How To Use Olympian In A Sentence

  • The temple of the +Olympian Zeus+ at Athens (Fig. 39), a mighty dipteral Corinthian edifice measuring 354 by 171 feet, standing on a vast terrace or temenos surrounded by a buttressed wall, was begun by Antiochus Epiphanes (170 B.C.) on the site of an earlier unfinished A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete.
  • The three brothers became the blacksmiths of the Olympian gods, creating Zeus' thunderbolts, Poseidon's trident.
  • In effect, her job was simply to be Dawn Fraser, be inspiring to all those young Olympians who had grown up venerating her name.
  • But this isn't some random apothegm; it is a dramatic thought, provoked by the life situation of the main character and attributed to him; it certainly is not an Olympian idea delivered from on high. Martin Amis's 'The Pregnant Widow' Is A 'Strange, Sparkling Novel' (New York Review)
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  • The three-time Olympian reached the final of the keirin but finished last. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is, the Olympian Zeus 'ban on human creativity: which shows Zeus's intended bestialization of all mortal human individuals, by forbidding, not only the use, but the discovery of any universal physical principle, such as "fire," or, today, nuclear-fission power. LaRouche's Latest
  • He should have consented to know but the grand personal adventure on the grand personal basis: nothing short of this, no poor cognisance of confusable, pettifogging things, the sphere of earth-grubbing questions and two-penny issues, would begin to be, on any side, Olympian enough. The Finer Grain
  • The study of 39 athletes included former Olympians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olympian is privileged to work a little longer by the light of the useful "tolly," Caesar and Jonathan would talk freely of past, present, and future. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • Or if not physics, the Greek club, since like Antaeus the V-Wagon maintains an Olympian grip on the earth and draws strength from it. Cadillac's Insane, Unnecessary, Awesome Wagon
  • Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm.
  • Instead, try following the lead of the Olympians of yesteryear and get crafty with items already in your house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olympian plain
  • They rowed and niggled years ago, most memorably here in 2005 when they jostled with Olympian petulance. Australian Open 2011: Nalbandian and Hewitt fight dying of the light | Kevin Mitchell
  • The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete.
  • This Olympian view of custodianship was vehemently rejected by Mercouri, who in 1981 became her country's minister of culture (a post she held, save a four-year interregnum, until her death in 1994). Grading the New Acropolis
  • Whether the Olympian is a kid – just 15 years old, or considered “old” for the sport – in their 30′s but still racing for an Olympic gold. Why I Love the Olympics: A Love Letter to Apolo Anton Ohno and Michael Phelps « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • I defy anyone to dispute the truly Olympian nature of all that, when compressed into one package. Times, Sunday Times
  • That said, attacking a special olympian, a wheel chair bound amputee is probably counterproductive. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Another featured guest was Jim Scherr, the CEO of the U.S. Olympic Committee and a 1988 Olympian in freestyle wrestling.
  • Not to mention the Illiad (an intermural squabble among the Olympian Gods), the Hundred Years War (is God a Catholic or a Protestant?), the Crusades, and every clash of civilizations from the Bronze Age to the Gunpowder Age. Rep. John Lewis Compares McCain To George Wallace
  • Ricky Simms, who manages both Ohuruogu and Usain Bolt, ambles past and suggests staging a race between the East End Olympians – with each of them starting from their family home and seeing who might reach the stadium first. Christine Ohuruogu: It doesn't matter if I'm face of the Games or not
  • The world's best snowboarder is a millionaire at 19 and a very high-profile Olympian who has won all five halfpipe qualifying events and is a favorite to win gold in Italy.
  • They survived the war between the Titans and the Olympians and became servants of Zeus.
  • Olympic freestyler Rada Owen describes and demonstrates her favorite drill for improving turning speed and efficiency, in this issue's ‘Learn From the Olympians’ article.
  • Yes; end users will use it for a lot longer than the Olympians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rare is the athlete who can radiate Olympian calm at a modern - day Olympic games.
  • Local developer Bill Walsh lamented to a San Diego friend that since Olympian Michael Phelps got "bonged" by Kellogg Co., we won't be seeing his mug on cereal boxes.
  • Tarot Sport side of the boat, 'Surf Solar' and 'Olympians' harder and woozier than on the record, 'Rough Steez' and 'Phantom Limb' walling you in with ferocity and volume. The Line Of Best Fit
  • After training with the Olympian, who is passionate about getting kids off their bums, your youngsters won't necessarily become hurdling champions too, but they should have a new enthusiasm for sport and exercise – after trying mountain biking, kayaking, zip-wiring and more. Holidays with celebrities: star-spangled banter
  • In the book, the Olympians pass on their best training, nutritional and motivational tips.
  • Matz gained keen insight into horses as a three-time Olympian and a silver medalist in equestrian competition at the 1996 Summer Games before he retired as a rider to train Thoroughbreds. - Barbaro runs away from field to win Kentucky Derby
  • In many cases, Olympian designs serve as the basis for apparel that the average couch potato will be able to buy.
  • In Boucher, Olympians, dryads and shepherdesses are interchangeable.
  • Olympian fields were as much temples for religious devotion as sports complexes.
  • It was a new system which had come into fashion: the most plastic performances spoiled by the juxtaposition of their caricatures; acrobats, Olympian gods, parodied by a merry-andrew in a ridiculous coat: just as though Nunkie Fuchs, for instance, had taken it into his head to appear with his Three Graces and mimic their tricks, kicking about at the end of a wire with his fat, fatherly paunch and his round, silly face. The Bill-Toppers
  • By the by, Olympian Colin Jackson opened its Westfield Stratford branch yesterday, as it was an- nounced that the bank's shares were down by almost 50p. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.
  • … Collectively these newcomers wielded billions of dollars of available capital, petawatts of imperious brainpower, a practiced disdain for bureaucratic pettifogs, and Olympian con fi dence in their own judgment and capabilities. Home Page
  • Although I found his interpretation of the sonata a shade tame, the variations and ballades breathe a truly Olympian spirit of resigned grief.
  • Undeterred by the lack of these three factors at its disposal, the high street has embraced the mullet skirt with Olympian vim. Times, Sunday Times
  • So then my inquiries show clearly that Heracles is an ancient god, and those of the Hellenes seem to me to act most rightly who have two temples of Heracles set up, and who sacrifice to the one as an immortal god and with the title Olympian, and make offerings of the dead to the other as a hero. An Account of Egypt: Being the Second Book of His Histories Called Euterpe. Paras. 1-19
  • Lavish donations outside Palestine established Herod as a benefactor on an empire-wide scale, as well as a flamboyant philhellene; the Olympian games and the city of Athens were among the beneficiaries.
  • Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself.
  • Instead, try following the lead of the Olympians of yesteryear and get crafty with items already in your house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was there one sport that you saw yourself being an Olympian?
  • It had been a day to honour our Olympians who had performed with such honour and dignity. The Sun
  • Rocking a red, white and blue do-rag, the first-time Olympian addressed the media and spoke about how he represents the flawed community.
  • Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm.
  • Tim rolled his eyes at me and quickly hurdled the bike like an Olympian. Ali MacLean: Why My Boyfriend Has a Hook for a Hand
  • If you're walking along and spot a snake, fear propels you to run with blazing speed and hurdle the fence like an Olympian.
  • Hellenes seem to me to act most rightly who have two temples of Heracles set up, and who sacrifice to the one as an immortal god and with the title Olympian, and make offerings of the dead [49] to the other as a hero. The history of Herodotus — Volume 1
  • The concatenation of circumstances has led to Gerhard Rach of Germany donning the mantle of chief coach, assisted by the former Olympian, Germany's Oliver Kutz and India's Jagbir Singh.
  • Now, some professors are fun to read: Think of the cool Olympian clarity of Northrop Frye, the astonishing encyclopedism of Hugh Kenner, the delicious precisions of Guy Davenport, the Empsonian dash and brilliance of Christopher Ricks. Helen Vendler's new commentary on Emily Dickinson, reviewed by Michael Dirda
  • In the world of quickie romances and shotgun relationships, finding the perfect match is nothing short of an Olympian task.
  • The newspaper said the New Zealand athletics community has been "abuzz" over suggestions that an Olympian had "returned an adverse finding" in a drugs test. Undefined
  • It simply signifies the ascent of the soul after death into the Olympian halls instead of descending into the Acheronian gulfs. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy
  • He cultivated an image of Olympian detachment by scrupulously protecting the respective ranks and dignities of the grandees.
  • This is not just a discourtesy but is, I believe, a fundamental breach of any Olympian's right to determine how his or her name and image is used for promotional purposes.
  • As the thirst for the Crusades began to fade, Olympian heroes were reborn and Olympian battles were fought anew. THE FAMILY
  • An intro chapter from The Last Olympian is included, showing the Percy is going to get into trouble not only with Titans but with girls (Rachael and Annabeth). Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » March
  • In many cases, Olympian designs serve as the basis for apparel that the average couch potato will be able to buy.
  • In the latter class there are vast differences, but uniformly intellect is prominent above sensibility; human faith and love are _exhalant_, aspirant, and rendered of a vapory subtilty by the interpenetration with them of the Olympian sunlight of thought and imagination. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • He wears a brace round his chest; the biceps and shoulders are Olympian. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now wrestlers in the Olympian games were naked, and anointed with oil to make them sleek and glibbery, so to afford no holdfast to such as strove with them. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • There is a sports centre to make the Olympians gape, two "royal" villas for the obscenely rich, immense meeting halls and plazas, six restaurants, two golf courses and, literally, dozens of swimming pools because if you pay enough you get your own. Grand ambitions: ecoluxury in Greece
  • Even when those around her panic she always maintain an olympian calm.
  • But beneath it all you sense the competitiveness of an Olympian thrashing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The event also includes a golf tournament, banquet and barbecue, all featuring the Olympians.
  • Little Leo was truly thunderstruck by this Olympian reprimand. LAST SHOT
  • A six-member panel, which included four former Olympians, was put in place.
  • That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.
  • That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.
  • Do the network news anchors of the big broadcast networks have to be Olympian figures?
  • Baseball might be right up with pentathlon and synchronised swimming among sports of dubious Olympian pedigree.
  • It is absolutely hair-raising how Brahms shakes his fist at the heavens and this Olympian, this imperious music would rise over this timpani which is thundering in the background," says Fleisher. Glory, Drama Mark Path of Piano Virtuoso
  • Greeks poured honey, but not wine, in their rites for the dead, and in all the ceremonies which had to do with the worship of the earth deities -- the ancient autochthonic gods, older than the Olympians. Lynton and Lynmouth A Pageant of Cliff & Moorland
  • He had all of the schematics for the Olympian Tower and could easily hack into each and every one of their computer systems: database, security systems.
  • It has continued to attract an impressive line-up of Elite riders including many Olympians and professionals.
  • Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself.
  • The three-time Olympian fell on her mount (front salto on) and later on a flip-flop.
  • What was the dimension of the ancient Olympian stadium?
  • You can take your Olympians and your failed athletes, I'll stick with old Captain Bob if its all the same.
  • The company has outfitted Olympians in the past, such as snowboarder Ross Powers in 2002, but it has never designed outfits for the entire team. Polo to Outfit U.S. Team
  • The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete.
  • He said Kalmadi first used former player Dhanraj Pillay and then himself called MHA spokesman and Olympian Joaquim (Carvalho) to offer recognition. The Times of India
  • The co-feature will have two undefeated featherweights, both former USA Olympians going at it.
  • Such is the nature of American fencing that even at the nationals, marginal swashbucklers like me can end up dueling an Olympian.
  • IT'S one of those dynamically bright mornings when Sydney is at its most Olympian, with the sky rippling like the spinnakers on the yachts dashing across the harbour.
  • The women will also be in the best physical shape of their lives, training like Olympians on daily runs and pumping iron to hone their muscles.
  • olympian beauty and serene composure
  • The Last Olympian is a well written ending to an excellent series, with the promise of more to come. Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » May
  • Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself.
  • She beat a woman against whom victory had eluded her in judo and wrestling — Sandy Bacher, a three-time Olympian in judo. Marano trying to pin down an Olympic dream
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold #7 - Bats teams first with the Olympian from the Global Guardians, then helps out the Doom Patrol. Quick Hits – Justice Society, Wonder Woman, Blackest Night, Fantastic Four, and More
  • Barbara Kendall, one of New Zealand's most decorated Olympians, has retired from competitive boardsailing after a glittering career spanning 24 years. - Stuff
  • Olympian deities
  • An Olympian is a very safe bet; 99% of them are role models. Safe-bet Winter Olympics stars could see endorsement spikes
  • It is a decision that lames all of the Olympian power plays and faux heroics into a pale revenge story and transforms Perseus into a brooding modern action hero in the mold of Charles Bronson or Jean-Claude Van Damme (but with neither the sleazy presence of the former nor the vacant cheesiness of the latter). MOVIE REVIEW: Clash of the Titans (2010)
  • Secondly, becoming professionals has sometimes made historians pretend to an Olympian detachment from, and objective judgement on, the present and the past.
  • A pass by Sue Gilmour found Olympian Rhona Simpson in position to slot home the only goal of the first half.
  • More than a few Scots will fling themselves into the frozen fray as Winter Olympians for Team GB this fortnight in Salt Lake City.
  • I defy anyone to dispute the truly Olympian nature of all that, when compressed into one package. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was rather worried about the traditional images of the gods as great roisterers and murderers and thieves, and all of these other characteristics that the Olympians had.
  • Because the Iraqi government for some reason disbanded their Olympic Committee, which is a no no, the IOC has banned Dana and the other first-time Olympians—two rowers, a disc thrower, and a judoka—from competing in Beijing. A Living Casualty of War
  • Why a team with two Olympians couldn't find the moxie to pull out an important win was a mystery inside the Storm's bleak locker room.
  • Despite the expected traffic jams, potential electrical brown-outs and terrorist threats, modern Olympians and spectators have it easy, compared to their ancient counterparts.
  • Phelps, who will get a gold medal from the win because he swam in the medley relay preliminaries, is the winningest Olympian at a non-boycotted Games with six golds and two bronzes. - Medley relay world record hands Phelps his eighth medal
  • But at night, just before lights were turned out, or just after, when an Olympian is privileged to work a little longer by the light of the useful "tolly, The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • olympian detachment
  • I read in my book that in ancient Greece ivy was sacred to Dionysus, the Olympian vintner who was one of the gods.
  • Little Leo was truly thunderstruck by this Olympian reprimand. LAST SHOT
  • Solinsky was not the only miler to defeat a 10,000-meter Olympian at the meet. Chris Solinksy breaks 27 minutes, American record in 10,000 meters
  • (Clough, ii.p. 235): “And yet who would compare all the victories in the Pythian and Olympian games put together, with one of these enterprises of Pelopidas, of which he successfully performed so many?” The Cavalry General
  • In Los Angeles, one of the torch-bearers was the oldest living Greek Olympian.
  • The dome of the great Church he regarded man's best effort at construction, beyond which there was nothing more attainable; but how it dwindled and faded when from the wall he looked at the sky, the sea, and the land, the handiworks of God! On the wall, at a point marked by a shallow angle, there was a cracked stone bench, offering seawardly a view of the Isles of the Princes, and the Asian domain beyond Broussa to the Olympian heights; westwardly, the The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • So then my inquiries show clearly that Heracles is an ancient god, and those of the Hellenes seem to me to act most rightly who have two temples of Heracles set up, and who sacrifice to the one as an immortal god and with the title Olympian, and make offerings of the dead288 to the other as a hero. The History of Herodotus
  • Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself.

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