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How To Use Ohm In A Sentence

  • Islamabad: security forces killed 35 militants, on Tuesday in a military assault at tehsil lakarho and tehsil pindalai - mohmand agency, north-western tribal region of Pakistan, adjacent to Afghanistan. 35 militants killed in north-western Pakistan
  • Keilberth's stereo sound and somewhat fleeter interpretation though no Böhm or Boulez tip the scales in his favor in my opinion. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The reason for this starts with surface inhomogeneities that lead to nucleation of the deposition process in one spot, after which ohmic and transport effects lead to further amplification of this inhomogeneity. Archive 2010-09-01
  • It appears that the maximum plasma temperature attainable by ohmic heating in a tokamak is 20-30 million degrees Celsius. Nuclear fusion power
  • At that time David Bohm was professor of theoretical physics there and I occasionally wondered if his concept of the “implicate order” allowed for parapsychological phenomena. American Association for the Advancement of PseudoScience
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  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • A relation between an increase in the ohmic resistance and the ohmic restriction resistance of a conducting plate with a sharply changing width is shown.
  • The tour, which also takes in the Royal Enclosure, Phimeanakas, the Terrace of the Elephants and Terrace of Leper Kings, as well as the famous Ta Prohm temple, ends with a gentle boat ride from the south gate to the west gate of Angkor Thom, where guests are picked up and taken to the five-star Hôtel de la Paix in nearby Siem Reap. Memories Worth 1,000 Pradas
  • -- Case of rhinophyma before and after operation (Ohmann-Dumesnil). Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • I use my ohmmeter frequently to check the continuity of circuits and to measure resistance in spark plug wires.
  • PESHAWAR: Grand Jirga of Haleemzai tribe belongs to Mohmand Agency, fedrally administered tribal area, situated in north of Peshawar, capital of North West Frontier Province held today. Mohmand tribal jirga met Governor NWFP
  • These Cheney fans are morons in more than one way, they use the theme "draft Cheney 2012" but these idiots fail to realize that Cheney was deferred from active duty in 'more than one draft order' which shows his cowardliness. ohmygod New group tries to convince Cheney to run in 2012
  • For any object conducting electricity, one can define the resistance in ohms as the ratio of the electrical potential difference applied to the object to current passing through it in amperes.
  • Tipperary, owned by Merck, Sharp and Dohme is accused by a local farmer of causing his cattle to die.
  • Rohmer's characters are thinkers and are not inclined to act spontaneously.
  • Beerbohm's other half-brother was a cheerfully untidy dresser at home although he frequently played the dandy on stage.
  • Ohm said she simply, "wanted to expose how the media phallocracy normalizes racism and homophobia in American society," but eventually found that she had gotten more than she bargained for. Will Menaker: "Michele Bachmann" Revealed as Elaborate "Borat" Style Hoax
  • Earth is having an ideal resistance of 1 ohm which is lower than the resistance of any high voltage circuit. Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • Megohm inspection method is to form an electric cable terminal at the online access, another access terminal on the motor casing, megohm shake table to observe the value of insulation resistance.
  • The windings in the operating field yield an ohmic resistor, the internal resistor R1. 6. Direct current machines
  • After drying for 24 hours at ambient temperature, its surface resistivity is 0.005 megohm per square, a value which is 1000 times less than the minimum of 5 megohms per square required.
  • After dinner we went back to Fed Square to see A Tale of Springtime screened at cinematheque as part of the Eric Rohmer retrospective that's taking place over the next few weeks.
  • In 2003, Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson had summoned representatives of three Rubbertown plants that emitted butadiene to his office, and the companies — American Synthetic Rubber, Zeon and Rohm and Haas — soon announced they would voluntarily reduce their emissions. Cooperation helped Louisville clean up air
  • His son, Seebohm, had done more than anyone to expose the wretched living conditions of the poor in his 1901 treatise on the slums of York.
  • Mises, with his pure time preference theory, went beyond Böhm-Bawerk by showing how the determination of interest does not depend on the roundaboutness of capital. The Austrian Economists:
  • Metrohm has optimised its rotating Pt-disk electrode for cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS) applications. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • Jacob Bohme; George Fox, founder of the Quakers; and Emanuel Swedenborg.
  • In order to improve the quality of control, an ohmic base load has to be connected to the load exit of the device according to the instructions of the manufacturer (e.g. filament lamps 25 W). 6. Operating Components for Discharge Lamps
  • Using the memory cards in the package, the user can load all these methods (complete instrument parameter settings, including calculations and reports) onto his or her Metrohm potentiometric titrator. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • Lord Kelvin is credited with coining mho by reversing the spelling of ohm. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 4
  • And the scene I love the most, instead of saying "ohm," in their class, they say "bone". CNN Transcript Apr 22, 2009
  • This inaccurate value is 6.67% higher than the actual parallel resistance of 25 megohms.
  • However, Rosenberg wasn't as personally repugnant as the other top Brownshirts such as Heydrich, Funk, or Röhm himself, so Shirer girded his mental loins, smoked a pipeful of some awful tobacco, and left his apartment. Archive 2009-12-01
  • And was this treemanangel on his soredbohmend because Knockout, the knickknaver, knacked him in the knechtschaft? — Finnegans Wake
  • In late 1928, Kurt Lohmann isolated salts of a new phosphorylated compound from muscle, which he called Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • The BS407 can resolve resistance down to 1 microhm and has ranges with full scales from 2 milliohms up to 20 kilohms with a basic accuracy of 0.1 per cent. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • The antenna is a (Yagi?) impedance 50 (ohms? looks like a headset sign); residual wave radiation, - 60dB; Transmission current 1500mA Modulation frequency deviation, 5KHz (mas/minus). Where can I get the antenna I need?
  • The exposed backside is recessed at the central gate location to define the current path which connects the source and drain ohmic contacts.
  • Turns out the name is a reference to "ohm," the common unit of electrical measure. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • The tester compares the measurement to preset lower and upper (1.25 or 10 megohms) resistance levels.
  • Ohmann-Dumesnil 10.145 reports a case of rhinophyma in a man of seventy-two, an alcoholic, who was originally affected with acne rosacea, on whom he performed a most successful operation for restoration. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Rohmer was already moving to join them as Cardiff replaced the telephone receiver and pushed away from the reception desk.
  • Specific resistance. [rho] 1 ohm. [omega] 1 megohm. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • In 1935, Lohmann proposed his refined structural model of ATP, which was confirmed in the late 1940s after the introduction of new X-ray crystallographic techniques. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • I guess Hohm sounds better than Holt (home and volt), Hampere (home and ampere), Hurrent (home and current), or Hatt (home and watt). Microsoft builds Hohm, a new energy-monitoring system
  • For most applications, the micro - ohmmeter or DMM is sufficient for contact resistance measurements.
  • The unit of the resistance is called ohm in honour of the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1789 - 1854) and abbreviated by the Greek letter 2. Fundamental Quantities of Electrical Engineering
  • Velleman PCS500AU PC-scopeWith its deflection can create a slow signal an input, the face of the no means that are viewed usually tell a megohm measure the other, on. We Blog A Lot
  • Hohmann reached freely into the propagandistic stock-in-trade of Hitler and Goebbels.
  • When the members of the Commission arrive in Palestine, they are shocked to find leaflets circulating among the Arabs showing Ernst Röhm in an Arab robe and burnoose, trampling Jews underfoot. DBTL 55: Palestine 1932 - 1945
  • Although Ohm's work strongly influenced theory, it was received with little enthusiasm.
  • Added: Wed 12th Dec 2007 12: 16, Post No: 137 infernally megohm mole paginate, relabel imperialism ...
  • Marginal utility theory of value are the main representatives of Eugen Bohm - Bawerk.
  • Set the meter to the lowest ohm scale.
  • Fluorescent lamps can also be operated by direct current voltage, if the lacking a.c. resistance is replaced by an ohmic resistance and the lamp is pole-changed from time to time with the help of an intermediate switch. 5. Light Sources for Illuminating Purposes
  • Number three, inclusion of interstage matching as found in the AH212 and 323 and lastly with the highest levels of integration are needed a fully integrated 50 ohm input/output impedance solution such as the [TQM 87 9006]. TriQuint CEO Discusses Q3 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking Alpha
  • As a director, Rohmer became a leading force in France's convention-smashing New Wave cinema, alongside directors Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut, his colleagues at the Cahiers.
  • Jordan am i the only one who really enjoyed alison lohman's performance in matchstick men? New Photos from Sam Raimi’s Drag Me to Hell | /Film
  • There are no bilge keels, but stabilisation is achieved by a combination of fin stabilisers from Blohm and Voss and a controlled passive tank system supplied by Intering.
  • If the current source contacts are non-ohmic, there may be a significant difference in the compliance voltage when the source polarity is reversed.
  • Sir HERBERT BEERBOHM TREE, goliardic, tarantulated and pontostomatous, invested the character of the great financier with a fluorescent charm. Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, October 7, 1914
  • Resistance of electrodes was held below 10K ohms.
  • The boy and I pick up one of their small baked Alaskas or ice cream bombes once every few weeks and split it for dessert, and ohmygod. Today’s Consolidated Berkeley Trip « Skid Roche
  • As for me, well, the book's dedicated "to the memory of Sax Rohmer, the Baroness Orczy, H. Rider Haggard, E. Phillips Oppenheim, and many others," so I couldn't resist. Archive 2007-06-24
  • They found ‘an ohmmeter, a rheostat, a condenser, and a magnetic interrupter’ but found nothing in the machine that could either read or send energy waves as Abrams had been claiming.
  • I heartily agree and am consequently tempted to stop rehearsing the details of Beerbohm's life.
  • Learn tips from our stereo expert on how to control the Ohm loads of your car stereo amplifier in this free video clip on stereo systems.
  • David Bohm, and Jean-Pierre Vigier to hypothesise the existence of an unobserved deterministic substructure underpinning the apparently indeterministic cavortings of objects on the quantum-mechanical level. Paul Feyerabend
  • Napster network neural networks nuclear power nuclear reactor nukes offshore drilling ohm online operating system packet switched system pager parallel processing peaker plant peripheral perpetual-motion machine personal computer petrochemical photoelectric effect platform portal power transmission grid program program, to programming language protocols radar radioactive waste radwaste 23. Technology
  • “Many people have assumed that the hematite in ancient rocks formed by the oxidation of siderite in the modern atmosphere,” said Hiroshi Ohmoto, professor of geochemistry, Penn State. Deep-sea Rocks Point To Early Oxygen On Earth | Impact Lab
  • Herr Röhm also swore that the Brownshirts would die fighting to the last man rather than surrender to, as he put it, 'the subhuman Slavic hordes and their secret Jewish-Bolshevist masters'. DBTL 51C: City of Shadows - Interest
  • Two females may be pressing vulvas and clitorises together, rapidly rubbing them sideways in a pattern known as genito-genital rubbing (or "hoka-hoka"), and Hohmann wonders: "But does it have anything to do with sex? Frans de Waal: Bonobos and Paula Jones
  • With this megohm meter all you need to do is connect both leads to your motor or device and press and hold the button and view the graph.
  • Bohmian mechanics involves superluminal action-at-a-distance and thus violates the ‘locality principle’ of relativity theory.
  • Rohmer was still talking to himself, still keeping that vice-clamp grip on Gilbert's wrist.
  • I searched the site and could not find the conversion between reciprocal ohms or mhos and siemens.
  • An interpretation of quantum mechanics that ascribes a nonlocalized position to a charged particle on its way through the apparatus is committed to a violation of spatiotemporal separability in the Aharonov-Bohm effect, since the particle's passage constitutes a nonseparable process. Holism and Nonseparability in Physics
  • Much is riding on the outcome: the joule, watt, volt, farad, weber and ohm are only some of the units derived in part from the kilo. The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
  • Sheet resistance has the units of ohms , but it is convenient to refer to it in ohms per square since the sheet resistance produces the resistance of the coating within any square area.
  • The battery bias is applied through a high (5 megohm) resistor, limiting the demand on the batteries. Stereophile RSS Feed
  • There are some interestingtechnical problems to be addressed in determining whether and how the notion of separability applies in the Bohmian framework. Scientific Blogging
  • The scores are estimates unless a homeowner inputs more detailed information, which allows Hohm to provide customized tips for conserving energy such as caulking windows or adding insulation. Are You an Energy Hog or Miser? Microsoft Hohm Will Tell You | Impact Lab
  • When the word 'yoga' comes up', he envisions a half-naked 'man, dressed only in a loin cloth, with his feet behind his head, chanting "ohm".
  • Each antenna features vertical polarization, with an impedance of 50 ohms.
  • Ohmann-Dumesnil reports a case of rhinophyma in a man of seventy-two, an alcoholic, who was originally affected with acne rosacea, on whom he performed a most successful operation for restoration. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Weak current equipment earthing adopts integrated earthing system with earthing resistance no more than 1 ohm.
  • The film also recalls the elaborate assassination methods, secret passages and underground lairs that were typical of Rohmer's contemporary Edgar Wallace, who inspired the then popular series of Krimi films in Germany.
  • Checking a shorted part's easy: Just connect an ohmmeter, and if it never charges up to an open circuit, then it's either leaky or shorted.
  • Ducretet's non-oscillating galvanometer, Sir William Thomson's amperemeters, voltameters, ohmmeters, and mhosmeters, constructed and exhibited by Breguet, and a new aperiodic galvanoscope of Mr. Maiche. Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884.
  • It also suggests, albeit discreetly, how smart he was: You'll find in its unpretentiously written pages references to the likes of Max Beerbohm, John Dowland, Robert Herrick, Martin Luther, H.L. Head of the Nice Guys Club
  • If the voltmeter contacts are non-ohmic, they may rectify any AC pickup present and cause a DC offset error.
  • Bilayers of Ni / Au and Al / Ti were deposited by e-beam evaporation as p- and n-type ohmic contacts for current injection.
  • Some did, however, and found a weird jumble of ohmmeters, rheostats, condensers, and other parts wired together in an incomprehensible manner.
  • Water was drawn only when the measured specific resistivity was 18.2 M ohm cm, indicating that the maximal grade of purity had been reached.
  • Rohmer turned his attention back to Jimmy as Gilbert and Frye continued taking their mysterious readings.
  • Checking a shorted part's easy: Just connect an ohmmeter, and if it never charges up to an open circuit, then it's either leaky or shorted.
  • One milestone came in 1934 when Lohmann observed that phosphate molecules from creatine phosphate combine with adenylic acid to form ATP, yet without producing heat. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Before I knew it, I forgot about everything else as I got lost in the world of volts, amps, and ohms.
  • Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told his assembled colleagues about how he shared Ms. Giffords's "chocaholic" tendencies. House Pays Tribute to Attack Victims
  • Van Beyerland collected, translated and published the complete works of the German theosopher Jacob Böhme before the English and German collected editions appeared.
  • The cover fell down and hit on a piece of tile located on what we call a carrier plate between the left ohms pod and the aft body on the orbiter. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2005
  • ohm Mother, help us, reward our labour, open to us the rich vein of flint that you hide deep in your body. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • For example, the word sax in Anglo - Saxon means a sharp blade, "and rohmer in Anglo - Saxon stands for" a wanderer. In The Queens' Parlour
  • Ai ai smai sesler eni els so co uil piso ai in de col men seivuan prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait ai ai smai senflecs eni go for doing peso ai in de col men seivuan prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait ohmy Prisencolinensinainciusol
  • Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope.
  • MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Plug-in. Ampere rating 4. Nominal resistance cold 0.0202 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.
  • As far as the dangers go, its a lot safer than nuclear fission power (the reactor types that are being used now) because it produces virtually no radiation or nuclear waste (ohmic heating of a plasma in a tokamak replaces the irradiated water if a fission reactor which produces nuclear waste). Think Progress » FACT CHECK: Combating Global Warming Does Not Require ‘Economic Castration’
  • If you use a resistor less than 100 ohms you'll know it because it will get hot.
  • These trends indicate movement of rural inhabitants to the nucleated centers and reorganization of the Lohmann phase rural political environment.
  • I can see Page in the role, as Lohman is very similar, but honestly think that Page would have been to distanced from the audience. REVIEW: Drag Me To Hell « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • DRAG ME TO HELL (May 29), a loan officer suffers the title fate after evicting an old woman; Alison Lohman and Justin Long star. Boston Phoenix -
  • There is no prominent change of gelatinization properties during ohmic heating.
  • Following an artistic residency at S-AIR in Sapporo Japan, Lohmann was in Milan this year conducting the Kelp Constructs workshop at the Nilufar Gallery. Antonia Halse | Inhabitat
  • The Dutch east indies oil field were vital as well to ohm plans. Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • Rohm was not really a social or political radical.
  • This is not an objection to Bohmian mechanics but merely a recognition that quantum field theory explains a great deal more than does nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, whether in orthodox or Bohmian form. Bohmian Mechanics
  • Much is riding on the outcome: the joule, watt, volt, farad, weber and ohm are only some of the units derived in part from the kilo. The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
  • Lohmeyer said there was a small, collective "woohoo" through the school when news broke about Crist's announcement, but said any celebration will likely be pretty staid. Stories
  • To test a spark plug, I put the ohmmeter probes on the center electrode and the wire terminal.
  • This is called ohmic (or resistive) heating; it is the same kind of heating that occurs in an electric light bulb or in an electric heater. Nuclear fusion power
  • February 12, 2008 at 5:59 pm weras ohm is a mesure ob resintance, mho iz a measuure of conduck tiv a tie. Jus a tipz… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It was supposed to be inaccessible till Dr. Grohmann's time, when the fortunate discovery of a certain cleft by one of his Cortina guides, opened the way to the German cragsman and to all who should come after him. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Then I took a speaker coil, mounted a magnet to the back of the headstock and drove the coil with a really high-ohm/watt output amp so that the speaker would actually drive the body of the guitar.
  • The unit of measure is ohms, and it is usually specified as a maximum rating.
  • So I understand what you're saying but you say simply -- "ohm", meditate, learn other disciplines instead of chasing money. CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2009
  • It is important for the termination to be precisely 50 ohms for the bridge to function properly on 50-ohm communication systems.
  • Giant strangler fig tree roots embrace the crumbling Ta Prohm temple at Angkor.
  • An older name for the siemens is the mho, which, of course, is ohm spelled backwards (which was written as an inverted Greek omega).
  • Fleet units dispatched to west PAC would have been attacked in transit by IJN the war would have been shorter as the roll back of ohm units would not have been so extensive, Singapore might not have fallen and THAT would have been a big bonus. Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • In brief, Belasco is the technicist; Frohman was the humanitarian. Charles Frohman: Manager and Man
  • They were lifelong friends and Beerbohm gave the address at a memorial service to Sir William.
  • Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope.
  • MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Radial lead. Ampere rating 6/10. Nominal resistance cold 0.430 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.
  • These papers continue Ohm's deduction of results from experimental evidence and, particularly in the second, he was able to propose laws which went a long way to explaining results of others working on galvanic electricity.
  • OhMyVag (@blondequeen2009) cant belive alex reid came to margate and bragged about bein in katie price nickers? twat Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • To test a spark plug, I put the ohmmeter probes on the center electrode and the wire terminal.
  • In a power amplifier the load would normally be a 8ohm loudspeaker.
  • But as the temperature of heated plasma rises, the resistance decreases and the ohmic heating becomes less effective. Nuclear fusion power
  • Rather, it governs the motion of the fundamental variables, the positions of the particles: In the Bohmian mechanical version of nonrelativistic quantum theory, quantum mechanics is fundamentally about the behavior of particles; the particles are described by their positions, and Bohmian mechanics prescribes how these change with time. Bohmian Mechanics
  • July 10, 2009 at 4:29 am wellol… iffn u dus so mawchleh reck ohm end dis… ai will habs 2 watchet Ur morning rooteen haz - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Much is riding on the outcome: the joule, watt, volt, farad, weber and ohm are only some of the units derived in part from the kilo. The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
  • Note that impedance and reactance are both given in units of ‘ohms’ just like resistance.
  • With her face frequently in closeup, Lohman’s Christine Brown appears beyond paranoia, embodying dread for a universe that’s pitted against her. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Koohmaraie and Smith stress that tenderness is only about half due to genetics of the animal; the rest is the result of non-genetic, environmental factors such as stress or diet.
  • Then came Bohmian mechanics, a theory which has made clear, in a lucid and perfectly consistent way, that there is no reason of principle requiring a dichotomic description of the world. Collapse Theories
  • Sometimes my parents had us all sit in a meditative circle at their Buddha altar and "ohm". Dustpan Alley (OLD)
  • It can be concluded that the ohmic potential drop is an important factor which has the influence over the pit growth kinetics.
  • The dialogue sparkles, and the development of the story may have some cineastes thinking of Eric Rohmer.
  • Like I said, I really hope that you bill hourly for that kind of bullshitting skill — but if so, I also hope that you get struck off soon. ohm says: Matthew Yglesias » How Waterboarding Was Done
  • They found ‘an ohmmeter, a rheostat, a condenser, and a magnetic interrupter’ but found nothing in the machine that could either read or send energy waves as Abrams had been claiming.
  • I statutorily savannah georgia motels my lazy atopognosia into its indebted gumshoe, and i was in the furiously waxed megohm equivocally. circumscribed is uninterestingly as concomitance bibless splitting with a irrationally feminization mix zoftig in for worriedly dendrolagus. Rational Review
  • Wu YP, Siao CJ, Lu W, Sung TC, Frohman MA, et al. (2000) The tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)/plasmin extracellular proteolytic system regulates seizure-induced hippocampal mossy fiber outgrowth through a proteoglycan substrate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These people are sometimes seen dashing from the bus stop, with their Gucci yoga mats nestled under their arms, bleating, ‘Ohmygod if I'm late to class Swami will so kill me!’
  • Rohmer seized his wrist and with apparent ease, twisted.
  • Rohmer used digital technology to recreate the Paris of the 1790s, fashioning computer-generated scenery and backdrops from paintings of the period.
  • You can test this part with a continuity tester or an ohmmeter.
  • His third prototype culminated his design, which, he wrote, is ‘a simple switching gate circuit which produces an AC current; the cycle rate is achieved by the use of two one megohm resistors and a 0.01 microfarad capacitor.’
  • In high external potassium the current did reverse at the expected potassium equilibrium potential but it did not follow the expected ohmic relations.
  • Last month, they met 'fleetingly' at the Rothschild family's £30million estate on Corfu, just a week before it emerged that Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi could be released from jail in Scotland because he is dying of prostate cancer. Home | Mail Online
  • They collided with the corridor wall, Cardiff still hanging on to Rohmer's wrist.
  • This paper introduces a kind of digital micro - ohmmeter, its characteristic and the use method.
  • As near as I can tell from this, the the satellites are each 4-ohm, 4w speakers and the woofer is a 4-ohm, 14w speaker (Not completely sure - tell me if i'm wrong). MAKE Magazine
  • My co-worker Fred von Lohmann, EFF's Senior Intellectual Property Lawyer, is also a certified hi-fi nut, gearhead, and gadget freak.
  • Metrohm's Surfpac solution can be used to determine the surfactant activity in raw materials, dying and washing agents, cleaners and cosmetics by potentiometric titration. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • An ohm is a unit of electrical resistance (named for the German physicist, Georg Simon Ohm), and a mho is a unit of conductivity of a body whose resistance is one ohm. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 4
  • Einhorn, a Drexel University graduate, has been with Rohm and Haas since 1987.
  • Using an ohmmeter, it was determined that the three different LEDs are connected to the first three pins of port 1 on the main controller chip.
  • The unit of resistance is called ohm in honor of Dr. G . S . Ohm a German physicist.
  • Figure 3 shows the display when the cable is terminated in its characteristic impedance of 50 ohms.
  • Madama Butterfly is a tragedy of cultural misalliance, the swift and bloody ending of which has none of the comfort and emotional certainty associated with popular operas such as La Traviata and La Bohme.
  • At low potentials, pores remain open and demonstrate ohmic behavior.
  • We believe this activation is probably an ohmic phenomenon like an instantaneous I-V relation.
  • Erhard Rohm's set suggested an ultramodern art gallery, with one exposed brick wall and Cardillac's creations glowing out of jagged, iceberg-like display cases. Hindemith's 'Cardillac' Pulls No Punches
  • Bohmian mechanics is the minimal completion of Schrödinger's equation, for a nonrelativistic system of particles, to a theory describing a genuine motion of particles. Bohmian Mechanics
  • Given differing loads with ohmic, inductive or capacitive external resistance gives rise to the dependence of output voltage on load current as shown in Figure 135. 8. Transformer
  • If we use Ohm's Law we can calculate the voltage of this circuit at 12 volts.
  • Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope.
  • Both antennas feature linear polarization, an impedance of 50 ohms and maximum input power at 10 watts.
  • If you're a Bohm or a Charley, you may trivialize or vulgarize or bestialize your wedding, but solemnize it you don't, for that is not "up to date. Lady Baltimore
  • I statutorily savannah georgia motels my lazy atopognosia into its indebted gumshoe, and i was in the furiously waxed megohm equivocally. circumscribed is uninterestingly as concomitance bibless splitting with a irrationally feminization mix zoftig in for worriedly dendrolagus. Rational Review
  • This paper introduces a kind of digital micro - ohmmeter, its characteristic and the use method.
  • The OHM, as a unit of measurement, equals a unit of _resistance_ that is equivalent to the resistance of a hundred feet of copper wire the size of a pin. Steam, Steel and Electricity
  • The bountiful extras include a great booklet, alternate edits, audio commentaries, a trifle of an animated homage by Michel Gondry and especially a TV chat about Vigo between Francois Truffaut and a pompously self-important Eric Rohmer. Michael Giltz: DVDs: What's The Best Sitcom On Thursday Nights?
  • Capacitance values range between 47 microfarads and 1,500 microfarads with ESR as low as 6 milliohms.
  • The correct way to split T3 cables is to use what's called a power splitter, which contains a transformer to balance the impedance properly at 75 ohms on all connections.
  • Mr Roberts quotes typical values of capacitor and primary coil resistance of and 0.7 ohm respectively.

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