How To Use Omnibus In A Sentence
Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
There were, Pfeiffer said, several unresolved issues with the long-term omnibus bill, chief among them policy riders that would alter previously passed legislation and compromise executive powers.
In Budget Negotiations, White House Throws A Curve Ball On Omnibus Bill
Old dandies with creaking joints tottered along Piccadilly to their certain doom; young clerks in the city, explaining that they wished to attend their aunt's funeral, crowded the omnibuses for Kensington and were seen no more; while my mother tells me that excursion trains from the country were arriving at the principal stations throughout the day, bearing huge loads of provincial inamorati.
The War of the Wenuses
Amicus had only one director for each omnibus, but they were true professionals.
But I picked up the Geodesica omnibus from the SFBC and I am totally getting Saturn Returns when it's out.
Back on Cover Art
Typically, omnibus farm bills address a wide range of agriculture-related policies, thereby creating a coalition of otherwise diverse and sometimes even opposing interests in support of the legislation.
Croci Regis Vegetabilium enucleatio continens Illius etymologiam, differencias, tempus quo viret et floret, culturam, collectionem, usum mechanicum, Pharmaceuticum, Chemico medicum, omnibus pene humani corporis partibus destinatum additis diversis observationibus et questionibus Crocum concernentibus ad normam et formam S. R.
The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
To be honest, for much of the match it looked unlikely that anyone would find the back of the net and the first half probably saw BBC viewers collectively reaching for their remote controls and checking out the Eastenders omnibus.
* Caussa vero hujus gratuitae electionis, est solum Dei beneplacitum, non in eo consistens, quod certas qualitates seu actiones humanas, ex omnibus possibilibus, in salutis conditionem elegit; sed in eo, quod certas quasdam personas ex communi peccatorum multitudine sibi in peculium adscivit, sicut scriptum est: Nondum natis pueris, cum neque boni quippiam fecissent neque mali: [9861] 1
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
The series includes intriguing rarities, such as "Jean's Return" ("Le retour de Jean"), Clouzot's harrowing contribution to the omnibus film "Return to Life" ("Retour à la vie," 1949), in which a concentration-camp survivor hides, interrogates and tortures a Nazi war criminal.
A French Director Ripe for Rediscovery
For instance, first-wave reforms were sometimes part of omnibus education bills that included other policy changes, such as increased spending on K - 12 education.
This omnibus, richly illustrated and produced, puts together all his writings over the years.
Sobrij quoque sunt, quapropter et longo tempore viuunt: et si quis ab eorum moribus degenerat, proscribitur perpetuò sine mora, omnibus nulla posita differentia personarum, vnde et in iusto Dei iudicio, quòd naturalem exercere iustitiam contendunt, Elementa eis naturaliter obsequuntur, et rarò eos tangit tempestas, aut fames, pestilentia aut gladius.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
The four Molesworth books that appear in this omnibus edition (generously comprising Down With Skool!
Quae promissio omnibus populis et hominibus, ad quos Deus pro suo beneplacito mittit Evangelium, promiscue et indiscriminatim annunciari et proponi debet cum resipiscentiae et fidei mandato.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
This omnibus of three classic studies provides a basic grounding for scholars of India's maritime history.
That leaves seven measures as candidates for folding into an omnibus package.
For the coach we (three passengers) were in, was built like an omnibus-sleigh on wheels, with a high seat and "dasher" in front, so that we could not see what it was that drew our ark, and therefore I climbed up in the driver's perch to overlook our motors.
Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
Twelve men and women plucked at random off a metaphorical Clapham omnibus to hold her destiny in their collective hands.
This particular bill, apart from being somewhat late in coming back to the House, is a tremendously huge, omnibus bill, and has very, very little to do with assurance of health practitioners' competence.
Proptere� qu騞 indidit Deus Opt.Max. hominibus pr� cunctis alijs viuentibus; cor et desiderium tale, vt appetat quisque cum alijs societatem inire, amare, et vicissim amari, beneficijs afficere, et mutua accipere beneficia studeat, ide� cuique pro facultate sua hoc desiderium in omnibus quidem hominibus beneficijs fouere et conseruare conuenit, in illis autem maxim�, qui hoc desiderio adducti, � remotis etiam regionibus ad eos veniunt.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The first batch of compact goodies in a festival line-up full of such omnibuses, this one coughs up a couple of the best numbers you'll see all weekend.
I don't watch Eastenders these days, but I often catch a few minutes from the Sunday afternoon omnibus edition as I struggle to set the VCR before setting out for a night's debauch.
‘Anger and sadness are not uncommon today to those who still care for the history of this marvellous city’, writes Llewellyn-Jones bluntly in the preface to this omnibus edition.
Timebam etiam de interprete, ne ipse aliquid aliter dixissit, quam ego dixissem ei: quia ipsi bene voluisset, quod de omnibus fecissemus xenium.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
I decided to make a "carom" of it, and nearly took the heads off a pair of horses, and the pole off the omnibus to which they were attached, as I dashed through.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873
Ferre non possunt ut illorum Messias communis servator sit, nostrum gaudium, &c. Messias vel decem decies crucifixuri essent, ipsumque Deum si id fieri posset, una cum angelis et creaturis omnibus, nec absterretur ab hoc facto et si mille interna subeunda forent.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The government was particularly targeting the vehicles known as matatus - usually 24-seater vans and 32-seater omnibuses owned by individuals.
Fans of pulled TOKYOPOP series Rave Master will be pleased to know that Del Rey now has the license and will be releasing the remainder of the series in omnibus form.
NYAF Panel Report: Guest Blogger Melinda Beasi on Manga Announcements » Manga Worth Reading
Quibus omnibus articulis, Serenesima princeps Elizabeth, Dei gratia
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Drama, horror, Brookside omnibuses, even, God forbid, a Disney weepie, all of these beckon before I'll reach for The Nutty Professor.
* Si quis per naturae vigorem bonum aliquod quod ad salutem pertinet vitae aeternae, cogitare ut expedit, aut eligere, sive salutari, id est, Evangelicae praedicationi consentire posse confirmat, absque illuminatione et inspiratione Spiritus Sancti, qui dat omnibus suavitatem consentiendo et credendo veritati, haeretico fallitur spiritu.
Those agents of omnibus law and order preferred a quiet morning in Giffnock when the passenger list consisted of two old ladies and an au pair.
It's an omnibus , sure as fate.
Just £16 - £18 gets you a seat on an open-topped omnibus for a hop-on hop-off tour of the capital, plus a free plastic poncho if it rains.
(canon 30): "Et quia convenit ordinem ecclesiae ab omnibus aequaliter custodiri studendum est ut ubique fit et post antiphonas collectiones per ordinem ab episcopis vel presbyteris dicantur et hymni matutini vel vesperenti diebus omnibus decantentur et in conclusione matutinarum vel vespertinarum missarum post hymnos, capitella de psalmis dicantur et plebs collecta oratione ad vesperam ab Episcopo cum benedictione dimittatur".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Hís rébus cógnitís ipse cum omnibus quí in náví relictí erant ad locum vénit; et sociós suós frústrá hortátus ut suá sponte redírent, manibus eórum post terga vinctís invítós ad návem reportávit.
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
I watch it every day religiously and to top it all, I watch the omnibus on Sunday morning once more.
Catilina, [112] ubi eos, quos paulo ante memoravi, convenisse videt, tametsi cum singulis multa saepe egerat, tamen in rem fore credens universos appellare et cohortari, in abditam partem aedium secedit, atque ibi, omnibus arbitris procul amotis, orationem hujuscemodi habuit.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
He doesn't get up to listen to the Archers omnibus on Sunday mornings,' Moira replied, a gentle tease in her voice.
Nec omnibus, sed mercatoribus et iis qui honeste impendent, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
He doesn't get up to listen to the Archers omnibus on Sunday mornings,' Moira replied, a gentle tease in her voice.
Last night being Saturday, Big Brother wasn't on at 10 pm - it was the weekly omnibus with ‘unseen’ footage.
* Nam et prophetare et daemonia excludere et virtutes magnas in terris facere sublimis utique et admirabilis res est, non tamen regnum coeleste consequitur quisquis in his omnibus invenitur, nisi recti et justi itineris observatione gradiatur.
The separation of classes was underlined by the formation of middle-class suburbs, linked to the town centre by trams, omnibuses, or railways.
Night and Day has also become notorious for its decision to broadcast a raunchy, late-night omnibus (the other shows go out at teatime).
You have to explain it in terms that the man on the Clapham omnibus would understand.
A rough _tartana_, which performed the service of an omnibus, passed me returning to the city, and the driver, having no passengers, invited me to ride.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 122, December, 1867
But here we are at La Fayette, which is the upper or American end of New Orleans, where steamers always stop if there are any cattle on board, which being our case, we preferred landing and taking an omnibus, to waiting for the discharge of the live-stock.
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
At Scolton Manor the 1950s theme was reflected by Jack Holt and his Band, a display of omnibus memorabilia and 50s-style fare such as bangers and mash and roly poly pudding in the restaurant.
It's an omnibus of error and can't be allowed to go unremarked.
More than £1 million is being invested in the project which provides five daily, ten-minute episodes, broadcast Monday to Friday and repeated as an omnibus at the weekend.
This omnibus of three classic studies provides a basic grounding for scholars of India's maritime history.
When the post-omnibus for Herisau came to the inn door, I took my seat therein, saying, like Schiller's
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
A mainstream newspaper is therefore an omnibus vehicle that packages a number of distinct products.
Broad omnibus bills meant that many interest groups would be subject to the law's provisions, with producing and processing units located in every congressional district.
Music that tinkles from the lugholes of passengers either side of you on the Clapham omnibus is not something that will be cherished.
Buggies and omnibuses swarmed the street, filling it with the clop of hooves and creak of wheels and thick, sharp smell of dung.
Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos merit� calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
‘I see nothing more,’ said Brother Francis, ‘and there is nothing more to see, except the curlpaper bill of the theatre, which was opened and shut last week (the manager’s family played all the parts), and the short, square, chinky omnibus that goes to the railway, and leads too rattling a life over the stones to hold together long.
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
Videtur ergo Marcellus sub finem vitae aliquid peccasse, quod Athanasium ab ejus communione discedere cogeret: et cum jamdudum a tota fere oriente damnatus esset, amissa Athanasii communione, quae unicum fere illius refugium erat, desertus ab omnibus videri debuit, nec ei nova ignominia notato prodesse poterat concessa olim a Romana Ecclesia communio.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
Nam etsi frumenti aut farris penè nihil vulgò habeamus, nec sal, gulæ irritamentum, ad cibaria condienda, omnibus suppetit: docuit tamen Deus opt.max. etiam nostros homines rationem tractandi et conseruandi, quæ ad vitam sustentandam spectant, vt appareat, Deum in alendis Islandis non esse ad panem vel salem alligatum.
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
Like Daschle, he also addressed the omnibus spending package that the Majority Leader had hoped to slip through the Senate without a vote.
Three omnibuses were engaged for the occasion from Grasmere, and about eight o'clock the party started off from Keswick, accompanied by the town band.
Imperator postquam de regum societate cognovit, non temere neque, uti saepe jam victo Jugurtha consueverat, omnibus locis pugnandi copiam facit; ceterum haud procul ab Cirta castris munitis reges opperitur, melius esse ratus, cognitis Mauris, quoniam is novus hostis accesserat, excommodo [428] pugnam facere.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
This game is grimmer than an EastEnders omnibus on a black and white TV.
Elsewhere the private carriage and the omnibus dominated early suburban traffic.
‘They were handed out in pleasure boats and omnibuses, left open on the tops of hedges, proffered on sticks to galloping horsemen, sent to criminals awaiting the rope, given to cabmen with their fare’.
[156] [Footnote 152: See his life in the Augustan History.] [Footnote 153: There is still extant a very pretty Epithalamium, composed by Gallienus for the nuptials of his nephews: -- "Ite ait, O juvenes, pariter sudate medullis Omnibus, inter vos: non murmura vestra columbae, Brachia non hederae, non vincant oscula conchae."] [Footnote 154: He was on the point of giving Plotinus a ruined city of
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
People certainly flock to omnibus stores, as Wal-Mart, the Sears catalog and have proven.
'I see nothing more,' said Brother Francis, 'and there is nothing more to see, except the curlpaper bill of the theatre, which was opened and shut last week (the manager's family played all the parts), and the short, square, chinky omnibus that goes to the railway, and leads too rattling a life over the stones to hold together long.
Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
The vehicle — a kind of roofless omnibus — started with
The Way Home
Buggies and omnibuses swarmed the street, filling it with the clop of hooves and creak of wheels and thick, sharp smell of dung.
The man on the Clapham omnibus probably knows nothing about Rwanda.
[408] "Sicut lex justissima, provida circumspectione sacrorum principum stabilita, hortatur et statuit ut quod omnes tangit ab omnibus approbetur ....
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
** Wi LL i£L Mus DE M o N Tfi F I xt omnibus prcpofitis & miniftris & ho - minibus fuis tam Francis quam Anglis Salutem« Sciatis quod ego concedo et con« firmo donationem quam fccerunt ecclefie fan£te M a r i £ de Ham; Matheus G £ Ro N» de tota terra fua de Cambridg cum pertinenoiis abfque omni fervicio;
Antient funeral monuments, of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the islands adjacent
Dein, postquam tempus visum, castris egreditur noctemque totam itinere facto consedit; idem proxima facit, dein tertia multo ante lucis adventum pervenit in locum tumulosum ab Capsa non amplius duum [496] milium intervallo; ibique quam occultissime potest, cum omnibus copiis opperitur.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
an omnibus law
Virgine, et per eius conuersationem humillimam in eadem, ac per dolorosam mortis suæ consummationem ibidem, átque indè per eius admirandam resurrectionem, ac ascensionem in coelum, et postremò quia creditur illic in fine seculi reuersurus, et omnia iudicaturus: certum est, quòd ab omnibus qui Christiano nomine à
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
At the same time horse omnibuses operated on established lines in Sofia City between the Sveta Nedelya Square and the Railway Station, Gorna Banya and Knyazhevo districts.
Note 77: Annales Marbacenses, p. 83: "Sic ergo decepti et confusi redire ceperunt; et qui prius gregatim et per turmas suas et numquam sine cantu celeumatis transire solebant per terras, modo singillatim et in silentio, nudipedes et famelici redeuntes facti sunt omnibus in derisum, quia plurime virgines rapte et florem pudicicie sue amiserunt." back
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
She felt as if she were half asleep when, an hour or more later, she sat in the corner of the great omnibus, that went lurching along through the snow, like a mudscow gone astray among ocean waves.
Peak and Prairie From a Colorado Sketch-book
And he no longer uses the Clapham omnibus, because he drives a Ford Mondeo.
The first and largest is the omnibuses; then there are the vans from the railroads, and other commercial traffic, which now form a very large item, say £12,000 a year; next the agricultural.
Concionibus novo quodam et plane suo, Sed illustri, sed admirabili dicendi genere excellens; Ut harum rerum peritis dubitandi sit locus, Utrum ingenii acumine an argumentorum vi, Utrum doctrinae ubertate, an splendore verborum et pondere praestaret: Hisce certe omnibus simul instructus adjumentisAnimos audientium non tenuit tantum, sed percelluit, iuflammavit.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
Republicans in both chambers voted against the bill because of concerns about deficits and because they had promised to not pass so-called omnibus spending bills.
Christianity Today
And there be many of them that housel them every day; and so do we not on this half, albeit that Saint Paul commandeth it, saying, OMNIBUS
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
She was an enthusiastic participant in Victorian Evening, dressing up and riding in the horse-drawn omnibus - a true ambassador for the town.
Illi mors gravis incubat, qui notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi.
The Essays
Yet this tableau of horse-drawn omnibuses, coaches, carts, bicycles, and ubiquitous Cooks Tour advertisements is more than one of moment: it validates an epoch of Britain's prosperity and London's greatness.
Structural economic benefits has the characteristic such as sex of macroscopical sex, durative, omnibus, free.
Sen. Jim DeMint R-S.C. called Democrats' push to force through an arms control treaty and an omnibus spending bill right before Christmas "sacrilegious," and warned he'd draw the process out to wage his objections.
GOP Senators Invoke Christmas In Order To Pointlessly Obstruct The START Treaty
Dein, postquam tempus visum, castris egreditur noctemque totam itinere facto consedit; idem proxima facit, dein tertia multo ante lucis adventum pervenit in locum tumulosum ab Capsa non amplius duum [496] milium intervallo; ibique quam occultissime potest, cum omnibus copiis opperitur.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Chandler's fiction has just been released in three omnibus editions, a sure sign that he maintains an avid readership and lofty reputation.
Quae promissio omnibus populis et hominibus, ad quos Deus pro suo beneplacito mittit
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Note 89: Must., pp. 15 — 16, esp.chap. 44: "Quomodo mense septimo agendae sunt gravidae mulieres? in omnibus patienter et quiete, ne nimia gestatione pecus iam perfectum foris excutiatur, siquidem etiam et septimani nasci possunt.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
You have to explain it in terms that the man on the Clapham omnibus would understand.
Jamque nocturno itinere fessis omnibus Sulla pariter cum ortu solis castra metabatur, quum equites Mauri nuntiant Jugurtham circiter duum milium intervallo ante eos [601] consedisse.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
The [federal] omnibus clause is a 'catchall' provision, which is broadly construed to include a wide variety of corrupt methods.
Fired US Attorney Calls on White House to "Produce" Bolten, Miers to Congress
Last time I saw my team playing was in September 2000 when we beat Barnsley 1-0, but I missed the goal because the pub decided to put the Eastenders omnibus on instead…
Luxurious omnibuses carrying passengers and cargo make their appearance late at night and early in the morning.
Omnia in quorum nare erat anhelitus spiritus vitae, ex omnibus quae erant in sicco, mortua sunt.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
Now, they can actually show you what happened, in the sort of terrifying detail that makes the EastEnders omnibus seem like a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
Nam etsi frumenti aut farris pen� nihil vulg� habeamus, nec sal, gul� irritamentum, ad cibaria condienda, omnibus suppetit: docuit tamen Deus opt.max. etiam nostros homines rationem tractandi et conseruandi, qu� ad vitam sustentandam spectant, vt appareat, Deum in alendis Islandis non esse ad panem vel salem alligatum.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Well, that might be a bit alarmist but I wonder just how much the name "Lorca" actually means to the man on the Clapham omnibus.
Archive 2005-12-01
Digitized by VjOOQIC jMopfvcftenus» Quarc miffis lis omnibus, quae ce - tcri ocpofitorcs de cantico fenferunt folum Eufe - bium, cujus, praeter faunc integrum ecclogarum lo«
Fragmenta patrum Graecorum
Quod igitur in illo substantiam nominamus, non est subiectionis ratione quod dicitur, sed ultra omnem quae accidentibus est subiecta substantiam est essentia, absque omnibus quae possunt accidere solitaria omnino.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Docent enim Physici, commune esse validioribus flammis omnibus vt siccis extinguantur, alantur ver� humidis: Vnde etiam fabri, aqua inspersa, ignem excitare solent.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Children rode in a procession of omnibuses carrying flags, while farmers from nearby Lake County formed a column of farm wagons carrying produce they would donate to the fair.
As with any omnibus film, the contents of 11'09 ‘01 are variable in quality, but the highs are very high.’
I couldn't agree more with Zizek that modern capitalism makes omnibus promises (mostly implied) that result in silly stuff like chocolate Ex-Lax and the decaf latte.
Sed remotis mensis, cum in triclinio regalibus exueretur, tres optimates eum prosequuti, quorum vnus erat comes Haroldus, secundus abbas, tertius episcopus, familiaritatis ausu interrogant quid riserat: mirum omnibus nec immerit� videri, quar� in tanta serenitate diei et neg騮ij, tacentibus c鎡eris, scurrilem cachinnum ejecerit.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Nam etsi frumenti aut farris penè nihil vulgò habeamus, nec sal, gulæ irritamentum, ad cibaria condienda, omnibus suppetit: docuit tamen Deus opt.max. etiam nostros homines rationem tractandi et conseruandi, quæ ad vitam sustentandam spectant, vt appareat, Deum in alendis Islandis non esse ad panem vel salem alligatum.
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
Donnegal widened and straightened the road from Durham and established a line of omnibuses to transport tourists and visitors up to the ‘beautiful haven by the lake.’
In die porrò Sabbathi sancti ad stationem fuimus vocati, et exiuit ad nos procurator Bathy prædictus, dicens ex parte ipsius, quòd ad Imperatorem Cuyne in terram ipsorum iremus, retentis quibusdam ex nostris sub hac specie, quòd vellent eos remittere ad Dominum Papam, quibus et literas dedimus de omnibus factis nostris, quas deferrent eidem.
The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
Sed remotis mensis, cum in triclinio regalibus exueretur, tres optimates eum prosequuti, quorum vnus erat comes Haroldus, secundus abbas, tertius episcopus, familiaritatis ausu interrogant quid riserat: mirum omnibus nec immeritò videri, quarè in tanta serenitate diei et negòtij, tacentibus cæteris, scurrilem cachinnum ejecerit.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I
It operated horse trams, then electric trams, two different systems of tracklesses and finally motor omnibuses.
Congress is expected to incorporate the crime-fighting measure into an omnibus antiterrorism bill that will likely become law.
In reviewing a stack of recent volumes sent for this omnibus, I was struck by the number of times the subject arose, in one form or another.
Declaramus, pronuntiamus et definimus doctrinam quae tenet beatissimam Virginem Mariam in primo instanti suae conceptionis fuisse singulari Omnipotentis Dei gratia et privilegio, intuitu meritorum Christi Jesu Salvatoris humani generis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservatam immunem, esse a Deo revelatam, atque idcirco ab omnibus fidelibus firmiter constanterque credendam.
Archive 2007-12-01
Huius per tria latera dependent retia seu cortinæ de cordulis sericis, in quibus ad singulos nodos, grossa margarita habetur innexa, quibus cortinis tegitur officina: in eius concauitate tenetur tumba quadrata, in qua conueniunt conductus omnium potuum, qui bibuntur in Curia, et innumera vasorum genera, quibus potus omnibus ministratur.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Dampierae proxime habitu et plurimis cum floris, tum habitus characteribus, paracolla cuculliforme ab omnibus Goodeniacearum generibus huc usque cognitis, diversa.
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
Sed remotis mensis, cum in triclinio regalibus exueretur, tres optimates eum prosequuti, quorum vnus erat comes Haroldus, secundus abbas, tertius episcopus, familiaritatis ausu interrogant quid riserat: mirum omnibus nec immerit� videri, quar� in tanta serenitate diei et neg騮ij, tacentibus c鎡eris, scurrilem cachinnum ejecerit.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
✒Spurious royal wedding-related nonsense of the week goes to Sir Martin Sorrell's market research firm, TNS Omnibus, which confidently predicts that a "massive 26.2 million people" will watch Will and Kate's nuptials on the gogglebox, making it the most watched TV event of the past 10 years.
Media Monkey's Diary
Well, let's start with Julianne, spending bills, spending bills - what are we likely to see here, some big, bulky omnibus spending program package passed this week?
Hunc in omnibus stupris, hunc in fanorum expilationibus, hunc in impuris conviviis principera adhibebat; tantamque habebat morum similitudo conjuncnorum atque concordiam, ut Apronius, qui aliis inhumanus ac barbarus, isti uni commodus ac disertus videretur; ut quem omnes odissent neque videre vellent sine eo iste esse non posset; ut quum alii ne conviviis quidem iisdem quibus Apronius, hic iisdem etiam poculis uteretur, postremo, ut, odor
Life of Cicero Volume One
Clearly there is different footage in the omnibus as a result of the extra time it has, but it seems much more pro-Anna than the earlier one.
Every couple of years the monthly issues would be gathered up and published in an omnibus, what the publishers referred to as ‘phone books’ as they had the same size and feel as the Yellow Pages.
Dedi eis insuper domos meas in Eboraco; illas scilicet quæ sunt inter domos Laurentii clerici quæ fuerunt Benedicti Judæi et _Isping Geil_, cum tota curia et omnibus pertinentiis.
Notes and Queries, Number 188, June 4, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
This weekend Congress was working on a massive $388 billion omnibus spending bill that will cover all manner of federal spending.
Now it does not follow from this text that all persons are obliged to marry, even if the word omnibus were rendered, in all persons, instead of in all things: for if it was a precept, St. Paul himself would have transgressed it, as he never married.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 65: Hebrews The Challoner Revision
Coetus autem sacros sic peragendos esse censemus, ut ante omnia verbum Dei in publicum plebi quottidie propronatur, Scripturae abdita per idoneos ministros quottidie eruantur edisseranturque: sacra Eucharistia celebranda piorum subinde fides exerceatur, precationi pro omnibus omnium necessitatibus assidue instetur.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Mrs. McKay rapidly reads it as Uncle Jack is bestowing bags and bundles in the omnibus and feeing the acceptive porter, who now rushes back to the boat in the nick of time.
Starlight Ranch and Other Stories of Army Life on the Frontier
The omnibus bill she was referring to is now called the Relationships Bill, and she is right - this bill will make the Marriage Act have no practical effect.
Snytterfeld predicta gentilman et Johannem Porter de eadem meos veros et legitimos Attornatos conjunctim et divisim ad intrandum vice et nomine meo in predictum mesuagium cum omnibus et singulis premissis et pertinenciis suis quibuscunque et ad plenam et pacificam seisinam pro me ac vice et nomine meo inde capiendam et postquam hujusmodi seisina dicta capta fuerit ad deliberandam pro me ac vice et nomine meo prefatis
Shakespeare's Family
_in dubioque fuere utrorum ad regna cadendum omnibus humanis esset terraque marique_, sic:
Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III
It derives from omnibus, which is the dative plural of the Latin word omnis, so it means 'for all' - a 'vehicle for all'.
Archive 2007-08-01
Licet igitur etiam illis, vt coeteris omnibus Christianis, vbi hoc ad pietatem magis facere iudicauerint, pro suo arbitratu matrimonium contrahere. by Gods lawe eyther to vowe the estate of single lyfe, or to abstayne from mariage.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Imprimis autem doceant suos, quibus sese alant, artes honestas, abstrahant ab otio, et veram in his omnibus fiduciam in Deum inserant, ne diffidentia ant securitate nimia aut avaritia foeda diffluant, nec ad ullum fructum perveniant.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Rex eius dictus Colopius cum omnibus nobilibus suis in bello contra
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
This is a classic example of legislation going to a select committee, people then discovering they want to add something to it - this so-called omnibus bill - and the bill coming back twice as big as it was before it went to the committee.
Posthac omnibus diebus terrae, sementis et messis, et frigus et aestus, et aestas et hyems, et dies et nox non cessabunt.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
My agent is working to get those OOP titles in omnibus form, but so far it's slow going.
Good news, bad news
Reassurance has been offered in the form of one of those omnibus words which politicians use as an alternative to thought and in the hope that they can construct a careless consensus around a policy which they dare not precisely define.
Desperately looking around for the omnibus, they passed a short alleyway and the woman saw a busy street beyond.
Aliam mere liberam, qua Deus post liberum actum suae voluntatis absque hypothesi et conditione aliqua cognovit absolute et determinate ex complexionibus omnibus contingentibus, quaenam re ipsa essent futurae, quae non item.
Rough Notes on Scientia Media
Huius per tria latera dependent retia seu cortin� de cordulis sericis, in quibus ad singulos nodos, grossa margarita habetur innexa, quibus cortinis tegitur officina: in eius concauitate tenetur tumba quadrata, in qua conueniunt conductus omnium potuum, qui bibuntur in Curia, et innumera vasorum genera, quibus potus omnibus ministratur.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Princeps major omnibus fubditis effe debeat, n£c major effe poffit, ni omnia aut pler or umque amore fruatur, majii - feftum eft 9 unum illuni nulhim effe & invalidum, fi omnium aut pléro - rnnrtqueodio fit expofitus, ic fi multi - tndinem fuam caeperint numerare.
Marci Zuerii Boxhornii ... Institutionum politicarum libri duo: Editio altera, priori longè ...
Since Naipaul won the 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature, there has understandably been much excavation of his backlist - omnibus collections, reissues, stories and essays shuffled around in new editions.
Quod Christus pro omnibus hominibus mortuus sit, et ceu agnus
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
There is the inevitable clop-clop of a horse, the rumble of a motorised omnibus, the further ambient uproar of the great city's life.
The omnibus has made somewhat of a comeback in recent years with everyone from Robert Ludlum to John Grisham and Wilbur Smith combining their novels into one edition.
But here we are at La Fayette, which is the upper or American end of New Orleans, where steamers always stop if there are any cattle on board, which being our case, we preferred landing and taking an omnibus, to waiting for the discharge of the live-stock.
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
To which Cicero himself aptly answers, “æque contingit omnibus fidibus, ut incontentæ sint; illud non continuo, ut æque incontentæ.”
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
During the 1933 impeachment trial of Judge Harold Louderback, counsel for the Judge filed a motion to make the original Article V, the omnibus or "catchall" article, more definite.
Trial Memorandum Of President William Jefferson Clinton
Iuno, tene; tuque o puppem ne desere, Pallas: nunc patrui nunc flecte minas. cessere ratemque accepere mari. per quot discrimina rerum expedior! subita cur pulcher harundine crines velat Hylas? unde urna umeris niueosque per artus caeruleae vestes? unde haec tibi volnera, Pollux? quantus io tumidis taurorum e naribus ignis! tollunt se galeae sulcisque ex omnibus hastae et iam iamque umeri. quem circum vellera Martem aspicio? quaenam aligeris secat anguibus auras caede madens? quos ense ferit? miser eripe parvos,
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
For example, there isno question that, even in matters of dogma, he still has to followthe tradition of the universal Church—that is, as Vincent of Lerinssays, what has been believed quod semper, quod ubique, quod abomnibus. ...
Archive 2009-04-01
Factúmque est vt vaticinium regis Edwardì Græcis omnibus comprobatum, qui se a patribus accepisse iurarent, super dextrum illos latus quiescere: sed post introitum Anglorum in speluncam, veritatem peregrinæ prophetiæ contubernalibus suis prædicarunt.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I
Cabs were introduced in London in 1823 and omnibuses in 1829.
Cum igitur h鎐 mihi subeunda sit alea, quod omnibus scriptum aliquod edituris in more positum animaduerto, id mihi hoc tempore solicit� curandum est: Nemp� vt patronum & mec鎛atem aliquem huic meo commentariolo qu鎟am, sub cuius nomine & numine, tutius in vulgi manus exeat.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
What's showing now is an omnibus edition.
Times, Sunday Times
One used to see, on the one-horsed omnibus which in old times represented the locomotion of Madrid, _Serbicio de omnibus_ quite as often as _Servicio_.
Spanish Life in Town and Country
On Nov.25, House leaders agreed to convene a rare December session beginning Dec.8 to debate and move the omnibus spending package.
He doesn't get up to listen to the Archers omnibus on Sunday mornings,' Moira replied, a gentle tease in her voice.
In his enim verbis omnibus litterae, seu spiritus istius nulla ratio visa est, nisi ut firmitas et vigor vocis, quasi quibusdam nervis additis, intenderetur.
The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
«Quamdiu autem periculum belli aderit, auctoritasque internationalis competens congruisque viribus munita defuerit, tamdiu, exhaustis quidem omnibus pacificae tractationis subsidiis, ius legitimae defensionis guberniis denegari non poterit».
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Conringium igicur rurfus excicoi uc quam adhuc delineavit, magnanimi Ducis imagini, candem ulcimam manum admoveac tocamque & omnibus numeris abfolucam re* prxfencec.
Opera omnia sanctorum patrum Latinorum
Et ego vero predictus Johannes Mayowe et heredes mei mesuagium predictum cum omnibus et singulis terris Toftis Croftis, pratis, pascuis et pasturis supradictis ac omnibus suis pertinenciis prefatis Roberto Throckmerton,
Shakespeare's Family
Its mandates ran: "Injunctum est omnibus tenentibus villae," or "ordinatum est ex communi assensu.
The Constitutional Beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729)
Huius per tria latera dependent retia seu cortin� de cordulis sericis, in quibus ad singulos nodos, grossa margarita habetur innexa, quibus cortinis tegitur officina: in eius concauitate tenetur tumba quadrata, in qua conueniunt conductus omnium potuum, qui bibuntur in Curia, et innumera vasorum genera, quibus potus omnibus ministratur.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Given that the release timeframe has shrunk to three months, maybe it will be out around the time the second omnibus is available?
The Losers Get Lucky » DVDs Worth Watching
‘I comed ever so far out of my way,’ said the cabman, ‘to avoid the rumpus with the homnibuses at the hill cause the ladies things is so heavy we’d never got up if the ‘otherwise had once jibbed.’
He Knew He Was Right
Now to return to the youth in the corner: _Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit_, Jemmy keep your money, or give it to the priest to keep, and it will be safest; but by no means let the Hyblean honey of the schoolmaster's blarney deprive you of it, otherwise it will be a _vale, vale, longum vale_ between you.
The Poor Scholar Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
Then, in addition to all that, you have the soap omnibuses.
In summary, in an omnibus sense the amendments in this bill may seem to be just a tidy-up, but I want to come back to the first one.
49 Moreover horse cars only charged a nickel, which was much less than omnibuses.
Scilicet omnibus artibus antistat spes lucri, et formosior est cumulus auri, quam quicquid
Anatomy of Melancholy
When George Shillibeer initiated a London omnibus service in 1829, three horses were used, as in Paris, but after some years most London omnibuses were drawn by two horses.
That's going to be more difficult for omnibus conglomerate brands to invoke.
I had borrowed a friend's omnibus edition of Life Studies and For the Union Dead, and something in me said: ‘This is it!’
Note 89: Must., pp. 15 — 16, esp.chap. 44: "Quomodo mense septimo agendae sunt gravidae mulieres? in omnibus patienter et quiete, ne nimia gestatione pecus iam perfectum foris excutiatur, siquidem etiam et septimani nasci possunt.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
That celebrated sage, the man on the Clapham omnibus, would no doubt readily assent to it.
It was that a south-bound omnibus, while overtaking another southbound vehicle, made violent contact with an oncoming SUV.
Nam etsi frumenti aut farris pen� nihil vulg� habeamus, nec sal, gul� irritamentum, ad cibaria condienda, omnibus suppetit: docuit tamen Deus opt.max. etiam nostros homines rationem tractandi et conseruandi, qu� ad vitam sustentandam spectant, vt appareat, Deum in alendis Islandis non esse ad panem vel salem alligatum.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The four bills combine to provide nearly as much of a tax windfall to the wealthy, $733 billion, as last year's omnibus measure, which would have cut taxes for the rich and the upper middle class by $792 billion.
Present advertising media take place a lot of change, including common evolution, assemble appreciation, and omnibus.
Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus quae retribuit mihi?
PCED declares validity of MP "Summorum Pontificum" for the Ambrosian Rite
Omnibus editions of novels tend to be too heavy to be read with comfort.
Fact鷐que est vt vaticinium regis Edward� Gr鎐is omnibus comprobatum, qui se a patribus accepisse iurarent, super dextrum illos latus quiescere: sed post introitum Anglorum in speluncam, veritatem peregrin� propheti� contubernalibus suis pr鎑icarunt.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
As someone who has written more than his share of omnibus reviews/poetry chronicles, especially for this magazine, I know the temptation reviewers are subject to by way of savaging thin volumes of verse.
Mulieribus omnibus hoc imprimis in votis est, ut formosae sint, aut si reipsa non sint, videantur tamen esse; et si qua parte natura defuit, artis supetias adjungunt: unde illae faciei unctiones, dolor et cruciatus in arctandis corporibus, &c. 5008.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Accedit, quòd præter omnem expectationem meam ab omnibus tuis ciuibus, quibus comaliqua consuetudo mihi contigit, tanta passìm humanitate acceptus essem, vt iam (sit hoc saluo pietate à me dictum) suauissimæ Anglorum amicitiæ fermè aboleuerint desiderium et Pannoniarum et Budæ meæ, quibus patriæ nomen debeo.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
The Washing of the Feet takes place "clausis ostiis et laicis omnibus foris projectis", and the feet of certain priests are washed by the bishop and dried by the archipresbyter.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
In littore maris miraculosè veniunt ibi semel in anno, per tres continuos dies, quasi de omni genere piscium marinorum, in maxima abundantia: et præbent se omnibus liberè capiendos ad manum.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Et expavit Ishac pavore magno vehementissime, et dixit, Quis est, et ubi est qui venatus est venationem, et attulit mihi, et comedi ex omnibus antequam venires? et benedixi ei, etiam benedictus erit.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
When the omnibuses are full, the conductor exhibits a ticket announcing that his vehicle is "complet".
Paris and Northern France
The Senate never voted on many of the separate funding measures before they were submitted as part of the massive and unamendable omnibus bill; and, indeed, many of the measures were never even subjected to debate.
+ “Auris pars pendula lobus dicitur, non omnibus ea pars, est auribus; non enim iis qui noctu sunt, sed qui interdiu, maxima ex parte.” —
Letter to a Friend
Separat item Deus nos baptismi symbolo ab omnibus alienis religionibus et populis, et sibi consecrat ceu peculium: nos itaque, dum baptizamur, confitemur fidem nostram et obstringimur Deo ad obedientiam et mortificationem carnis vitaeque novitatem, adeoque inscribimur in sanctam Christi militiam, ut toto vitae cursu pugnemus contra mundum, et Satanam, atque carnem propriam.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Most of these bills are omnibus bills that have a whole lot of other things.