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How To Use Oken In A Sentence

  • But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today
  • The coulpe or peccavi, is made for a very small matter — a broken glass, a torn veil, an involuntary delay of a few seconds at an office, a false note in church, etc.; this suffices, and the coulpe is made. Les Miserables
  • Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach.
  • In 2007, a jury let the Fairford Two off after they had broken into an RAF airbase to ground B-52 planes and prevent, they hoped, potential war crimes against Iraqi civilians.
  • The only people she would be able to talk to in English would be Ovidiu, and marginally to Rica with the broken language he was still trying to learn.
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  • Poor Sulkorig is dead by misadventure, his head broken by the hoof of the Lord Constable's horse. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • I'm currently enjoying the odd effect of chancing across spoken word excerpts in the original Italian.
  • The Press of Atlantic City interviewed Kuras, who spoke in confused, broken English.
  • Neither watch works,they're both broken.
  • Specimens are rarely found in one unbroken piece, and the process of reconstituting them is akin to completing a jigsaw puzzle.
  • I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?
  • A spokesman said: ‘Following a further complaint, visits to the tea room this year established the conditions of the licence had again been broken.’
  • Vibrations from instruments such as the talking drum or the didgeridoo, or even from foot-stomping dances, may have spoken volumes to distant, unshod listeners.
  • Vordul's verse is uninspiring and sounds much more like spoken word poetry, rather than a proper rap.
  • The term comprehended the whole nation, and no one will contend that the choice spoken of indicated that every Jew was safe for eternity. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • By the same token, if you pick up a strange rash, you will want to see a doctor in case it really is flesh-eating bacteria.
  • As a token of our gratitude for all that you have done, we would like you to accept this small gift.
  • The shower is broken - you'll have to have a bath.
  • Not only was his analysis absolutely on target, he was tremendously self-assured, well spoken and telegenic.
  • He has also spoken critically of the former President.
  • Unfortunately, in many cases, the first real symptom is a broken bone.
  • A broken heart takes a long time to heal.
  • My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty. III.9
  • But the monster got me when I fell and the 'squeaker' was broken. The Beast of Space
  • They tell me that his father was made what they call a baronet because he set a broken arm for one of those twenty royal dukes that England has to pay for. The Fixed Period
  • One woman's broken thigh bone had been badly set, leaving her left leg at least three inches shorter than her right.
  • She was awoken by the noise.
  • He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years.
  • 'If we hadn't cared for Hester for hersel', master, we should ha 'cared for her as being forespoken by yo'. Sylvia's Lovers — Complete
  • In stories the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun. Be quiet, I have something to say.
  • He replied, “I know not; but thou art better able to judge, being acquainted with the ways of thy man, more by token that thou art one of the sharpest-witted of women and past mistress of devices such as devise that whereof fail the wise.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Scabbards, broken arms, artillery horses, wrecks of gun carriages, and bloody garments strewed the scene.
  • Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
  • I was broken-hearted and on my own. The Sun
  • With a twist of his body, Vince turned so that his left leg was now resting on top of the broken wall of stone.
  • I was unfortunate enough to have an accident while on holiday in Minorca, where I spent eight days in hospital after an operation for a broken hip.
  • At one of those remarkable omnium-gatherum receptions at the Tuileries, of which I have spoken in a former chapter, she heard an American lady, to whom Louis Philippe was talking of his American recollections and of various persons he had known there, say to him, “Oh, sire, they all retain the most lively recollections of your majesty's sojourn among them, and wish nothing more than that you should return among them again!” What I Remember
  • The road was uneven, full of random stones and broken asphalt, thrusting themselves in all directions.
  • He probably would have still been teaching at Premiere Guild right now if he hadn't fell down a flight of stairs and broken his hip and bruised his tail bone.
  • He had spoken of being inspired by Sheffield's John and Sheila Sherwood winning medals in the Mexico Olympics, of joining their club and of being given his first pair of spikes by Sheila.
  • When a person has any kind of injury - a broken shin, for example, or a sunburn - the pain system becomes hypersensitized, firing up in response to normally painless sensations induced by, for instance, walking or a gentle massage. Undefined
  • We have worked very hard in the last couple of years and the kind of maneuverability that we have just spoken about in the fourth quarter typifies the progress we've made. Home Page
  • The view of the unbroken forest canopy stretching away to the horizon defies description; it is a vision of a world untroubled by time, a revelation of the hugeness and wholeness of nature.
  • His comments need careful consideration, particularly given his deep understanding of commercial cases and his outspoken criticism in some serious fraud cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chose a clear day to mend a broken fence covered in a climber, as it will be a time-consuming job to untie and untangle the plant.
  • I have this satisfactory stereotype in my mind's eye, all broken veins and Mittel Europa. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • They had tiffed occasionally, and broken off the friendship, and once I believe returned letters. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • He put a sheet of plastic over the broken window.
  • I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot. Renegades Of Gor
  • Fraction by fraction it rose, then a dirt-streaked brown forehead appeared over the broken bricks.
  • The Sea is heaven's own blue like a diamond more lovely in a king's diadem than in the mines of the Indes but as it gushes up through the broken ice-like salt, it is black, full of asphalte scum - and in the hand slimy, and smarting as a sting.
  • Consequently, when characters share on-screen space, it is almost claustrophobic because of the heavy presence of repressed longings and unspoken desires.
  • Her wings are cocked in a funny angle as if they were broken recently.
  • At ten to four I was awoken by a blackcap hopping along the tin roof, then striking up the most exquisite warbling, at first utterly solo in the half-light, soon joined by other birds. Wildwood
  • I congratulated her on taking part in your elocution lessons, and she said you were helping them to be well-spoken tabloid editors. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • A SEVEN-year-old Yorkshire child left orphaned by a car crash on the Greek island of Corfu has woken from a coma.
  • Having your house broken into is terrible. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
  • He saw privates, corporals, sergeants, and all the other ranks waiting for treatment from anything such as a broken limb, to a gunshot wound to a vital area of the body.
  • He had woken at half past five in an almost empty hut, a reveille different from any other. THE OPEN DOOR
  • In playing the diplomat, has he always spoken truth to power - including the powers within his own ecclesial community? The best path to peace | Savitri Hensman
  • She was taken to hospital in an ambulance suffering a broken neck but later died.
  • I was considered the token artsy-fartsy hippie dude. Taken for a Fool, Perhaps, but Not an Idiot
  • Not without a painful emotion of impending danger, as I watched the stellular reflections dancing in the rushing river, did I wander on in the wake of a group of pack-ponies, and took my turn in being assisted over the broken chasms by the muleteers. Across China on Foot
  • A chatbot is a computer programme designed to hold a spoken or written coversation with a human. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Eluvium is the geological term for detritus from weathering rock (soil, dust and rock particles are broken down and redeposited by the wind).
  • I must have more than 'intimated' -- I must have spoken plainly out the truth, if I do myself the barest justice, and told you long ago that the admiration at your works went _away_, quite another way and afar from the love of you. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
  • Here Bentham clearly ascribes the felicific tendency to action tokens, and he equates an action's felicific tendency with the extent to which it promotes utility. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • An arson attack victim has spoken of her fear after finding that firebugs had set fire to her front door.
  • The contract can only be broken by mutual consent.
  • Arcade remains a funny, outspoken and seemingly unstoppable life force. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ledge was brittle, and would be easily broken.
  • Mind, it is about time that you proposed to Clara, but you ought at least have spoken with your father beforehand.
  • It was a broken economy, rampant inflation, ineffective industry, overdominant trade unions and high taxes. The Sun
  • The opening vignette, ‘Lullaby for a Broken Dog’ is simple piano tinklings and a man's spoken words over the hiss and pop of a needle on an old record.
  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • Such survivals in the unbroken tradition of the cottage garden are now rare examples of such excellence and are very scarce indeed.
  • Part of the plane's wing had broken away.
  • But if it shall be otherwise -- if they stubbornly, sullenly persist in cherishing and manifesting the spirit of treason, making their motto to read, Bound, but not broken, then let the severities of immutable justice be meted out to them: let them die the death. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • Then you take them home and by divers evil arts turn them into lamp bases, photo frames and, oh, irony - bookends.
  • To play you will need to buy a token from one of the wait staff in the casino.
  • Any broken/latin stuff? looopz: What time are you on, might well make it down to this …. provided I can persuade someone else cassien: u.k. funky is house music for ol junglist like myself I'd like to break it here in the states but ... Grievous Angel
  • Friends are tonight trying to comfort the heartbroken teenager.
  • When chopped, blended or simply chewed, plant compounds in watercress known as glucosinolates are broken down into phenylethyl isothiocyanate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thereupon Shawahi came forward and kissing the ground before the Queen, took the hem of her garment and laid it on her head, saying, O Queen, by my claim for fosterage, be not hasty with him, more by token of thy knowledge that this poor wretch is a stranger, who hath adventured himself and suffered what none ever suffered before him, and Allah (to whom belong Might and The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She burst into tears and said she hadn't spoken to her mother for three years. The Sun
  • An uneasy truce has broken out in the coffee shop cybersquatting war.
  • Where else in Montreal can you see bands and spoken word acts, watch silent movies with live music, draw comix with your buddies, buy art from a vending machine or chow down on a tasty veggie sandwich?
  • He has always been an outspoken critic of the government.
  • Monday, August 3 Yesterday was grey and humid with the heat finally broken by an afternoon thundershower. 52449_CLARA
  • One is a broken awl, probably made from the neural spine of a bison vertebra.
  • In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty -- Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • El Barzon (the yoke) takes it's name from the revolutionary saying, "the yoke is broken, but the ox goes on". The middle class revolt
  • While they are stringing popcorn and cranberries to hang on the tree, Beth tells Calvin and Conrad that she had spoken to Carole Lazenby, who had informed her of something that Con should have told them.
  • Tank battalions, which supported infantry divisions, were at times broken up and spread over a whole division.
  • The phonological output lexicon stores pronunciations corresponding to all the spoken words known to the reader, also in the form of lexical entries.
  • You slip the token into the slot at the turnstile.
  • His wife was bed-ridden with a broken leg that occurred while roller-skating. JOHN P DIETZ aka JOHN PETER DIAZ
  • Everyone ends up with knocked-out teeth, gashed lips, and broken bones. I want to join Fight Club | Johnny B. Truant
  • At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
  • I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?
  • Holly looked up at her boyfriend, nodding at his silent agreement to her unspoken request.
  • I returned the coin to Noah, assuring him that I had no further need of it, and he went away well pleased, assured of the protection of the white man's duppy -- the token of the good spirits which he venerates as much as he fears the bugaboos. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • Winter had been long months in riveting them, and not in a day were they to be broken, not even by the thunderbolt of spring. Chapter VIII
  • The march was broken up by police in riot gear.
  • If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.(If it is not broken, do not fix it.). 
  • Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine. Christina G. Rossetti 
  • One case, number 11, describes the management of a broken nose, and the treatment, involving rolls of lint within the nostrils and external bandaging, can hardly be bettered even by modern doctors.
  • The junior deckhand on duty had fallen asleep, chronically fatigued after his eight hours' sleep in the previous 24 hours were broken into three periods.
  • However, no sooner had the parliament spoken than there were attempts to unsay its words.
  • Heartbroken friends left flowers near the murder scene and paid tribute on social media websites. The Sun
  • When the word ‘scientist’ was first spoken in 1833, it was meant as a joke: its coinage first drew laughs and later was attacked as ‘an American barbarous trisyllable.’
  • Leaning back into the car at one point to right the passenger seat, I got comprehensively chinned by the headrest and would probably have gone down if the dashboard had not broken my fall.
  • They are spoken in the Torres Strait, and among Aborigines in northern Australia.
  • The heartbroken emperor resolved to immortalize her memory by creating the finest monument ever seen, the Taj Mahal.
  • While pictures often portray the man sneering down his nose at the camera, in person he is strikingly soft-spoken, almost courtly.
  • The article itself indicates that the author had spoken to Mr. Deedes, the managing director of DT; but there is no evidence from him.
  • Parlez-vous français, mesdemoiselles!" cried madame, and we filed out into the dusty street, at the corner of which sat another of our visible tokens of the coming of the season of flowers; a dirty, shriveled old Irishwoman, full of benedictions and beggary, who, all through the summer, sold "posies" to the passers-by. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • This custom of lapidation, in token of hate, is an ancient practice, still common in the East. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Latex balloons, and toys or games that contain a latex balloon, must carry a warning that children younger than 8 can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons and that adult supervision is required Not just the newest toys hold risks for kids
  • Koinōnia idiōmatōn, — that communication of attributes in the person, whereby the properties of either nature are promiscuously spoken of the person of Christ, under what name soever, of God or man, he be spoken of, Acts xx. 28, iii. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • ` ` The style of his Grace (to say nothing here of his thought, of which others have spoken words of admiration certainly not too strong) often runs into poetry; and it has everywhere that indescribable not-too-muchness which is always the cachet of high-class work. '' Ginx's Baby. His Birth and other Misfortunes: A Satire
  • They charged Brown for that broken window.
  • This exposed strand then searches for a copy of itself (located on its sister chromosome), and "photocopies" past the broken region, repairing the DNA and zipping itself back up. Newswise: Latest News
  • He is the outspoken and confident red-haired editor of the local newspaper.
  • Could it be that the this turning of the greatest of the beasts of structure, corporations, could betoken an even more significant change?
  • The Grane was a 1122 ton Norwegian collier, torpedoed by UB80 on 9 March 1918 and more broken up.
  • You can also apply online once you have your eighth token. The Sun
  • It should not be confused with night terrors or panics, in which a child becomes acutely agitated and terror-struck at night, appearing to be awake while in fact asleep and unable to be woken.
  • His broken leg was encased in plaster.
  • The academy is long outspoken in support of animal research. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has just awoken from a year-long coma, and she’s still recovering from the terrible accident that caused it. Friday Book Club & Interview with Mary E. Pearson: The Adoration of Jenna Fox
  • For two women such as us, confirmed members of the jeans and T-shirt brigade, we were developing a surprising unspoken admiration for the seriously girly.
  • He has created a soft-spoken and gentle Barrie who is the boy who never grew up, yet never seems grotesque.
  • I imagine that an acupuncture session is fairly relaxing for the pet - the article indicates that the animal isthe center of attention during these exercises – they are petted, nuzzled, spoken to in calming adult-cooing baby language, placed on warm blankets with candle light and soft music, perhaps? Pet Acupunture – Grrrrr! Ruff! « Biodork
  • But this idea does point in the right general direction: toward a kind of inner conflict, toward what I have called a kind of "brokenness" in the human psyche, and in particular toward a failure of integration within the person of the creature's feelings and needs and impulses on the one hand, and the moral injunctions internalized from the socializing culture on the other. A Piece (from Huffington Post) on the Right's Manifest Hypocrisy Problem
  • The second problem is that there is no way to police if the teams are just interviewing these minorities as token candidates to fit under the guidelines.
  • In a second the whole sword was broken in pieces and Kashiro's attack continued.
  • A violent accession of noise proclaimed that the mob had broken through and was dragging a scab from a wagon. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • I unbolted the door and walked to the broken kitchen door.
  • They say the system is broken and it is creating hardship for day laborers and their families.
  • The silence was broken by the gavel pounding on the judge's perch.
  • Outside armies have toppled Afghanistan's government and installed a new one, but it controls only its broken-down capital and very little of the vast country beyond.
  • Once more the evening sky is dark and the streets are empty, the silence broken only by the familiar rumbling bass from high performance stereos passing in the night.
  • But there was the usual reverent silence, broken by the occasional embarrassed cough or ripple of restrained applause.
  • The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
  • The word hovered in the air a moment after she’d spoken. Last Christmas
  • These are Bengali, Tamil, and Malay, spoken in south and southeast Asia.
  • Kidd makes much of a Miltonic allusion that he perceives in "woful" as spoken by Buck Mulligan. 'Making the Wrong Joyce': An Exchange
  • Everyone turned to see who had spoken, and there in the corner stood an elderly courtier, one of the king's most trusted advisers.
  • In very appealing reasoning it is also argued that the complete unbroken circle, symbolizes the Buddhist wheel of life.
  • And the interaction with the customer rep. led me through several instances of Things I Don't Care About: type of my account, account number (I know my _member number_, but not my account numbers), my phone banking password (I call them once a year, roughly, and they still want me to remember a token for them...) et.c... Making Light: The lily knows not why it blossoms in the spring
  • Contact you dream? you listen? spoken word? norbert blei | six found-poems in the words and paintings of andrew wyeth Norbert blei | six found-poems in the words and paintings of andrew wyeth « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • English is understood all over the world while Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.
  • Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air: Would we have been better off without Home Rule?
  • He repaired the fence he had broken and made his peace with the neighbor on whose property it stood.
  • His house had been burgled, windows smashed, doors broken and family heirlooms stolen.
  • We don't know the reason why they have broken up with each other.
  • We can deduce the processes that were employed by examining the remains of discarded or lost, part worked or broken beads, for wear or tooling marks.
  • The small, plain-spoken drama teeters, undecidable, between lightness and weight. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Those scientific minds brave enough to point out these obvious flaws get fired, while the insane, lazy, and stupid continue to uphold a broken system that clearly doesn't work, punishes innocent citizens, overcrowds prisons, and generally increases suffering. Allison Kilkenny: Government Adviser Fired For Saying Alcohol Is More Dangerous Than Drugs
  • Sniggers because you get four-by-two from the armourer who has a hooked tool for getting broken pull-th roughs out of the barrel. Bottled Spider
  • Operating a cash-poor shamus practice in Edinburgh, occasionally bringing along his precocious daughter from a broken marriage, Brodie is clearly more of a doer than a brooder. Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Walking Dead, Case Histories and More!
  • He limped heavily as his co-pilot helped him to walk; it appeared as thought he man's leg was broken.
  • I cut myself on a piece of broken glass.
  • gentled" him all over his miserable frame, as he lay panting and overpowered on the sawdust, conquered and convinced at last, all his mistakes and misconceptions of other people came before him, as plainly as if Taffy himself had spoken them; so plainly, that he wondered at himself. Parables From Nature
  • puh" with her mouth, and went out of the house, and never come in again till the King went to Sir Daniel Harvy's to pray her; and so she is come to-day, when one would think his mind should be full of some other cares, having but this morning broken up such a Parliament, with so much discontent, and so many wants upon him, and but yesterday heard such Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1667 N.S.
  • It's as if the town has woken from a nightmare but is still dazed. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘They were replaced as many of them were broken, cracked or lifted,’ he said.
  • The silence was broken only by the splash of an alligator leaping on some prey far below, and the mournful pipe of some jungle bird across the rivers.
  • I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she'd broken her favourite doll.
  • The broken reasons of bailer of impeller was found out by analyzing some relevant cases occurred in a jet-type impulse turbine in China, some measures to handling it was presented.
  • He spent the afternoon in a deck-chair, with closed eyes, dozing brokenly most of the time, and in the evening went early to bed. Chapter 46
  • They are blessed with speed, agility and a very pleasing nature and broken in by the old and traditional way of the herdsmen, the gauchos.
  • Soft glints of moonlight reflected off broken glass pieces and onto their black coats, and I watched them for a minute, their muscles rippling under their skin.
  • The place was a mess; all the tables were either broken or burnt to cinders.
  • Today's token is provided right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sum which he demanded appeared exorbitant to the hadji, who, forgetting that he was a saint, and fresh from Mecca, fumed outrageously, and in broken Spanish called the boatman thief. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • Guaharibos, Spanish soldiers pretend to have found the fine kind of saussurite (Amazon-stone), of which we have spoken. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • He gave her a kiss that betokened his affection.
  • Our quest however, soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, PDF scraping and broken links.
  • There occurs in great numbers a species of small Pecten, -- some of the specimens scarce larger than a herring scale; a minute Ostrea, a sulcated Terebratula, an Isocardia, a Pullastra, and groups of broken serpulæ in vast abundance. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • The police gained access through a broken window.
  • The month before, in February, Amy had scored a hat trick in the ice hockey game against St. Francis and then, in the third period, broken her nose.
  • Unfortunately, when these rules are broken there is a real danger that an ingenuous error will evolve from self-delusion to fraud.
  • The nub of the problem with the Government's social coalition is that it invites business to make a token contribution in the context of the Government contributing less than it should.
  • Glossaries (glossarist. com, contains lots of broken links) Archive 2007-11-01
  • There was mischief brewing among these hot-headed, short-spoken salts, but Captain Foley changed the subject to discuss the new ships which were being built in the French ports. Rodney stone
  • If it fails, the Democrats will be seen as having broken their promises and/or having once again bungled an opportunity to fix the health care mess, and we could again be stuck with the Republicans for years. Sebelius: There will be competition with private insurers
  • Lucky money is given to kids as a token of luck and best wishes.
  • They cheerfully hailed us in Dari, then Urdu, then broken English.
  • By the same token, certain ingredients used in combination capture benefits not achievable when used alone.
  • This leads to the production of extensive areas of broken rock and large scree slopes.
  • unspoken grief
  • They've stocked the audience with a few token oddballs.
  • Violent death and loss have taken the life of this once powerful businessman - twisted it, broken it and turned it inside out.
  • It may all be innocent but my dad would be heartbroken. The Sun
  • Trees were broken and cracked open, and buildings had been blasted apart as if by dynamite.
  • The employers have not broken the dockers' strike.
  • I agree," jumps in Elisabeth Hasselbeck the show's token right-wing blonde who, has been looking for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise and who, like Sherri, is still operating on the mistaken believe they are conducting an actual interview. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • You learn a language better if you visit the country where it is spoken.

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