How To Use omniscience In A Sentence
- At another point, you are asked to reduce big words to little maxims: "Aberration is the hallmark of homo sapiens while longanimous placability and condonation are the indicia of a supramundane omniscience" turns into ... but there! VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 4
- Of course, the anchor has had plenty of help from plenty of crafts people in creating the illusion of calm omniscience.
- But in the course of playing out his spoof, Cervantes replaces the omniscience of the typical chivalric narrator with a pervasive uncertainty that detaches from the parody and becomes, in its own right, an aspect of the book.
- His omniscience was absolute.
- The OneTrueGod object's omniscience is an ability to run the KnowShit method on every variable of particle position and velocity in every reality, past, present and future. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART FOUR
- Reflecting on the many attributes of God - his eternality, omniscience and omnipotence; his holiness and sinless purity; his love and mercy - should draw from us supreme praise and worship.
- As Bishop Charles Gore said, when He condescended to assume human nature, he also assumed human limitations and emptied himself of divine omniscience* (this called the kenotic theory of the incarnation). Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
- But even if we concede all that the scientist claims for his conception of God; if we grant that terms like "omnipresence" and "omniscience" and "progress" clothe themselves with new force in the Copernican and Newtonian and Understanding the Scriptures
- I'm not one of those reviewers claiming omniscience.
- Scripture says that God knows the fall of every sparrow, which is a metaphorical reference to divine omniscience, but that does not mean the Cosmic Mind necessarily intervenes in events. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …