How To Use Olla In A Sentence
He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
A boa made from black water mink is worth about 50 dollars, a collarette about $100,00 and a coat reaching down to the hips would cost about $250,00.
Black Beaver The Trapper
The total sales of the company didn't amount to more than a few million dollars.
A liquor pour cost of 18.3%, for example, means that it cost a little more than 18 cents to generate a dollar of liquor sales.
If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.

Maldives rufiyaa per US dollar - 12.8 (2006), 12.8 (2005), 12.8
The 2007 CIA World Factbook
I'd like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my check account.
It is an Extended Family Tree - showing all the collateral branches of a family, i.e. all the descendants.
I have dropped 10000 dollars so far.
This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
The four frame pic showing the red hotel collapsing is epic.
Typhoon Morakot, The Damage Done | My[confined]Space
Spider crabs stalked the seabed; wrasse, blennies, shannies and rockling darted over the reefs, and pollack wheeled overhead.
He is very experienced in collating documents, summarizing evidence, arranging diagrammatic and demonstrative evidence and assisting with the general preparation for trial.
LONDON, February 4/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc ( "RDS") today announced an interim dividend in respect of the fourth quarter of 2009 of US$0. 42 per A and B ordinary share, an increase of 5% over the US dollar dividend for the same quarter last year.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
However, this morning the number key containing the dollar sign stopped working, followed by the delete key and the return key.
Lefebvre V, Peeters-Joris C, Vaes G. Modulation by interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha of production of collagenase, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases and collagen types in differentiated and dedifferentiated articular chondrocytes.
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
In addition, experimental flowers that matured a fruit (and therefore received a visit) had significantly larger corollas compared with corollas of flowers that did not initiate a fruit.
Indeed, so many of us now possess a handset that mobile phone sales have collapsed.
The town hall lost two bollards and a litter bin, railings, and a large stone pedestal has been cracked.
This would suggest that he might have returned to bed before collapsing and dying in mysterious circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
Hunt thinks it unlikely that the currency will break parity with the dollar next year, and feels it is likely to settle around the $0.92 level.
After being dropped in a club to give people a taste of what to expect, it has been spun on decks uncontrollably ever since.
Leave it to Yeezy to put together the year's most eclectic rap collab.
This is a small holopid with rounded whorls, deep sutures and a body whorl bearing coarse collabral threads.
Collaborative learning was achieved through synchronous as well as asynchronous interactive chats.
As a consequence, the important benefits of collation and comparison of data from different sources are lost.
With the collapse of the Soviet economy, prisons could no longer function as an industrial monolith.
The world may get to have a reformed international financial system but the dollar will still be at its core.
Times, Sunday Times
She took a deep breath and fiddled with the sapphire necklace hanging down below her collar bone.
The question is how long the chartists will stay bullish on the dollar.
The second version occurs as Corollary 2 to Proposition 7 and was thought of as a method of expanding solutions of fluxional equations in infinite series.
Staff are still collating signatures to find out exactly how many people took part.
So my advice to you is to collab and to take your time when releasing material.
a pink-collar employee
Troops found the church with large holes blasted out of its cement walls and its tin roof collapsed.
`Then apparently James needs no more stiffening in his collar," Aubrey murmured.
The ayatollah broke with Iran's clerical leadership and became a vehement critic, denouncing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and calling the postelection crackdown the work of a dictatorship.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
The skin of D. holocanthus is highly elastic because of microfolds in the epidermis and collagen fibers of the dermis.
Over the next nine months, we are committed to delivering on a billion dollar assets sale.
If the DJIA falls by the target amount, the collar is called the uptick rule.
Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
The move comes as the telephone company implements a plan to trim billions of dollars in expenses and to boost earnings.
*** Pharmaceuticals Sigma Pharmaceuticals said that it is likely to breach loan conditions with bankers after taking a charge of as much as 270 million Australian dollars ($253.4 million) from the A$900 million fire sale of its pharmaceutical division to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare.
Business Watch
the dollar sign means little to him
Language is a collaborative activity Meaning arises as much from what listeners hear as what speakers intend to say.
Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year.
What they have "incentivized" executives to do, in countless cases, is not to perform, but to game the system, to smooth the numbers, to take insane risks with other people's money, to do whatever had to be done to ring the bell and send the dollars coursing their way into the designated bank account.
Let's Move Their Cheese
Its interest is that within it survive all the elements of a medieval forest: great timber trees, coppice woods, pollards, scrub, grassland and fen, deer and cattle, and a rabbit warren.
The US dollar and currencies pegged to the US dollar - like the ringgit - appear to carry the greatest weight.
This leaves the ‘old school economic policies’ of dollar devaluation and deficit financing to help reflate the economy and fend off deflation and boost exporters.
Bide a wee, bide a wee," he protested, when collared by the pocket-miner.
The rigid collar and tandem harness allowed teams to pull with equal strength and greater efficiency.
Myanmar officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the IMF to help the government simplify the country's unwieldy foreign-exchange regime, which involves multiple exchange rates—including an official rate of about six Myanmar kyat per dollar, compared with a street rate of about 800 per dollar.
Clinton Encourages Myanmar
He knows that his collaboration in both wartime and personal events is morally questionable, and acknowledges this.
Last time the IRS audited one of his businesses, he got a half-million-dollar refund.
Jools Holland is playing an open-air concert near Tunbridge Wells soon.
Handa and Autar Mattoo, a research plant physiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service and collaborator in the research, had shown earlier that polyamines such as spermidine and spermine enhance nutritional and processing quality of tomato fruits.
RedOrbit News - Technology
The deposits had tinctorial properties of collagen using Masson trichrome stain and the van Gieson method for collagen, although the deposits were mostly dissolved using the Masson trichrome procedure.
One should not marry bilateral kin up to the second degree of collaterality; spouses beyond the fourth degree of collaterality are preferred.
One of the chief reasons for removing old, oil and gas wells from south Louisiana's lakes and bayous is that those areas are vulnerable to storms and hurricanes, and any collapse in structures could threaten the public, Lopez said.
Susan Buchanan: Louisiana Removes Defunct Oil Wells But Hazards Remain
Just be sure to wear a sunhat and a long-sleeved high-collared shirt while you do it.
If theyre taking money from ACORN, then why is Blackwater, and other thieving, lying companies funded by my tax dollars still receiving monies from the government.
ACORN files lawsuit over loss of federal funding
Enemies struck by gunfire don't just fall over backwards; they jet blood like the lawn sprinkler in Hell, then collapse into a heap.
there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933
Wednesday's 5-0 council vote may leave bruises on largely white Portland, but the tone was less anti-immigrant than when a 2007 attempt to rename multiethnic and blue-collar Interstate Avenue was scrapped.
The company collapsed last week, costing about 200 jobs and triggering a backlash from staff and suppliers.
Times, Sunday Times
When you hear the terms imam and ayatollah, these refer to Shiite religious leaders.
CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2006
Yes, it drubs the Corolla, but the current Corolla has been around since the Earth cooled (2006).
Brand-New and Almost Out of Date
If you opt for a fish dish for your main meal, diver harvested scallops wrapped in bacon with hollandaise sauce is sure to get the mouth watering.
His critics say he should resign because he has lost the moral ascendancy to govern and to save the plummeting economy from collapse.
Võibolla on siin süüdi see, et alustasin ulmega lähemat tutvumist Seiklusjuttude sarjast mille raamatud olid alati kobedalt illustreeritud aga minuarust annavad head illustratsioonid ulmekale väga palju juurde.
Hyperion Cantos – kanoonilised kaaned
Black, a popular color at this time, accents her turret and frontlet, collar, cuffs, and wide hem.
Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
The star performer of the match was Bill Holland who scored 26 points.
The exchange rate between US dollar and Tajik somonis will be advised on request for purpose of payment for obtaining bidding documents.
It just so happened that Gaisford was well placed to discover or collate information of that kind.
The so - called golden - collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain - workers with high income.
It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly.
I used to read it aloud to my little brother, and we'd collapse into helpless laughter.
The Canadian dollar, Danish krone and Iceland krona have gained about 3%.
All of the information collated here is part of a wider investigation currently being pursued by a number of media outlets.
Hence, data collation in the IAEA reviews focused only on those marine species that constitute food species for humans, normally using information gathered about their edible body parts.
People who knew Weisberg as a child recall a disheveled and awkward boy who habitually chewed on his shirt collar.
One Smart Bookie
He had one hundred dollars in hand.
Jane has also designed a collapsible sandwich box which folds to A5 size and a coffee and doughnut holder.
One section of the factory's main exterior wall had already collapsed, leaving a pile of smouldering rubble.
Times, Sunday Times
Food shortages would probably galvanise public anger into action, as would a complete collapse of the economy.
`You both signed personal guarantees when you took out this loan originally, putting up your houses as collateral.
a country in the throes of economic collapse
With this move from conflict to collaboration have come shifts in the language of forestry itself.
President Nixon devalues the dollar, journeys to Peking and Moscow; the future remains unknown.
A corollary to Godwin's Law, and as much of a thread quasher, must be hyperbolic reference to Mandela, Apartheid or the effectiveness / appropriateness of the anti-apartheid movement. - Comments
On an ancient stone stump, about three feet thick and three feet high, used for securing ships by ropes to the shore, and called a bollard or holdfast, an elderly gentleman sits facing the land with his head bowed and his face in his hands, sobbing.
Back to Methuselah
Mike Schneider: I avoid the term committed when working on mass collaborative projects because realistically only a small percent of people follow through on their commitments.
Fatally Yours
In practical terms, it becomes akin to the line about owing a bank a billion dollars, though recent events may have given the lie to that apothegm.
Matthew Yglesias » Climate Migration
That unexpectedly collapses it into a black hole, a supermassive region with a gravitational pull so strong not even light can escape.
Hezbollah is waging "asymmetrical" warfare against Israel based on increasingly radicalized and even fanaticized mass support.
Nathan Gardels: Beginning of the End for Israel?
Her dress is of dark blue silk with a low-cut neck and a wide embroidered collar.
PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
Now it looks like some of these banks may have been technically insolvent for quite some time before they actually collapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
If anything he is a decent copper and he'll usually only collar unsavoury characters.
The Sun
Jones said the two police forces have always co-operated, but have fine-tuned their collaboration in recent months.
I was suddenly overcome with an uncontrollable desire to hit him.
I vote that we all go to Holland immediately.
Then the crowning jewel is that OHSU gets ONE dollar of every TWO dollars lobbied from the federal government to put into their own coffers per the SoWhat Agreement.
SoWhat goes underground (Jack Bog's Blog)
Something like one of these multimillion dollar condos would have doomed Edwards, but 28,200 square feet in exurban North Carolina is solid.
Matthew Yglesias » Edwards’ Big House
I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point.
They had on little white aprons, trimmed with jaconet edging, and collars as clean and white as snow.
"Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
And then, after all the bullshit, when he could prevaricate, elocute, circumlocute, and evade no more, he collapsed like a paper bag emptied of air.
Stanton Peele: Public Figures Behaving Badly: Charlie Rangel, George Pataki, Sarah Palin
If you click anywhere in there, It's considered authorization, your creditcard information gets sent to a third party, who then some time later proceeds to charge your card X dollars a month and makes it very hard to get it cancelled.
Making Light: A music exec's take on the Macmillan/Amazon throwdown
Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.
His golden eyes glinted as he suddenly moved trough the crowd with lightning speed and grabbed a young boy by the collar.
Rowe said Jackson was a man being manipulated by opportunists, who kept information from him and wanted to milk millions of dollars out of him.
Giant avalanches, tidal waves, and many stock footage scenes of buildings collapsing result.
In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar.
Her expression collapsed into one of forlorn reminiscence before she continued on in her stranger’s voice.
Flowers in the Attic
The leading parts were played by Bill Holland and Claire Howell Daly.
No bulging rib cages, no collar bones out to here, no sunken eyes or bizarre hipbone bulges.
An airliner uncontrollably gains altitude, leaving the crew with a race against time to avert tragedy and land safely.
The Sun
The financial system collapsed under a cascade of bad debts.
Times, Sunday Times
But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.
Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work.
Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
Collaboration I would agree the word convening has its charms
The pieces of the digital engagement puzzle at Helpful Technology
The implied yield on December 2004 Eurodollars added 8.5 basis points to 2.50%.
A corollary to this is that if you can get the little things right then you are much, much more likely to get the big things right.
With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
In assessing chest pain we also consider lung problems, including collapsed lung, infections and pleurisy, which is an inflammation around the lung. -
‘I'd like to be a famous rock star with a million zillions of dollars,’ she says.
The strength of the US dollar significantly improved the competitiveness of EU exporters.
An AIM-listed mobile phone software company reeling from an alleged financial scandal has collapsed into administration.
Times, Sunday Times
About eighty thousand dollars per hour.
The scaleup has been made largely possible by rising donations and falling price for drugs, which have plummeted from 10,000 dollars to 300 dollars per person per year in three years.
ANC Daily News Briefing
February 25, 1862 and later, Congress had provided for the issue of four hundred and fifty million dollars of United States paper notes, which were commonly known as greenbacks or legal-tenders.
The United States Since the Civil War
He contemptuously dismissed any suggestion to the effect that the dollar was overvalued, or that its climb to record highs on a trade-weighted basis was becoming a source of economic instability.
As a swarm of new dot-com brands try to buy their way to brand recognition, clutter makes it difficult to break out, and it's easy to fritter away advertising dollars.
Black paid twenty-six dollars for the brass andirons, stamped ‘John Molineux / Boston,’ and the matching, but unstamped, shovel and tongs.
She had served them encebollado, a native tuna soup laden with onion and yuca.
He snuffled, dark hair damp against my neck, his mouth rooting to take hold of my collarbone.
Brush of Darkness
Its demise meant the collapse of the system for monitoring the two largest nuclear stockpiles in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
If you are a Canadian, “timmys” is as familiar as the toonie our two dollar coin or that idiot Don Cherry from Hockey Night in Canada.
If You’re Disabled You Cannot Be A Customer
The bollards at each end have been successful in keeping out vehicles, without impeding the passage of bicycles, prams etc.
The Dodgers were “dem Bums,” the “daffiness boys,” the unpretentious clowns, whose fans were seen as scruffy bluecollar workers who spoke with bad diction.
Wait Till Next Year
She wore black, and dressed in long skirts with shirt collars buttoned at the throat.
Taxes must be adequate to raise a revenue sufficient to meet those federal expenditures which are truly advantageous to the general welfare, to maintain justifiable confidence in the soundness of the dollar, and to underwrite the safety of the federal debt as an investment.
As The Allies Face The Future
Loach's social-realist drama, written by his longtime collaborator Paul Laverty, is a distinctive, piercingly serious vision.
We are collating evidence for the Office of Fair Trading which is seeking to take the matter up with the Canadian authorities.
Not only was Mihailović collaborating with the enemy, Donovan also knew that Tito was convinced the Chetnik chief had fed the Nazis information to try to have him assassinated three months earlier.
Wild Bill Donovan
A man had collapsed in Victoria Place in the town and was unconscious.
It can't: it is crammed with lovers packed in tight, the details smashed flat, extraneous facts shorn away to save space, mangled and compressed to the point of incomprehensibility and all beyond counting or collating.
And by 1947 Europe had largely exhausted its dollar reserves.
It also calculates metrics such as lumen output, lumens per watt, lumens per dollar and more.
EE Times-Asia
Then Pakistan edged past the reigning world champions Holland 2-1.
They had brought a modest decline in the face of extreme boom conditions, but no collapse.
The US dollar continued its strong performance in Tokyo today.
She will blame the couple's very different social backgrounds for the differences that eventually led to the collapse of their marriage.
We collapse in exhausted triumph with a glass of claret and a chunk of home-made cake.
Times, Sunday Times
If this were so, it could very well be that the chain or pulley or linkages to the back end were removed in the photo retouching because they were too difficult to cut around (if the manip was done as a collage) or to frisket out (if the manip was a double exposure process in a darkroom).
1933 Walker: Fact or Fraud?
But the anchor currency would be not only the euro: it would also be the dollar.
Times, Sunday Times
That would drive up the value of the dollar and push US import prices higher still.
Times, Sunday Times
We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
Heavy forged gate, with 20 mm square verticals, fullered spiked tops and circles captured by collars.
Many traders and economists still believe the dollar is likely to head higher in the medium term.
The amount of money protected if your bank or building society collapses drops sharply.
Times, Sunday Times
Glisten breastpin, no matter you fasten it on collar or hair, can have the effect that make the finishing point.
The heat of the place was remarkable; I felt my collar grow soft and hoped that my appearance would not deteriorate too rapidly.
So while you are losing your home Mr Main street guy how about folking over that last dollar in your pocket to help the poor banker who made $40 mill in bonus last year (life must be tough).
Blog maverick
The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
There are collagenous fiber in integument especially integument and the hymenopterous integument discovered by the H . E .
CACI is a fast-growing billion dollar information technology firm with an intriguing sideline in intelligence.
At a glance, the house seems relatively liveable, but on closer inspection, the structure is tilted to one side and the floor has completely collapsed.
There is no chance that deflationary pressures brought on by collapsing commodity prices will persuade consumers to defer spending.
Times, Sunday Times
We estimate the cost to be five thousand dollars.
But that will thankfully never happen, because without trees and animals, food chains collapse, the air is unbreathable, they die, we die - or maybe no one's thought of that.
The financial system collapsed under a cascade of bad debts.
Times, Sunday Times
His sporting empire collapsed and Chesterfield were docked nine league points for financial irregularities.
The unsuspended prison sentence is rare for white-collar crimes of this nature.
Times, Sunday Times
The dollar was officially devalued, and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value.
Only the South African rand, the Australian, New Zealand and Canadian dollars, the Brazilian real and the Swedish krona have outperformed the euro.
In the greater monetary scheme of things, of course, the dollar is still what investor Doug Casey calls ‘the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.’
Currently I've aligned the shim with the frameset cut and have the collar at 180 degrees to the seat lug.
Do you hit the town after dark, collapse quietly with a book or go celebrity-spotting?
The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs.
Why pay your own doctor and insurance bills with after-tax income when your employer can do it with pre-tax dollars?
But witnesses said a section of the theatre then collapsed, crashing on to people below.
The Sun
Any more massive star that exhausts its nuclear fuel will collapse completely under its own gravity.
Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
She takes my arm, grabs me by the shirt collar, pulls me close, pulls me into her life.
They take for granted easy access to inexpensive technological, social and collaborative tools.
Times, Sunday Times
Her family thought she had gone to college and died when the building collapsed in the quake.
The Sun
In summary, this is an excellent book for white collar workers.
It focuses on short-term dislocations and uncontrollable cyclical changes, producing constant disappointment and encouraging inappropriate transactional responses.
American Chronicle
First of all, the model of speed regulation and vector control idea are introduced. The math model, coordinate vector change and asynchronous machine controllability and observant are discussed.
The procedure cost five hundred dollars, which Amelia left unpaid.
In a quick tour, he points out the pupfish pond, a nature trail, and the cactus and native plants, all labeled so you can distinguish a teddy bear cholla from a beavertail cactus.
He fractured his neck, and broke an arm and collarbone.
Mr Morgan crumpled to the ground with a fractured rib, collapsed lung and bruising.
Bring your lady Thursday nights (dollar dranks from 10pm to 1am).
The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin.
• En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
And that the children of the unwanted should be those that returned to the old world in convoys and troops ships to liberate Italy and France and Holland and the countries which didn't want their ancestors is an idea that's almost Shakespearean.
The Canadian Experience: Lessons from the Canadian History Project
Good ol' Leo delivers 51,707 words per dollar, though I'm not sure what the conversion to the rubel would do to that.
Archive 2005-05-01
For the southeastern district, assistant, thirty-six hundred Southeastern dollars; second assistant, three thousand dollars; deputy district attorney, such compensation as shall be fixed by the district attorney, with the approval of the chief justice of the superior court.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
I collapsed in laughter and began tickling him in earnest.