How To Use Omb In A Sentence

  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • You would be hard pressed to find a young captain or major who hadn't flown combat sorties in the area of operations.
  • Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage. The Seattle Times
  • Combine the corn with steamed green vegetables like asparagus and offer baked potatoes to ensure the children don't go hungry.
  • Divide half the mixture between 4 glass bowls, then sprinkle with a few fresh raspberries and a bit more crushed honeycomb. The Sun
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  • For instance, a few weeks ago in my sports statistics class, I envisioned a type of graph that’s a combination boxplot and lineplot — instead of turning towards Excel, I coded a Mathematica module to create this type of graph and then automate the creation of many of these. Wolfram Blog : Get Your Game On for Mathematics Awareness Month!
  • But I needed to know who it was so I pulled out a comb and brushed my hair forward a little and put it to the side.
  • A few nights ago, after viewing one of these, I was quaffing beer in Bombay Peggy's and learned that every one of the four women at the table happened to live on the other side of a river, either the Yukon or the Klondike.
  • The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Urban guerrillas detonated a car bomb in front of the company's headquarters.
  • Before that I was the sales manager with a Bombay consumer electricals company.
  • And at the same time the huge body tried to take the invader and enwomb it. The Gunslinger
  • The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
  • Cppd crystals are smaller rods, squares, or rhomboids and are difficult to identify with light microscopy.
  • But he likes the feeling of pride he gets when marshaling a bomber plane to the runway for a launch - no matter the weather.
  • Of course, this kid dreams of a place like this island, where nobody works except to keep house and pick wild blueberries and beachcomb. Diary
  • Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
  • The contours show combinations of mimic phenotypes that are attacked by predators with equal probability.
  • A combining approach to find all taxon names (FAT) in legacy biosystematic literature. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • When combined with combinatorial chemistry methods, scientists can dramatically increase their chances for a hit. The Scientist
  • The Blonde had the doracha seekh, a combination of chicken and crab flakes chargrilled in the tandoor oven and served with a piquant mango and avocado chutney, at £7.50.
  • The new Combi can be used either as a passenger plane, or for transporting freight.
  • The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
  • Stick us in a virgin paradise, and we create great honeycombed bureaucracies, vast bramble-fields of rules and regulations, ornate politburos filled with policymaking politicos, and, above all, tangled webs of power.
  • I instantly grew a floppy fringe, bought a combat jacket and started shuffling.
  • Iron, in contrast, combines with elements such as oxygen and sulphur to make mineral ores.
  • DNAs were isolated from individuals that were homozygous for recombinant haplotypes.
  • The best adequacy for EA was obtained by combinations of imipenem/cilastatin or piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin and a glycopeptide, with values reaching 99% and 94%, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • combustion products are exhausted in the engine
  • He allegedly discussed with them the idea of detonating a nuclear or radiological bomb in the United States. The Missing Padilla Video
  • Since it is implausibe that readers would need to disbelieve their supension of disbelief -- we all know going in that our suspension of disbelief is artificial -- it must be the second kind of "information" that needs to be combatted. Saying Something
  • In some cases, difficulties arise because of a combination of less individualisation and low survival.
  • In an effort to take some of the beguilement out of her young eyes, I make light of your dark and somber task.
  • The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
  • C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
  • The black and gold range has an electric oven combined with a gas fired hob.
  • It goes without saying that you should never have more children than you have car windows. Erma Bombeck 
  • Anti-monarchist rebels bombed the police base a, triggering a fierce exchange of fire.
  • Add in baking powder and flour and combine well. The Sun
  • This led rebel leaders to agree to combine their forces in one division under a unified command structure.
  • These studies rely on the model that the likelihood of two sequences recombining with each other depends on the average amount of space separating them.
  • It ain 'fittin' fo 'you-all to say anythin' ag'in 'Dr. Morgan, whatever he may _se_-lect to do," asserted Bud, combatively, and Pink hastened to hedge. A Tar-Heel Baron
  • So return to him, O thou monk, and say that the single combat shall take place to morrow, for this day we have come off our journey and are aweary; but after rest neither reproach nor blame fear ye. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
  • In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
  • The desserts were homey and filling - the baked banana with chocolate sauce is the ultimate for those people who love that combination.
  • Combined with the snowily austere imagery of the scene, the effect is chilling.
  • Invitro certain combinations of oncogenes cooperate to transform primary rat cells.
  • His bankruptcy or winding-up usually abrogates the agreement, and may restore to the bank its right to combine the accounts without notice.
  • Yet because many of the environmental consequences are hidden from view and from our national income accounts, we sit atop ticking ecological time bombs.
  • Prions tous pour nos propres pilotes à qui on a fait appel, pour une fin rapide des combats, et pour l'instauration d'un gouvernement de la Libye par les libyens qui respecte les droits de l'homme. Bishop Pierre Whalon: 'Just War' And The Intervention In Libya
  • Brown bags of pasta stand ready to be combined with cans of Italian tuna, homemade pickled vegetables, home-canned tomato sauce, and jars of his favorite imported red peppers.
  • I've known Chastity since she was young, and this girl was a total tomboy.
  • Transport aircraft carrying supplies kept the German columns moving swiftly, and finally relentless bombing helped to force Warsaw into submission.
  • The common basis of all gumbos is the roux, a roughly equal combination of flour and fat cooked until very nearly burnt; it is the dark smoky roux that gives the gumbo its colour and flavour.
  • Recombinant Oct-11 protein binds specifically to an octamer sequence invitro.
  • Last Thursday, campus officials received a bomb threat that was sent over the university e-mail system.
  • As the last country in the world to abolish slavery, only in 1888, temporary slavery due to indebtedness and forced labour has continued and been combated regularly by Government in isolated regions, where the arms of the justice system face a demographic challenge. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fighting contemporary slavery
  • We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
  • A treatise that combined "Plinian lore with the recipes of Martino, cook to Cardinal Trevisan, who kept the best table in Rome. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • In 2004, when Merck's brand of simvastatin, known as Zocor, was about to go off patent, Merck teamed up with Schering-Plough to produce a new patented product called Vytorin, a combination of simvastatin and Zetia. Zetia: Down for the count?
  • His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
  • Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
  • The period detail has been painstakingly recreated and it is shot in a sombre palette of olive greens and sepia tones.
  • The most important of the salts, formed by the combinations of the sulphuric acid, are, first, _sulphat of potash_, formerly called _sal polychrest_: this is a very bitter salt, much used in medicine; it is found in the ashes of most vegetables, but it may be prepared artificially by the immediate combination of sulphuric acid and potash. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
  • For men, halfhearted comb-overs, plugs, weaves, and toupees are strictly forbidden and will be cause for harsh disciplinary action.
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • ‘Maria Maria Maria’ is simply gorgeous - a dark, reverb-soaked slab of despondency with a lyrical combination of absurdism and sincerity that could only have come from Merritt.
  • The simulations were iterated 500 times for each parameter combination.
  • Police called up water cannon to combat violent left-wingers in the capital.
  • Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom
  • So numerous and various were the influences, formative and impellent, which combined to bring the colonies up to the precise ripening-point of their independence, as to make it difficult to assign each its proper force. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • First, the oxidation state of any atom in an uncombined element is equal to zero.
  • Beat well until completely combined and cover with a tea towel or cling film. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
  • Yet a combined diploma and degree system leaves room to move up the hierarchy and enjoy career progress. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was indeed, the dirty brown hair was neatly combed and the coat was new and clean, he was smiling fit to burst as he entertained giggling ladies and laughing lords.
  • The bomb exploded and blew them all to kingdom come.
  • From the combined results Thomas's group estimated an average particle size of 100 for the copper metal aggregates.
  • The Archaic period (c. early 6th century - 480 BC) saw a great flowering of Etruscan art with the production of fine tomb paintings, funerary sculptures, and architectural terracottas.
  • But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness. GALILEE
  • As a holder of the Combat Infantrymans Badge, it and my Parachute badge are still on my old field jacket, as is the 173 Abn Bde patch on the right shoulder. Why Life is Now More Complicated
  • Argo to seek the Golden Fleece; their moniker combines the name of their ship and the Greek word "nautēs," meaning "sailor. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • The gear, potentially the future of combat wear, enables soldiers and commandos to charge their kit on the move. Times, Sunday Times
  • A classic example of cleaning fan losses can be found at headlands where combine speeds suddenly drop.
  • The combined entity was meant to unveil its first results last month. Times, Sunday Times
  • It might have been her outpouring of love and grief, it might have been her courage in driving away the wild animals, the length of her lonely vigil on the mountain, or a combination of these.
  • Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
  • Add the molasses, corn oil, and maple syrup and, using a rubber spatula, gently stir to combine.
  • Part one, describing the destructive effects of the bomb on the population of the two cities, was published on August 6.
  • We will be frequently using these orders to combat vice and the directly-associated crime.
  • Wanat was a horrific insurgent attack on a U.S. combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan last summer that left nine soldiers dead and 27 wounded. Way Up In The Sky Is The Leader Of The Greatest Band Of All Time | ATTACKERMAN
  • Ninety percent of the students in Quashie's class bombed the midterm.
  • Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound. CHAPTER XVI
  • High jinks and fast-moving action prove another winning combination for Bad Boy cops Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in this long-awaited sequel.
  • In 1975, after losing 3 "weathermen" terrrorists in a bomb-making accident and being that they are now on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List, Ayers & Dohrn "go underground". Latest Articles
  • AMV itself could become a future combat weapon system platform.
  • The film explores the combat between good and evil.
  • Islanders on the frontline hid in bomb shelters. The Sun
  • Details of how British electronic components have been found in roadside bombs were given to David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, when he visited British troops at their military compound at Lashkagar, in Helmand province, earlier this week. Religion News Roundup — Islam: Music, Chess, and Sin
  • He combined athleticism, judgement and skill in an irresistible mix - and he was a great sportsman, totally devoid of egomania.
  • What is the difference between a hydrogen bomb and an atomic bomb? Times, Sunday Times
  • He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
  • My best guess is if negotiations haven't got anywhere by the end of Eid, in other words towards the end of this week, then I think there will be a battle for Sirte, but not yet. ruled out the extradition of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi . The Guardian World News
  • Traditional bridal wear combines with theatrical costume and effects to create an entertaining and thought-provoking visual statement.
  • The bomb reached its intended target ten seconds later.
  • To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
  • Enfin pourrait-on dire, l´occident, après des décennies de surdité, en vient lentement à combattre ce fléau criminel économique qui gangrène autant le développement de l´Afrique qu´il engraisse l´illégalité fiscale en Europe et de par le monde. Global Voices in English » Paris court investigates three African leaders
  • Mr Cole remained sombre, straight-faced and silent as the returning officer pronounced Ms Greene, a local school governor, the victor with a 2,000-plus majority.
  • Hiding out in or near steamy rivers and swamps in South America east of the Andes from Colombia to Paraguay and also on the island of Trinidad, these semiaquatic serpents are the largest snakes in the world.
  • I thought of biochemistry in our neighboring sciences and of psychophysics, and more recently of psychopharmacology, as examples of fruitful splitting and recombination in our own science.
  • Other reporting from the field indicates the use of a combined-arms offensive - employing ground maneuver forces, artillery and aircraft - to effectuate the assault on Samarra.
  • The movie would perhaps be better described as a suspenseful intrigue, but due to the inclusion of zombies, undead or not, it gets called "horror. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Guess it would have been OK if the discombobulated old drunk had skittled some kid on a zebra crossing.
  • It's a striking image of traumatic birth from a monstrous, disembodied womb. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whipping round, he found himself facing four figures in black military style combat gear and carrying guns and flashlights.
  • I finally decided to use a ‘sagger,’ a container in which the pottery is placed, along with a combustible material (sawdust).
  • Lieutenant General Fritz Bayerlein provides a vivid account of what it was like to endure carpet-bombing.
  • The protons recombine with the oxygen in the air that's also flowing through the fuel cell and is then expelled as water vapor.
  • Bring to the boil, add the gelatine and stir to combine. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can easily combine your sport with a winter-sun holiday full of sightseeing and safaris.
  • By combining our specialist industry knowledge and expertise, Sword Apak and AutoVIN can offer a comprehensive solution for the wholesale floorplanning finance community", commented James Powell, Sales Director for Sword Apak. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Protein/reporter combinations were generated by crossing transformants.
  • Consider a combination of red, orange yellow and orange for a striking fall layout, or a combination of icy blues and purples for a frosty winter page.
  • Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
  • Regardless of whether those pessimistic readings of the debate are correct, and of whether the zombie idea itself is sound or incoherent, it continues to stimulate fruitful work on consciousness, physicalism, phenomenal concepts, and the relations between imaginability, conceivability, and possibility. Zombies
  • They've all combined to form a huge black cloud that is going to taunt me all day.
  • It is probable, however, that M. Thoinan, who makes this statement, has not considered the possibility of the word _musette_ applying in this case to the small rustic hautbois or _dessus de bombarde_, also written _muse_, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • When she returned she redressed her hair, drawing it back across her ears, put in at a provocative angle a fan-like carved shell comb, and twisted a shawl of flame-colored silk -- it was a manton, she instructed him -- about her shoulders. Cytherea
  • Cristalhombre wrote me asking for further references on "foodie" places at Lakeside after my review of the wonderful Tabarka Restaurant featuring splendid Spanish Mediterranean seafood from the Alicante Region and I told him I knew of few places that met those standards at Lakeside but Dawg has just discovered another place that is new and special beyond belief so here goes: Cuisine From The Costa Blanca
  • The combining form 'Anglo', which means English, combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile.
  • I would point and say, Gentlemen, this is the target for today ... this is the bombload for today .... Col. Lawrence Gilbert
  • I often meet useful people at parties, so I combine business with pleasure.
  • In spite of all this, there is something about Shakespeare and something about performance without walls; in combination, they make magic.
  • It was a wordplay on "Colombia" that Matthew had seen before in newspapers, with no exact translation. A KING'S RANSOM
  • The recession is not going to go away overnight, especially in the most bombed out sectors such as construction and property.
  • Kelvin surmounted this problem by running a single wire along his machine that went around each wheel, so that the combined effects of all wheels would be represented by the motion at the end of the wire.
  • A warm, inviting womb of a restaurant, it's a place that improbably manages to rise above the staggering kitschness of waiters exchanging 'buon appetito' with diners who don't speak a word of the language either.
  • According to bury circumstance judgement, put possibly inside circumjacent bigger range in more and dinosaurian fossil, disentomb foreground is very hopeful.
  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • I remember spending as much time reading the contents of the books in Deus Ex and Fable, and reading the pads in Doom 3, as I ever spent actually trying to beat combatants. Some Thoughts, Part Seven – Games « The Graveyard
  • A grid of rhomboid forms, like windows in a high-rise, tilts and careens to the upper right of the 12-foot expanse of Lost Highway, as though rushing away.
  • Mix the flour, sugar and raisins together in a bowl then add the liquid, stirring well to combine.
  • The ten purebred dogs, most of them Labrador retrievers, were rescued about a year ago when U.S. law-enforcement officers raided a rural Colombia veterinary clinic.
  • This is a combat flight simulator with the emphasis on action rather than accuracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gimmick is that copycat killings allow the series to combine the past and the present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses. Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
  • He allegedly said he would have continued bombing ethnic minority communities if he had not been caught.
  • A similar blend of fuel oil allegedly was used in the Oklahoma City bombing.
  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • In the past, the Democrats combined their anti-communism with liberal reformist policies.
  • In 1991 the new Länder accounted for 20 per cent of reunified Germany's combined labour force but less than 7 per cent of its combined GNP.
  • Shortly after Joe Haldeman received a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy from the University of Maryland, he was drafted into the army where he served (and received a Purple Heart medal) as a combat engineer in Vietnam. MIND MELD: The Funniest Writers in the History of SF/F
  • Kitesurfing evolved in the mid-1990s out of other extreme water sports, combining the most exciting elements of windsurfing and wakeboarding and taking them to vastly greater heights.
  • Pastilla is a layered pastry dish combining almonds and shredded meat.
  • This is typical of Clare's bombproof organisational skills.
  • At the moment when she makes her entrance into this history which we are relating, she was an antique virtue, an incombustible prude, with one of the sharpest noses, and one of the most obtuse minds that it is possible to see. Les Miserables
  • Instead of being given a single engined aircraft as was usual, we were allowed to use one of the latest and fastest new twin-engined bombers!
  • Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.
  • Archaeologists were excited to find lots of bronzes, ceramics, lacquerworks, wood tomb figures, steel weapons and leather weapons, jewelry and even coloured drawings.
  • The 88-year-old coble, a flat-bottomed fishing boat, had survived a direct hit by a stick bomb in 1943, which went right through her hull.
  • The elector, incensed at the unsoldierly destruction, challenged the mares-chal to a single combat. Sir Charles Grandison
  • Therefore she discountenanced his going down to Bombay to get married.
  • The Maldives is slowly being submerged and with this technology we could make new islands and combine them with artificial coral reefs. Times, Sunday Times
  • One, they should circumscribe the role of the ombudsman, preferably to higher levels of government, and focus on increasing transparency. Getting a Grip on Indian Corruption
  • During both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, the B - 52's internal stowage of eighty-four 500-pound bombs made it a formidable offensive weapon.
  • Last I recall ninjutsu was the art of stealth, not the art of pitched one on one combat!
  • The students seemed to offer another option for an administration already grappling with sabo -- teurs in Iraq and suicide bombers in Israel: to sit back and wait for a second Iranian revolution. Firefight Over Iran
  • Entrance costs £2.45 and there will also be a tombola and raffle.
  • Combine the reduced fumet, wine, pastis, and mussel liquid if using, in small heavy saucepan.
  • Too many soldiers have returned from combat with tales of faulty equipment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Persons must indeed be of very uncleanly habits, whose heads absolutely require the aid of this comb, as the brush alone sufficiently possesses the power of effectually cleaning the hair from scurf, dandriff, and dust, if constantly used. The Ladies' Vase Polite Manual for Young Ladies
  • I was the one who had convinced him to bring the bomb, even if it wasn't intentional.
  • The streets were swept with electronic gadgets seeking hidden bombs.
  • Moreover, the combined salaries of the three wardens or lieutenants was now less than £400 per annum, and much of this was recouped by reviving the ancient practice of farming the shrievalties.
  • The mysterious tonic and the fine-tooth metal comb brought Walker incredible wealth.
  • Measures to combat pollution within the city have been introduced.
  • (If you are willing to postulate a matter-antimatter explosive, aka a positronium bomb, then P can increase by the maximal amount from 0 to e/3.) Dark Matter: Still Existing
  • The accused is linked to the bombing that took place in Abuja," said Hein Louw, the magistrate overseeing the court proceeding. Nigerian militant leader charged over car bombs on independence day
  • The 320 million of annual cost savings pencilled for the combined entity would represent a decent chunk of added value. Times, Sunday Times
  • The war-time hangars were not suited for comfort, and it was not until 1956 that combustion heating was provided in the classroom.
  • In combination with the single-classloader model of WAR-deployment this is very handy for even the smallest applications. Sun Bloggers
  • Hiroshima -- As a mountain range rises angularly in the background, two Japanese misses, one in modern dress, the other clad in a traditional Japanese kimono, pose beside the Peace Bridge in Hiroshima during a day of remembrance, the ninth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima with atomic bombs. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Naturally, the epitaph on his tombstone should read ‘Th-that-that's all folks!’
  • Every few weeks a passenger has a heart attack so thrombolytic drugs are kept on-hand, says Chris Taylor, the ship's senior doctor. What It Takes to Keep a City Afloat
  • As demonstrated in the literature, lymphangiography combined with CT is the standard procedure for detecting the obstruction site of the thoracic duct or a tumor mass in the mediastinal area.
  • It may act as such, by suppressing ovulation, but it also works by making the lining of the womb hostile to the newly conceived embryo.
  • Her longings grew more varied and virulent with each passing year: raw pig meat, Hawaiian pineapples infeasible to procure in revolutionary Cuba, chewing tobacco, cockscomb stew. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
  • German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
  • Camara joked that he did not know what the word "discombobulate" meant. NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball - Tennessee vs. Kentucky
  • The Brass-Cell filter consists of a tinplated aluminum frame, tin-plated stainless steel gasket (Ultra Quick-Shield) and brass honeycomb panels.
  • Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra: Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
  • Two weeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.
  • He combed his fingers through his short cropped hair and opened the door.
  • The typical concrete edge, the unhealthy pollution caused by too much sliced white bread and the overpowering dominance of aggressive species such as Canada geese and coots combine to turn them into lifeless wet deserts.
  • Most villagers have cleaned out their bomb shelters and made sure to stock canned food and medical supplies. Times, Sunday Times
  • I NOTICE that apart from the widespread complaint that the German pilotless planes ‘seem so unnatural’ (a bomb dropped by a live airman is quite natural, apparently), some journalists are denouncing them as barbarous, inhumane, and ‘an indiscriminate attack on civilians’. As I Please
  • The movie bombed at the box office.

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