How To Use Omega In A Sentence
Enlarged heart, medically called cardiomegaly, is not a disease, but a symptom of another condition.
An autopsy today found the cause of Hammerdorfer's death was cardiomegaly and biventricular hypertrophy, which refers to an enlarged heart and enlarged ventricles.
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Clear-cut clinical evidence of a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus should be present, such as respiratory distress, a continuous murmur, a hyperactive precordium, cardiomegaly and pulmonary plethora on chest x-ray.
It is essential that hypoid gears should be lubricated with Omega 690 gear oil suitable for severe loading.
Are we willing to be the alpha and the omega rather than stand in the middle all the time?
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• Healthy fats to keep their cell walls integral but permeable -- such as omega-3 fats, and phosphatidylserine and phosphatidyl choline, available from foods and supplements
Alison Rose Levy: Fix Your Mood with Brain Food
But he suffered bad hepatomegaly and edema—and deep depression.
Wild Swans
The night's very dark," said Hobbie, rising and looking through the casement of the cottage; "and, to speak truth, and shame the deil, though Elshie's a real honest fallow, yet somegate I would rather take daylight wi 'me when I gang to visit him.
The Black Dwarf
Cytomegalovirus is a less well-known infection which affects considerably greater numbers of babies than rubella.
But, as children currently eat 50 per cent less fish than they did during the Second World War, it is thought that most youngsters are deficient in Omega 3.
And if it be my Alpha and Omega that everything heavy shall become light, everybody a dancer, and every spirit a bird: and verily, that is my Alpha and Omega!
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The alpha and omega of the weather manifesto is better weather.
Times, Sunday Times
So I urge you to eat omega - 3-rich foods like salmon and mackerel several times a week.
Sixteen days after liver transplantation a deterioration in liver function tests occurred and liver biopsy showed cytomegalovirus inclusion bodies.
While Omega 3's are good fats, * trans fats* are not good fats.
An alpha leads a pack, and the omega is the lowest standing.
In 1955 he also isolated the virus which causes cytomegalic inclusion disease in infants and, after working for five years on these diseases, he was able to show that the human foetus, while it is in the uterus, is particularly susceptible to attack by these viruses and that, if the foetus survives attack by them, the infant is often born with severe damage to its brain which causes mental retardation and cerebral palsy.
Thomas H. Weller - Biography
Try oily fish twice a week, an omega-3 supplement or foods fortified with these essential fats.
Times, Sunday Times
The statement Q n is then that the nth digit in the binary decimal for [Omega] is 1.
Fish is a key source of omega 3 oils which have health benefits particularly for the heart.
Other sources of omega 6 EFA's are human breast milk, soya beans, walnuts, spirulina and lecithin.
Splenomegaly or giant hemangioma can result in thrombocytopenia because of platelet sequestration.
This dish is low in fat but contains good fats and omega 3 oils.
The Sun
The immunohistochemical study for herpes virus and cytomegalovirus was negative in all cases.
Ah, yes, the round letters are quite small; yes, the omicrons and omegas seem to hover, there, in the middle of the line.
The clinical diagnosis can also be made difficult by associated diseases such as cryptosporidium, disseminated cryptococcosis, cytomegalovirus infection or mycobacterial infection.
Chapter 6
Omega - 3 fatty acids, such as those in oily fish and flaxseed oil, can relieve dry eyes by easing inflammation and stimulating tear production.
Try any -- or all -- of these: 200 mgs of alpha lipoic acid (100 mgs. at breakfast and again at dinner); 500 mgs of vitamin C ester, 50-100 mgs of DMAE, 100-250 mgs of GLA, and 1000 mgs of omega-3 three times per day.
Sun and Tanning
The alpha and omega of soldiering and training is discipline and drill.
The experienced consultant endocrinologist made a spot diagnosis as the couple entered the consulting room and directed his remarks entirely to the husband, who was clearly acromegalic.
It's little technical, but basically gives good reasons for why basically all women and men should take some form of fish oil: * An increased prostacyclin/thromboxane ratio induced by omega-3 FA can facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow.
Fish Oil & Fertility
It has a good ratio of omega 3 fats, as well as butyric acid and CLA which have both been shown to help prevent cancer.
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When buying omega-3 fortified food, check the source.
Times, Sunday Times
They found higher levels of the omega-6 fat called arachidonic acid in mice with memory loss and confused behavior.
Medlogs - Recent stories
As nearly as could be judged in that tangled hair and beard, the giant's features were acromegalic, eyes roofed with bony ridges, nose and jaw jutting coarsely forth, heavy lips and grisly huge teeth.
Three Hearts and Three Lions
Presence of cardiomegaly on the chest radiograph may be the only diagnostic clue and echocardiography may reveal pericardial effusion.
Objective To explore the condition of cytomegalovirus(CMV) infection and interstitial pneumonia(IP) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, and the effect of their prevention and treatment.
Credit: Guil Guerrero et al. The roe of hake, lumpsucker and salmon is the best dietary source of Omega 3, according to a study carried out by researchers at the University of Almería (UAL). - latest science and technology news stories
This is sold, alongside Omega cat food, through specialist outlets such as pet shops, garden centres and agricultural merchants.
This parallelled his true situation, where he had a normal face until being exposed to poison gas during WWI, which triggered the onset of the head-enlarging syndrome known as acromegaly.
Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.: Intriguing Factoids From the Horror/Sci-Fi/Mystery Genre
The omega - 3 oil found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna, sardines, herring, kippers, pilchards, trout and anchovies are known to have a protective effect on the heart.
If it were any heartier, it would actually suffer from inflammatory cardiomegaly.
Archive 2010-01-01
The alpha and the omega for this man who's worked to become the most despised, the most frightening artist in music.
Infectious mononucleosis should be suspected and a diagnostic evaluation obtained in febrile patients who have sore throat plus splenomegaly, palatal petechiae, or posterior, axillary, or inguinal adenopathy.
The alpha and omega of the weather manifesto is better weather.
Times, Sunday Times
She studied with the newly controversial Glenn Black at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y. She describes Black as "a masterful yogi and a bodyworker who specializes in a type of Orthopedic Physical Therapy called Bodytuning" she continues, a bit tongue-in-cheek "my relationship with my teacher is a very old fashioned mentor-mentee, very wax-on wax-off.
E. Nina Rothe: The Culture of Wellbeing: Jill Miller and the Great Yoga Controversy
And the problem today is that a lot of the oils we consume (canola oil sunflower oil and so on) are ripe with omega-6 fatty acids.
mild cardiomegaly is common in athletes
The omega-6 PUFAs, such as arachidonic acid, one of the major fats in your cell membranes, are made from linoleic acid.
The World's Healthiest Foods
I always thought white fish wasapoor source of omega-3, yet in my freezer I have packs of haddock and coley that all claimotherwise.
Food for Fort: Omega-3 in white fish, nutmeg graters and onion-free cooking
Alpha et Omega cognominatus, ipse fons et clausula, Omnium quae sunt, fuerunt, quaeque post futura sunt.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Her abdomen was soft, with mild epigastric tenderness and no rebound organomegaly.
Colchicine Poisoning
President Lyndon Johnson epitomized the alpha and omega of a leader's visionary determination.
At that time, the patient became jaundiced, without evidence of splenomegaly.
Among nuts, walnuts are very rich in omega - 3 fatty acids.
Congenital toxoplasmosis can mimic disease caused by organisms such as herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and rubella virus.
Observations made earlier this year by the OMEGA instrument on Mars Express showed that Mars has vast fields of perennial water ice, stretching out from its south pole.
I had not known about the halting problem, the number [Omega], or Lucas's curious theorem connecting the parity of binomial coefficients and the binary system.
Posted on: Friday, 11 December 2009, 13: 17 CST The roe of hake, lumpsucker and salmon is the best dietary source of Omega 3, according to a study carried out by researchers at the - Articles related to A quarter of all children overweight or obese when they start primary school
An average of 420 joules of ultraviolet laser energy, known as 3-omega, was achieved for each beamline, for a total energy of more than 80 kilojoules (a joule is the energy needed to lift a small apple one meter against the Earth's gravity). - latest science and technology news stories
The Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon will also thin the blood and help prevent blood clots.
On examination, the patient was mildly dyspneic, with massive ascites, left pleural effusion, left axillary lymphadenopathy and no hepatosplenomegaly.
Corn oil is a polyunsaturated vegetable oil rich in omega - 6 fatty acids.
If our thoughts and consciousnesses do not depend on the actual substances in our brains but rather on the structures, patterns, and relationships between parts, then Omega beings could think.
Representatives from IBM, Toshiba, Hitachi, Iomega, Microsoft, Phoenix, Absolute Software, and Circuit Assembly voted aye.
Omega - 3 essential fats elevate serotonin levels naturally and help improve mood and lift depression.
Other viruses, such as cytomegalovirus, herpes, and adenovirus, can also cause interstitial nephritis.
Firm or hard hepatomegaly is present nearly in all patients, often with a prominent left lobe, and this is usually one of the presenting signs.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
These six piscatorial picks, because of their noteworthy omega - 3 levels, also deserve a place on your plate.
This article deals with cardiomegaly, which is heart enlargement.
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The infant should be assessed for pallor, petechiae, extravasated blood, excessive bruising, hepatosplenomegaly, weight loss, and evidence of dehydration.
The results, published in the European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, show that Omega 3 fatty acids are present in all fish roe, but especially in the eggs of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), squid (Loligo vulgaris), cuttlefish (Sepia sp.), lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus), hake - latest science and technology news stories
Whole grains - These grains, such as pearled barley and oatmeal, are loaded with fiber, potassium, magnesium, chromium, omega-3 fatty acids and folate.
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He is the alpha and the omega, the principle and the end, the foundation stone and the keystone, the plenitude and the plenifier.
When thrombosis involves the portal or splenic veins the initial presentation may be variceal bleeding, splenomegaly, or ascites.
Numbers one hundred to nine hundred: Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega, Sampi.
But even tuna that are fattier, such as bluefin or bigeye tuna, are still healthy because they have plenty of good omega - 3 fats.
I feed her vitamins, omega oils and a nasty powder that tastes of seaweed.
Times, Sunday Times
People with HIV can also develop encephalitis from Toxoplasmosis and from the cytomegalovirus.
Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring , sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Mrs. Glass, sir, that sells snuff and tobacco, at the sign o’ the Thistle, somegate in the town.”
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
With chronic congestive hepatomegaly, cardiac cirrhosis may occur.
But he suffered bad hepatomegaly and edema and deep depression.
Past studies have hinted that herpes simplex viruses and cytomegalovirus, all of which are active in brain tissues, might be associated with dementia.
Omega Centauri has been known to be an unusual globular cluster for a long time.
As the Good Oil website points out, hempseed oil has 25 times the Omega-3s as olive oil - and half the saturated fat.
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Physical examination revealed a well-appearing young woman, blood pressure 210/140 mm Hg in both arms, fundoscopic exam was normal, lungs were clear, cardiac exam revealed II/VI systolic ejection murmur, abdomen was nontender without hepatosplenomegaly, stool was guaiac negative, neurologic and musculoskeletal exams were normal.
After the Diagnosis
The dining room is dead and the kitchen is the new hub of the home according to Yorkshire kitchen manufacturer Omega.
Alpha, rho, tau, sigma, omega, Ash went over the letters he saw in his mind while Lari just stared, apparently in her own little world.
Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnut, salmon, soybean, halibut, shrimp, snapper, tofu, scallop, and winter squash.
Omega Scorpii, a star, looks like a fifth moon, so don't be deceived.
Abdominal US revealed hepatomegaly, with a large welldefined hypoechoic mass lesion in the left lobe of liver.
Plant sources - such as flaxseed, which is often cited as a good source - has a form of omega 3 fatty acid called ALA.
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On physical examination, the patient was obese, with a protuberant abdomen but without palpable splenomegaly.
However, removing the omega-gliadin, gamma-gliadin, and LMW-GS loci from the short arm of chromosome 1 of the D-genome (1DS) removed T-cell stimulatory epitopes from the proteome while maintaining technological properties.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
“It’s a mere impossibility this night,” said the woman, “the troopers keep sae strict a guard; and they say there’s strange news come frae the east, that makes them rage in their cruelty mair fierce than ever — Ye maun take shelter somegate for the night before ye get to the muirs, and keep yoursell in hiding till the grey o’ the morning, and then you may find your way through the
Old Mortality
We found out the most popular brand is the Yomega Brain, which costs about $ 10.
On his first admission, chest radiography showed cardiomegaly, and an immediate two-dimensional echocardiographic study demonstrated a massive pericardial effusion.
Objective To investigate the clinical features of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) hepatitis and the effect of Ganciclovir ( GCV ) on it.
But this one happens to be one of the most guiltless combinations of the three: Starting with fiber-rich multigrain bread — and only a sliver per scoopful of squash — going onto Vitamins A, C, potassium, manganese, calcium and even Omega-3 fatty acids found in most winter squash, and finally the healthy dose of calcium and relative low fat in ricotta compared to other cheeses.
Winter Squash Bruschetta
Diseases of the salivary glands are rare in infants and children (with the exception of diseases such as parotitis epidemica and cytomegaly) and the therapeutic regimen differs from that in adults.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Leucodepletion also reduces transmission rates of other cell associated viruses such as cytomegalovirus.
Context: Pegvisomant (PEG) therapy has been associated with drug-induced liver dysfunction in acromegalic patients.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Current Issue
Healthy fats - the omegas - can be found in flaxseed oil, flaxseeds and cold-water fish such as salmon or tuna.
Specific resistance. [rho] 1 ohm. [omega] 1 megohm.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
Food supplements can help you to lose weight Add omega-3 oils as a capsule or liquid to a smoothie or porridge.
Times, Sunday Times
DHA contains highly concentrated omega-3 fatty acids from ultra purified, concentrated by molecular distillation.
OmegaPrime has specific "anti-allergy" fat called perilla seed oil.
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Most big studies confirming the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3s have tested either docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 found in salmon, sardines and breast milk, or another fish oil called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Snake Oil in Your Snacks
One research team in the U.K. recently experimented on human cells in artificial blood vessels to try to understand what role omega 3s play in inflammation.
Abdominal ultrasonography or computed tomographic scanning with contrast medium is appropriate when organomegaly is present.
TinaTheriault Alpha Chi Omega philanthropy event:) casino night, dinner, and auctions! tvwells Just finished up a great session on The Rockefeller Foundation's vision and strategy with @ianwilhelm @philanthropy.
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Octreotide also is given to decrease growth hormone secretion in acromegaly.
A plesiosaurian!" exclaimed Omega, leveling his glasses at the beast.
Omega, the Man
The conclusions of the study also show that minimal consumption of lumpsucker, hake or salmon roe satisfies the human body's Omega 3 essential fatty acid requirements, because of its levels of EPA y DHA. - latest science and technology news stories
For instance, the Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle omega counterfeit is notorious for its complexness; and has duped many coin collecting experts. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
The magic ingredient is the Omega 3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Washington: A new study carried out by researchers at the University of Almería (UAL) has found that the roe of hake, lumpsucker and salmon is the best dietary source of Omega 3.
Daily News & Analysis
Why should one of the elect be bothered about table manners, if cognitive ability, without virtue or civility, is the alpha and omega of human excellence?
Along with more than fifty antioxidants, including cyanidin-3 glucoside, which is an anthocyanin, Acai is an exceptionally good source of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and trace minerals.
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A minority of patients have gigantism / acromegaly with elevated levels of prolactin and growth hormone.
Arachidonic acid is an omega - 6 fatty acid contained in animal products that, when metabolized, produces potent inflammatory leukotrienes.
The Omega Vert VRT330 juicer is about $400 but it is well worth the money since it juices very well and has a 10 year warranty on all the parts.
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Although fresh tuna is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, when tuna is canned the levels of these fats are reduced to a much lower level.
Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs, omega-6 fatty acids are essential to normal skin, hair growth and development.
Another healthy cooked dish is scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, or kippers packed with nourishing omega 3 fats.
The Sun
Cell lines were maintained as directed by the source, and DNA isolations were performed using Wizard genomic DNA purification (Promega).
Just two tablespoons contain a huge helping of potassium, calcium and omega-3 fat.
The Sun
CMV pneumonitis was defined purely on a histologic basis by the presence of typical cytomegalic cells with characteristic intracellular inclusions or positive immunolabeling with a CMV-specific antibody.
The authors cite a study that determined consumption of a wide variety of fish is best for minimizing mercury exposure and increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake.
What letter is before omega in the Greek alphabet?
However, all patients presented with leukocytosis, minimal lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly.
Their oily flesh is full of healthy omega oils.
Times, Sunday Times
The closest star system, Alpha Centauri, and the giant Omega Centauri globular star cluster also shine in the starry night.
Doctors say his son's growth was natural, and not the result of a condition such as giantism or acromegaly, caused by too much growth hormone.
To obtain satisfactory image quality, magnetic toner preferably has a volume average particle diameter of 5-15. mu.m, a volume resistivity of 10.sup.13. OMEGA… cm or more, and a triboelectricity in an absolute value of 5-60. mu.C / g.
Whether it is canned in oil, brine, or spring water, canned tuna is low in omega 3 essential fats.
Passing over my usual salad greens—the relatively low-nutrient romaine—I scoop up some arugula, which is high in vitamin K and is one of the few foods aside from fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
The herb purslane has the highest amount of heart-healthy omega-3 fats of any edible plant.
Hypertrophy of the digits is the result of many different processes, and true hypertrophy or gigantism must be differentiated from acromegaly, elephantiasis, leontiasis, and arthritis deformans, for which distinction the reader is referred to an article by Park.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
On admission here, he had a low grade pyrexia, bilateral pleural effusions, and moderate smooth hepatomegaly.
Physical examination revealed scleral icterus and a markedly distended abdomen with hepatomegaly.
~ Flaxseed Halts Prostate Cancer Growth New Study Shows -- "A new US study suggests that flaxseed, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and lignans, can stop prostate cancer tumours from growing.
Speedlinking 6/4/07
Products like salad dressings and mayonnaise made with high - omega - 3 soybean oil could provide health benefits.
Alpha, rho, tau, sigma, omega, Ash went over the letters he saw in his mind while Lari just stared, apparently in her own little world.
Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and fresh tuna are the best source of Omega 3 which is rich in Eicosapentaenoic acid.
Conclusion The change of the cardiac structure can prevail in the initial stage of the acromegalic disease, including the presence of an increased LVM and the enlargement of the cardiac chamber.
the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end
That's the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, and there's no exceptions.
Currently he is part of a Latino Fraternity, Omega Delta Phi, works at the Centro Cultural César Chávez, and even spent a term abroad in Mexico, where he became fluent in Spanish.
The Daily Barometer
Omegas help moisturize the skin at exceptional levels.
Back in the lab the Danish researchers used an old gas chromatograph to study the samples, and found chemicals that they had never heard of before called omega-3 fatty acids.
What You Need To Know About Fish Oil
Centered on the crest is the white carnation, with the Chi to the left and the Omega to the right of the flower.
The alpha and omega of soldiering and training is discipline and drill.
Increasing our omega-3 intake may therefore promote better health and longevity.
Times, Sunday Times
Lemon was in Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital for nine days before a doctor concluded he had POEMS Syndrome, an acronym for polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and skin changes syndrome.
The Facts: News
Fish get their omega-3 from algae and plankton.
The Sun
The Globe article comes with an amazing college picture of Kerry, which makes him look like the 1933 heavyweight champ Primo Carnera, a simple-minded acromegalic giant with a pituitary gland problem.
Archive 2005-06-05
The clinical infection is characterized by chronic fever and hepatosplenomegaly.
The poet Prudentius says, "Alpha et Omega cognominatus, ipse fons et clausula omnium quae sunt, fuerunt, quaeque post future sunt" (Cathemer.,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Splenomegaly, ascites, and extrahepatic symptoms of chronic liver disease were notably absent.
I'll try to explain why this is so: like any number we can, theoretically at least, write Omega in binary notation, as a string of 0s and 1s.
High in omega-3 fatty acids, it also has "800 times more lignan than anything else you could stick in your mouth," says Duke University cancer researcher Wendy Demark-Wahnefried.
Cancer Treatments From the Kitchen
Objective To explore the condition of cytomegalovirus(CMV) infection and interstitial pneumonia(IP) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, and the effect of their prevention and treatment.
A new study from Australia echoes some past research that omega-3 fatty acids may protect against a very common age-related vision problem, something known as macular degeneration.
CNN Transcript May 16, 2009
On examination, he was mildly dehydrated and showed petechiae over his trunk and limbs; no lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or bone masses were identified.
` ` The night's very dark, '' said Hobbie, rising and looking through the casement of the cottage; ` ` and, to speak truth, and shame the deil, though Elshie's a real honest fallow, yet somegate
The Black Dwarf
Physical exam reveals scleral icterus, an enlarged liver that is firm to palpation, and occasional splenomegaly.
Two helpful tips the authors present are that lymphangitic streaking is often consistent with cutaneous infection, and that splenomegaly is rare in metastatic cancer.
The point is not whether Rondo Hatton and Fred Lightner really were exposed to mustard gas, or if they -- like many others -- became acromegalic through some other internal process.
Archive 2008-04-06
Enlargement of liver (also known as hepatomegaly), enlargement of spleen (known as splenomegaly) in some cases
The artists designed the scent with flavourist Steven Pearce at Omega Ingredients, UK.
What Does The Moon Smell Like? Find Out With This Scratch And Sniff
Salmon, albacore tuna, lake trout, mackerel, herring, and sardines contain lots of omega - 3s.
A quarter mile doon, the wersh blinterin sun forced itsel in throu the UV filter gless at the corridor heid, illuminatin the faces an keek panels o the first fifty Omegas.
Archive 2004-09-01
He is the alpha to my omega, the end to my beginning.
Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry last month showed that men in the service with low levels of an omega-3 fatty acid known as docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, were 62% more likely to commit suicide.
Army looking at how fish oil might reduce suicides
OmegaFlex uses a vegetarian form of glucosamine called glucosamine hydrochloride, which is the most bio-available form (ie. the most easily absorbed).
Health News from Medical News Today
This one hundred seats restaurant sits on the 6th floor of the building where Gucci, Burberry, Bottega Vneta, Vertu, Zino Davidoff, Canali, Omega...adorn the mall.
Omega is an aircraft tire contractor specialising in tire leasing programs. We are also in the aftermarket spares business stocking spares in Asia, to meet with the rising requirements in Asia.
The second main group puts together the GDAP1 proteins with those of the zeta, phi, omega, lambda, tau, beta, and theta classes, plus a few minor sets of sequences.
Amplification of persisting papillomavirus or polyomavirus DNA sequences by incurrent infections with herpes simplex of cytomegaloviruses may also contribute to the emergence of malignant tumors.
They herded sheep, the alpha and omega of their cuisine.
Times, Sunday Times
Tales of the Shadowmen 3: 01 The Heart of the Moon [Telzey Amberdon; Captain Kronos; Solomon Kane; Maciste; Dr Omega; the Vampire City] - Matthew Baugh
Superhero Prose Fiction: Iron Man - Iron Man (novelisation)
Another healthy cooked dish is scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, or kippers packed with nourishing omega 3 fats.
The Sun
There are dangers to thinking of time as headed inevitably to some omega point, of us being on some inevitable road to Armageddon.
The authors note that other types of maternal infections during pregnancy such as rubella, varicella, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis may cause central nervous system abnormalities and cognitive delay in offspring.
Infection Control Today Articles
It's a mere impossibility this night," said the woman, "the troopers keep sae strict a guard; and they say there's strange news come frae the east, that makes them rage in their cruelty mair fierce than ever -- Ye maun take shelter somegate for the night before ye get to the muirs, and keep yoursell in hiding till the grey o 'the morning, and then you may find your way through the Drake Moss.
Old Mortality, Volume 1.
The omega-3 found in mackerel, sardines and anchovies increases blood flow to the brain.
The Sun
Increasing our omega-3 intake may therefore promote better health and longevity.
Times, Sunday Times
Abdominal distention, elevation in serum liver enzyme levels (usually reversible upon discontinuation), hepatomegaly, increased appetite, nausea, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer with possible perforation and hemorrhage, perforation of the small and large intestine
For a Pack werewolf, such a handicap would condemn me to omega status - the bottom of the heap.
There are a couple of things which can present with massive splenomegaly in the context of granulomatous disorders and may occasionally mimic other syndromes.
freaked out," because she didn't recognize Tanya. acromegaly, also known as gigantism, caused by a tumor in her brain that is pushing on her pituitary gland, causing it to produce an excess of growth hormone.
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As you learned in chapter 2, the omega-3s activate nuclear receptors called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, or PPARs.
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And if it be my Alpha and Omega that everything heavy shall become light, every body a dancer, and every spirit a bird: and verily, that is my Alpha and Omega!
Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none
Other notable findings at admission were splenomegaly, pancytopenia, hyponatremia, elevated levels of liver enzymes, hyperferritinemia and hypofibrinogenemia.
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Fish-oil supplements are particularly rich in an omega-3 fatty acid called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which discourages inflammation, says Priscilla Evans, N.D., a naturopathic doctor at the Community Wholistic Health Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
He is the alpha and the omega, the principle and the end, the foundation stone and the keystone, the plenitude and the plenifier.
Patients: Thirty-six acromegalic patients with active disease, resistant to somatostatin analogs, participated.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Current Issue
Thoracic and abdominal visceral involvement and hepatosplenomegaly were absent.