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How To Use Ois In A Sentence

  • This can often create a lot of noise, reducing the quality of image obtainable.
  • There was a lot of hum and noise in the barn because it wasn't designed for recording. The Sun
  • The microwave dinged and Leon seemed to get a little shocked from the noise.
  • The conference began with a Wednesday evening welcome reception, held at Chicago's Field Museum, where 28 mostly Illinois breweries had set up beer stations among two stuffed elephants, a couple of totem poles and a tyrannosaur skeleton. Beer: A celebration of craft brewing
  • I tried that noise she so often used in her interrogatives and she chittered a bit.
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  • Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish ---- only bless. (Arthur Schnabel , Austrian pianist.
  • While the Irish government generates a lot of noisy, self-righteous cant about the evils of cigarettes at home, it makes a pretty packet from ‘selling death’ abroad.
  • ‘Ah Dublin, you're giving it away,’ he wailed in the 55th minute, as the Dublin defence fluffed its lines yet again, giving Laois another unearned scoring opportunity.
  • The air smells like moist potting soil, the skin of potatoes… the damp chalk of limestone.
  • Most intriguingly, among the described symptoms of fugu poisoning is progressive limb paralysis while maintaining consciousness.
  • Cayenne pepper, which easily loses its red colour, was tinted with cinnabar, an extremely poisonous mercury compound.
  • How does one grow regionally adapted beans for moist climates?
  • At lunch, Monsieur Caïn and his wife, who epitomize the nouveau bourgeoisie, continue to berate their daughter for what they see as appalling manners and lack of respect.
  • The driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler.
  • The men were droning at each other in their Greek-inflected patois, or singing through their noses to the accompaniment of a flute out of tune.
  • Oman: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • Yes , sure. This line of products is fragrance - free. We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion and eye - cream.
  • The two males held their silence as she finished, all the noise ceased apart from the soft pad of hooves in the night air.
  • It shows a stag hunt, accompanied by more unlikely woodland animals such as a monkey and a tortoise. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he discovered, in 1954, that dimethylnitrosamine was hepatotoxic he noticed that the poisoned livers contained enlarged cells similar to those seen in veno-occlusive disease.
  • My mother's from Paris, so it's kind of ironic because when they gave him the word noisette, we heard later that the ESPN guy said, "Oh, his mother speaks French, he should know this. Visual Thesaurus : Online Edition
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • Erin Lyle, co-owner of Marty's Auto on Rathbone Avenue, told the Daily Herald "We have three houses right next to us and we've never had a noise or nuisance issue ... they're (city) not picking on tattoo parlors or grocery stores or anyone else. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The Australian was interested in Iroquois Falls because the Paper Company owns the whole town; they have made the streets and the municipality, and the stores, and they were good enough to rent premises to Dr. Monteith for his liquor store, to make some revenue. Northern Ontario
  • Despite the noise, they hadn't got in, and Sam offered up silent thanks to the miller who had built so well. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • That's the forecast for the forecastable future -- showers and thundershowers as the warm and sun suck moisture out of our sodden lebensraum and turn it back into clouds. Showers
  • I long for the Monday nights before he came along when the second I got hungry I could stand by the kitchen TV watching "The Bachelorette," while whumping down a salade nicoise. Susan Orlins: Dating After Divorce: What if I Meet a Guy I Like?
  • The ensemble playing is lock tight, the soloists are eloquent; the seven pieces (five of them composed by group members) are literate and stimulating.
  • The main axis of stratification in capitalist societies is the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Airport noise and pollution blight many lives. The Sun
  • There followed seventeen years of sectarian vagabondage: founded in 1830, the sect settled in Kirtland, Ohio, Jackson, Missouri, and Nauvoo, Illinois, reaching Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah, in 1847.
  • Moisture blisters usually include all paint coats down to the wood surface.
  • All the accommodation is decorated in as minimalist fashion as luxury will allow, reflecting the vibrant colours of the region, from warm terracotta to the cool turquoise of the sea.
  • Alexandre Vidal, du CRNV, est le meneur du volet québécois de cette opération qui se veut pancanadienne. Institution of higher what
  • Cascades of earls, rubies, sapphires, diamonds and tortoiseshell hatpins, 76 items in all, poured out.
  • What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour?
  • The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise.
  • It's here that he rails for the umpteenth time against lesser critics who have dared to suggest that his boisterous, agonistic account of writerly influence might be weighted in favour of a certain masculinist tradition. The Anatomy of Influence by Harold Bloom – review
  • Other situations affecting power quality are transients or spikes, surges or over-voltages, noise and sags or brownouts.
  • Aryan shrieks and runs out of my room, making such noise that her footfalls sound like an army trooping onto the battlefield.
  • Neither Chout, turned down initially by Diaghilev, nor the piano concerto, rejected comprehensively by its muse Paul Wittgenstein the LPO's soloist was Leon Fleisher, quite banished that impression of mechanical note-spinning. LPO/Jurowski; Betrothal in a Monastery; Psappha ensemble; SCO/Ticciati – review
  • Despite the fact that the soloists just use these two chords, the improvisations are melodically and rhythmically rich - a signpost of contemporary mainstream jazz.
  • The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
  • Using frequency in speed adjustment to achieve flexibility, asmoothniess and low noise level in speed adjusting.
  • They may feel that mechanized trail use is inappropriate and are angered by the inefficient two-cycle engine noise and exhaust.
  • I wrote it early in 1945 and it was published in Wireless World in October, just after the war had ended, and it laid down the principles which now determine the world's communication system, the idea that you'd have satellites poised at such a height above the earth that they remained stationery in the sky and so-called synchronous, or geostationary, orbit. Great voices of science fiction
  • 'Mmm, this cream cheese is delicious,' announced the girl next to me, biting into her croissant with vigor.
  • Not so much a summer scorcher, then, but a hot ticket that remains boisterously good fun for the undemanding multiplex-goers.
  • Wooden houses look out to a turquoise sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • She gets signed up for Amateur Night as a sentimental soprano soloist, is propelled on stage, moves her lips as the crowd makes noise, sways her body as if actually singing, then exits. “. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
  • The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan.
  • The soloist and orchestra achieve wonderful clarity and fine ensemble.
  • On this side of the Atlantic, the word means “style” or perhaps “poise” or “polish,” as in classy or a class act. Feckless Youth
  • VSA, the organization on arts and disability, will continue its playwrighting program and its annual young soloists program. Kennedy Center offers Cate Blanchett, hip-hop, 'The Addams Family'
  • People feared the development would cause traffic gridlock and claimed noisy fans would make their lives a misery.
  • We often forgive those who bore us, but we do not forgive those we bore. Francois de La Rochefoucauld 
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • She was awoken by the noise.
  • She tensed, hearing the strange noise again.
  • Both bird and beast are accustomed to noises in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is with narrow-minded people as with narrow-necked bottle; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out. 
  • Self-trust is the essence of heroism
  • He is capable of taking over this game, and if he does, Illinois' primary weakness will be its undoing.
  • Tuesday, 19 February 2008 first signs of spring - centre piece of the month february pick whatever flowers you get at the supermarket to make this little basket filled with flowers. ranunculus are my favourites and available all over the place at the moment, so i chose to put them into this flowery centrepiece. the orchid is quite fancy but you just really need one to pimp this up (and it keeps for ever!). a rose or two, some ivy and green leaves from the forest and you are all set. to get started line a basket with some foil and trim on the edges. soak some floral foam in water and place in the basket, when soaked wet (can be really, really wet - it will have to work as a vase to the flowers), eventually cut and trim the floral on the edges, so that it resembles an arch. trim flowers and green leaves and stick into pot. start doing so on the bottom of foam, working upwards until you have an even flowery centrepiece. make sure foam stays moist - adding some water from time to time. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It will include harpists, a soprano soloist accompanied by the flute and spinet and music by Mozart as well as other lesser-known composers.
  • In the mid-1830s the Kendall settlers gave impetus to the westward movement of Norwegians by founding a settlement in the Fox River area of Illinois.
  • Even at these speeds, engine noise was quiet, with only small amounts of road and wind noise.
  • Experience can contribute to connoisseurship, but only if the consumer tastes with attention and an open mind.
  • Swindon Council may also serve a warning notice on riders causing a noise nuisance.
  • Lezinka, a boisterous dance in a raging tempo, drums ablaze, that is popular in the The Full Feed from
  • Unlike other porpoises and dolphins, belugas are quite leisurely.
  • The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
  • Anyway, today we made a pistachio dacquoise (remember that a dacquoise is a meringue--whipped egg whites--with sugar and nut flour(s) folded into it), an apricot-passion-fruit gelee, some apricot glaze, two sablee dough shells (we didn't get to do those, as the only sablee dough left was too soft to work with, so we'll do it tomorrow), and each of us made an inverted puff pastry recipe and put four turns in the dough. Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts
  • This time all three acts were paired with a work from Debussy – Act I with Printemps, Act II with Trois Nocturnes, and Act III with La damoiselle élue. Archive 2007-04-01
  • A thick wall keeps the noise at bay.
  • Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
  • The very first day I discovered the moisture meter in the mixer was not working properly, giving an inconsistent mix and the cement weigh batcher was weighing inconsistent amounts for each batch. Undefined
  • Roy Bourgeois made the front page of this past Saturday's New York Times, and I was glad for the good news at hand: 157 priests signed a statement in support of Father Roy Bourgeois, whom the Vatican has begun to defrock. Michele Somerville: A Frock Does Not A Priest Make
  • The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor.
  • The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.
  • Bon sinon mercredi ou jeudi (mais j'vais prendre mercredi si jeudi j'suis tout seul ca va pas et 'simple) faut que j'fasse une affiche qui pete bien pour la promo du poisson .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Said boy was taken up by Thomas Walton, and says _he was free_, and that his parents live near Shawneetown, Illinois, and that he was _taken_ from that place in July 1836; says his father's name is William, and his mother's Sally Brown, and that they moved from Fredericksburg, The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • And she, warm with what Dick had just told of him, pleasured at the goodly sight of him, dwelling with her eyes on the light, high poise of head, the careless, sun-sanded hair, and the lightness, almost debonaireness, of his carriage despite his weight of body and breadth of shoulders. CHAPTER XXIII
  • Here a general murmur arose, and the teacher, opening her lips for the first time, ejaculated — “Silence, mesdemoiselles!” The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The Cologne goalkeeper signalled his potential by publicly attacking the legendary Bayern Munich Maoist Paul Breitner for his heavy drinking, smoking and gambling though not, strangely enough, for his scrofulous appearance. Note to England's rugby players: embrace Der Aggro | Harry Pearson
  • Hey its not the mayfly its the gastrotrich (its an aquatic animal) that lives for only three days ... the longest is the tortoise (177 years) ... pls can anyone tell a SI unit named after a women scientist?????? plzzz? what is the name of the condition in which haemoglobin content gets decreased? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • In ‘Amphibians,’ the tortoises arranged around the shell-like form vary in size gradually.
  • Ancelotti is poised to become the puppet master of this summer's transfer dealings. The Sun
  • Here's Malvoisie for thee, Hubert," said one of the company, dipping into the rundlet. The Dragon of Wantley His Tale
  • Imaginez au contraire que, dans chaque commune, il y ait un bourgeois, un seul, ayant lu Bastiat, et que ce bourgeois-là soit respecté, les choses changeraient! Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • From Poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain.
  • He made the usual noises of protest and sat watching her as she busied herself with the pots.
  • The news on the TV screen had a surge of static and a loud noise simultaneously thundered throughout the colony.
  • The pond water was strangled with poisonous weed.
  • The result was a lengthy and noisy competition in self-abasement and mutual re-assurance.
  • In contemporary philosophical language these would be the doctrines of hylozoism and animism.
  • They moved through the forest only at night, and silen AWenger carrying the girl over the roughest parts to save I feet, allowing no one else to hoist her up. Briar Rose
  • Of course, she stepped on it, it made the dreaded 'crinkly' noise and she jerked-- her head catching in the loop of the bag. Poursuivre - French Word-A-Day
  • Each evening, before retiring, the careful wife sees that a hocho, or kitchen knife, is laid upon the kitchen floor, and covered with a kanadarai, or brazen wash - basin, on the upturned bottom of which is placed a single straw sandal, of the noiseless sort called zori, also turned upside down. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Mix the frozen petits pois into the softened onions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is probable, however, that M. Thoinan, who makes this statement, has not considered the possibility of the word _musette_ applying in this case to the small rustic hautbois or _dessus de bombarde_, also written _muse_, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Robert is joined by Vincent Courtois on cello and Cyril Atef on drums in a chamber jazz group of the highest order.
  • My ears were met with the noise of Bam nervously jangling his car keys.
  • Then the king of England entered into the country of Beauvoisis, brenning and exiling the plain country, and lodged at a fair abbey and Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • The car's new sound system can easily kick out the high-volume jams with the added noise of driving without a roof.
  • No wonder the tits and finches were so noisy and active.
  • Closing his eyes he fell into a light sleep, ready to awaken at the slightest noise.
  • Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness. Henrik Ibsen
  • The same principle can be used to make a moisture meter from wooded strips.
  • If you feel sluggish in the morning, use turquoise tones in the bathroom. The Sun
  • There are many techniques depending on whether the home is under construction or being retrofitted to eliminate noise pollution.
  • This can lead to reduced coral growth, inability to recover from hazards like cyclones, smothering of coral by sediment, fish poisoning and unusually high growth rates for organisms that overgrow coral or support its rivals.
  • Não tiveram pra onde ir, ninguém veio buscar. entre uma conversa e outra, um vacilão falando que tinha muito oportinista na favela, muito cara que pegou casa sem precisar, pois já tinha seu barraco, logo foi calado pela multidão que beirava o córrego, com gritos um tiozinho chegou e falou que ninguém tava brincando de ter lucro ali não, que ninguém tava fingindo que precisava morar, que ele havia perdido tudo pro trator. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Outrage at violent São Paulo eviction
  • He pauses, shakes his head, then boisterously proclaims, ‘Aw, gee whiz, I guess that means the hot dogs are on me, gang!’
  • It contests every inch of space with man, and, aided by incessant heat and moisture, constantly wrests from him his conquests and buries them in a fury of viridescence. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • Bouchons were originally wine bars where the local silk workers or passing stagecoach drivers could fill up on a simple, hearty cuisine that was based on fresh local products -- mostly pig in the form of andouillette, fried crackling, tripes, petit salé -- and lots of the local wine among like-minded souls, enjoying their brief moment of freedom amid laughter and loud, boisterous behavior. Jamie Schler: A Side Trip to Lyons: Le Bouchon
  • The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.
  • Sheols of houris in chems upon divans, (revolted stellas vespertine vesamong them) at a bare (O!) mention of the scaly rybald exclaimed: Poisse! Finnegans Wake
  • Perhaps the biggest problem on top was making signals to the engineers in the yard below to prevent overwinding of the hoisting engines. The Great Bridge
  • Flutist and piccoloist Diane Boyd Schultz has established her career through solo and chamber performances in the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Romania, and Austria. Meridian Star Homepage
  • November 28th, 2008 at 3: 07 am an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization says: an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization … burrow individualizes restatement linoleum sunk … Think Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
  • He was embarrassed and even ashamed of his indiscretion, but then he realized that there was no way he could have been heard above the roar of the boisterous crowd.
  • The car is quite noisy at speed.
  • While Mona stares uncomfortably into the horse's eye, Tamsin regards her with poised bemusement.
  • On the other end, there's the opening movement of Faschingsschwank aus Wien, where the lyricism is always being interrupted by a boisterous beer-hall ritornello: Florestan suddenly showing up to shake Eusebius out of his reverie and drag him back to the party. Been there, done that
  • Most of this coffee is not the higher grade arabica bean sold to connoisseurs, but the lower-grade robusta that ends up in instant coffee or in cheap blends sold in supermarkets.
  • Cross-correlation coefficients computed from comparisons of sonograms reflect differences in the spectral and temporal characteristics of the call, as well as differences in signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Reducing environmental noise while one is trying to sleep can be particularly challenging - especially in university dormitories.
  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • The children would gather in a noisy clump at the rear window to shout encouragement and offer coaching tips to their pursuer.
  • The air was choked with smoke and fury, the noise deafening, the attacking fierce. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment for poisoning and attempted murder.
  • The pizza tasted much better than it looked, tangy tomato paste, nice, moist pan-style dough.
  • He must have been very drunk, for at last the heavy sleep gripped him with the suddenness of a magic spell, and the last word lengthened itself into an interminable, noisy, in-drawn snore. Youth And Two Other Stories
  • Well, a cup of coffee and a croissant is probably the answer at Frieze. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's just a noise that might attract some birds, particularly things like wrens and thornbills, and saffron whitefaces which we've just seen.
  • I started having cracke noises in my buenos aires landline when I added DSL. A Dying Landline Business Sounds a Lot Like Static
  • - in fabric design, "une pastille" is a large round spot - "un pois" (= pea) being smaller. Machine à coudre - French Word-A-Day
  • Bourgeois believes the war on terrorism has taken a toll on King's nonviolent vision.
  • They were making the most tremendous amount of noise last night.
  • The pickup features an exclusive transducer that Guild claim offers advanced sensitivity and dynamic range as well as low noise levels.
  • They are a small but noisy pressure group .
  • Mr Foster maintained his composure: If acceptable manners were a paddock, Mademoiselle Marguerite had not yet jumped the fence.
  • This fifteen metre, golden statue has sat here for 30 years and while its bulk is impressive, don't expect meditative solemnity; the forecourt is noisy with music, stalls and snack bars.
  • De Havilland's poised, elegant Miriam is the perfect foil for haggard, wild-eyed Charlotte.
  • Never use the foam underlayment with moisture barrier on wood floors or wood subfloors.
  • And pachinko is a national obsession, the parlours offering gaudy arrays of noisy pinball machines where many Japanese contentedly gamble the hours away.
  • After inactivation of the diphtheria poison, or in other words after the detoxication of the body fluids by the addition of diphtheria antitoxin, the dyscrasia is overcome; in its place appears, so to say, a eucrasia. Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
  • The city was overcrowded with tall skyscrapers and noisy vehicles of all sorts.
  • Only a feat of brilliant decipherment by Jean-François Champollion, working in the 1820s, allowed us to understand ancient Egypt again in its own terms. Beyond the Pharaohs
  • The use of the bucket and telpher also eliminated most of the objectionable noise incident to the transfer of spoil from tunnel cars to ordinary wagons at the shaft sites. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • Cats were slumbering noisily beneath the TV set and a smallish party of utter strangers were drinking Harp in the saloon lounge. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Periodically, bark and litter samples from each site were collected, moist chambered in the manner described by Gilbert and Martin, and examined closely for plasmodia and fruiting bodies for a three week period.
  • OK, our garden is based around ethnobotanical plants which are useful to people, not only for foods and medicines, but also for fibres, dyes, cosmetics, perfumes, poisons and so on.
  • The intruder was a big man, his face glistening with the effort of hoisting himself up. The Bullet Catchers
  • By carrying them in my handbag, I can also use them in the plane if the noise gets too much, or if the pressure makes my ears pop.
  • If using frozen petit pois don't add them yet: just add parsley and stock. Times, Sunday Times
  • His symptoms led to the conclusion that his troubles were likely caused by grayanotoxin poisoning, also known as rhododendron poisoning and "mad honey intoxication. The Seattle Times
  • With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
  • She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.
  • Should the English hoist their flag here, a new factory must be erected; the most eligible situation for which would be where the mosk now stands, or the mosk itself might be converted into one, and another rebuilt elsewhere; but to this the sultan has insuperable objections. The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • Encerrei a direcção de turma com chave de ouro como sempre, modéstia à parte, pois o cinismo aliado ao shift+insert fazem maravilhas e durante uns dias nem quero sequer pensar em eduquês ou outro idioma semelhante. Encerrado
  • The paintings of the Post-Impressionists, including Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which formerly hung in the claustrophobic, columned Bellechasse gallery, are cosseted now one floor below in small, elegant, midnight-blue galleries dedicated to the late scholar Françoise Cachin, who served as the museum's first director. New Visions Arrive at the Orsay
  • He travelled each morning with bread supplies for Port-laoise but in the afternoons he travelled on the country byroads bringing Brad-bury's breads and confectioneries to rural shops.
  • In Beethoven's Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 44, the trio contrasted the music's delicacy with sheer boisterousness. Emerson opens string quartet festival with well-played Schonberg
  • As well as isolation, problems included often rugged terrain, the prohibitive cost of transport, cattle ticks and poison plants.
  • Trailing edge vibration has been dampened by reinforcement with thin glass fibre rod inserts or mylar overlays, so eliminating excessive noise.
  • There were periods of real heroism as Scotland tried to speed the game up, Gordon Simpson deciding to run a quick one at the outset.
  • He is the author of well over 100 research publications including journal articles, book chapters, and six books on desert grassland, the cacti of Sonora, the Sonoran desert tortoise, and packrat middens and the paleoecology of the southwestern deserts. Contributor: Tom Van Devender
  • The plants should be grown in a sunny or partially shaded spot and prefer a fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
  • But "Le corbeau" still was a touchstone for the young François Truffaut, and Claude Chabrol has drawn on Clouzot's mordant critiques of bourgeois society. A French Director Ripe for Rediscovery
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • The problem is that cowboys like this give legitimate piercers/tattooists a bad name.
  • Smith helped Wisconsin outrush Illinois, 307-64, while Sorgi completed 7-of-12 passes for 131 yards.
  • Like "just A moment," the album sees the act expanding the posthardcore sounds that dominated their early releases. "shandy" starts as an experimental pop song filled with dizzying distorted noises and then morphs into a dramatic rocker. "this is is this?" is the disc's most dynamic composition. Japan News latest RSS headlines - The Japan News.Net
  • It would take years before the noise would be muffled by mains electricity. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Evan Snyderman of R 20th Century, a leading New York gallery, Design Miami/Basel is one of the few fairs in the world committed to the level of presentation and connoisseurship our gallery strives to achieve. Maturing Gracefully
  • The movers will move it, and I could care less how they go about hoisting it out of the room and onto their truck.
  • But according to this new paper, humans who consume horse meat (most often overseas and especially in France, Italy, Japan and Belgium) are at risk for being poisoned by Phenylbutazone or "bute.
  • Castor oil comes from the bean but so does a powerful skin irritant, and a deadly poison called ricin.
  • A product of the Reagan-Bush era, she's been steadily counterpoised to the of the right. THE SELLING OF SEX
  • It thus promises to take us beyond the Nature-Society dualism organising both previous Marxian work on nature and versions of bourgeois technocentrism and radical ecocentrism.
  • (Hamburg, 1893).] the poisonous character of the former would be lessened by the introduction of the carbonic acid esters and subsequent coupling of the substances (depside formation). Synthetic Tannins
  • Walking into an arcade shop where there's all those arcade games and noises going left right and centre and beeps and pings, I hear that type of noise in day to day life.
  • Based on a Korean fairy-tale, this light and witty piece of chinoiserie tells the story of a Mandarin's daughter who is engaged to a rich Ambassador but loves an impoverished youth.
  • The resulting cake is golden, incredibly moist, light and fruity, with a slightly crusty edge, and it is very hard to stop at just one slice.
  • That noise is driving me mad.
  • The Russian studies use sites that are perhaps the best temp proxies dendrology can offer — cold not moisture-limited sites, and whadayaknow, the correlation w/temps are much better than average. Juckes and the Indigirka River Alter Ego « Climate Audit
  • It was reported that the noise was causing stress for grazing livestock and driving them into the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is not so clear that this weakening of states increases the possibility of the political independence or autonomy of oppressed nations within them, because the bourgeoisies of the weakened nation-states in question fight back.
  • The merest little noise makes him nervous.
  • The stars gleaming and moon shining lit my way to the secluded hill as the noise of everyone behind me faded.
  • Thai Rice Noodles is dressed in coconut hoisin sauce and garlic chili paste.
  • Of critical importance, Du Bois wrote, is his financial success, his efforts to increase church membership, and his personal popularity. American Grace
  • The minor 'phobias, such as pyrophobia, or fear of fire; stasophobia, or inability to arise and walk, the victims spending all their time in bed; toxicophobia or fear of poison, etc., will be left to the reader's inspection in special works on this subject. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Sound effects and the musical score exhibit excellent fidelity, but the dialogue is harsh with too much noise.
  • The seemingly random splotches of bold color mimicked the appearance of tortoiseshell while simultaneously obscuring flaws still evident in the body and glaze of many pieces.
  • Less obvious, however, are the deaths from morbilli of wild seals and porpoises in several parts of the world and the equine morbilli in Australia that has not only killed the horses infected, but two of their trainers besides.

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