How To Use Oliguria In A Sentence
It is usually initiated when systolic blood pressure falls below 90 and there is evidence of hypoperfusion (eg, mental status changes, oliguria, poor tissue perfusion).
Renal function also progressively deteriorates during high dose therapy, leading to both oliguria and electrolytes disturbances.
Patients with severe oliguria or anuria (output of less than 100 mL of urine per day) are likely to have postrenal acute renal failure.
Renal effects include oliguria or anuria (little or no urine excretion) due to tubular necrosis, often preceded by the formerly mentioned effects Mercury and Iron salts.
Chapter 13
· Associated icterus and renal signs (oliguria ...) indicates yellow fever, leptospirosis ...
Chapter 6
However, these measures should not be employed if oliguria is established despite initial generous hydration with normal saline.
More subtle symptoms include mild digestive disturbances, periodic oliguria or edema, and mild intermittent dyspnea.
In patients whose renal function may depend on the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (e.g., patients with severe congestive heart failure), treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors has been associated with oliguria and/or progressive azotemia and (rarely) with acute renal failure and/or death.
In non-fatal cases recovery was complete and occurred within a further 3 h. There were no gastrointestinal or renal symptoms such as diarrhoea, anuria, oliguria or haematuria during the entire period of observation.
She developed abdominal distension, oliguria, acidosis, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine.
Chronic renal failure with oliguria or anuria complicates fluid management during critical illnesses, particularly when cardiac disease coexists.
She developed hypotension, oliguria, elevated white count, pyuria and renal failure.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Renal effects include oliguria or anuria (little or no urine excretion) due to tubular necrosis, often preceded by the formerly mentioned effects Mercury and Iron salts.
Chapter 13
The patient was observed closely, and although there was a short period of oliguria and hematuria, these were thought to be related to underlying clinical problems and not to the transfusion.
The clinical features of severe disease include visual defects, severe headaches, seizures, altered consciousness, cerebrovascular accidents, severe right upper quadrant abdominal pain, congestive heart failure, and oliguria.
Proud to know how to handle oliguria in a baby, I checked his blood pressure and electrolytes.
· Associated icterus and renal signs (oliguria ...) indicates yellow fever, leptospirosis ...
Chapter 6
A 63 year old man recently admitted with sepsis was noted to have oliguria, with a urine output of approximately 20 ml an hour.
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Most of the children with stones did not have oliguria, crying on urination, edema, or passing of stones.
New England Journal of Medicine
She experienced progressive oliguria and died 2 weeks after the cerebral infarction and 1 year 8 months after the diagnoses of HHT and bile duct cancer.
The peripheral vasoconstriction also causes impairment of renal function, manifested either as oliguria or anuria.
Patients with severe oliguria or anuria (output of less than 100 ml of urine per day) are likely to have postrenal acute renal failure.
The etiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but widespread pathologic changes can result in pulmonary edema, oliguria, seizures, thrombocytopenia, and abnormal liver enzymes.
The peripheral vasoconstriction also causes impairment of renal function, manifested either as oliguria or anuria.
Contraindications are: progressive renal dysfunction, including anuria, increasing oliguria and increasing azoturia; pre-existing elevated serum potassium.
Other features of severe preeclampsia include oliguria, cerebral or visual disturbances, and pulmonary edema or cyanosis.
Of these patients, 50.3 percent were asymptomatic, 16.9 percent experienced dysuria (painful urination), 14.6 percent had infantile colic, 10.9 percent experienced oliguria or anuria (decreased urine and absence of urine, respectively) and 7.3 percent had hematuria (blood in the urine). - latest science and technology news stories
Abnormal hemorrhage, hyperbilirubinemia and oliguria are late findings.
Low dose norepinephrine in patients with septic shock and oliguria: effects on afterload, urine flow, and oxygen transport.
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Renal function was closely monitored, and oliguria regressed in three patients with appropriate hemodynamic support.
In which of the following instances would prerenal failure be the more likely cause of the oliguria than intrinsic renal failure?
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Symptoms of the severe stage include oliguria (decreased urine output), hypoxemia (low partial pressure of oxygen in the blood), low platelet count, trouble breathing, areas of mottled skin or a sudden change in mental state or condition.
EHow - Health How To's
After surgery she deteriorated noticeably with oliguria, disseminated intravascular coagulation, respiratory distress, bleeding duodenal ulcer, sepsis, and Clostridium difficile diarrhoea.
She developed hypotension, oliguria, elevated white count, pyuria and renal failure.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Hospital admission is required if parenteral analgesics are required, if persistent vomiting prevents adequate oral hydration, if pyelonephritis is suspected, or if patient has elevated BUN and creatinine, oliguria, or anuria.
Chronic renal failure with oliguria or anuria complicates fluid management during critical illnesses, particularly when cardiac disease coexists.
Albumin administration to patients with hypovolemia related to vascular leak after interleukin - 2 therapy reduces oliguria compared with crystalloids (II-A).
A dwindling urine output progressing to oliguria is the renal manifestation of ACS, even when blood pressure is normal.
Hypoperfusion and perfusion abnormalities may include, but are not limited to, lactic acidosis, oliguria, or an acute alteration in mental status.
Other signs and symptoms, such as oliguria, unexplained crying (especially on urination), and edema, and any history of passing stones were recorded.
New England Journal of Medicine
Renal function also progressively deteriorates during high dose therapy, leading to both oliguria and electrolytes disturbances.