How To Use Oily In A Sentence
The stable oily liquid, which absorbs intense heat, was used as a coolant for electrical transformers and capacitors.
The black and white images suggested a lunar surface with bright elevated land masses, grooved by sloping drainage channels and seemingly surrounded by dark, still pools of oily liquid.
I looked up and saw that the trees I was standing under were eucalypts, which had released their oily, pungent aroma into the wet air.
He was a large, meaty, oily type of man — a kind of ambling, gelatinous formula of the male, with the usual sound commercial instincts of the Jew, but with an errant philosophy which led him to believe first one thing and then another so long as neither interfered definitely with his business.
The Titan
However, the duck confit was cut up in cold bits and enmeshed in a strange, oily construction of mushrooms and haricots verts.

It widely considered the president's attempt to save a sliver of his otherwise, rather soily international legacy.
Archive 2008-11-01
Some savoury recipes also use rhubarb, as its tanginess makes it an ideal accompaniment for fatty meats or oily fish.
His thin, white hair was clumped in oily points that yellowed at the tips.
Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
It's a delicate white fish that's less fishy and less oily than the kind of catfish that usually gets drowned in chili powder.
He was oily in character, very slick and unclean.
A small round doily is pasted down, and roses are cut from a seed catalog.
Archive 2008-08-01
When they eventually brought the cake out… I could see Cameron inspecting the doily that it was sitting on.
I get a lot of the soily root, almost too much "soft soil" effect for me to stomach, like a stem that's been sitting in water too long.
Perfume Review: Lalique Encre Noir
When you are finished, your face is not totally clean because you are left with an oily film that should be removed.
Take Care of Your Skin
I follow the man into the room giving a small smile to the oily man on my way out.
She had darting, small brown eyes and the light seemed to pass with ease through the large ears protruding through her oily, lank hair…
The range offers targeted products for dry, oily and combination skin.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, you'll probably need to try a few out to find the best one for your skin but, as a general rule, pick alcohol-free formulations for dry skin and pick mattifying or shine-control toners for oily skin.
It also did a great job of keeping oily areas at bay.
Times, Sunday Times
Together they make a perfect milk for those whose skins are very oily and prone to blemishes and eruptions.
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A heavy slithering came from somewhere close and I wished they weren't so quiet, I wished they'd scream in their fright or bang into something, to take my mind away from their oily leglessness.
The Mandarin Cypher
For stubborn makeup stains use nonoily makeup remover, pretreat and launder as usual.
The Royal Guide to Spot and Stain Removal
All parts of the poison ivy plant produce the oily irritating agent, urushiol.
But it will burn, and that is what our fuel truck did, stubbornly and with thick billows of oily black smoke that would have prevented us from smothering the blaze with sand even if we had not been too tired to lift our shovels.
His hobby was collecting Japanese comic books, also known as manga, and he always seemed to have oily hair.
Well, the way I see it, butter either comes melted and all oily and sticky or unmelted and thick and tasting so plain, it's disgusting.
Try oily fish twice a week, an omega-3 supplement or foods fortified with these essential fats.
Times, Sunday Times
In Europe - Germany, Alsace and Italy, the best Pinot Gris are oily, sweetish, full-bodied luscious wines.
It can prohibit the fouling by making the oily wastewater in presence of acidic property and CO_2 removal.
Oily and mature skin types benefit the most from this type of exfoliation.
These include vegetable oils, oily fish, avocados, nuts and seeds.
an oily sycophantic press agent
Fish is most beneficial for the body when it comes in an oily form such as mackerel, trout or salmon.
If you have predominantly oily skin throughout the seasons, opt for a toner that contains witch hazel, instead.
If you find oily fish hard to stomach, try putting salmon in fishcakes or putting anchovies on pizzas.
Times, Sunday Times
We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil.
The Sun
oily puddles in the streets
Made in two formulations, normal to dry and normal to oily, this translucent powder will mattify and give your skin an even-toned appearance.
Makeup Minute
It's 6am and Basra is burning, black clouds of oily smoke drifting over the city to the east, the sound of gunfire rolling across the canal.
Omega - 3 fatty acids, such as those in oily fish and flaxseed oil, can relieve dry eyes by easing inflammation and stimulating tear production.
The thick, translucent slices were encased in a light batter that was appropriately oily.
The brandy, not the 400 post commemorative doily, that is.
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Hydrosol, extracted from Australian Tea Tree, with a herbal-spicy scent. It has a cleansing, purifying and balancing effect. For impure, oily skin and combination skin.
‘The only unpleasantness was a slightly oily feeling on your body when you got out of the water,’ he said.
The “river” itself was more like a sludge channel, and trees hugged at its banks, choking it at impossible angles on either side, looking vaguely as though two armies were facing off with spindly and florid pikes, unsure who would make the first move over the brown, oily runnel between them.
Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
That too failed, so oily rags were lit to set fire to the den.
The Sun
We cannot face one more cup of green tea or choke down any more oily fish.
The Sun
I have a fragment of their plaster postiche copying the close-grained Egyptian granite; the oily lustre of the quartz is so fresh and the peculiar structure of the rock, with its mica scintillations, so admirably rendered as to deceive, after two thousand years, the eye of a trained mineralogist.]
Old Calabria
Sort of like a slightly rubbery proscuitto, the beef tendon is cut paper thin and served cold, covered in an oily hot dressing.
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And the prints that reflect the etched texts do so imperfectly, because their appearance was affected by the way they were printed (e.g., underinked, overinked, inked with a stiff or oily ink onto paper of varying thickness and dampness).
I use an oily rag to clean my bike with.
Oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel and sardine would be a better catch for Chris.
He proceeded to give us encouragement and advice as we struggled to fashion a belt out of an oily rag.
It's almost amusing, until one of them sinks into a pool of oily sludge and wings greased, struggles helplessly to get free as the others fly off.
Wouldn't this make him a set-up for an oily huckster who sold lame horses with a false hump?
The seeds can then be cooked with or without dehulling, or can be ground into a nutritious oily meal.
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The oily minister could be in politically jeopardy.
No bird of prey hovered overhead, not even the dragonflies disturbed the oily surface of the pond.
And he laughed when my father and I went to see him; yes, _laughed_, in that noiseless, oily, inside way of his, as you might think of a snake laughing.
The Alaskan
Acne is a skin condition caused by overactivity of the glands that secrete oily substances on to the skin.
Shadow, blusher, and foundation can leave oily deposits in the pores.
Take Care of Your Skin
This rinse is perfect for those with oily hair, being naturally somewhat drying.
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And though the risotto is a bit oily, the lamb shank in the middle is served as such a tenderly appealing stew, the grains were bound to get short shrift.
His very appearance was a doorway into his soul; oily skin, greasy hair, and even his silks were in tatters.
The skin on the nose and on the bridge of the nose will probably appear oily.
Take Care of Your Skin
We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil.
The Sun
His character is oily and unctuous, bestowing kisses upon any woman in reach, including cringing audience members.
We eat less oily fish than we should - one portion a week, when two is the minimum recommended.
Times, Sunday Times
After their competition the steamy athletes scraped off the oily mess with a strigil, which looks something like a sickle.
Lank or naturally oily hair is often difficult to care for.
Foods that are rich in unsaturated fats include oily fish, avocados, nuts and sunflower, rapeseed and olive oils.
The omega - 3 oil found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna, sardines, herring, kippers, pilchards, trout and anchovies are known to have a protective effect on the heart.
Mild oily purgatives like castor oil or bulk laxatives such as linseed or psyllium seeds are recommended.
That oily, dark gutter of regrowth ... now highly desirable.
Times, Sunday Times
Clean-skinned, copper-colored, lithe and wiry as a tiger cat, with the long, lank, oily black hair of his race, Norton bore himself with all the airs of a European princelet and dressed himself in the beaded buckskins of a savage.
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It isn't just the sausage and bacon that make this place oily; it's the tables and chairs, the dusty potted plants in the window and the grumpy waitresses with their dinner lady hairnets.
Surely smoke becomes a kitchin farre better than a dining chamber, and yet it makes a kitchin also oftentimes in the inward parts of men, soyling and infecting them with an vnctuous and oily kind of soote, as hath been found in some great tobacco takers, that after their death, were opened.
History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
Finally, over the soily dishes and a second glass of wine, she looked at him seriously.
Thin Air
The tiny knots of the branch dug into his neck as Merlin sought to find a purchase with his fingers, scrabbling against the oily branch.
Gooseberries have such a short season, and I love to combine them with the oily fish.
In these troughs the eggs, broken and stirred with shovels, remain exposed to the sun till the oily part, which swims on the surface, has time to inspissate.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Pizza dough is more oily than a standard bread dough.
The sweat coats your body in a nasty, slick, oily sheen.
Without a sudsy, creamy, foamy or oily lubricant, you can give yourself razor burn or rash - no thanks.
There was an oily slick on top and far too many noodles, flabbily over - cooked.
The team also drew a few guffaws locally when their coach, a Quebecois named Yves Boily, told the media his team was overeating.
The same goes for the tart salsa verde that came with miniature chicken flautas (a shade too oily) as an appetizer.
The seven companions were left in silence - the only light stuttering from oily torches in brackets along the walls, as there were no windows.
A night of calm, when sleep is well-nigh impossible in the sultry, muggy air, may be followed by a day of blazing sun and an oily swell from the south'ard, connoting great gales in that area of ocean we are sailing toward -- or all day long the Elsinore, under an overcast sky, royals and sky sails furled, may plunge and buck under wind-pressure into a short and choppy head-sea.
It sinks in skin - good for oily complexions.
The Sun
He is joined by half a dozen oily men, and delivers a blistering dance routine in which he moonwalks.
Watch Karl Rove take a dip in the pool, layer upon layer of oily, crenulated back fat rippling in the Mediterranean breeze.
Uh oh.
He always wears the oily old pair of jeans.
When I helped Gemma to dry up, the tea towel slid on oily cutlery.
The Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon will also thin the blood and help prevent blood clots.
Unease slides through my brain like an oily knife blade.
Inland river waterage has volume big, haul distance is long, oily cost is low and the characteristic of relatively safe environmental protection.
Both white fish (such as haddock, plaice, halibut and sole) and oily fish (such as sardines, salmon, trout, pilchards and mackerel) are valuable sources of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Pizza dough is more oily than a standard bread dough.
Today I served some mackerel with confit of duck, two oily and fatty ingredients which you wouldn't expect to see together.
To make the dressing, carefully pour off the oily part of the girolle cooking liquid into a bowl, leaving the watery liquid behind in the pan.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
If you want to take the concept one step further, though, an extra wheel at the back as well can actually make the entire bike narrower while delivering the sort of stability that can let you safely powerslide and drift all four wheels on an oily skidpan.
Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
The tide had perceptibly slackened and the surface of the sea settled from a small chop to an oily slick in which virtually every subsurface movement for yards around the boat could be seen though our polarised sunglasses.
When she was younger, she had very oily skin.
On the other hand, the sweat that comes from the "apocrine" glands (usually located under the arm pits, the genital areas and around the nipples) contain proteins and oily substances that bacteria can feed on and break down to cause body odour.
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The aim is to supply the insatiable Japanese market, which prefers oily tuna for sushi.
With his dungarees, red neckerchief, beard and constantly oily hands, I couldn't help seeing him as a displaced U-boat skipper - or perhaps my imagination was working overtime.
Hardwoods are better because they burn hotter and form less creosote, an oily, black tar that sticks to chimneys and stove pipes.
Heaving his head upright Michael sipped at the bitter, oily coffee and tried to focus on his sister.
This comes from fish like mackerel but you are only supposed to have one serving of oily fish a week.
The Sun
They are found in oily fish, beans, raw nuts, cold pressed seed and vegetable oils.
He is oily and evil and pleased that others are dying around him.
Encia workmen are punching boreholes deep into the ground to suck up oily chemicals which leaked into aquifers far beneath the surface.
Oil paint is a wet mixture of pigments in an oily medium.
As the green flames lifted I could see the oily gleam of his integument and the brightness of his eyes.
The War of The Worlds
This time the continuous oily stream covers the body and is followed by a massage.
Times, Sunday Times
Gem-quality olivine (magnesium iron silicate), known as peridot, is an oily olive-green colour.
The offending material in all species of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac is an oily resin known as urushiol.
Summertime Skin Irritants
They sit there shelling the peanuts and rubbing off the tissuey brown skin with a rolling motion of thumb and index finger and eating the oily salty flesh and dropping the husks on the ground without ever taking their eyes off the game.
If you find oily fish hard to stomach, try putting salmon in fishcakes or putting anchovies on pizzas.
Times, Sunday Times
Several weeks after the main clean-up operation on a heavily-polluted former gasworks site at Heworth was completed, an oily reek still hangs in the air.
If coaly or oily material is present in samples the DMSO may become very dark, but this does not appear to affect its effectiveness when re-used.
As the oil is sucked from the ground, the earth itself subsides, and the oily waters of the gulf of Guinea seep deeper inland, poisoning the heart of these once fertile swamps.
We cannot face one more cup of green tea or choke down any more oily fish.
The Sun
They are vitamins A and D, both found in liver, oily fish, and dairy products; vitamin E, in many vegetable foods, especially wheatgerm, and milk; and vitamin K, widely present in many vegetable foods.
And he blots his face now, to prove to us he is not oily!
This time the continuous oily stream covers the body and is followed by a massage.
Times, Sunday Times
Women with oily skin have oily hair that may need a daily shampoo.
Take Care of Your Skin
Slow-cooked grain and rice pilafs, unctuously oily stuffed vegetables, melting stews of meat, vegetable and grain are their stock-in-trade.
He was in the process of cutting up some kind of machine with a blow torch, several parts of it were on fire and a plume of oily smoke hovered over it.
George is now on a special dried food made of oily fish and tapioca, with occasional chicken or turkey as a treat.
Their scent glands, located near their tails, are rubbed along branches as they walk or are deliberately rubbed against upright branches to deposit an oily musk as a signal to other binturongs.
oily fried potatoes
Adams recoiled from the “oily, sickish, slightly fetid odor” he smelled everywhere, and throughout his trip would complain that Japanese women were like cheap dolls—wooden, jerky, mechanical.
The Five of Hearts
Hazardous materials such as batteries, empty paint tins, oily rags etc must be delivered separately and similarly labelled.
He is an unpleasant oily man, holding a whip in one hand, and a short sword in the other.
Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, butter and oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardine.
It also did a great job of keeping oily areas at bay.
Times, Sunday Times
Stick to powder blushes as well; cream formulas tend to make oily skin look even greasier.
It sinks in skin - good for oily complexions.
The Sun
But her hair, though oily from lack of care, was soft and silken.
The cod's the best bit here, but in nutritional terms, it trails a dismal second to oily varieties of fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and swordfish.
The hair canals are connected to a gland that produces an oily substance referred as sebum and the gland that produces sebum is called sebaceous gland.
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JOY MELZER from Kansas City, Mo., is looking for a natural treatment for oily hair.
Suave and a touch oily, the magician, all in black with a red-lined cape and red cummerbund, passes his hoop around a young woman in a black corset, garters and stockings who levitates within a shaft of light.
I got up at 5: 30 am, and my stroll to the clifftop revealed a brand spanking new swell, with blue sunny skies, and an oily smooth ocean.
They were oily musclemen wearing too-tight t-shirts.
Each team was provided with crepe paper, pins, a needle, rubber band, a doily and a paper plate.
Limit oily fish portions to one a week if you are pregnant.
The Sun
_Spermaceti_, an oily substance, found in the head of a species of whale, called the spermaceti whale.
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Its sleek black body was covered with rock hard scales, which gave an oily glow when the sun reflected from them.
Combining the acids with the glycerine into the resultant yellow oily liquid of nitroglycerine was a hazardous process requiring strict temperature control.
If you are using an oily preservative, you may want to leave it till the end of the season when the chairs are out of use.
Times, Sunday Times
They contained no artificial colours, drying alcohol, synthetic fragrances, oily lanolin or mineral oil - all staple ingredients in many leading brands.
Though the cracks were tiny, it was enough to allow an oily liquid seep through at several points, covering the floor.
Many smoked pipes or large, oily cigars and all took deep slurps from tarnished tankards that barmaids bustled around to refill.
Canned salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout and pilchards count as oily fish, as they do when fresh.
Pegged rate systems are great for fueling crises, like oily combustibles lying around in a garage; a small flame can start a great fire and take down a house.
Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.
So swap cheese and potatoes for oily fish and veggies.
The Sun
This time the continuous oily stream covers the body and is followed by a massage.
Times, Sunday Times
Picking up the cup of milk with bound hands I kicked the food back at the stringy, oily servant, growling and muttering a warning.
For two days they had clung to the oily hull of the ship.
Times, Sunday Times
One fruitarian Kiawe and Jameson mentioned eats nothing but nonoily fruits and raw pollen.
The Fruit Hunters
It seems to balance skin whether it's oily or dry.
Times, Sunday Times
Together they make a perfect milk for those whose skins are very oily and prone to blemishes and eruptions.
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They pound them to pieces, and then cast them into boiling water, which, after passing through fine strainers, preserves the most oily part of the liquid: this they call by a name which signifies Hiccory milk; it is as sweet and rich as fresh cream, and is an ingredient in most of their cookery, especially homony and corn cakes.
Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
On billboards and in magazines around the world, the Swedish midfielder appeared shaven from his head down and covered in some sort of oily lubricant.
Times, Sunday Times
At standard temperature and pressure it is a colorless, oily liquid with an unpleasant odor that turns brown due to slow oxidation by air.
It was perfectly delicious: dryish, chewy, oily and rich.
Times, Sunday Times
The ingredients further down on the list are not as significant in determining whether the product is best for oily or dry skin.
Take Care of Your Skin
Enamored of brushy Spanish facture, Delacroix said (copying what he thought to be a Velazquez), ‘I'd like to spread some nice oily, thick paint across a brown or red canvas.’
The oily sebum rises up through the hair follicle, providing lubrication for your skin and hair.
One serving counts as one of your oily fish portions for the week.
Times, Sunday Times
He stood a bit over six feet and had shoulder-length oily black hair, which was worn in a mess about his features.
The oily rags combusted spontaneously
Some commercial rollmops are pickled in brutally acidic distilled vinegar, which obliterates their oily succulence and flavour.
The Guardian World News
Because it is not atomising the diesel enough, the fuel volume burns erratically and slowly as the flame burns through the large droplets of oily fuel.
Pointing to a clump of black, oily waste hanging from a nearby axle-box, he ordered, "Pull out a bunch of that!
The Young Railroaders Tales of Adventure and Ingenuity
Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.
His body was covered in wounds, his long hair was clumped and oily, and he was dressed in rags.
With the Asian market porker that Japan gives priority to oily supply of goods supplies insecurity. Case of porker oil price is rising quickly. In Chinese meal cooking.
It is crispy and high in protein without being oily.
Make a simple sauce for oily fish such as mackerel.
Times, Sunday Times
Next up was the crab omelette, beautifully cooked, not greasy or oily in any way, and plenty of crab inside.
The team is setting a crayfish trap containing oily fish as bait to see what they catch.
Other discharges include 37,000 gallons of oily bilge water and 15 gallons of toxic waste from dry-cleaning, painting and photograph-processing.
One of the flasks holds an oily liquid approximating to coffee while the other holds almost-boiling water that might nearly brew a half-strength cup of extra-weak tea.
But it appears that this is a mixture of fibrine and caseine, with what is now called _glutine_, and a peculiar oily or fatty matter.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Out on the water, an indistinct blob that could only be one of Lithia's sailplaning squid broke the surface and glided low over the oily swell for nearly sixty yards before it hit the waves again.
A Case Of Conscience
I have always told you the consequence of attending to the minutiae, where art (or imposture, as the ill-mannered would call it) is designed — your linen rumpled and soily, when you wait upon her — easy terms these — just come to town — remember (as formerly) to loll, to throw out your legs, to stroke and grasp down your ruffles, as if of significance enough to be careless.
Clarissa Harlowe
- Another rather expeditious mode of transferring patterns on to thin and more especially smooth glossy stuffs, is by means of a special kind of tinted paper, called autographic paper, which is impregnated with a coloured oily substance and is to be had at any stationer's shop.
Slice the rabbit and arrange it on top, then spoon the oily sauce over the meat.
Times, Sunday Times
That too failed, so oily rags were lit to set fire to the den.
The Sun
Shampoos that contain jojoba oil or tea tree oil help eliminate oily deposits and reduce shedding.
It was a must at wedding feasts, despite the various dals, since, unlike the oily and rich dishes, it soothed the stomach.
They recommend two meals of white fish a week and one meal of oily fish such as salmon or sardines.
Times, Sunday Times
And ta-da ... more biking = less dependence on that oily stuff
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Paul, a doily is a piece of fabric, often chocheted, or embroidered linen, which sits a on table, sideboards or similar.
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