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oil of vitriol

  1. (H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide; widely used in the chemical industry

How To Use oil of vitriol In A Sentence

  • by Leopold Gmelin, Henry Watts - 1848 When a mixture of caproate of baryta with alcohol and oil of vitriol is heated, caproic ether soon rises to the surface.
  • His model for discussion, indigo, is based on Saxon blue rather than on a traditional vat as it was in the earlier presentation. reference This is especially important because de la Follie developed several new dyeing processes that employed oil of vitriol — a critical component of the Saxon blue vat. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • You have poured oil in the raw and festering wound of an old friend's conscience, Cottle! but it is _oil of vitriol! Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
  • There is an acridity or pungency both in cold things, as vinegar and oil of vitriol, and in hot, as oil of marjoram and the like. The New Organon
  • Plates which, after being heated or electrized in alkali, or after other treatment, were found inert, immediately received power by being dipped for a minute or two, or even only for an instant, into hot oil of vitriol, and then into water. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
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