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oil pump

  1. a pump that keeps a supply of oil on moving parts

How To Use oil pump In A Sentence

  • The shock to the motor was so big that it snapped the oil pump off the block and sprayed hot oil over the extractors (the part of the exhaust connected to the motor).
  • In October, 2001, GE proposed a solution: retrofitting 190 planes with a new oil pump over two years.
  • It chronicles which transmission plants use in-house pistons, oil pumps, and flywheels, as opposed to those purchased elsewhere.
  • The paper analyses the reasons of oil vapor produced in the light oil pump house. Some measures that should be taken to reduce oil vapor are introduced.
  • The Boston was forced to land in choppy seas because of a failed oil pump.
  • The adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the investigated leaves of Styrian oil pumpkin showed numerous glandular trichomes and bristle hairs.
  • Description : Zhejiang Pingchai Pumps ---- Oil pump , tappet valve guide, rod.
  • We secured the fires, stopped the fuel oil pump and left. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • To overcome the need for a larger oil pump, Ford worked with Borg-Warner to devise what they call Cam Torque Actuated VCT. Autoblog Green
  • This oil pump is important because there is an idle-stop feature of the car, which means that the gasoline engine is off when, say, at a stop light.
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