botched suicide attempt and began to overdose on a regular basis.
  • The agency offered numerous classes, films, and other learning opportunities on a regular basis.
  • After all, in some parts of the world opium is smoked on a regular basis. Sound Politics: Health Effects Of Pot Get Short Shrift: Bummer, Man
  • He is suspected of having reported the bugged conversations to his superiors on a regular basis.
  • I suggest that we have regular meetings/meet on a regular basis.
  • Neighbours called to visit her on a regular basis and she enjoyed their company.
  • Patients, who [plantiffs 'attorneys] contend did not receive showers on a regular basis, walked around with catheters leaking and dragging on the ground, had wounds left untreated and were forced to sit in soiled bed sheets for hours or, in some cases, even days. Lisa Derrick: More Than Marijuana: Humboldt County DA Wins Big for Seniors
  • Amazingly, there is a condition called bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn workers lung) that some workers in popcorn factories suffer from since they inhale the fumes on a regular basis. Progressive Bloggers
  • BARDE relies on the commitment of all members and member hotels to actively participate and contribute on a regular basis in order to achieve its goals.
  • Disinfection solutions need to be renewed on a regular basis.
  • Visit your dentist or hygienist to have your teeth scaled and polished on a regular basis.
  • The party groups meet on a regular basis and make collective decisions on policy.
  • I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
  • As well as re-orging every quarter the corporate wizards also like us to have a desk shuffle on a regular basis, making you feel much like a character at the mad hatters tea party.
  • For what he knew, she was level-headed and exuded confidence on a regular basis.
  • I have lived here for years and I still find myself utterly flummoxed by it on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • You need to find a Christian counselor to talk with on a regular basis. With their help and God's help, you can quit being a victim and become an overcomer.
  • She tells me that she has a full body wax on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
  • This meadow is probably one of the prime zander venues on the river, and it also produces quality catfish on a regular basis.
  • Mesenchyme -- "Connective tissue arising from multiple germ layers consisting of unspecialized cells" - does your name have a message for us as you seem to have achieved the above objective by connecting with SIn and the ludicrous messages of hatred he brings here on a regular basis, perhaps seen as lobbying by you? phil On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I keep a very tiny email inbox just for that reason, so I'm forced on a regular basis to give a lot of old messages the big heave-ho.
  • Although boats chugged up and down the water on a regular basis (the river was a designated highway), road access was limited.
  • You make punctuation mistakes on a regular basis, particularly by using commas when semi-colons or full stops are required.
  • I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
  • The equipment is checked on a regular basis.
  • This problem arose because the relevant surfaces were not sufficiently protected to prevent such ingress and were not sufficiently accessible at all times to enable them to be cleaned properly on a regular basis.
  • Once calculus has formed you cannot remove this yourself and is essential that your dentist or hygienist carries out scaling for you on a regular basis.
  • A wise precaution, if people used the driveway as a dragstrip on a regular basis. Omnibus
  • Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Britain braced for more snow: It's not unusual at these times for people in northern Britain to complain that southerners whinge about their bad weather when the north of the country suffers far worse conditions on a regular basis. Archive 2005-03-01
  • A joint economic commission to monitor links was established and it was hoped that it would meet on a regular basis.
  • Since the Washington Post Book World covered genre fiction on a regular basis which the NY Times does not well, mysteries up the gazoo but not sf/fantasy this is not a happy making time. & then there were none
  • All your friends and colleagues know what a klutz you are, and no matter how careful you are whenever you eat or drink something, you still manage to stain your clothes on a regular basis.
  • How many of them have given thought to their audience and the type of things they'd like to hear on a regular basis?
  • And does anyone remember the bizarre lineups that used to play at the Downtown Performance Center on a regular basis?
  • A board that attempts to follow a standard procedure, but deviates from it on a regular basis may be less productive than it would be if it didn't try to follow the procedure.
  • Generally, there is an emergency plan, and fire drills are practiced on a regular basis.
  • The quality of hospital food is constantly monitored and menus are reviewed on a regular basis.
  • This is the kind of convoluted wording that pops up on a regular basis, and my head still hurts trying to untangle it.
  • None the less, they did so well that from then on Emma was asked to contribute on a regular basis.
  • Just a handful of black licorice on a regular basis can reduce the amount of potassium in the body and may lead to fluid retention, not to mention irregular heart rhythms.
  • Once, fire trucks roared out of firehouses on a regular basis; now, a fire company may go days or even weeks without a fire to respond to.
  • This is an issue anyone with daughters faces on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Peace out to Icerocket founder - who Cuban seedfunded - whose 'acquirer' is no longer such: "Think Partnership has announced that they are not going to acquire Dallas based IceRocket afterall.") "According to ClickZ, Think seems to back out of deals on a regular basis. Because She Can
  • In a society where women are sexually molested on a regular basis, some norms for protection become inevitable.
  • Stories of dodgy matches spread like wildfire on a regular basis. The Sun
  • As was the case with this particular dog, some dogs deal on a regular basis with cattle prods or other shocking devices wielded by their masters or trainers.
  • By practicing mindfulness exercises (a whole host of practices is available from books, courses and free downloads) on a regular basis, we can learn to relate to life's experiences (whether that is an illness, a pain or a negative mental thought) with greater ease and equanimity. Susan Smalley, Ph.D.: Mind Body Medicine: Can What You Think and Feel Affect Your Physical Health?
  • Repeating the submaximal test after a few weeks is a good way to gauge progress and increased aerobic capacity in those who are exercising on a regular basis. Hold it!
  • These are routine in nature, logically carried out on a regular basis, quantitative in approach and largely the concern of the accounting people, easily mapped onto the existing structure, and geared to motivation and control—hence the label performance control. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • The heads of department are supposed to hold such meetings on a regular basis and so the meetings on the issues of culture, physical education, civics and history were held.
  • I will endeavor to stay in touch on a regular basis, and regale you with amusing anecdotes of our experiences to date.
  • If you don't sort out the papers on your desk on a regular basis they just keep on accumulating.
  • The movement of families from older estates to the new ones is also a very live issue and that is happening on a regular basis.
  • Hoffman visited these men and arranged for the American YMCA to send them food parcels from the Copenhagen WPA Office on a regular basis. 7 Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Long Term Contractor --- Contractor who has signed the Long Term Contract with DSPC, and will continue to do the job on a regular basis until the termination of contract.
  • Two of the most frequent causes for the heart racing are just not drinking enough fluid on a regular basis, or being deconditioned (out of good physical shape). Heart Palpitations
  • And even then, we would continue to bleed slowly from IED attacks and ambushes on a regular basis.
  • People are entitled to their opinion and write in to us on a regular basis.
  • The average closed at 62.76, the first time it is published on a regular basis, and includes 14 stocks - 12 railroads and two industrials.
  • I think there are writers and other artists who revel in being bitch-slapped, in being pilfered on a regular basis, as if they were artistic trailer-trash!" oh wait ... what's that at the bottom? the final line? Ellison ‘bare-fangs-of-Adamantium’ about Star Trek lawsuit | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • As I mentioned earlier, there is a long-term antidepressant effect that is finding its way into the medical literature and that I am seeing on a regular basis in my psychiatric practice. Dr. Peter Breggin: Stimulus Packages and Prozac: The Unintended Consequences of Intervention
  • Three-quarters of party-goers who throng nightclubs on a regular basis experience ringing in their ears or dullness of hearing afterwards.
  • This would mean that individual sinks, urinals, and toilets would go out of order on a regular basis.
  • Cleaning stainless steel and chrome should be done on a regular basis, and only with warm soapy water, or a cloth dampened with white vinegar.
  • I have lived here for years and I still find myself utterly flummoxed by it on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • In our diocese most of the prison ministry is done by the deacons, with two priests who offer Mass on a regular basis, and two more my wife and I recruited as occasional fill-ins.
  • We work with a young group of engineers who weren't billing us on a regular basis.
  • He has put the Frenchman in his place on a regular basis during his managerial career. The Sun
  • The second is the collective tractor and machinery sale organised on a regular basis by specialist auctioneers.
  • A little over a year ago, I faced the biggest fear that I have to face on a regular basis: heights.
  • A good number of umbellifers are stable perennials and I use astrantia and eryngium on a regular basis, but Molopospermum peloponnesiacum is a new favourite. Jolly brollies
  • Property is still being damaged and cars are still being vandalised on a regular basis.
  • I'm using the verb "to proact" on a regular basis now, especially at work and in a strategic context. Simon Sinek: Business Would Benefit From A New Word: To Proact
  • I'm saving money on a regular basis.
  • Pious individuals endow recitation of the story by professional panegyrists on a regular basis.
  • They informed me many of these vagrants are dopers, alkies and mentally unstable, they deal with them on a regular basis. Justices lament closing main entrance to high court building
  • To stay competitive growers must introduce new hybrids to their acreage on a regular basis.
  • Women who walk or do other aerobic exercise on a regular basis have a lower risk of hip fracture.
  • The group meets on a regular basis, usually weekly or biweekly.
  • With the exception of the three non-drivers, and three who reported driving at the speed limit, all others reported driving at up to 10 km/h above the speed limit on a regular basis in suburban 50 km/h zones.
  • The litter bins are emptied regularly and litter picking is done on a regular basis.
  • Again efficiency is not the problem but I think that a government that did not fire rockets into Israel on a regular basis would be nice. Matthew Yglesias » Jordan Option
  • It is self-evident that if the same team work together on a regular basis there is the opportunity for learning from what has gone before.
  • Superman may save the world on a regular basis, but he gets to come home and be mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent.
  • Our craft as a writer is a never ending journey and one, like a garden, needs to be tended on a regular basis. The Art and Craft of Storytelling « Write Anything
  • But dialogue fitting is one of those things that I screw up on a regular basis. Strangeways – Behind the Scenes – 05 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • We actually buy Calgon on a regular basis to use in our washing machine as a decalcifying agent very hard water where we live. Evening Commercial Break: Ancient Chinese Secret – The Bleat.
  • Some addicts cave in to their most lustful and obsessive desires on a regular basis, while others remain impotent and untemptable no matter what is dangled in front of them.
  • He was using cannabis, LSD, speed and magic mushrooms on a regular basis.
  • You must be "special" friends in order for you to communicate on a regular basis with him when all you are supposed toe is a website that lists what you have determined to be posers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sent me a message today saiying that my statement to you about never posting awards I didn't rate was an "outright lie" because my PUC ihad been posted at one time (it is not now). Frank joseph visconi
  • We even had to use inkwells which were filled on a regular basis by Sister Madeleine and her big bottle of midnight blue ink.
  • Cloggers, group directors, and anyone who loves clogging come together on a regular basis to share their passion at these events.
  • Acting Det Insp Steve Richards urged people taking money to the bank on a regular basis to vary the routes and times.
  • This boulangerie was opened by Julien Burlat and Sophie Verbeke, who own two other restaurants that I visit on a regular basis, Dôme and Dôme Sur Mer. Antwerp, Belgium: Fashion for All
  • There is room for four, but if you carry passengers on a regular basis go for the five door instead of the three-door model. The Sun
  • How many of them have given thought to their audience and the type of things they'd like to hear on a regular basis?
  • We meet on a regular basis.
  • My daughter drops off my granddaughter on a regular basis and is now very late getting to work due to the traffic jams in this area.
  • They wear three favourites on a regular basis. The Sun
  • He must therefore satisfy himself on a regular basis that it does not constitute a statutory nuisance.
  • The equipment is checked on a regular basis.
  • Just a handful of black licorice on a regular basis can reduce the amount of potassium in the body and may lead to fluid retention, not to mention irregular heart rhythms.
  • Now can I just say that if you are getting down with it on a regular basis and the passion is sizzling, then you can't really be having a problem in your marriage then can you?
  • What we saw were new faces here, which hopefully will return on a regular basis as they learn the nuances of picking the ponies.
  • Another way to detoxify is to actually brush the skin on a regular basis with a soft, natural-fibre brush, since the skin is actually another organ of elimination.
  • If you have foot complications from diabetes, it's best that a podiatrist trims your nails and attends to other foot care on a regular basis.
  • Experience has shown us that the best way to sustain partnership is to contribute small amounts of money on a regular basis.
  • I'm saving money on a regular basis.
  • I for one will not be there to witness embarrassing scorelines on a regular basis.
  • People are entitled to their opinion and write in to us on a regular basis.
  • Merchants would travel around on a regular basis giving out raw materials and collecting the spun, or woven, product.
  • I think it's pretty clear to anyone who reads this site on a regular basis that I have a jaundiced eye when it comes to many corporations.
  • I personally know of Government Ministers and many captains of industry here in Ireland who avail of their services on a regular basis.
  • Sister Schreck's deflective technique is one my four-year-old uses on a regular basis: Why am I in trouble for hitting my sister? Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Maybe the Morris tribunal was allegedly a total myth where arms and expolsives were being hidden and refound on a regular basis in Donegal. Officer Down (Northern Ireland) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Many owners will pay a letting agent, accountant, cleaner and handyman or woman on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • We come in day after day, lament the parlous state of the telecoms industry and resolve on a regular basis to get new means of employment.
  • Communicate on a regular basis with mechanical assembly, engineering and purchasing personnel.
  • I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.
  • Dear Neil, firstly, I'd like to thank you for contributing to our journal on a regular basis.
  • We hear from him on a regular basis .
  • Once your setup is working properly, run an integrity check via cron on a regular basis.
  • Members, whose average age was 22.5 years, welcomed the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with non-disabled peers.
  • Wipe surfaces with a disinfectant cloth on a regular basis.
  • She tells me that she has a full body wax on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've blathered about this before, but it still drives me crackers on a regular basis.
  • It is essential that presidents meet together on a regular basis and the dinner circuit provides the ideal forum for this.
  • In his later school years his close friends were a group of boys who met on a regular basis to exchange and criticize each other's literary work.
  • My generation was the last to read books on a regular basis before the home computers took hold.
  • The community continues to fall victim to bigotry and prejudice on a regular basis.
  • One of my favorite porch pieces is my antique daybed, which is ideal for a summer nap, a great place to read the paper and lots of fun to redo on a regular basis. Home1 RSS feed
  • One is that the clinical microbiology laboratory provides summary data on antimicrobial resistance in a facility to concerned clinicians on a regular basis.
  • In addition the need to empty cesspools on a regular basis is a considerable environment disbenefit.
  • Within Kathmandu and in other towns in the valleys general strikes, or bandhs, took place on a regular basis after 2001.
  • Training clinics for young players will be organised on a regular basis with particular emphasis on fitness and competitive opportunities will be provided by international youth circuits. ITF World of Tennis
  • Mrs Jones, the jury was told, had drunk large quantities of alcohol on a regular basis for a number of years.
  • The wings of parked aircraft provide a cooling patch of shade for some of the park's many predatory animals, and prides of Lions congregate there on a regular basis.
  • This is an issue anyone with daughters faces on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strange skywriting reported last week was accomplished by an independent skywriter pilot who is out on a regular basis writing ‘Jesus Loves U.‘
  • At least not on a regular basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, anthelmintic treatment on a regular basis greatly reduces the size of the adult parasite worm population.
  • I would not be able to organise myself in order to do homework on a regular basis.
  • On a regular basis, the newspaper runs poetry, fiction, book reviews, essays on reading, author profiles, and excerpts from books.
  • Perhaps they keep quite quiet about the fact they advise me on a regular basis, but a lot of them are very eminent people in their own areas.
  • I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.
  • I'm going into my senior year so now I'll prolly be busier than ever, but I'll try to keep writing on a regular basis.
  • There's a great place called ‘AK 47’ which is just round the corner from me and they put on punk gigs on a regular basis.
  • If you encounter stretches of unrideable trail on a regular basis, owning a bike that's comfortable to shoulder isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.
  • There is, of course, the town drunk, Otis, who acquires bootleg liquor from various moonshiners in that dry county on a regular basis and regularly celebrates the anniversary of his first drink.
  • We intend to carry out similar operations on a regular basis over the coming months.
  • The article mentions that liver should not be had on a regular basis by those who are prone to gout because it is an excretory organ and high in uric acid.
  • I suggest that we have regular meetings/meet on a regular basis.
  • More than half the children of divorce did not see the non-custodial parent on a regular basis.
  • The council is also launching a leaflet campaign to aimed at people who feed the birds on a regular basis, asking them to feed the pigeons at the dovecote.
  • Rather to my surprise, because fish only recently entered my daughter's menu on a regular basis, she chose the mullet.
  • But stewardship is such a vital part of life that it should be naturally included on a regular basis. Christianity Today
  • Due to the periodic tidal inundation of the experimental plots, fertilizer application was required on a regular basis.
  • All the records of the activities are maintained on a regular basis.
  • I know this friend has been stopping at ours on a regular basis, but my wife says they are just having girly nights in. The Sun
  • The best way to invest in a fund is usually to invest small amounts on a regular basis rather than one great big whopping lump sum.
  • The equipment is checked on a regular basis.
  • He thought that maybe it was a metatarsal condylar fracture, which is something he had fixed on a regular basis. Gone Like the Wind
  • Essentially westerns set in space, they both cover the universal themes of good versus evil while making the lead actors spit out mind-boggling technospeak on a regular basis.
  • Indeed, such was the amount of calls coming in that the lines were engaged on a regular basis and many just could not get through on the night.
  • Also, refolding it on a regular basis will lessen the dirt lines and permanent creases.
  • It is intended to update this listing on a regular basis.
  • Performers who play together on a regular basis always time their entry cues precisely and instinctively, shaping and moulding their tempi and rubati accordingly.
  • She journeyed home on a regular basis over the years, always liking to keep in touch with her native village and district.
  • People have a hard time paying bills on time or tying a shoelace, yet perform miracles on a regular basis. There is No God | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The computer system crashes on a regular basis (I work it out to be about twice a week at the moment).
  • I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
  • We hear from him on a regular basis .
  • The faculty had its problems as well, and some even failed to hold classes on a regular basis.
  • If you work with chromakeys on a regular basis, it would behoove you to take a look at ULTRA 2.
  • This information is to be held by a private company, Data Losss Services PLC, who will ensure that it is left in adequately public places on a regular basis. Archive 2009-01-01
  • On a regular basis, she would slam him into a wall or table, often banging his head into the wall.
  • The problem is that they have to deal with racing drivers on a regular basis, and if there's one thing you don't want if you have any intention of maintaining your mental stability, it's listening to the humgudgeon, half-truths, taradiddles, quarter-truths, fiddlesticks and non-truths of even one racing driver, never mind a gridful of the blighters.
  • A Network admin has access to anything on that network, which is why you should have a different password for each account you make and why you should change your password on a regular basis. (even network admins transfer jobs) For those who have trouble remembering passwords there are handheld personal password managers (one called the mandylion) out there that store that info for you. Top 10 most common passwords | Sync Blog
  • If you decide to use floppy disks, which is the cheapest but most haphazard method of backing up information, rotate the disks on a regular basis.
  • There is, of course, the town drunk, Otis, who acquires bootleg liquor from various moonshiners in that dry county on a regular basis and regularly celebrates the anniversary of his first drink.
  • Rooikrantz will go down in angling history as the one place where tuna were caught on a regular basis from the shore.
  • DEPUTY SECRETARY SUMMERS: Mexico had a series of short-term swaps which were being rolled over on a regular basis. Press Briefing By Larry Summers And Mike Mccurry
  • I have to redact documents on a regular basis.
  • For what he knew, she was level-headed and exuded confidence on a regular basis.
  • If that was the case, then people who don't haul things on a regular basis wouldn't buy pickup trucks, and there is probably no good reason why anyone needs a Jaguar of any type.
  • Get this - old sweaters are unravelled on a regular basis with the wool used for ‘new’ scarves, mitts and toques.
  • They have become far too acceptable in common parlance on a regular basis.
  • If they are what we call fringe, well, not so good for your lifespan or waistline if frequented on a regular basis. Mari Gallagher: Fast, Cheap and Easy: How Fringe Food Hurts Public Health When it's the Only Choice
  • Neither you nor I nor most people embrace behavior change on a regular basis.

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