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How To Use Omission In A Sentence

  • Omissions in my recent article must have caused confusion.
  • Why such a paper has never been given to the world, I am much at a loss to say—but, perhaps, the autorial vanity has had more to do with the omission than any one other cause. The Philosophy of Composition
  • A broad definition would encompass all disclosures of malpractice, as well as illegal acts or omissions.
  • The book's most glaring omission is the lack of an index.
  • Transformants were streaked on appropriate omission medium and single colonies were picked for further analysis.
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  • The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes.
  • The addition of a ferule was the next step; and the omission of the tang, and amalgamation of the ferule with the blade, gave rise to the socketed spear-head. The Bronze Age in Ireland
  • There are few, if any, ambiguities and no apparent loopholes or omissions.
  • Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
  • That omission has been put right by Mr Pappalardo, who has ploughed through the ships' musters - the individual records of pay to members of all 33 ships' companies are held at Kew.
  • The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.
  • Earnestly information collecting, sorting and submit, do not significant information, omission, material misstatement.
  • Sting left the stage to a tumultuous round of applause and three of the Beatles took over, Paul being the surprising omission.
  • The omission from the board is a stinging rebuke for Mr. Bucksbaum in particular. General Growth Scion Denied Seat
  • Although the developments are not the outcome of our doings, our omissions have certainly contributed to the gravity of the situation.
  • There was no physical act on the part of D which caused the injury but rather an omission, i.e. his failure to apply the handbrake.
  • Another omission is the failure to afford transparency to the process of review.
  • A private individual is not normally liable in negligence for a mere omission in the absence of some special feature, such as a particular relationship with the claimant or an undertaking of responsibility (see paras 2.2.1 to
  • No one contests their falsehoods, inaccuracies, and sins of omission on a point by point basis.
  • There were a number of errors and omissions in the article.
  • None shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the same time when it was committed.
  • The authors would like to express regret in the inadvertent omission of these acknowledgements.
  • Your failing to note her mistakes is a serious omission.
  • Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period. Clarence Thomas Assailed For Alleged Ethical Lapses By More House Dems
  • The omission of a discussion of the basics of oil and tempera painting is not the only place where the book seems to address an informed, if not specialist audience.
  • The "omission of the General's title" is the subject of complaint, as if this title were sufficient evidence of the commanding powers of one of the patrons of tractoration. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • This analysis indicates the omission of substitutes does not significantly influence short-run price elasticity estimates, but results in significantly lower long-run estimates.
  • But the omission of cadency marks does not appear to have been a matter of universally accepted rule. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Her omission of any discussion of human shields while reporting from Gaza while on the other hand answering that question, though as briefly and unspecifically as possible, in a broadcast heard only locally in New York is significant: she would like to continue reporting from Gaza. Q. and A. With Taghreed El-Khodary in Gaza - The Lede Blog -
  • Perhaps a belief that everyone would assume this was undertaken explains its omission from the final trial report.
  • This omission, which now seems curious, was based upon the conventional notion of the organism as respondent.
  • In turning now more particularly to the work, or rather compilation, of Dr. Bisset Hawkins, let us see whether we cannot discover among what he terms "marks of haste" in getting it up for "the curiosity of the public" (_curiosity_, Dr. Hawkins!), some omissions of a very important nature on the subject of a disease respecting which, we presume, he wished to enlighten the public. Letters on the Cholera Morbus. Containing ample evidence that this disease, under whatever name known, cannot be transmitted from the persons of those labouring under it to other individuals, by contact—through the medium of inanimate substances—or throug
  • There are deliberate falsifications, fabrications and deliberate omissions.
  • The hint of reproach in ‘omission’ may not be quite fair to either of us.
  • It means wilful act or omission, negligent act or omission, or malicious act or omission.
  • While utter fabrications - such as phony academic degrees and made-up jobs - are big no-nos, you can commit some sins of omission with virtual impunity.
  • Inasmuch as the disinherison or omission by parents of their children has generally no good reason, those children who complain that they have been wrongfully disinherited or passed over have been allowed to bring an action impeaching the will as unduteous, under the pretext that the testator was of unsound mind at the time of its execution. The Institutes of Justinian
  • The omission of prepositions is a common practice in informal English or spoken English.
  • In all those cases the omission relied on is failure on the part of the defendant to exercise its statutory powers.
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  • An omission which might have and may still cost him serious casualties to personnel north of the Qattara depression. 2.
  • This goes beyond the day-to-day omissions and sins that characterize politics.
  • A major omission seems to be the investigation for an auricular origin of the cough, particularly in children.
  • In addition to these critical omissions, most major Italian Romantic texts barely circulate outside of Italy.
  • There is something wonderfully cussed about this Liverpool octet's omission of their finest song from their first album.
  • His latest omission from the national squad came in the autumn even though his form at club level was good.
  • But the omission of all mention both of 'protrusion' and of the 'dog days' makes the Latin almost without meaning. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Some may wonder at her somewhat facile distinction between apophatic and cataphatic prayer, as well as her surprising omissions.
  • The entries include most of the aggadic traditions relating to each of the characters, with omissions or condensations as required by the format of the Encyclopedia. Midrash and Aggadah: Introduction and Sources.
  • If one looks at the explanatory note of the bill, one sees a very clear omission.
  • No. This is the most glaring omission: even the shonkiest netbook lets you have music playing or IM open at the same time as you surf or work. Crave at CNET UK
  • Calling it an ‘aspirin factory’ just because they also made aspirin is a lie by omission. The Volokh Conspiracy » Defamation by Government Still Political Question
  • The error of omission that excluded council from the lawsuit decision occurred under last year's leadership.
  • A notable omission from this miscellany of singers is of course, the castrato.
  • The errors abound: the classification of maisonette into the British-American section is simply wrong, as I have encountered its use in real-estate advertising for several decades; the omission, from the BE section, of estate agent (for AE real estate agent); the equivalent given there of realtor, which is, in fact, Realtor, a registered title; the omission from the entry rock and rye of any mention of the large block of rock candy in the bottle (whence, of course, the rock); the inclusion of eavestrough?? VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • He saw the omission as a symptom of a temporary aberration.
  • Errors and omissions in Greek diacritical marks have been silently corrected. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • So what does he have to say about the lack of accountability of the judiciary for their own negligent acts and omissions?
  • The haulier will seek to exclude his contractual liability for certain acts or omissions, just like any other shrewd businessman.
  • It's simply that Arthur's notation is standard and identical in every respect to what Wolfram does -- excepting only the omission of the subscript S on the integral sign to help underline that it is a surface integral. Rabett Run
  • Such omissions may have been plausible in the first blush of enthusiasm for reform, but they seem indefensible after many decades of evidence that adventurous teaching is rare. quoted from 《teaching practice: plus que ca change》, p38 Human-Error Processor
  • It means wilful act or omission, negligent act or omission, or malicious act or omission.
  • A notable omission from this miscellany of singers is of course, the castrato.
  • However, an ellipsis indicates the omission of words which clearly show that the complete passage by Inglis Clark had nothing whatever to do with retrospective laws.
  • she searched the table for omissions
  • Along with a 6 minute gag reel that is nothing more than flubs and mistakes, there are 13 deleted scenes with optional Farrelly commentary that explains the reason for their omission in the film.
  • In fact, his list of credits is so extensive, it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission.
  • Testamentis, Divini praedicatio, per quod Verbum Deus ipse sese nobis revelavit, quemadmodum scripta Prophetarum et Apostolorum nobis indicant; proximum indicium est, legitima sacramentorum Jesu Christi administratio, quae cum verbo et promissionibus divinis conjungi debent, ut ea in mentibus nostris obsignent et confirment. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • He said government data collection projects are often "pockmarked" with omissions and outright errors, News
  • I presume you were rather surprised not to see my _consequential_ name in the papers [1] amongst the orators of our 2nd speech day, but unfortunately some wit who had formerly been at Harrow, suppressed the merits of Long [2], Farrer [3] and myself, who were always supposed to take the Lead in Harrow eloquence, and by way of a _hoax_ thought proper to insert a panegyric on those speakers who were really and truly allowed to have rather disgraced than distinguished themselves, of course for the _wit_ of the thing, the best were left out and the worst inserted, which accounts for the _Gothic omission_ of my The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 1
  • As the Devil is ordinarily by no means wanting in shrewdness, the omission might perhaps be set down to his credit on the score of charity, but for his abominable taste in matters of diabolical vertûe, as shown by his penchant for sanguinary signatures to all compacts and bonds for bad behavior made with or exacted by him, in the course of his "regular dealings" with mankind, and hence it must be considered a clear case of ignorance or oversight, that this test, compared to which there is toleration for boils even, was not applied. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • With these men, to compose is to hesitate; and to revise is to be mortified by fresh doubts and unsupplied omissions. Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
  • But omissions and superfluities are inevitable in such a book.
  • His disillusionment began when he was a surprise omission from the Brisbane test against Australia in November despite some sharp leadup spells.
  • Administrative omissions that administrative corpus implement mainly include power-oriented administrative omission and administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation .
  • Although derived from Philadelphia designs, provincial elements include an angular shell on the front seat rail and the omission of two long teardrop piercings in the base of the slat, making it look heavy.
  • He has lied large and small, directly and by omission.
  • I have nonetheless some animadversions concerning the inclusion of some ‘responses’ in Professor Butler's collection and the omission of others.
  • As a general rule, however, there is no liability in tortious negligence for an omission, unless the defendant is under some pre-existing duty.
  • Still others prefer a middle option that keeps the apostrophe for omission and elision but drops it for plurality and possession.
  • It also raises questions about the justification for this omissions liability, and whether citizens have fair warning of it.
  • Therefore, while regrettable, the omission in my view is immaterial in these circumstances.
  • A broad definition would encompass all disclosures of malpractice, as well as illegal acts or omissions.
  • He tries ever so hard to play down the significance of this glaring omission from an otherwise impeccable CV but he doth protest too much, methinks.
  • This is a systemic failure and most of the civilian leadership of the Pentagon is implicated, either by omission or comission.
  • As often is the case, a problem covering omission will also involve a consideration of causation.
  • This was the glaring omission from not one but two local government bills announced on Wednesday.
  • But it's not something I've been lying about, even in omission.
  • The Center for Responsible Lending analyzed the Rose study and concluded that it was likely of little value due to the small number of loans and limited geographic area reviewed , omission of key variables such as housing prices and unemployment rates and limit of study to rare long term prepayment penalty features. Hurricane Katrina and Mark Kirk Forget to Send Bottled Water
  • His omission of a symbol for equality made it impossible to develop an equational algebra of logic. The Algebra of Logic Tradition
  • Yet such analysis has not so far been undertaken and is a notable omission from the Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change.
  • He repaired the omission last summer with admirable clarity and a soft-grained piano tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The AWAC was translating its own fix on the intromission markers into the reference frame of his display. Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • Among the textual errors made by Korean students at the intermediate and advanced levels, the errors of connectives are secondary only to the errors of omission, making up 31.
  • The duke was surprised by his wife's omission from the guest list.
  • Let's just list some of the outrageous assertions and omissions in the news today.
  • It is possible that this would be constructive manslaughter, although there is doubt as to whether an omission can constitute an unlawful and dangerous act for this purpose.
  • A quick look at the Club's website highlights a glaring omission.
  • Though Ormrod's book is too recent to figure in the bibliography, his earlier publications are a more surprising omission.
  • But she apologised for an omission by the assistant director who failed to disclose the discovery of pupa shells in public pools.
  • And all declarations and expressions of the mind concerning future actions and omissions, are either promissive, as I will do, or not do; or provisive, as for example, If this be done or not done, this will follow; or imperative, as Do this, or do it not. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Misrepresentation is falsehood or omission of facts in relation to an investment.
  • Anyone who thinks this "omission" is acceptable needs to remove the sheet and pointy hat and look around this fine country. Obama: Virginia governor's slavery omission 'unacceptable'
  • He fully grasped the power of omission, saying of one of his landscape paintings: ‘I paint in all these details in order that I may know how to paint them out.’
  • Bellesiles's extensive research is undermined by errors of fact, omission and judgment.
  • The projects omission from the latest announcement of Government funding for new schools has left St Patrick's Secondary School in a predicament.
  • Sometimes, this involved the omission of some real treasures.
  • Their books use hackneyed plotlines, stock characters, and omission of inconvenient facts.
  • You are not the first who has noticed the Omission of the Hay-making: the best excuse I have to offer is, that in composing the Poem I was determined that what I said on farming should be EXPERIMENTALLY true. Letter 175
  • His success was perhaps accidental, I am willing to accept, but his 5 years in office, marred by the guerilla and Cuban intromission, were the years where democracy started to set in Venezuela until that most bright moment in December 1968 when for the first time the opposition was recognized as having won the election. It will not the best and brightest: Teodoro Petkoff leaves the ring
  • The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
  • It was written from kind of a superficial, Hollywood point of view, essentially filled, I think, with a lot of lies by omission.
  • The law relates only to any omission and consequently is quite different from that laid down in Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The problem lies not in what was stated but in a glaring omission that cuts right to the heart of the pro-choice/pro-life propaganda war.
  • But the eighty-four-minute film's more crucial faults are really its elisions and omissions, among them its failure to flesh out its distinctive characters.
  • As is usually the case, there were surprise inclusions and omissions.
  • An omission which might have and may still cost him serious casualties to personnel north of the Qattara depression. 2.
  • The student's omission from the honour roll was an oversight.
  • The temptation to intromit is frequent and strong; so strong and so frequent, as to require the utmost activity of justice, and vigilance of caution, to withstand its prevalence; and the method by which a man may entitle himself to legal intromission, is so open and so facile, that to neglect it is a proof of fraudulent intention: for why should a man omit to do (but for reasons which he will not confess,) that which he can do so easily, and that which he knows to be required by the law? Life Of Johnson
  • We are unable to see the matter in the same light as our learned colleague does; to our thinking, we should be labouring under a great delusion were we to suppose "that it is quite as serious an omission not to determine the animal or vegetable nature of a ferment as it would be to confound nitrogen with hydrogen or urea with stearine. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • That is what I think is the situation here, unless you can persuade me otherwise. There was a negligent omission on the part of the employer.
  • Penetration by the hardened erect penis is also known as intromission, or by the Latin name immissio penis (Latin for "insertion of the penis"). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • For a long time he had prevented himself from forgetting her cruelties to his younger self, her crimes of omission and commission. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Given Ms. Schultz's painstaking—and fascinating— research into the Mattingly lineage and into skeptical European assessments of Prince Hohenlohe's cures at the time, this is an inexcusable omission. A Mixed Blessing
  • His omission from the team is rather surprising.
  • The family regrets and apologizes for the omission in the previous obituary.
  • The accident was not caused by any act or omission of the transport company.
  • This list of names has a few omissions.
  • His omission from the World Cup squad - even though he knew it was coming - was a heavy blow.
  • The Jewish Federations have been working with the JWB Jewish Chaplains Council and many dedicated community partners to correct this omission, erect a Jewish chaplains monument alongside the Protestant and Catholic monuments at Chaplains Hill, and reunite the memory Rabbi Alexander Goode with his fellow chaplains who died on board the Dorchester in 1943. Jerry Silverman: The Jewish Chaplains Memorial
  • As a general rule, however, there is no liability in tortious negligence for an omission, unless the defendant is under some pre-existing duty.
  • Such omission is completely in sympathy with the trend in physical geography for nearly a century after Man and Nature.
  • The omission also acted as a forcing device for Macintosh software developers.
  • The leader's long experience with the party and the 20-year history notwithstanding, Quebec-based journalists questioned him on what good his party does in the national capital, and about his omission of the word "sovereignty" in his new campaign slogan. - Home Page
  • However, a notable omission from this book is any discussion of how and when to teach patients self-hypnosis.
  • It doesn't matter how rubbish you might think they are; all five songs must be ranked, with no tied positions and no omissions.
  • The first question is whether at the time of the negligent act or omission a judicial process existed.
  • The myth may be engaged in the transmission of a narrative of early deeds and events, having a foundation in truth, which truth, however, has been greatly distorted and perverted by the omission or introduction of circumstances and personages, and then it constitutes the _historical myth_. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
  • There are no false positions, no important omissions, no unsatisfied desires.
  • The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
  • [1154] Sub Lege quidem per promissiones, prophetias et sacrificia, per circumcisionem, agnum sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to the people of the Jews, all fore-signifying The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • It is the Claimant's contention that this damage was avoidable and caused by a negligent omission by Mr Roberts.
  • If I have succeeded you may now be able to rectify the omission we referred to at the beginning of this conversation. LOHENGRIN
  • The present claims all arise from acts or omissions of the tribunal.
  • I had never caught a sea trout before and it was a glaring omission from my personal best lists!
  • For those who bridle at the glaring omissions the reason is simply that I have restricted myself to restaurants or gastropubs that I have visited within the last year.
  • This is a case of an omission or omissions by the appellants as the respondent's solicitors: the failure to prosecute his claim with due diligence which led to his counterclaim being struck out.
  • There was no physical act on the part of D which caused the injury but rather an omission, i.e. his failure to apply the handbrake.
  • Not to acknowledge the brutal component of slavery as the central issue in the American Civil War and for you to state that the omission amounts to 'diddly'; is a lot like the Nazi's refusing to acknowledge the holocaust. Gov: Concern over slavery omission 'doesn't amount to diddly'
  • You are subtle and gracious yet keenly perceptive and observant at work, missing nothing but noting every detail or omission.
  • maximalism," pulling out all the stops on his aesthetic, going for garish excess over tasteful omission. News-Letter
  • But in cases of under-bounding, acts of omission are the norm, wherein municipalities decide not to include particular neighborhoods within their ambit. Jonathan Weiler: Invisible Boundaries, Visible Harm
  • The family guilty of such an omission would be held in disgrace and contempt pending the intervention of lineage or clan members.
  • The duke was surprised by his wife's omission from the guest list.
  • It was written from kind of a superficial, Hollywood point of view, essentially filled, I think, with a lot of lies by omission.
  • The other theory taught was known as the intromission theory. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • A group of investors sued Matrixx for a "material" misrepresentation and omission under federal securities law because the company did not publicly report that medical researchers in the early 2000s had traced Zicam to the loss of smell, known as anosmia, and that related lawsuits against the company had been filed. Court sides with investors on disclosing drug reactions
  • ELISION, the omission or crowding out of unstressed words or unaccented syllables to make the metre smoother; a term belonging to classical prosody and inappropriate in English prosody except where syllable-counting verse is concerned. The Principles of English Versification
  • The distinction between liability for acts and liability for omissions is well known.
  • This was the glaring omission from not one but two local government bills announced on Wednesday.
  • Other criticisms of pluralist democratic theory rely less on epistemological differences and more on inconsistencies and omissions.
  • Mrs. Laura Anderson considered the omission a lot more peevishly than she ought to have done. NIMITZ CLASS
  • At first, in ratiocinative processes, its premises must cover little ground and be fully elaborated, and in the course of the deduction or induction there can be no omission of the smallest detail. Phenomena of Literary Evolution
  • The role of the analyst is to hear the voice of the unconscious, which makes itself audible through the censorship of consciousness in riddles, allusions, elisions, and omissions.
  • Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.
  • It is often said that an assault can be committed only by an act and that an omission is not sufficient.
  • The haulier will seek to exclude his contractual liability for certain acts or omissions, just like any other shrewd businessman.
  • Omissions in my recent article must have caused confusion.
  • Fans may see this as a missed opportunity to see the classic Dinobot lineup of Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl and Swoop, but Furman thinks their omission is a pragmatic decision. No Dinobots In ‘Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen’ — Original Film Consultant Explains Why » MTV Movies Blog
  • If you've never been listed in Wikipedia, you can always argue that your omission is an oversight. Archive 2007-02-01
  • In neither ease was the omission a necessary consequence of the intellectual stance of the two schools.
  • The second ( "combe," the omission of which from the official French dictionaries Nodier characteristically denounces, is our own "combe" -- a deep valley; from, I suppose, the Celtic Cwm; and pronounced by A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • This implies that you read omission to mean failure where you ought to have done something.
  • Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.
  • It was a classic case of censorship by omission.
  • Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
  • Accordingly, THB is liable to Commonwealth for its negligent acts and/or omissions.
  • Mr. Lee, I could find in any clodded trifle the outlets of sky my yearning mind covets: hay fever would lead me by prismatic omissions and plunging ellipses of thought to the vaster spirals and eddies of all-viewing Mind. Shandygaff
  • Were some parts of it omitted, and false statements rectified, it might not do any harm; and perhaps it might be found advisable to adopt some plan of that kind, making a careful _record of the omissions_ to insert any future _misrepresentations_, and a like record of such _additions_ or _alterations_. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Complete
  • The plaintiff must suffer actual harm and prove the harm was caused by the nurse's negligent acts or omissions.
  • It is this omission which prompts question 5 as set out in the appendix to this judgment.
  • It gives us permission to overlook the artwork's glaring, intentional omissions.
  • The whole vampire biting thing is a play off the act of penetration/intromission … thats the appeal of a vampire biting you and sucking on your blood, but while I wish Ian the best with his allegedly lovely G/F, if ever they should part ways, he is welcome to bite me anytime, or to do with me the thing that biting is a metaphor for * wink* Ian Somerhalder politely declines your request that he bite you |
  • He was passed fit to play in the final Test, so it's a stretch to imagine his omission from the ODI squad is injury-related.
  • Like conscientious believers everywhere they confess a wide range of sins of omission and commission.
  • Since grievous bodily harm can be committed by an omission it would be strange if assault and battery could not be.
  • This clanging omission was at least partly behind the housing crisis of the early 1990s when 1000 families a week lost their homes because of mortgage debt.
  • -- French Tr. [34] Literally the passage would run, "Feed me, I pray thee, with that red, that read," the word pottage being understood. "the repetition of the epithet, and the omission of the substantive, indicated the extreme haste and eagerness of the asker. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Many of those characters will be edited in later for a longer DVD cut, but their omission is not just felt by me as a fan of the graphic novel. “Watchmen” reduces themes, expectations » Scene-Stealers
  • All three Petitions include the same constellation of facts, dates, actions, omissions, documents, witnesses and alleged damages.
  • In view of the role played by aneuploidy in carcinogenesis and in human reproductive failure, this omission is perhaps surprising.
  • There were noticeable omissions in some areas, primarily those concerned with administrative tasks.
  • Finally, several respondents take issue with my policy recommendations, based on alleged sins of commission or omission.
  • There is more than one way not to tell the truth: half-truths, omissions and deliberate ambiguities can be just as effective as crude lies if the mission is to mislead.
  • Zhong yong" [omission: Chinese characters] [Doctrine of the Mean]: "There are five universal relationships in the subcelestial realm .... Empresses and Consorts
  • Any omission or failure on the part of the Owner's inspector to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or materials.
  • None of them are responsible for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations in this article.
  • The omission referred to as haplography occurs when text is missing owing to lines which have a similar ending in a manuscript.
  • Spark has never been an abundant imaginer; her deliberate deprivations and omissions have always represented a kind of pert challenge to the reader, as if she were saying, "This is all I will give you; make of these rations what you can. The Prime of Ms. Muriel Spark

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