
old codger

  1. used affectionately to refer to an eccentric but amusing old man

How To Use old codger In A Sentence

  • Morgan, an apparently irascible old codger, is quite literally the brains of the outfit.
  • A couple of old codgers were sitting on the park bench, grumbling about the children.
  • A couple of old codgers were sitting on the park bench, grumbling about the children.
  • A couple of old codgers were sitting on the park bench, grumbling about the children.
  • This is not merely a result of typecasting, as when Melanie Griffith plays bimbos, or when Sean Connery plays gruff, adventurous old codgers.
  • Bald head over the blind, cute old codger.
  • The old codgers' advocacy group - AARP - pays only 17 per cent of its revenue in administration.
  • Old codgers rub sore joints and look for liniment.
  • Yup, that's right, that spunky young bin man whose YouTube rap sensation condemns the health secretary, Andrew Lansley born in 1956, as a "grey-haired manky old codger" is cutting short his lifespan just as surely as if he were sucking on a crack pipe while leaping Becher's Brook. You're Looking Very Well by Lewis Wolpert – review
  • The younger punters want to check out whether these old codgers deserve legendary status.
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