How To Use Old age In A Sentence

  • But researchers have had mixed success in recreating the original experiments showing both that sirtuins can extend life, and that they can be "activated" by a substance called resveratrol, which is currently found in anti-aging creams and under investigation for ailments associated with old age. Reuters: Press Release
  • Glaucoma is more common in old age, and happens when the optic nerve in the eye is damaged.
  • We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 
  • Were Medicare abolished, the nonpoor would finance health care in their old age by buying health insurance when they were young. Becker and Posner vs. Medicare, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Social programs cover old age, invalidism, death, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment, and allowances per child.
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  • After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind. American Notes for General Circulation
  • As in Homer, after further tribulation, he will eventually reach Ithaca, kill Penelope's suitors, and live with wife and son until a peaceful death in old age.
  • Old age, stress and genetics all play a part. The Sun
  • Curiously, her mother never saw it either and died at a ripe old age with that particular ambition unfulfilled.
  • In this little cottage lived an old basketmaker named Janiculo, with his only daughter Griselda, the child of his old age. The Children's Portion
  • At the end, the grandpas and grandmas were treated with a belated but sumptuous Onam feast which the aged from various day care centres and old age homes in the city enjoyed.
  • The reason to do it now is preventive to try and avoid a toothless old age for her.
  • Many in the angling world mourned the death, from old age, of the fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • But would these sprightly veterans have been better advised to avoid the stresses and strains of full-time toil in old age?
  • The most senior of all the Soviet defectors to the west, Orlov survived into his old age.
  • In old age she was troubled by deafness and played little active part in her husband's later political career.
  • Men expected to die before their wives, just as women foresaw a life after their husband's death in old age.
  • Brett told agents her husband also sometimes used the name Stephen King. The Seattle Times
  • Old age disabled him for hard work.
  • It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • To be able to live comfortably in old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Old age is dulling my thinking.
  • Parents and children were all buried together and although the parents lived to a decent old age they were unfortunate to lose their children, either in infancy, pre-adolescence or early adulthood.
  • Scheeringa is particularly concerned about the in-betweeners in the 7-to 11-year-old age group, whose ability to convey PTSD symptoms may not be much more developed than the youngest children.
  • We all want to maintain our dignity in old age.
  • It must be vexing to find oneself becoming a fictional character in old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the eyes of society, and the caring services, old age is the most unattractive part of the service.
  • Orkney's oldest resident celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, reaching the grand old age of 103.
  • Charles Booth argued, probably correctly, that old age pensions would encourage children to take in elderly parents.
  • Such problems are a universal feature of old age.
  • To make good use of should have in youth the experience of advanced years,and in old age the vigor of youth. 
  • One thing about driving a truck: it really is the fast lane into old age.
  • `Old age will hit your sister hard," said Owen, looking forward to his own well-ordered future. LOST CHILDREN
  • As people approach old age, their energies may diminish.
  • In most Pakistani families, men are dominant and sons are valued as guardians of the family, upholders of family honour and providers of old age insurance for the parents.
  • The reason to do it now is preventive to try and avoid a toothless old age for her.
  • Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
  • Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age.
  • Conclusions The correct rehabilitation instruction of nurse is importance to the healing of the replacement operation of artificial femoral head of the old age diabetic.
  • Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age.
  • We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 
  • He may have softened a bit in his old age but he's still a tough nut.
  • As to flowers, they are the prettiest periodicals ever published in folio -- the leaves are wire-wove and hot-pressed by Nature's self; their circulation is wide over all the land; from castle to cottage they are regularly taken in; as old age bends over them, his youth is renewed; and you see childhood poring upon them, prest close to its very bosom. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 406, December 26, 1829
  • a mind grown torpid in old age
  • straw death," as they called decease from old age or sickness. Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas
  • But the current system makes it impossible to insure for care in old age because the liability is unlimited. Times, Sunday Times
  • The overwhelming causes of poverty in rural areas were low pay and to a lesser extent old age and widowhood.
  • Gui de Blois, to rehandle the book in the French interest; and once again in his old age his work was recast with a view to effacing the large debt which he owed to his predecessor, Jean le Bel. A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • In 1926 it was the National Progressives that agreed to support the Liberals provided that they enacted legislation granting old age security pensions for seniors.
  • Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden. 
  • Another obvious gender difference was in the marital status of the testators: while male testators were single, married, and widowed, most women's testamentary documents, at least those that have survived, were written by widows. 50 Most of these were disposing of relatively small estates, often in exchange for support in their old age, and they tended to be less preoccupied with maintaining properties in the patriline, although this may simply have been a reflection of the lesser significance of the properties they were transferring. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • It is an aspect of ageism that old age is seen as asexual.
  • How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.
  • Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age
  • We know, from preliminary data analyses of three years of our four-year gobbler study, hunters select the older 'long-beards' over juveniles, or 'jakes', and the two-year-old age class, in particular, are the most vocal, and most readily come to a hunter's call. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. Victor Hugo 
  • These cooperators were not utopians, but rather male heads of households seeking to make it to old age without upsetting the status quo.
  • Charles Booth argued, probably correctly, that old age pensions would encourage children to take in elderly parents.
  • All the way to a ripe old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The follies of youth are food for repentance in old age
  • the white hairs of old age
  • The boomers will require not only solutions for their serious health issues, but also some innovative gadgets to help them ease into old age.
  • But in my ripe old age of 29 years, I have to say I was completely disappointed by my digital viewing experience.
  • He unapolegetically hasn't twelve-stepped his way into old age; indeed, at this point in his life, he'd probably croak if he stopped.
  • As regards studies of the abnormalities of the sexual impulse, under the name of _paradoxical sexual impulse_ cases have been published in which that impulse manifested itself at an age of life in which it is normally non-existent -- old age and childhood. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • For women old age was often thought to start earlier, in the late forties or around fifty, when the physical concomitants of menopause became visible; for men the defining characteristic was capacity for full-time work.
  • The hero grows from childhood to old age in a continuous present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every month he lays by 100 dollars out of his salary for his old age.
  • And the wisdom of old age will supersede the passion of our youth.
  • Americans find it difficult to think about old age until they are propelled into the midst of it by their own aging and that of relatives and friends .
  • In all honesty, I don't have many relatives that have lived to ripe old ages apart from my maternal Grandfather.
  • The steam locomotive evokes nostalgic memories of a bygone era with its glory and old age charm.
  • The risk factors of secondary pulmonary fungal infection of COPD were utilization of broad spectrum antibiotics and corticosteroids, hypoproteinemia and old age.
  • The hero grows from childhood to old age in a continuous present. Times, Sunday Times
  • old age is not for sissies
  • Pipe makers live to a ripe old age, with no known damage to their health. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his old age people began to build chapels for his dead body, driving him to ask one of his disciples to bury him in secret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henri, who before Alice conferred a full-fledged butlership upon him in his old age was since his youth a stage-carpenter at the Théâtre A Village of Vagabonds
  • He maintained that the weakness of old age should be resisted by a seriously undertaken regimen of frugal eating, moderate exercise and intellectual pursuit.
  • Margrith has trained young, aspiring hospital and old age home managers to be, in housekeeping, specializing in cooking.
  • My stepfather has apparently gone a bit churchy in his old age.
  • Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.
  • Smoking increases risk of suffering osteoporosis and bone fractures in old age. The Sun
  • Poor old men! how could they be cordial with their sore consciences and shamed faces? how could they bid God bless him with hearty voices and a true benison, knowing, as they did, that their vile cabal had driven him from his happy home, and sent him in his old age to seek shelter under a strange roof-tree? The Warden
  • To some, the idea of sexagenarian roommates having fun (and even getting laid) in their old age was too frightening to watch-but that was then, and this is now, where MILFs and even GILFs have their own video series, so how could a respectable parody producer not want to give these old broads their belated XXX bones? AVN Industry News
  • Every month he lays by 100 dollars out of his salary for his old age.
  • To make good use of should have in youth the experience of advanced years,and in old age the vigor of youth. 
  • The heat of the blood counteracts the refrigeration and, when respiring animals can no longer move the lung aquatic animals their gills, whether owing to discase or old age, their death ensues. On youth and old age, on life and death, on breathing
  • LYSIMACHUS: Those who have reached my time of life, Socrates and Nicias and Laches, fall out of acquaintance with the young, because they are generally detained at home by old age; but you, O son of Sophroniscus, should let your fellow demesman have the benefit of any advice which you are able to give. Laches
  • Let him spend time in the toughest American prisons amongst the worst of the worst and when he dies (hopefully of old age and not from being excessively sodomized) let a feral dog feed on his body and bury what is left of the remains along with the dog's droppings in a 55 gallon drum of lard. The under pants bomber dilemma
  • He envisaged an old age of loneliness and poverty.
  • Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age.
  • approaching old age
  • So what are the common ailments of old age - and how do you beat them? The Sun
  • Most men remain fertile into old age.
  • He wants to steamroller ahead with plans to make people save for their old age, rather than compelling the state or the employer to contribute more.
  • a new generation; how this simple asexual process continuing for several generations results in growing weakness and old age, steadily decreasing size, steadily decreasing vitality until there comes a time when one infusorian unites with another. The Social Emergency Studies in Sex Hygiene and Morals
  • It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
  • Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age.
  • In his old age, he takes up Latin and Caesar 's "Commentaries," reads the Austrian novelist Thomas Bernhard and corresponds with Owen Barfield, the anthroposophist and cultural historian. An Epistolary Performer
  • Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age.
  • But, to make them blessings, you must act your part well; for they may, by your neglect, your ill-treatment, your evil example, be made to be the _contrary of blessings_; instead of pleasure, they may bring you pain; instead of making your heart glad, the sight of them may make it sorrowful; instead of being the staff of your old age, they may bring your gray hairs in grief to the grave. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • The awful thing about old age is losing your dignity.
  • The Government reckons that at least three million people are facing poverty in their old age and that up to ten million more are looking at a huge drop in living standards when they retire.
  • In his old age people began to build chapels for his dead body, driving him to ask one of his disciples to bury him in secret. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something inspiring about vigour in old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • In voicing our fear of old age, Rivers has discovered a rich vein of comedy.
  • Let the globe be covered with wholesome fruits; let the air on which we depend for life convey to us no diseases and premature death; let man require no other lodging than the deer or roebuck, in that case the Genghis Khans and Tamerlanes will have no other attendants than their own children, who will be very worthy persons, and assist them affectionately in their old age. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • All these things, and far more, seem so much fresher once you settle for old age and have the time and solitude to enjoy them. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, sonny, no!" said Aunt Melvy, to whom all men were "sonny" until they died of old age. Sandy
  • States will absorb the staggering cost of not only constructing additional prisons to accommodate increasing numbers of prisoners who will never be released but also warehousing them into old age.
  • As more women survive into old age, the role of gender differences among older adults will become more important.
  • Economy is the easy chair of old age
  • Economy is the easy chair of old age
  • Accordingly she visits the witch, Dipsas, by whose magic aid the youth, found resting on a bank of lunary, is bewitched to sleep until old age. The Growth of English Drama
  • Economy is the easy chair of old age
  • Scientists now know that's not true, and the brain continually rewires and adapts itself even in old age.
  • Graham wants to grow vegetables as well as flowers and I want to plant a couple of trees to make a woody arbour for my old age.
  • Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
  • Though he was now touched by the first papery brittleness of old age, his shoulders were still broad, his biceps showed bulges, his posture was mostly erect, and he seemed relaxed.
  • With the Old Red Sandstone the ganoids were ushered upon the scene in amazing abundance; and for untold ages, comprising mayhap millions of years, the entire ichthyic class consisted, so far as is yet known, of but these two orders. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • There are instances of debauched and shameless old age which, deficient in vital resources, strives to supply their place by fictitious excitement; a kind of brutish lasciviousness, that is ever the more cruelly punished by nature, from the fact that the immediately-ensuing debility is in direct proportion to the forced stimulation which has preceded it. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • Most people don't need hospitals until old age, but some bring it on themselves through poor diet and ciggies, or drug and alcohol abuse.
  • There's something slightly disconcerting about rappers reaching the ripe old age of 40.
  • Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 
  • As people approach old age, their energies may diminish.
  • The buses are crowded with all these old age pensioners using their free travel passes going for a hurl on a warm bus with people to talk to when they should be at home well-wrapped up watching daytime TV.
  • And now I did certainly remark a quality in his voice that was new to my ear; it was not, as he had said, a labour or thickness of utterance, but a dryness and parchedness of old age, with many breaks from high to low notes, and a lean noise of dribbling threading every word. The Frozen Pirate
  • The first, which apparently looked like my old cairn terrier Geordie (who died of old age about 8 years back), he bought to give to me, but later gave it spontaneously to his Aunt for no real discernible reason.
  • Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age.
  • The vast majority die of old age, disease or unexpected encounters with cars.
  • As a 73-year-old I have to put my hand up and admit to never referring to myself as an old age pensioner, senior citizen, or even a wrinkly - I much prefer my term of recycled teenager, which causes great amusement.
  • Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age
  • He made as much clear in a letter, dashed off in anger after a critic had dared read his "Glagolitic Mass," first performed at the same concert in Prague as the Sinfonietta, as a sign that Janáček was finally becoming pious in his old age. Fanfares in the Face of Fascism
  • A very similar plant was that found and lost by Gilgamesh, after his sojourn with Ut-napishtim; it too had potent magical power and bore a title descriptive of its peculiar virtue of transforming old age to youth. Legends of Babylon and Egypt in relation to Hebrew tradition
  • You're getting quite romantic in your old age!
  • Old age homes are necessary, but essentially for the destitute and the poor.
  • My grandmother, of course, lived up to a ripe old age.
  • Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle, old age a regret. 
  • You need to start putting money away for your old age.
  • The risk factors of secondary pulmonary fungal infection of COPD were utilization of broad spectrum antibiotics and corticosteroids, hypoproteinemia and old age.
  • Meat did not have a place in the diet, except in old age.
  • ‘Previous generations of women resigned themselves to old age when they turned 50,’ she says.
  • Many conditions associated with old age can be treated and alleviated, if not cured.
  • The Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that 80 per cent of health related conditions in old age are preventable or postponable if corrected in time.
  • The combined feelings of exile and age were converted into peaceful images of how the fig tree has a fruitful old age ‘greater than any leafy youth, carrying its load of hope’ and displays its ancient sweetness.
  • Loss of hearing often occurs in old age.
  • Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
  • Are you getting lazier in your old age? doolally Says: My Today Show Interview. « The Paradigm Shift
  • In fact, I can't recall any account of an oak tree actually dying from old age; it may be that they go on and on, changing form and surviving until some accident destroys them.
  • Poor Don Juan found himself thus unexpectedly between two horns of a dilemma, the result in either case being the same -- that is, the spoliation of the little _pecadillo_ he had put away against old age. Wood Rangers The Trappers of Sonora
  • Her own passing was gentler; her family commented that she simply died of old age.
  • Any change in a system that is creaking from old age has to be welcomed.
  • Ben's getting a little testy in his old age.
  • He had given up work in disgust at the sheer banality of everyday life - this mindless activity just to get your old age pension.
  • Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 
  • Old age came to our grandfathers quite suddenly at the end of active working lives on meagre rations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economy is the easy chair of old age
  • The lining, pure silk, may be dropping off out of old age, but the thick, weathered wool still does its job.
  • The follies of youth are food for repentance in old age
  • Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. Victor Hugo 
  • A common cause of declining vision in old age is macular degeneration - wearing out of the light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye.
  • Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.
  • But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age.
  • Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
  • Do I want to live to be a ripe old age? Times, Sunday Times
  • The simple reality for most people is that they must save more if they want to avoid penury in old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • As many of you told us, Kevin Poole appeared for Burton Albion in the Johnstone's Paint Trophy earlier this season at the ripe old age of 47. Beers named after footballers redux
  • Schultz is a man facing old age and his looming mortality with a dim sadness that seems to complement his general ennui.
  • Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.
  • As he entered old age Philp reacted to increasing disability and frailty with typical resilience and dignity.
  • The old man from being cold and high, suddenly fell, as it were, into the whimpering querulousness of extreme old age. The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • It is a creation of his old age but the scintillating youthful spirit with which it sparkles inclines one to believe that the grand old man was reliving his lost youth through this romantic rhapsody of a story.
  • Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age.
  • I know of nothing more laughable than a doctor who does not die of old age. Voltaire 
  • Bacon's history is open to the world, from his boyhood to his death in old age -- a history consisting of known facts, displayed in minute and multitudinous detail; _facts_, not guesses and conjectures and might-have-beens. Is Shakespeare Dead? from my autobiography
  • They do it on purpose, I know they do, so as firmly to establish your new status as a slightly dotty old age pensioner, grateful for anything you can get but never quite understanding it, and completely uncertain about everything.
  • Born in Bologna in 1706, he lived to the ripe old age of 78, a remarkable achievement at the time.
  • The coastguardman received his promotion soon afterwards, and he continued to express his contempt for man-o'-war's men and smugglers till he arrived at a very old age. The Romance of the Coast
  • Eteocles, my child, it is not all evil that attends old age; sometimes its experience can offer sager counsel than can youth. The Phoenissae
  • I don't think Helen need worry about lack of funds in her old age - there will be far fewer real oldies around to share the national wealth.
  • Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a ret.
  • Down to Santiago, where a telegram waited him from the Emperor of Brazil announcing his election to the Acadèmie des Sciences de l'Institut de France, a great honor about which Agassiz remarks: The distinction unhappily is usually a brevet of infirmity, or at least of old age, and in my case it is to a falling house that the diploma is addressed. Runner of the Mountain Tops: The Life of Louis Agassiz
  • We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 
  • Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
  • _ Tremor of old age consists of a perpetual trembling of the hands, or of the head, or of other muscles, when they are exerted; and is erroneously called paralytic; and seems owing to the small quantity of animal power residing in the muscular fibres. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • They were also more likely to retain their mental abilities further into old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reformation of the Basic Old Age Insurance of our country is started in 1997, the target of which is to fund a system pattern integration of social pool planning with personal account.
  • Some of them had numerous relatives who had also lived to advanced old age, which would suggest that other, as yet unidentified genes are involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the basic old age insurance benefits are lower than the disability subsidy, the difference shall be made up from the work-related injury insurance funds.
  • This series follows the body's rearguard battles to stay alive from birth to old age. Times, Sunday Times
  • To us, time is a winged chariot speeding up towards old age and death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very soon this rigidity starts to restrict movements and by the time we reach old age we can barely get around.
  • A while back I was reminded of Dot the Dauntless, who sustained herself through a long old age perfectly happily and adequately by her changeless routine.
  • It is curious to know that they died of old age twenty years ago'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They grow up in confusion and bewilderment as children, then often pass into denial as young adults and sometimes remain frightened even into old age.
  • Those who used to desire many things tend to desire less at old age - and they are happier. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Heart attacks are caused by blocked arteries often linked to old age or unhealthy lifestyles. The Sun

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