How To Use Omnivore In A Sentence

  • Still other eutherians, such as raccoons and bears, are omnivores, eating both meat and plant material.
  • These bears are omnivores and food is a top priority in their lives.
  • Cats are true carnivores….dogs are more omnivores, but do best on a heavy meat diet…..meat and fat….veggies only if they want/like them. Of thin models and fat dogs | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Omnivores and insectivores exhibit different fuel-use strategies to overcome the physiological challenges of migration.
  • The natural world requires a balance of carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
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  • It seems, however, that insectivores and fruit-eating omnivores exhibit different migration strategies, each with an associated suite of morphological and behavioral adaptations to overcome the physical challenges of migration.
  • Ambush foragers typically respond visually to moving prey, but omnivores and herbivores may frequently need to identify immobile plant parts as food.
  • The Omnivore's Dilemma" also points out the ways in which America's food system should be reformed.
  • I am a non-veggie married to a veggie...... lunch-meat sliced turkey or roast beef or whatnot has been one of my solutions of late for easy meat, but then, I'm the kind of omnivore who doesn't really like meat that much, but needs a high protein diet and just finds it easier. I became a vegetarian and celebrated with beef lasagne
  • In a novel study, they recruited women who eat both animal and plant foods - the omnivore regimen typical of most Americans - and women who only eat plant-derived foods.
  • Being omnivores, early human beings evolved in an environment in which they scavenged and hunted other animals for survival, just as other omnivores and carnivores do.
  • North America was home to three-toed horses, several types of rhinoceroses, and horse-like chalicothere herbivores, with bear-dogs and saber-toothed cats among the carnivores, and the pig-like entelodonts as successful omnivores.
  • I'm thinking about changing our family (currently a blended eater family with me, a vegetarian, and my omnivore husband and our two undecided kids - one who leans toward veg and the other toward meaty) to a flexitarian family.
  • In Scotland we have no indigenous crayfish but signal crayfish, which grow to over 20 cm, are omnivores and can prey on small fish and fish eggs.
  • The two intermediate species are estimated to weigh between 200 and 500 kg and include Maleevosaurus novojilovi, a carnivore, and Gallimimus bullatus, an edentulous putative omnivore.
  • Sticklebacks are voracious omnivores and feed on a variety of food including some algae and invertebrates such as insects, snails, small crustaceans, and some types of small worms.
  • Human beings have evolved as omnivores and have many characteristics of carnivores. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grass shrimp and white-fingered mud crab are best characterized as omnivores sharing similar food sources.
  • The natural world requires a balance of carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
  • Megapodes are omnivores, known to eat plant material, invertebrates and small vertebrates.
  • I think one of the reasons we omnivores light into vegetarians with such unseemly gusto is that we realize, deep down, that we’re on shakier ground than we’d care to admit. With Enemies Like These…
  • Based on feeding habits, researchers broadly classify ray-finned fishes as herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, zooplanktivores and detrivores.
  • I had not forgotten the ferocious basto that Kamlot and I had encountered in Vepaja, and, though I had seen nothing quite so formidable as yet among the nearer beasts, there were some creatures grazing at a considerable distance from me whose lines suggested a too great similarity to those bisonlike omnivores to insure ease of mind. Pirates of Venus
  • Are we really designed to be omnivores OR does a plant based diet suit us best? www. Dr.M. Klaper www. MEDICAL STATISTICS * The third highest cause of deaths in the US is what is termed "iatrogenic", which means "induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. - Articles related to 2 more die of H1N1 in city, 10 test positive
  • Nevertheless these primitive animals were more advanced on the road the to mammalian evolution, and, like the pelycosaurs, diverged along several lines as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores.
  • These bears are omnivores and food is a top priority in their lives.
  • These generalists were mainly unspecialized herbivores or omnivores, with partially fossorial habits, strong territoriality and high reproductive rates.
  • The earliest to develop were the somewhat more derived ungainly carnivores, omnivores and herbivores of the Dinocephalian lineages.
  • Named Fruitadens haagarorum, this tiny ornithischian was likely an omnivore, like other heterodontosaurids. Uppity Authors, Scary Vampires, and Whatnot
  • In some way, Entelodonts could represent a continuation of "Andrewsarchid" morphotype, a kind of omnivore, bone-crushing, carrion-eater that could represent the original morphotype of hypothetical mesonychian-andrewsarchid-cetartiodactyl common ancestor. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Pigs are omnivores not herbivores and do not carry BSE, so why had we to subsidise the BSE offal disposal in the first place?
  • There are separate tasting menus for the vegetarian and the fish-curious as well as the omnivore. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also interesting that this ecosystem has no animals which are strict herbivores, but rather they are omnivores, switching between diets of eating algae and animals.
  • Reminded me very much of Pier’s Anthony’s discourse on fungi in I think Omnivore, where I saw the word saprophyte for the first time. They Are Everywhere Among Us, Their Work Not Yet Done
  • Omnivores are able to eat animal or vegetable food.
  • In the second part, the herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores are divided into large and small categories for comparison within and between subregions.
  • If, like me, you've read books like Fast Food Nation, the Omnivore's Dilemma, and Animal, Vegeatble, Miracle, you already know what Food Inc is going to tell you - that we've lost control of our food supply to the interests of multinational corporations. Food, Inc. - Everyone Must See this Movie
  • But she was a literary "omnivore," and on this day her eye fell on Alvin M. Archive 2009-05-01
  • What this suggests is that the human omnivore is exquisitely adapted to a wide range of food and diets. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you’ve been following the nation’s growing “real food” movement, you may know of Joel Salatin, who features in megahit The Omnivore’s Dilemma and upcoming food documentary FRESH. Decriminalization vs. Legalization « PubliCola
  • The hippogriff is said to be an omnivore, eating either plants or meat. Dick Cheney, the Unique Creature
  • Ground-dwelling omnivores, turkeys walk miles foraging for nuts. insect, and other edibles.
  • At the press of a button, drivers can choose between normal, sport and eco, which you might characterize as omnivore, carnivore and vegan, respectively. Nissan Juke review: Carmaker heads in new direction with peppy little 'sport cross' -
  • Members of this family are omnivores and herbivores, feeding mainly on underground fungi and tubers also taking some seeds and insects.
  • He wrote a note to me, which I forwarded to the transplant center, explaining, "Since many vegans have lower (healthier) protein intake than omnivores, and NO animal protein intake, their GFRs [glomerular filtration rates, y'all - HR] will often be lower ... vegetarian and vegan diets actually improve kidney function for patients with kidney disease. Hillary Rettig: My Big Fat Vegan Kidney Donation
  • This trend has led to a new term: locavore, complementing the better known terms herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore. TreeHugger
  • Write a haiku in the Comments section with the words, "omnivore" and "fox" and enter to win a pair of tickets to the SOLD OUT 8 p.m. event at the Herbst Theater on Friday. SFist
  • And I hadn't fully realised how odd I'd feel, an omnivore who likes a drink dropped into a city populated largely by teetotal vegetarians.
  • Western Gulls are omnivores and eat a variety of things including fish and other aquatic creatures, eggs, carrion, garbage, and other birds.
  • Notably, those carnivoran species that have become human commensals are all generalized omnivores smaller than most wolves: raccoons Procyon lotor, Red foxes Vulpes vulpes, Golden jackals Canis aureus and coyotes C. latrans. Archive 2006-10-01
  • He's an 18)omnivore, and what a trainer would call food-driven.
  • Still other eutherians, such as raccoons and bears, are omnivores, eating both meat and plant material.
  • They are omnivores, and eat bugs and grubs and mixed herbage. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are omnivores, designed to consume everything. Times, Sunday Times
  • The direct effects of plant quality on omnivores is, therefore, likely to induce a trophic cascade whereby plant feeding by the omnivore ultimately benefits the plant.
  • From the neck down, Homo sapiens are almost exactly like our probable ancestor Homo Habilis: a clever, opportunistic, mid-sized omnivore, lightly built and sneaky. Michael Boblett: Exercise for Life -- Not Looks!
  • The natural world requires a balance of carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
  • Monera morphology mutagen mutations natural selection neurotransmitter nitrogen fixing nitrogenous wastes nucleic acids nucleotides nucleus omnivore opposable thumb order organ organelles organic compounds organic molecules 21. Life Sciences
  • And are we not omnivores, with teeth for rending and tearing, teeth for subduing vegetable matter, for cracking the carapaces of crawfish and beetle, for masticating the toughest of hides?
  • In all but the role of small insectivore, omnivore, and rodent-like herbivore, the therapsids were eventually supplanted by the archosaurs.
  • It is important to realize that, though Primates are viewed as omnivorous, they are omnivores of a very particular type in that the great majority of their foods each day come from plants.
  • While it's known that plant eaters and omnivores often eat a wide selection of foods to ensure the intake of various nutrients, carnivores aren't thought to be that fussy.
  • Peccaries are omnivores, though they mostly eat vegetation (predominantly roots, fruits and tubers), and the suid-like rhinarial disk they have is obviously great for rooting in soil. Archive 2006-06-01

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