How To Use Old-fashioned In A Sentence
My aunt is very old-fashioned.
Here we did everything but lift up the old-fashioned coal-burning Aga cooker, which must have weighed a couple of tons at least.
It was an old-fashioned mill for grinding linseed, expressing the oil, and making oil-cake.
The morons do not even protect the exposed steel with paint - and something as simple and old-fashioned as using galvanized bolts in the first place is clearly way beyond their ken.
That went hand in hand with an old-fashioned liberal humanism.
Times, Sunday Times

I had shown the old-fashioned deadeyes instead of rigging screws and had drawn the wrong kind of gooseneck attaching the boom to the mast.
Cumberland, Part 3: Acting It Out
For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst.
Blood Lite II: Overbite
For a genuine old-fashioned family carriage commend us to the araba.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
The restaurant is the best; an old-fashioned wood-and-leather affair with a horseshoe bar.
Remember, if you will (I certainly do), that one of the selling points of the post-VII "reforms" was that they enriched Catholic life and worship by making them relevant and immediate rather than old-fashioned (for which read "dignified") and outdatedly stiff (for which read "reverent").
You report: Promotional Posters for the Traditional Latin Mass
The show cloaks itself in wholesome, old-fashioned japery with its broad misunderstandings ("I said ghosts, not goats!") and knowing winks at Hi-de-Hi! and Frank Spencer, and the way Miranda's mother (Patricia Hodge) flits in and out as if through a time portal to a 1950s Whitehall farce.
Rewind TV: Miranda; The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret; Accused: Willy's Story; Garrow's Law
For shows that break the mold and succeed in turning old-fashioned into new-fashioned.
Andy Ostroy: The Joy of Glee
The station house was one of those fortresslike concrete structures, painted green on the outside, with heavy green entrance doors, and adorned with old-fashioned gas lamps near the entrance.
Dancing with the Devil
The tradi-tionalist influences within the navy marked it off as a rather old-fashioned institution.
Funny how having daughters turns you into an old-fashioned, overprotective prude.
But all these rather extravagant claims have had to be made via the old-fashioned printed page.
The new perfumes contain historical references yet don't feel old-fashioned.
Times, Sunday Times
The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.
My aunt is very old-fashioned.
Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.
The kitchen is equipped along old-fashioned lines, and meals reach the dining room via a dumb waiter.
Smiling residents stroll along a cozy, old-fashioned street; the police chief stops and chats with passing motorists.
He pauses at a boundary, then sets up his old-fashioned camera on its tripod, focuses and sets the exposure, and then waits.
It took old-fashioned rocket science to put the contraption into orbit on September 27 last year.
Nowadays croustades are considered old-fashioned in France; they may still be encountered on buffet tables at grand receptions, or as an accompaniment to drinks.
Politically incorrect from the title on, this guide to old-fashioned coquetry has raised the hackles of every feminist writer worth her salt.
I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present.
Medical Essays, 1842-1882
But then perhaps modern marriage is old-fashioned already and needs reinventing.
Times, Sunday Times
Many of the Indians were already crowding about the train, some with polished buffalo horns for sale, and all magnificently dressed in buckskin, decorated with fine, old-fashioned bead work, and the quills of the porcupine.
The Shagganappi
It was a simple peer-to-peer network where users' computers would just call each other at night through their old-fashioned modems, exchange information and then move on.
It was an old-fashioned farm that used oxen to plough the fields.
Cosmos and zinnias are good choices too; they're great for cutting, and the old-fashioned annuals attract beneficial insects.
He leads a little troupe of amateur actors from village to village, putting on an old-fashioned dumbshow - a type of humorous play with a stock plot.
The man unlocked his old-fashioned, roll-top desk and took out a tin box.
Wearing a hat is regarded as rather old-fashioned nowadays.
Old-fashioned antiblack bigotry still exists, but today, far more than 20 years ago, white Americans are likely to associate dark skin with foreignness.
It was a tangle of orange and lemon trees, looped with garlands of roses and flowering creepers, carpeted with a thousand fragrant, old-fashioned flowers, and arboured with grapevines, whose last year's leaves, though sparse, were still russet and gold: altogether a mere bright ribbon of beauty pinned like a lover's knot on a high shoulder of jutting rock.
The Guests Of Hercules
There's almost no national ailment that he feels can't be solved, or at least distracted from, by taking off his suit jacket, loosening his tie and suggesting a good old-fashioned knees-up.
You're the prime minister, Cameron. Please stop behaving like the David Brent of British politics | Sam Delaney
But Bird's acting being an old-fashioned actor--manager which is a much meatier role.
Old-fashioned ginger ale and root beer were lacto-fermented, as is the Russian drink kvass, and kombucha.
It took muscle to work in an old-fashioned kitchen.
In order to improve the precision and automation of old-fashioned band-sawing machine, its angle-measuring part was reconstructed.
He liked a lot of new music but as soon as he heard a piece of old-fashioned opera or symphonic music he would switch off.
Times, Sunday Times
The event, on July 3 from 11 am - 4.30 pm, is to be an old-fashioned fair, with coconut shies and hooplas rather than more modern games.
Some of the latter do their best to look like an old-fashioned range only to fail the knuckle-tap test we use to determine the solidity of the construction.
It has more than once been remarked in England that the old-fashioned amateur -- patron and critic, _kenner_ -- is dying out, and that his modern substitute must not only choose, but experiment -- not only admire, but be admired.
Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
It has thrown itself on the mercy of old-fashioned union barons.
The Sun
Of course, being the first story arc after the One More Day silliness, this arc is going to have to live up to some stringent standards, like whether this story's quality was contingent upon it being a single Spider-Man (which is questionable, as the best aspects of this comic were the old-fashioned superhero stuff and the return of the supporting cast - neither of which hinged on Peter being married) and forcing the new potential love interest to be compared instantly to Mary Jane, which is a tough comparison for a new character, although Carlie Cooper hold up pretty well, I think (she even has an alliterative name!) as the nerdy, yet attractive, police scientist roommate/best friend of Harry Osborn's new girlfriend.
The Amazing Spider-Man #546-548 Review | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
Bold teal paint livens up this cottagey children's bathroom where it covers a vintage clawfoot tub, old-fashioned sink and walls above crisp white paneling.
Wearing a hat is regarded as rather old-fashioned nowadays.
Don't sport with her; she's an old-fashioned girl.
The old-fashioned type of plastic lacked transparency.
Korn/Ferry perhaps appeals more to aggressive, fast-growth conglomerates than to old-fashioned, traditional companies.
It is an old-fashioned, admirably reticent film that succeeds not through daring but by avoiding the seductions of sentimentality and melodrama.
Pushing our body's happy buttons with a cool swim on a hot day, or a fermented drink containing ethanol, or even just some good old-fashioned genital manipulation can elicit the sort of enjoyment that transcends angst and that does not need to be reconciled against the overbearing reality of our inconsequence.
Manufacturers to Riders: Go Sponsor Yourself
It was populated by festering drifts of trash, with large dumpsters rising out of the junk like weird islands, and a few old-fashioned tin trashcans here and there.
People buy old-fashioned irons not to iron their clothes with, but to use as bookends or doorstops.
A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old-fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed -- destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort.
The Purcell Papers, Volume II
An independent report has described some work practices in the industry as old-fashioned.
He's very old-fashioned when it comes to music.
They visited a few obscure shops, that turned out to be awesome, including a little old-fashioned taffy shop, where they made fresh taffy each hour, in so many different flavours.
For a few pesos more, you can get yourself into a 'cama' seat, which is much like something from an old-fashioned aircraft business class complete with food and a stewardess tottering about serving sparkling wine. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
The sewing machine was still set up, the old-fashioned treadle kind her mother preferred.
a "kaross," or robe of leopard-skins, and upon his shoulder he carried his "roer" -- a large smooth-bore gun, about six feet in length, with an old-fashioned flint-lock, -- quite a load of itself.
Popular Adventure Tales
When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind, so that it became once more a place of mystery.
There is something old-fashioned in his manner which may explain why he excels as gruff authority figures and flinty men of the West.
In the very last pew, on the aisle, sat an eager old colored woman -- one of those typical "mammies" now so seldom seen -- in an old-fashioned bonnet and shawl.
Ruth Fielding on the St. Lawrence The Queer Old Man of the Thousand Islands
There's something charminglyold-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.
And when some of the finer diners cast a disdainful eye upon their shabby, old-fashioned dresses, the two women merely giggled and stared right back at them.
The explosion from the big old-fashioned gun was deafening.
Nessler specializes in working on the old-fashioned medium of vellum, or calfskin, and sells her work for $1,000 to $7,000.
Still, a great lead performance and some dazzling visuals will please fans of old-fashioned murder mysteries.
On warm sunny days, employees can eat in a sheltered outdoor courtyard near an old-fashioned gazebo.
While Newtonian matter-theory was depicted as a rival to Leibnizian immaterialism in the mid-18th century, in for example the Institutions de Physique of Mme du Chatelet, Newton was no ordinary corpuscularian or mechanical philosopher, and Kant did not have to contend with that now old-fashioned ontology.
Kant and Leibniz
To a lot of people, it might sound like really old-fashioned music, but to us it's current, it's what we do now.
The only difficulty has been convincing employees to abandon their old-fashioned paychecks.
Cure a bad case of cabin fever by inviting friends over for an evening of cards or old-fashioned board games.
There is the classic, carefully crafted shtick of the old-fashioned nightclub comedian, routines and rib-ticklers cast and recast into perfectly polished pearls of witticism.
It just sounds too twee, too English, too old-fashioned.
Inner core was jointed to the outer mesh with non-conductive fishing line, and everything was held together with old-fashioned duct tape.
Main picture: Faded furniture, old-fashioned fabrics and flowers combine to create a country cottage feel.
To Mr Yunus and its other critics, the Mexican bank is no better than an old-fashioned loan shark, earning its huge profits by charging poor borrowers a usurious interest rate of at least 79% a year.
One of the best loved is the old-fashioned Johnny-jump-up (V. tricolor), a viola with dark purple upper petals and lower petals in shades of lavender-blue, yellow or white, often with dark purple markings, Plants are short-lived but readily self-seed, providing pleasurable discoveries of new plants in unexpected places each year. > News
I crossed the hall and went into the den, fetching an old-fashioned glass and the bottle of Cutty Sark.
Those stripes kind of harken back to an old-fashioned ice cream parlor, and we've got the ice cream in a bowl.
CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2005
Remember those old-fashioned telephones that plugged directly into the wall and had a cord attached to the hand piece?
Some people just use the good old-fashioned method of printing out the text to be proofed, and blue-pencilling the mistakes.
The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002
Rummel appeared in pajamas, slippers, and an old-fashioned chenille robe.
Perhaps we can help here: ASP or Application Service Provider is an old-fashioned bureau service/leasing concept, wrapped up in new-fashioned togs.
A lower-tech solution is an old-fashioned cassette recorder and a telephone-to-recorder adapter.
Times, Sunday Times
There were gowns of all types, old-fashioned, new, proper and whorish.
The bitterness of repeated daily confrontation with left-wing majorities has given them a steeliness entirely absent from the old-fashioned candidates.
Too overt or apprehensible a verbal pattern seems old-fashioned to many poets.
His clothes - a Fair Isle pullover and collarless white shirt - were quaintly old-fashioned.
For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst.
Blood Lite II: Overbite
Ditch the summer's clunky ethnic beads for lady-like pearls, vintage jewellery, an old-fashioned handbag, leather gloves and a flash of stocking.
Philistine, if pressed for the reasons of his dislike, would either become inarticulate, ejaculating "faugh" and "pah" like an old-fashioned
The Hill of Dreams
But there are records of Antony which represent him as a far more genial and human personage; full of a knowledge of human nature, and of a tenderness and sympathy, which account for his undoubted power over the minds of men; and showing, too, at times, a certain covert and "pawky" humour which puts us in mind, as does the humour of many of the Egyptian hermits, of the old-fashioned Scotch.
The Hermits
The offices are so old-fashioned that one was used as Scrooge's office in a recent film version of A Christmas Carol.
He thinks she found them old-fashioned: too dynamic and passionate, in contrast to the restrained neoclassicism that was becoming fashionable in the 1770s.
The Path of 'Progress'
I was an inquisitive boy and soon discovered that I could save pocket money by developing my own films and making contact prints using an old-fashioned printing frame.
It's more likely, however, that you will vow to defend heavy sponge cake and good old-fashioned unironic jam.
Times, Sunday Times
So the play becomes a fine old-fashioned morality tale about an agonising dilemma.
Times, Sunday Times
Old-fashioned schoolyard hazing has escalated to instances of extortion, emotional terrorism, and kids toting guns to school.
The hangings were rather chintzy and old-fashioned.
It's pretty remarkable, a flour tortilla the size of a bathmat, warmed in a machine that looks like an old-fashioned pants-presser, and filled in front of you, spoonful by spoonful, from a series of stews and condiments laid out in immaculate stainless-steel bins: rice; barbacoa beef, pork carnitas, steak or chicken; corn relish or hot salsa; black beans or pinto beans; sour cream or cheese or guacamole or sometimes all three.
The Fast Food Revolutionary
The fascia fabric is quite stylish and looks hard-wearing, but a real let-down is the panel of rather old-fashioned heater controls and fairly boring driver's information dials.
Sure, the big record labels scoffed at first at the idea of a female Cuban vocalist who wanted to sing old-fashioned country music.
A Diva From Old Havana
Tess arrived with some fairy wings in her luggage while Donna brought an old-fashioned wooden popgun.
The teachers were very old-fashioned, treating any new ideas with contempt and scorn.
First shown in theatres as an old-fashioned four-hour "roadshow" -- the way costume epics like Ben-Hur and Lawrence of Arabia were run, with an intermission -- Che can now be viewed in two discrete parts.
John Eskow: The Best Actor and Best Movie of 2008 Weren't Even Nominated
In a time obsessed with figures and analyses he slashes away upon the field like an old-fashioned swashbuckler tackling pirates in some seafaring epic.
It may sound old-fashioned but the best way to tackle communalism is surely bringing people together to stand up for their common interests.
The coppice of trees seemed to get thicker as tall birches lined the road, replacing the old-fashioned houses.
Unlike old-fashioned narrative history, art has no decisive battles, no international treaties, and no changes of government.
What better could I have done in the smoky warmth of our hearth-fire than to con, by the light of the electric bulb dangling overhead, its annals in some such voluntarily quaint and unconsciously old-fashioned volume as Irving’s Legends of the Conquest of Spain; or to read in some such (if there is any such other) imperishably actual and unfadingly brilliant record of impressions as Gautier’s
Familiar Spanish Travels
Amid a sea of melismatic showoffs and crass belters, he stood out as an old-fashioned crooner in the thrall of a faraway vision.
His old-fashioned conjuring tricks are brilliant and done with throwaway comedy.
Times, Sunday Times
It is soft pink in the old-fashioned style with a very expensive perfume.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr S was very prudish and old-fashioned in thinking he could shield his children from his playboy reputation.
The eparch was from these parts, and pronounced the good god's name in the old-fashioned, two-syllable way.
Bridge of the Separator
This is a time-honoured comedy, which, in layperson's terms, means old-fashioned.
Call me old-fashioned, but I like handwritten letters.
He was old-fashioned, backward-looking, scared of change and progress.
And anyway, how can you justify spending money and manpower on keeping alive such a fatally old-fashioned ritualism ?
Artwork, reminiscent of old-fashioned cubism, hung on the walls.
Since he dictates all of his written work, the way he writes and the way he talks are identical: ornate, elaborate, old-fashioned, yet incisive and clear.
He's an unabashed, old-fashioned romantic.
I was wearing this skimpy little thing called a singlet — it's that old-fashioned-looking, one-piece-bathing-suit thing that wrestlers and weight lifters wear.
The Hotel New Hampshire
He has that old-fashioned chivalry that makes him wear a shirt and tie, and his tweedy jacket reminds me of one my dad used to wear.
The company's 300 stores are being revamped too with the old-fashioned lino floors making way for sanded wood and white-painted walls.
You can give a bottle on its own, or expand the gift with a set of double old-fashioned glasses or an ice bucket—not quite pourable, but part of the process.
In the Mood for Stuff You Can Burn, Eat or Read
He's a good old-fashioned liberal.
So, I'll have to do this through old-fashioned will power or some 12-step program or through aversion therapy or something. which gives the medical term for nail biting: onychophagia, from the Greek compound comprising the root of onyx (onycho -) "(finger / toe) nail" + phagia "eating.
Marginal Notes
Too often the film comes across more like a tribute to old-fashioned swashbuckling epics than a solid story in its own right, and the result is diverting enough but lacks dramatic heft.
Tappan, a heathenish idea persists that what they need more than hygienics and scientific discipline is some of that old-fashioned love -- love which rocks them when it is not good for them -- love which overfeeds them sometimes so that they yell with old-fashioned colic -- love which ventures a bacilli-laden kiss.
The Danger Mark
The doilies just don't do it for me and the flowery plates tend to fight with the food, tipping the balance from old-fashioned to dated.
The white fish -- a kind of chub -- was caught in the Yukon by the Yapik Eskimos and smoked at Acme Smoked Fish Corp, an old-fashioned, family-run business in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Lorna Sass: The Hidden Cost of Being 100% Locavore
On the sound side, the old-fashioned Dolby Digtial Stereo 2.0 is clean, crisp, and clear.
In a way this suggested that there was nothing more substantial to the conflict than a misunderstanding and old-fashioned prejudice: a falling out between neighbours.
Boston, I saw him oftenest, and always when I was there, but for two summers he took a charming old-fashioned country house on the outskirts of the beautiful village of Pittsfield, six miles from my own summer residence in Lenox, and during those seasons I saw him and his wife very frequently, and was often in that house, on the staircase landing of which stood the famous clock whose hourly song, "Never – for ever; ever – never," has long been familiar to all English speaking people.
Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
Witch hazel is an old-fashioned ingredient that is perhaps best known in this regard.
Take Care of Your Skin
An old-fashioned bell tinkled as he pushed open the door.
I know not whether it is from the temper of the people, grave and enthusiastic as it certainly is, or from the recollection of the ancient Catholic opinions, when the funeral rites were always considered as a period of festival to the living; but feasting, good cheer, and even inebriety, were, and are, the frequent accompaniments of a Scottish old-fashioned burial.
The Bride of Lammermoor
The Floral Book collection features delicate patterns based on romantic designs in old-fashioned tones of primrose, lavender and rose.
The methods employed are old-fashioned and uneconomical.
It's this last film that truly paved the way for what ultimately was inevitable for Woody Allen: a full-fledged, old-fashioned musical, with actors singing their hearts out and breaking into impromptu soft-shoes.
It can readily be recognised by its acicular, needle-like leaves, and more particularly by its peculiarly shaped seed vessel, which resembles the pattern on an old-fashioned Indian shawl.
Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
The wild popularity of teen idol-driven bubblegum will burst, giving way to a new wave of old-fashioned rock 'n' roll.
Katy, who had "browsed" all through her childhood in a good old-fashioned library, had her memory stuffed with all manner of little scraps of information and literary allusions, which now came into use.
What Katy Did Next
The fascia fabric is quite stylish and looks hard-wearing, but a real let-down is the panel of rather old-fashioned heater controls and fairly boring driver's information dials.
It was harder to ride than my own old-fashioned bike, which had big wheels and a beribboned basket.
The Dark Side of Innocence
Her best-selling books plead for a return to old-fashioned family values.
Times, Sunday Times
That means that the cartooning is solid, if old-fashioned, but I can’t cope with any more of these repetitive, unfunny stories.
Chibis: Four-Eyed Prince 2, Rin-Ne 2, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei 5 » Manga Worth Reading
Rev is a very old-fashioned sitcom about the shortcomings of good people.
Times, Sunday Times
Very European, quite old-fashioned with a slice of smoked ham and old-style veggies like crinkle-cut beetroot and huge onion rings.
Sheriff seeking redemption is the stuff of old-fashioned Westerns and makes for good television.
A game of political survival
Some small old-fashioned shops still have a bell which tinkles when you push the door open.
Instead I had to settle for a couple of old-fashioned dictionaries of quotations.
But when I go back to Aunt Jane's garden, I pass through the front yard and the back yard between rows of lilac, syringas, calycanthus, and honeysuckle; I open the rickety gate, and find myself in a genuine old-fashioned garden, the homely, inclusive spot that welcomed all growing things to its hospitable bounds, type of the days when there were no impassable barriers of gold and caste between man and his brother man.
Aunt Jane of Kentucky
She hefted a large leatherlike handbag onto the table and removed a slate-blue, clothbound, old-fashioned accountant's ledger.
The 6th Target
Decent wine and good food are among Taylor's corporal pleasures and he speaks with what one local describes as a ‘snooty, old-fashioned Ulster accent’.
That should be enough time to fan the flames of an all-out, old-fashioned quarterback squabble.
The aunt is a well-drawn type of old-fashioned Scotchwoman, infinitely more natural and more interesting than the niece.
Robert Louis Stevenson
In old-fashioned schools, much learning was by rote .
He bore his highly respectable name upon the frontal band of his "berretta" alias "corôa," an open-worked affair, very like the old-fashioned jelly-bag night cap.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
This is a smart move, because otherwise the whole thing would be so creaky and old-fashioned that only the most determined Christie fan cum couch potato would watch it.
I'll never forget her shepherd's pie, cooked with oysters in the old-fashioned style, or her parkin.
The survivors of the avalanche included 12 Britons. It also describes the early inhabitants of Britain:the ancient Britons. Brit is informal and can sound negative. Britisher is now very old-fashioned.
Old-fashioned fussy and ornate hearths, by contrast, are out.
First, a piece of paper landed on my desk extolling the virtues of good old-fashioned baking.
The study was carried out on lacquer from five instruments -- four violins and an old-fashioned "viola d'amore" -- made over a 30-year period by master luthier Stradivari, who lived from 1644 to 1737.
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We must try to bring Mother more up to date with modern styles, and persuade her not to wear such old-fashioned clothes.
Set in the author's home town of Montreal, it featured a French-descended detective called Emile Cinq-Mars - ‘an old-fashioned cop in a new-fashioned world.’
My Dad was very old-fashioned and didn't approve of me going to nightclubs with my friends.
Even he can't re-create the old sector entirely, though, so investors will have to rely on old-fashioned buying strategies: diversifying holdings, choosing states over riskier substate entities and tracking regional indicators like house prices.
Municipals Reflect the State We're In
Once the archetype of the old-fashioned shoe-leather reporter and political inside dopester, his identity changed overnight when he appeared on CNN on its opening week in 1980.
The recovery was achieved in the old-fashioned way with cost-cutting and price increases.
In giving most people middle-class aspirations it tried to rid the nation of its old-fashioned class structure.
She led him straight into an old-fashioned kitchen where a coal range gave out a dull red glow.
Under the headmasterly rule of His Excellency the Life President Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda (to give him his official moniker), Malawi was peaceful, tidy, friendly, and decidedly old-fashioned.
There is a guilty pleasure in looking at these paintings, which do things the old-fashioned way, providing the visual gratifications of color, light, brushwork and subject matter that we have been taught to dismiss.
An old-fashioned gas lamp hung from the ceiling.
He typified the old-fashioned values of rugby that we all bemoan are going.
Times, Sunday Times
The clumber spaniel — that lumbering lemon and white teddy bear, its square muzzle as blunt as an old-fashioned rolling pin — was once acclaimed ‘the most handsomest animal this kingdom ever produced’.
Dog days for British breeds
Stopping a horse winning in the old days usually required the involvement of an old-fashioned bent bookie, a breed that has become rare since betting became corporatised.
At the farm there was an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well.
The Bishop takes an old-fashioned high church view on divorced clergy.
‘What drew me to dance history,’ Jowitt remarked, ‘was a very old-fashioned sense of how wonderful it was to sleuth.’
He opened his hand and it grew into the shape of an old-fashioned steam shovel, the jaws lined with sharp teeth.
It's a big performance in the old-fashioned style.
Times, Sunday Times
The first is an old-fashioned variety called Annabelle, part of the Hydrangea arborescens family.
Hydrangeas' Fall Flower Show
Whitley's goalkeeper Brian Dickson, a chef for a hospital catering company, bubbled away underneath the flat, old-fashioned crossbars.
Barely 1,000 men here still fish for silver eel, with bag-shaped "fyke" nets or old-fashioned traps, and for glass eel with special dip nets - though glass eel fishing, centred on the rivers Severn, Wye and Parrett in the south-west, can be an exceedingly lucrative business.
The Guardian World News
We bought records, tapes and later CDs to amass a song collection the old-fashioned way.
As a consequence we may regard the Pinero incident closed and in ten years his theatre will be considered as old-fashioned and as inadept as that of Robertson or Bulwer-Lytton.
The Merry-Go-Round
She's a bit old-fashioned in her outlook.
The flattening of organizations means that all employees have to learn that old-fashioned promotion is not the only way of getting ahead.
Probst says that the Kent Roberts chair, "Untitled," which mimics an old-fashioned courting bench, is a favored spot for visitors to sneak a smooch.
SFGate: Top News Stories
His early work was done the old-fashioned way, drawn shot by shot.